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51511251 No.51511251 [Reply] [Original]

Why do one certain religious group make so much money and get powerful positions

>> No.51511269

Because they are smart and compete against other races than against their own (for the most part) they do this by means of nepotism

>> No.51511419
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Third Temple incoming.

>> No.51511451
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their religion teaches them how to best engage in nepotism and shamelessly exploit the goodwill of other people

>> No.51511463

>will do his work more efficiently for you
interesting, why don't jews tip then?

>> No.51511476

they actually have white privilege

>> No.51511477

What's the third temple in your opinion? Is it literal temple or country or something else?

>> No.51511478

Because today's self-proclaimed Jew is a fake. Today's Jews are descendants of Esau, and the Edomites. They are Satan's children, and Satan is the god of this world. They are successful because they sell filth to goyim, like porn, tobacco and unnecessary pharmaceuticals and shit for food for low prices. The Anglo-Saxon is the true descendant of Israel, and only makes sense that's God's chosen would be the ones that are most loyal, no other tribal has been more overall faithful, and will remain so. The Jews reject Jesus because their god, Baal, Satan can't allow it.

>> No.51511487

>we wuz jews n shiet
abraham wasn't a christcuck

>> No.51511526

Anglos are the only ethnic group worldwide to match Jews in terms of raw evil. Arguably they even go beyond Jews.

>> No.51511538
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Anglo-Saxon literally breaks down to Issac's Sons. And yes, before Christianity was established, they were REAL Jews.
>>51511526 Please. These big nose devils will say their white when doing evil shit. Please don't be so easily confused.

>> No.51511540

>Anglo-Saxon literally breaks down to Issac's Sons
meds now, schizo

>> No.51511551

Anglos are downright evil creatures. They are the Jews of Europeans. Backstabbing, viciuous, degenerate, low morality, and focused only on big business regardless of how much it fucks over others.

>> No.51511570

It helps if you're people have plenty of blackmail on state officials that help them run illicit drug rings with impunity, which is one of many sources of their illegal incomes which they use their stolen banking system to launder to themselves which appear to make them smart and wealthy, but they are only wealthy. Not smart. They think they can out kike God. The entity that created the earth, the devil etc.

>> No.51511569
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Big business you mean, the ones that controlled and owned by Jews?

>> No.51511586

You need to take your medications

>> No.51511606

>The Anglo-Saxon is the true descendant of Israel
Anglo-Saxons are pure scum. Truly vile creatures.

>> No.51511626
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being a jew is a CURSE

>> No.51511638 [DELETED] 
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Third temple is being built in Bucharest right this moment

>> No.51511639
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>> No.51511643

who is that

>> No.51511644

Although I appreciate what you are saying / doing, you have outdated information regarding christian identity. Please join us over at www.christogenea.org and enjoy some true christian scholarship. I recommend starting with the pragmatic genesis series, or maybe 100 proofs the Israelites were white. Use the site map tab and CTRL+F to find what you’re looking for.

>> No.51511655

Oh vey the propaganda of us always being victims has effectively brainwashed my son into a victimhood mentality.

>> No.51511720

it's pretty funny how he writes an emotionally charged story where nothing actually happens. fitting that he's a ((((corporate lawyer.))))

>> No.51511726

>on a date with his son

>> No.51511866

Are Comparet's sermons worth listening to?

>> No.51511915

Who, Christians?

>> No.51511947
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First mover advantage.
They were on the winning side in the battle between the Aristocracy and moneyed interests and therefore have been in the system longer than most.

The irony now is that whereas feudal anti-Semitism made some sense as the merchant classes represented a threat to the feudal order, modern anti-Semitism is just purely opportunistic.

>> No.51511960

Yes they should feel safe in public. If only they had their own country.

>> No.51512283

maybe they should stop subverting countries for a change

>> No.51512505

> T. jew rat
They actively make the world a shitter place for everyone else.

>> No.51512560

White people are overrepresented by 20% in positions of power because they are privileged and benefit from systematic racism. Jews are overrepresented by 3000% in positions of power because they have a culture that encourages hard work.

>> No.51512573
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you have no solution though, you just want to be a jew with a foreskin.
This board is for speculators, you are just upset that you aren't as good at it as Jews are.

>> No.51512575

because they're g*d's chosen and whitoids can only seethe about this reality.

>> No.51512593

It's the entirety of Jewkraine. Why else would the entire world care so much about that shithole?

>> No.51512601

Well, a really long time ago people thought it was a good idea for them to handle all the money things. Turns out, that's exactly how you gain control over a society.

>> No.51512606

>you are just upset that you aren't as good at it as Jews are.
honestly this. I really wish all the bagholding /pol/cucks would rope already. they show they clearly forgot the first rule of investing.

>> No.51512672
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I do have a solution though.

>> No.51512680

Why are they like this? Inbreeding?

>> No.51512694


>> No.51512701

Comparet, Swift, etc are good, but not 100% on certain things. Clifton Emhaiser and Bill Finck are the two I would do the most listening to. But they’re all good, take what you can from each

>> No.51512714

This place is filled with white supremacists.. uhgg
Yikes ¡¡

>> No.51512749

The absolute state of 4chan nowadays. It used to be so innocent, cat pictures on Saturday, simple drawings representing out most primal feelings. Now it's just white supermacists posting FROGS and complaining about literally everything which isn't them and, honestly, they can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.51512768
File: 84 KB, 850x444, bill-of-rights_76f84539-2e97-4197-b8d9-5fd865248f0e_850x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing you can do to stop us!
Fuck kikes! They're smelly and stupid! Any kike I know in the u.s. are all obese fucking losers.

>> No.51512791

kike here, fuck around and find out goyim.

>> No.51512932

I love having a foreskin.

>> No.51512954

>tfw sort of befriended some elite Miami jews and have gone to their parties

They're actually quite sexually depraved. Their parties are filled with whores and they sometimes have orgies together. Want to ask if I can join one of these days...

>> No.51513032

I verbally piss on your bill of rights! Ha ha! Freedom of speech! Weeooo weeoo it's the mayo patrol, run whitey!

>> No.51513077

that ginger kike was a fucking jump scare. ITS HIDEOUS

>> No.51513103

Jews wrote the christian bible retard. You have and will always be ruled over by Jews.

>> No.51513144

They are inbred intelligent, have one of the longest traditions of being an insular group no matter where they roam meaning nepotism, and are genetically money minded due to always orbiting trading/merchantry/banking wherever they've gone.

>> No.51513191
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Well God did curse them. A few times. It's in the bible.

>> No.51513208

They are literally building a temple in Jerusalem. This isn't a true third temple because it has no relevance to God. The true third temple is the Vatican.

>> No.51513252

You will never be able to look your mother in the eye.

>> No.51513268

Don't care. If goyim can't have nice things, no one can. If you guys fuck around too much, blacks will literally eat you all alive.

>> No.51513274

He really must have enjoyed their bris ritual.

>> No.51513316

Are you talking about Catholics?

>> No.51513323

Is it final?

>> No.51513391

There entire religion is a self fulfilling prophecy

>nobody but jews are human
>everybody but other jews hate you
>they have hated you since the dawn of time
>they will always hate you
>they will kill us all any day
>you need to support your fellow Jew when they're in competition with a non-jew no matter what
>you need to hire your fellow jew into positions of power so we aren't killed

ect, ect

>> No.51513392
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>> No.51513448


>> No.51513473

In medieval times Jews were banned from doing any manual work in europe. That naturally led them on the path of money lending. The rest is history, and nepotism.