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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51339742 No.51339742 [Reply] [Original]

We spent 10 years of middle-class landlords getting rich, and it convinced everyone else to follow in their footsteps, only for the rug to be pulled now for all the hoards of people who fomo'd into property in the last 2 years

>> No.51339783

With crypto you can only lose what you invest.

With property people are losing MORE than their entire net worth. Zestimate Stacy's will be paying off debt for the rest of their lives.

>> No.51339800

Debtors must hang. It's only fair.

>> No.51339808

>Zestimate Stacy's will be paying off debt for the rest of their lives.

Nah, she'll just coax a beta dweeb into paying it off for her

>> No.51339881

Or you could just own your own house so you aren't subject to rent hikes every year and have your mortgage inflated away over time.

>> No.51339928

This. People really underestimate the power of simps and how easy they make life for women.

>> No.51339941

she will start an onlyfans and get 3 houses instead

>> No.51340085

>rug to be pulled
with less than 4% rates?

>> No.51340097

in case you haven't realized it yet:
the dollar is dead and no rate hike will ever save it
thanks for playing goy

>> No.51340098

The loans are so massive now that it only takes a small % point to cause mass destruction

>> No.51340166


Not in the US, interest rates are fixed. My mortgage is 2.25%. I have the cash to pay it off sitting in a bond fund earning >3%. I'm literally paid to own my house.

>> No.51340233

They're not fixed for everyone retard

And if your post is true, 10% of home owning households will be in same boat

The vast majority of normies live in total debt paycheck to paycheck , and changes to interest repayments beyond %8~ will cause mass homelessness and economic ruin

>> No.51340250

Over 90% of us mortgages are fixed rate. Now Canada, on the other hand....

>> No.51340361
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Mortgage lender offered to extend my mortgage for 15 more years at double my interest rate. I politely declined.

>> No.51340415

>be Australian housing bubble

>> No.51340516
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The penny is starting to drop for normies.

From here it will snowball as MSM starts reporting the major losses being made.

>> No.51343194

How do they work in Canada?

>> No.51343214
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how can nitwits like you get so based?

>> No.51343240

Fixed for a period, readjusted after (usually 5 years).

>> No.51343244

dollar is getting stronger day by day against everything, against stocks, against real estate, against btc, and even against every other currencies
and turbo retards think dollar is inflating kek
what's inflating is CONSUMER PRODUCTS ONLY that's why it's called consumer inflation

>> No.51343274

Literally 98% of mortgaged homes in the USA are on fixed rates

>> No.51343312

lol true
you can't even walk away from houses in leafland
its OVER

>> No.51343316

Paid 80k for a property worth 230k now. Fully paid off now.
You fags just suck at buying shit. You have the timing of a high school talent show comedian.

>> No.51343371
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Even taking into account boomers’ 2% fixed rate new homebuyers can’t afford 7% interest on some $200,000 house, it’s not possible. Even the “starter homes” are going for insane prices, nobody is buying in this market. Another 75bps this month is expected too. It’s an unsustainable market, time will show in due course.

>Citing a study by the Zillow Group, the Wall Street Journal is reporting the typical value of a home in the U.S. rose 19.6% in 2021 to $321,634, an increase of $52,667 from 2020 — more than the median income of a full-time worker, which was about $50,000 in 2021.

>> No.51343393

half of mortgages in the past 2 years are variable
and half of those guys are getting the trigger rate hit as of yesterday, the rest next month
they will have to cough up more money to the bank

>> No.51343429
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cool larp bro lmao
happy foreclosure soon

>> No.51343432
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>> No.51343472

What about gold/silver???

>> No.51343500

People in leafland are getting fucked
Entertainingly, the prices have barely shifted and those who couldn’t afford a home still can’t since the price difference just went into interest rates, and won’t be able to when this is over

>> No.51344591

I want to be a landlord anyway, it's basically playing the sims, why do you think I spend hours searching dextools for shitcoins? I want to be able to walk around with a clear mind knowing that there are people who pay me for a living lmao