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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51582301 No.51582301 [Reply] [Original]

How is this going to impact the market?

>> No.51582461
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I mean this is better off for everyone, except that retarded Kike Zelensky, who insists that the Russian people living in East Ukraine BELONG TO HIM, while he drops artillery on them at the same time.

>> No.51582520
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The original plan was to transfer all the farmland to multinational globocorps like Monsanto and Blackrock after killing off all the land-owning Ukrainian men. I had a feeling Russia is complicit in this scam, although now I guess instead of eating ze bugs we WILL eat ze buckwheat?

>> No.51582527

Vatnig cope. Russia will lose.

>> No.51582532

>so now that we know Russia will do x
They won’t do anything because they are inept, corrupt idiots who thought they could beat Ukraine in weeks. Get fucked vatnik

>> No.51582542

No, THEY vill eat ze buckwheat, YOU vill eat ze bugs

>> No.51582568

Ok, and then what happens to the millions of Ukrainians living in the east who took up arms against the Kiev regime?

It's not 1943, you can't murder a few million people and not have anyone notice.

Do you reddit-brains even have any idea what a Ukr victory would look like? Probably not, you're just retarded Twitter consoomers.

>> No.51582583

>reddit spacing
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Get absolutely fucked vatnik piece of shit. Have fun getting drafted.

>> No.51582596

>no argument

Go back.

>> No.51582606

/k/ might become usable again

>> No.51582616

>It's not 1943, you can't murder a few million people and not have anyone notice.
Yeah it's 2022, you can kill millions, have everyone notice and nobody care

>> No.51582628

Ah yes, I'm sure that's a plausible path to resolve the conflict in a lasting way. Now fuck off back to /k/indergarten, you low income enlisted boot piece of shit.

>> No.51582656

Good job missing the point

>> No.51582666

There's no use trying to reason with him, he's been huffing industrial-grade copium

>> No.51582692

>vatnik having a meltdown

>> No.51582698
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I went way the fuck down to WayneCoin. Within an hour of parking, I was encircled by at least three cop cars, my LEFT and RIGHT WRIGGLER COINS mooned after not mooning for a long time, and LTC and RTC altcoins started up again. I am waaaaayyyyyy the fuck out here in the gamma options spread.

>> No.51582739

This is how monke decided to spend his last money? Shilling on /biz/?

>> No.51582749
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Now here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna grab all of your savings, every single one of them and put them on SHINJA, you don't read the new ukraine news, you don't root for the russians, you secure your money. After that, you don't touch your account until you see the next 100%. Understood?

>> No.51582760

>Ok, and then what happens to the millions of Ukrainians living in the east who took up arms against the Kiev regime?
Aren't they all dead already? That's why russia is moobilizing now.

>> No.51582771
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>So now that we know Russia will annex Ukraine

>> No.51582777
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There are other alts to pick from, and even if this may be the worst market of the year, there is still a chance to buy things like Xpress, hbar, cspr, and drep.

>> No.51582926

You know that they had magazines and newspaper back then, right?

>> No.51583010

russia has botched this so badly, the only thing going in their favor is the commodities market, otherwise they would have already yielded
all ukraine has to do is keep accepting free arms, keep sending their white men into the meat grinder, and start accepting muslim/somolian men to impregnate their women, and that's the EU trifecta of acceptance

>> No.51583096
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You fucking orcs enjoy your last days of internet before you get wisked away to die horribly on the front lines of a useless war. Putin is a joke and is destroying Russia with his little man syndrome.

>> No.51583144

Fuck Russia and all of you stupid vodkaniggers

Your country is pathetic and you will never be allowed to invade countries as the US can

>> No.51583307

t. NATO shill

>> No.51583685

so many NATO shills in this threa lmao. glad I could give you some work for a change

>> No.51583845
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enjoy mobilization ivan

>> No.51583847

Shut up you moron. Russia is a giant country, those Don-back gorillas could easily be settled there.

>b-bu-bu-they shouldn't be forced to leave their homeland
They lit the fuse on this firecracker. If the bang was bigger than they could handle, that's too damn bad

>> No.51583859
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It's over Zisters...

>> No.51584095

Xpress might also be your priority since they already have functional products. I'd look into their nft marketplace and crypto payment more.

>> No.51584108

The amount of Natofags and plebbitors in this thread is gross. On the other hand buckwheat pancakes are the absolutely tits. Anyways Ukraine is kill NATO will not be dead ass for a bunch of Slavs lmao. What the fuck were Ukies even thinking. So their pain American gain. Number go up OP. Markets want "dead" certainty.

>> No.51585667
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>> No.51585811

Why is /biz/ full of neocons/neolibs?

>> No.51585950

please oh god

>> No.51586179
File: 221 KB, 500x500, cheesed_to_meet_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magazines and newspaper
centralized information channels owned by (((truth-loving individuals)))
doesn't really compare with the internet which lets hordes of maladjusted individuals mentally torture normies by bombarding them with painful truths

>> No.51586239

retards loves war, loves to talk about, loves to pick sides like it's a fucking sportsball game.
hopefully the war ends soon so we can move on to the next [current thing]. And hopefully it's incredibly boring so NPCs energy will be low and they won't post as much retarded shit.

>> No.51586270

>How is this going to impact the market?
Eastern "Europe" has no influence whatsoever in the world's economy

>> No.51586408

it supplies raw material to more advanced economies. shortages of raw materials may seem small on paper, but the effects amplify as shortages cascade into shortages of processed material which causes shortages of services which all further amplified by finance. Modern economies are all over financialized, fragile, and top-heavy, like an upside down pyramid, so relatively small impacts at the lowest levels can create earthquakes at the top. Fragility is always the price of efficiency.

>> No.51586471

really naga -_-