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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 140 KB, 919x892, 196D2368-EB8C-4013-9300-BD20A7E8927C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52228323 No.52228323 [Reply] [Original]

My genes are fucking horrendous.

For starters, I’m horribly shy. I’ve been shy my entire life, I remember when I was a young child the neighbor kids used to come over and ring the doorbell to see if I could play and my heart would start pounding because I was too shy to answer it. I was too shy in school to ask my teachers questions, I never wanted to seem like a burden. I went through K-12 without ever speaking to a teacher, I never asked a single question or raised my hand once (but I still got straight A’s because I would feel guilty if I didn’t.). Now as an adult I’m afraid to send emails, make phone calls, have conversations. It’s pathetic.

I cannot recover from physical maladies either. I injured my back over a decade ago and still have sciatica from it to this day. I started balding at a young age, I’m tired all the time despite eating healthy and exercising and being lean. I got extremely sick from COVID-19 despite not being in an “at risk” group and, to this day, years later, still have distorted taste and smell (parosmia).

I am also, of course, an adult virgin.

>> No.52228383

how do I profit from this though?

>> No.52228390

stop posting your fucking diaries here faggots


>> No.52228399

Ye I can't do phone calls either
I'm only good when I know someone

>> No.52228579

Just be yourself brah

>> No.52228591

these newfags don't even know r9k exists, they could post this shit there are be eternally enabled by other incels

>> No.52228911

get laid. life problems solvo

>> No.52228921

You're the newfag, you stupid retards. Shitposting was always a thing here. I hate it when newfags pretend they are OGs while simultaneously exposing themselves

>> No.52228924

kill yourself nigger

>> No.52229027

Shut the fuck up, newfag bitch retard down syndrome so'i redditor trans femboy cock sucker cum munching garbage shitstain piece of shit faggot

>> No.52229034

your single mommy wishes she swallowed you =)

>> No.52229041

yeah and newfags have always been a thing retard

>> No.52229044

Dumbass is exposing themselves as a newfag redditor LMFAO
You have to go back. This isn't a trans friendly board, faggot

>> No.52229053

> =)
>triggered trailer park nigger


>> No.52229059

Those neefags from pre 2021 were never as stupid as you redditors though, retard. When crypto became mainstream, garbage like you infested and lowered the overall IQ of this board by one standard deviation. You normies are fucking cancer. You had reddit. Why the fuck didn't you stay there?

>> No.52229066
File: 1.04 MB, 829x782, black men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those neefags from pre 2021 were never as stupid as you redditors though, retard. When crypto became mainstream, garbage like you infested and lowered the overall IQ of this board by one standard deviation. You normies are fucking cancer. You had reddit. Why the fuck didn't you stay there?

>> No.52229069
File: 88 KB, 976x850, 3A6F3D35-E071-4313-9793-15830DE54228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks redditors are welcomed here

>> No.52229078
File: 429 KB, 2000x1333, trailerparktrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mommy's little inbred posted a frog meme!

>> No.52229080

Are you jewish? You sound jewish.

>> No.52229092
File: 37 KB, 318x306, 6F5B77AB-03B5-45EB-B3D1-2AE3508AC4B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look, trans mommies! I'm making fun of frogposters in a frog posting forum

>> No.52229107
File: 1.55 MB, 420x480, 1642963351722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is an EBIN FROG BOARD!!!
>you are LOW IQ NEWFAG if you don't post the FROGS!!!!

>> No.52229109


>> No.52229111


>> No.52229112

Inject 500mg of testosterone immediately

>> No.52229153

I'm going blind at 33 and I would trade places with you in a second.

>> No.52229214

You know where you can heal, or improve.
Shyness inheriently is a good trait. If you, however, feel anxious from interacting with others you firstly need to meditate on what's your real interests when dealing with nice people before venturing outwardly.

In my experience about 1/10th of the people I meet are open-like, likeminded, and shy.
Most people are meh, and a few are ignorantly or actively looking for trouble.

Know well which ones are which. I go for gut instinct all the way as the mind can blind you to how you feel, which is where some illusion made you feel horrendous. Be just as ready to say farewell in the tone naturally occuring as you are to reject an advance or say hello in kindness.
It's ever as simple, you'll come to realize.

>> No.52229233

>I don’t understand genotypes and phenotypic expression

>> No.52229276

the people who post these intend for you to read them in the first person to program your subconscious to see itself as weak and inadequate. that's why it starts with "I'm a genetic dead end."

>> No.52229446

the ugly eventually become rich
that's what my uncle always said, for now it's my dext bags, tomorrow it will be a mountain of money and bitches forced to suck my dick

>> No.52229531

Knock up black women so your shit genes ruin their race. A lot of them find shy white guys cute.

>> No.52229575

Grow a spine, faggot.

>> No.52229599

Based knower

>> No.52229725

Same. I am shy, aloof, withdrawn, scrawny, and ugly. I'm a 33 year old virgin. I have no "killer instinct" I always wanted to play nice and I obsess over the wrong things. I just wasn't cut out for the ruthlessness of this world.
What is surreal to me is that I am the product of millions of years of continuous life, adaptation, and reproduction, all the way back to some single-celled organism, and in that million year heritage, I will be the one who doesn't make it and fails to stick my penis in a vagina. Really puts it into perspective what a failure it is.

>> No.52229788
File: 160 KB, 958x973, 1588387758434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual old fag here, business and finance isn't your personal blog.

>> No.52229792


>> No.52229803

But you sold last year right? Right…?

>> No.52229858

I was shy as well, and then I stopped caring. Literally no one cares about you when you're shy. You could die tomorrow and no one will care. Stop caring and be who ever you want to be.

You're physical deficiencies can be remedied by getting fit and developing a personality.

Take your life seriously man, or don't and just kill yourself.

>> No.52229911

Shyness is learned because at an early age we discovered that who we are is socially unacceptable.
>Stop caring and be who ever you want to be
You really have no idea who you are talking to or what you are encouraging.

>> No.52229995

I speak from my own experience and I don't care if you want to keep your belief system that enables your misery.

>> No.52230057
File: 22 KB, 630x420, LisaDavenportIowa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, this is a crypto imageboard for indians. Not sure this is the appropriate venue.

>> No.52230076

>muh experience
>refuses to listen to the experiences of others
peak NPC

>> No.52230130

>You really have no idea who you are talking to or what you are encouraging
A waste of digits, what's the worse that could happen?
>Whoops, I had an weird social interaction!
That shit happens all the time when trying to come out of being to shy to talk to people.

>> No.52230186

the bullrun is about to start because the JIDF demoralisation 1 post by this IDs are back

>> No.52230206

This is not /r9k/ you absolute retard