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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 647x431, lunc23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51640623 No.51640623 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51640650

Follow the news retard. CZ agreed to burn.

>> No.51640662

People pretending Binance burning 0.1% from fees is big news.
It will dump again, harder.

>> No.51640692

Real utility is being developed. Cope seethe dilate. Also gcr euphoric yesterday

>> No.51640737

>0.1% from fees
0.1% of the trade, which is 100% of the fee

>> No.51640774

99 % of the time LUNC goes up is because of one single person pumping.

LUNC is literally a shitcoin that has NO usage anymore. The whole reason LUNC existed is because of being some kind of counter weight. But after the exponential shit show, I wouldn't even hold LUNC if you would pay me.

Maybe you make "100 times" of your "investment" back with LUNC, but this is 100 % gambling. This is literally like going into the casino to "make it".
Do what you want, but LUNC is dead and all the wins are literally just gambling. LUNC is what people accuse Bitcoin to be.

>> No.51640858

Cope, but also seethe

>> No.51640860

>reddit spacing
>that has NO usage anymore
wait a moment...it never had a use. are you by any chance a tourist? if so theres a very cool website called leddit.com you should go there and stay there

>> No.51640872

Also, dilate

>> No.51641099

You should put your dilator down for a minute and read up on terra rebels. Many projects never left. Why should they when it was dk who simply pulled the liquidity? You really have no idea what you’re talking about plebbitor. You have to go back.

>> No.51641112

Considering 0.1% burn on each trade without killing the volume will outstrip a 1.2% tax that does kills volume, it will pump

>> No.51641120
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>melodrama everywhere
news doesn't matter
devs will repeg, nothing changed

>> No.51641127
File: 52 KB, 624x572, 1664198441272775_7xqtc1drqf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 person
>checks binance volume
>794m busd
Ok faggot

>> No.51641184

People are still holding LUNC?

>> No.51641263

its a disgusting roller coaster. It's literally beer money + the most degenerate people imaginable. in order to be happy with a LUNC purchase, you need to believe you're living in the clowniest clown world that ever clowned (but somehow avoids an apocalypse)

>> No.51641355
File: 121 KB, 968x1024, 2730B980-2D10-4F33-9710-E572838093B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold before the pump, we’re being played or someone really rearry rikes a runa

>> No.51641365

Trust the plan.

>> No.51641369

CZ is a chink scammer. Everything is a game

>> No.51641477

fuck you, kike
that's why

>> No.51641524


>> No.51641589
File: 4 KB, 161x229, GODCANDLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? because fuck you thats why

>> No.51641628

sorry for your loss
fuck semites

>> No.51641667

And, I will slurp again, harder.

>> No.51641715

>the most degenerate people imaginable.
Hey, Mum, they mentioned me!

>> No.51641776

You guys never learn. You will keep repeating this thread until we drop another zero.

>> No.51641795
File: 276 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20220926-162701_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe and dilate

>> No.51641829

oh yeah kek, he lost both bets. trolled by CZ

>> No.51641855

Sweet, sweet seething.

>> No.51641873


>> No.51641878
File: 25 KB, 324x324, 166406537540268747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never doubt schizo energy, autism, memes and digits.

>> No.51642166

reminder anon, LUNC is still dirt cheap on OSMO frontier, as soon as things gain a little more traction the excuses for reopening IBC are no longer there.

>> No.51642699

imagine being too cucked to dump a few hundred bucks into this just in case

>> No.51643618

>(but somehow avoids an apocalypse)
The apocalypse would be too exciting and quick of a shitshow. Clown world is eternal and will last for eons.

>> No.51643684

Fake pump orchestrated by CZ to dump on retards.

>> No.51644366

extremely low IQ take.

>> No.51644431
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>> No.51644459

expected the line to fail but the end was good
>flip da whale

>> No.51646700
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>> No.51647153


>> No.51647526

.1% of $2b is $2m. Per day. Eat shit

>> No.51647907
File: 94 KB, 306x417, Screenshot_20220926-155052~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never make anything on a shitcoin cuz you just won't ok it doesn't have a purpose or utility I mean how stupid are you this isn't Dumbledore this is real life buddy so stop being an idiot OKAY SIR!

>> No.51647938

Literally dumping, lmao. Holy shit this is sad

>> No.51649559

Holy fuck that's beyond based

>> No.51650403

is there a guide to buying? Couldn't find anything authoritative on google

>> No.51650419

I always wonder about the mental health of fudders, ignoring reality and creating your own can't be good long term

>> No.51650433

>LUNC is what people accuse Bitcoin to be.

i couldn't have said it better

>> No.51650577

Deposit Cosmos tokens from Keplr wallet, swap for LUNC. Price is presently 0.000166

>> No.51650860

I'm sorry but at this point anyone who browses /biz/, owns a least a few thousand dollars in crypto, reads LUNC threads, is aware of what its chart looks like post-crash, and doesn't at LEAST throw $50 at it for suicide insurance, is a certified fucking retard
Let me be clear: I have no logical reason to believe that this thing will ever reach even a penny in value. If you ask me why I think it might moon, I have no meaningful facts to respond with
But for fuck's sake: it's cheap, there are constant talks of supply burning, and most importantly (and suspiciously): CZ keeps talking about LUNC like how a hoodrat bitch keeps talking about how terrible her thug boyfriend is, and how no-good he is...it's like "bitch, if he's so bad then why you still with him, and always talking about him"?
Nope, CZ has been talking about LUNC way too much for me to not see that he's gonna do SOMETHING big with this token. I'm not missing out on it, even if I have to hold my stack for 5 years

>> No.51651373

Can somebody please PLEASE have some decency and brains ITT? This coin is already worth 2bn mcap.
TWO BILLION US DOLLARS. WITH B. You may be able to 10x this shit but unless you're dropping five or six digits at it, it won't change your life for shit.

