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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51697766 No.51697766 [Reply] [Original]

I have worked for 2 years from home with stellar reviews, but I do max 3-4 hours per day

The main trick is what pol call "optics", like "looking good to your boss". but without asskissing or politics

and what is the best way to do this? For a NEET like me,it's super easy.

Just answer all emails, messages and calls within 5 mins! Doesn't even need to be correct or a full answer, but if you create the "feeling" that you are available and can look into things, your reputation will grow a lot

many autism NEETs think that someone will care WHAT you do, not HOW you do it. That is so extremely wrong! If you are seen as the guy who writes "sure I look into it" 95% of the times on slack or teams, it will create an image in peoples mind of a hard worker

Then you can stall a bug for 2-3 days, saying shit like

>still looking into the email service, don't know yet. It will take a few hours more

>I solved it, but as you know this is an important customer so I wanna try this database rollout one extra time(this is where you browse biz for 3 hours)

>Thanks Mike, I will put that on my agenda but as you know I'm also looking in to the matter of slow logins today. But I put your problem right next after

>> No.51697779
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How does help me buy bitcoins?

>> No.51697798

you can use your salary for investment and have more time to do research/stare at 1m candles

>> No.51697834

Money can be used to purchase goods and services?

>> No.51697882

you're not a NEET, you're a wagecuck slave

accept reality

>> No.51698157

Do you have autism?

>> No.51699957

you get 20 hours to trade

>> No.51701272

Checked but doing all that will only backfire to you, since your boss will give all the work to you while others get the exact same salary for most likely doing nothing. You'll become the office reliable little bitch

>> No.51702320

OP has pleb servile genes and exists for validation from his manager

>> No.51703280

you must be stupid, among others in this thread

you are not reading anything im writing

>> No.51703338

If you follow OP's advice you will have work dumped on you for no additional compensation.

If anything its you not reading

>> No.51703536

>Thanks Mike, I will put that on my agenda

>> No.51703888

i literally said how to AVOID work you fucking autist

>> No.51704706
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Retard, replying immediately to slack and pings makes you highly available at all times and people will dump work on you.

Set expectations that you reply fast = Increase the speed of that treadmill.

Ever wonder why most executives and founders are hard to reach and take a long time to respond? Its exactly this. Anyone who actually knows what they are doing are protective of their availability and free time. Obviously you are low on the totem pole wherever you work doing non-critical work. Probably data entry.

>> No.51704738


Been working from Home since 2020. Spend most of the day browsing 4chan and watching movies. Sometimes I'll let a Udemy course run on my work PC so it looks like I'm soaking up boring IT bullshit related to my job but I'm totally watching pirated movies on my home PC while the course is running. WFH is based.

>> No.51705874

I get paid and do absolutely no fucking work and just build a repository of excuses and shit I’ve been “looking into” if my boss asks. Honestly it’s nerve wracking and I constantly feel like the gig is gonna be up this week and I’m gonna get fired

>> No.51706046

Neet, what kinds of work are more prone to this kind of set up? Been thinking of taking the over-employed pill.

>you fucking autist
You're responding to a shitposter that feeds on (You)s. Stop taking the bait.

>> No.51706081

No you reply fast but deliver slow. If they try to dump more on you, you just remind them of all your other deliverables. This creates the illusion of hard work.
>Ever wonder why most executives and founders are hard to reach
They're absurdly busy is why. Any free time they have the aggressively protect. Don't be fooled. Winners work hard. Slackers like us can thrive as leaches but we aren't kings.