Asking for a 100x at these levels is asking to flip FUCKING ETH. Are LUNtards really this far off the deep end? Have you really lost so much money when this ponzi collapsed that you just refuse to let go of this shit?

>> No.51651448

Market cap is supply*price. The expectation is not that the price will rise, but that the supply will fall. What do you think all this talk about the burn is for?

>> No.51651467

*MC will rise

>> No.51651477

merci anon

>> No.51651479

Wash trading.

>> No.51651494

Everyone in the lunc community has gay sex

>> No.51651508

Retards are retarded and are trying to outscam each other in the current musical chairs that is, "b-but muh token burn." Everyone knows it's still a shitty scam token with no value.

>> No.51651517

Selling now

>> No.51651615

I'm guessing IBC is the only mechanism to get my LUNC out of frontier when the time comes?

>> No.51651677

So it's a buyback plus burn? By Binance?
Holy fuck this is it

>> No.51651763

I know what you mean. I have a DLC code for Sea Of Thieves that's selling for $1,500 on eBay because there's apparently very little supply. One of those codes is sitting there since a year already.

Just because there's less shit on the street to grab doesn't mean people will pay you a fortune for the few remaining. This ain't Gold.

>> No.51651877

>This ain't Gold.
It's arguably better, faster, stronger, less gay, and shit. 29 is good place to close that short to avoid anal.

>> No.51651897

Kys Plebbitard tranny and 2UNA tranny holder

>> No.51651920

Have this last one. Don't spend it too fast.

>> No.51652211
File: 41 KB, 512x512, RIP Aniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying now.

>> No.51653494

If/when they reactivate transfers you could just sell on Osmosis because the price will equalise due to arbitrage.

>> No.51653511

CZ needed to open some shorts so he announced this to lure you retards into buying an honestly dead coin.

>> No.51653847

Why do rebbit fags get hung up over a few hundo? Who cares lol

>> No.51653866
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1490239480058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit fucking hates this coin.
Wouldn't it be absolutely hilarious if it actually went to $1? Just imagine the seethe

>> No.51653907

I would rather have the world end than live in an eternal clown world.

>> No.51653908

Ever since I made $2k from exposing a scam that rebbit fags were hyped about, I have a particular love for taking liquidity from rebbitors specifically.
And I'm not saying LUNC is a scam btw, just that rebbit fags will seethe all the same and I will make money from it, kek.

>> No.51654037

Technically, yes. Buying Lunc with the trading fees then burning the lunc

>> No.51654493

Now volume is 50m off a billion

>> No.51655542

I got a sell orser at 0.0005 hope I make it

>> No.51656928

cope more I am going to finally make it with y 80 million lunc

>> No.51657090

God bless you CZ

>> No.51657279

>57 bils burned every day at current binance volume considering everyone trading is at least tier 3 and uses bnb for fees
100 days to burn 6 trills
ye im gambling on this shit, based cz

>> No.51657292

how much would you make?

>> No.51657351

Hodling for that sweet monkepox

>> No.51657353

>you need to believe you're living in the clowniest clown world that ever clowned
You're going to tell us we're not?

>> No.51658404

its more of a gamble than investment imo, the hype will die soon, and those who don’t take profits will be back here on biz crying like a little bitchhhhhh
>Real men fuck with sylo
>NFTs, web3, metaverse,low market cap
comfy hold

>> No.51658438

Kekd and checkd

>> No.51661122

Wtf anon that lunc shit nearly got my ass crying, I just had to invest all my fucking cash on real estate and buy me a tesla and sought all my hotel bill, the juicy part is that I paid with crypto using one of the web3payments services that pussy is really cool mate

>> No.51661222
File: 75 KB, 1882x352, Buying LUNC on Osmosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there a guide to buying? Couldn't find anything authoritative on google
you can also buy ATOM on Kraken if you're from the States.

>> No.51661225

Go lick your ass anon every one out there need some good shit to become rich don't come with some shitty ass

>> No.51661369

Wtf anon you need to get spank on the ass, UTK is one of the coin listed on Binance, Its still one of the tokens I wouldn't sell during this bear market, I even staked everything on Maiar Dex am looking forward to seeing how it new tokenomics fully unfolds.go get useful dickhead

>> No.51661449

Hahaha this sounds like holding fire soon everyone will start posting how rekt the have become holding that shit lol

>> No.51661634

Lol you going to die poor holding that grow up and get some sense anon you sound like some dirty asian pussy, Utrust Security on-chain payments are decentralized and have no single point of failure. never share your private information online, the are fast easy and global.

>> No.51661915

shorting here is literally free money cz just gave everyone a second chance

>> No.51662733

License plate...

>> No.51662907
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>> No.51663638
File: 750 KB, 2940x1496, Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 23.55.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thankyou based retail for fomo'ing into a deadchain with

>muhh burn

will short on this and on every pump until it reaches 0 again