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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 189 KB, 750x1334, 1jhvs6r0ey401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5232977 No.5232977 [Reply] [Original]

>13bn market cap
>still haven't hired a PR guy
>talks shit on Reddit like he some pajeet browsing gonewild

>> No.5233030

hes a literal sjw liberal manchild.

>> No.5233064

Buying IOTA makes you an instant cuck. Buying XRB makes you a future millionaire.

>> No.5233070
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>they still don't have a functioning wallet

>> No.5233123

not a surprise all these devs and managers are whiny faggots. i argue with them all the time on reddit and twitter just for fun.

>> No.5233124

Don't get caught up in the tangle anon :^)

>> No.5233126

Man, that shit makes me really think about dumping the few hundred IOT that I still have.

>> No.5233157

Just sold all my IOTA and bought Raiblocks

>> No.5233182

>smart rapefugee cities
>can't handle one IOTA of criticism
>projects narcissism onto people over nothing
Low-T investing. Avoid at all costs.

>> No.5233187

if you bought iota youre an idiota

if you didnt sell your iota at 5 dollars you are clinically retarded

>> No.5233208

Reminds me of Roger Ver. Means Iota is going to number 3 soon.

>> No.5233209

Iota is pathetic.
If you buy this shit you're supporting white genocide and all this SJW shit. Also, XRB amogs the shit out of this ugly coin.

>> No.5233211

yeah because its totally not the people who are buying it (all of us) that are making them rich too.
seriously i just wished everyone sold this shitcoin and let these pathetic manchilds waste years of work and off themselves. fucking clowns

>> No.5233217

>"solid" dev team

>> No.5233226

He’s always talking shit. Go through his post history. On one hand it brings the lulz and I respect he doesn’t give a fuck. On the other hand, yeah it’s very unprofessional

I guess in the grand scheme they’re growing and he’s rich so fuck it. Might as well troll.

>> No.5233228
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>calling your community and investors a cancerous tumor

>iota devs playing 19 dimensional intergalactic parcheesi

>> No.5233368

Sell all your IOTA while you still can. XRB is superior in every way, and once it gets on some competent exchanges it's going to kill it.

>> No.5233431
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>> No.5233515

Cope harder, IOTAcel.

>> No.5233521

all you dumb fucks made me wanna buy iota you dumb faggots. is this a /pol/ expedition?

>> No.5233623

IOTA are the spergiest holders out there

>> No.5233646
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Don't know, ask the founder

>> No.5233662

he's right you know

>> No.5233665

these faggots are probably the worst dev team I've ever seen on crypto (excluding obvious scams and shitcoins)
IOTA is vaporware, no future whatsoever.

>> No.5233672


>Why should I care one IOTA about your existence

kek he even has his own tough guy catchphrase

>> No.5233674
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So let me get this straight... all you /pol/ faggots love Trump for calling people out on Twitter, but then you get offended when Sonstebo basically does the same thing?

>> No.5233717

Well it tells you one thing:

>Its not a scam coin.

If it were a scam coin he would try to not loose face

>> No.5233719

Actually Come from Beyond is arguably the best dev. Ask Vitalik who will be using his Proof of Stake w/ ETH

>> No.5233749

Can someone email all the companies IOTA is involved in and attach these messages and all the negative comments? I'm too much of a brainlet to write proffesional letters plz

>> No.5233770

idk man declaring jerusalem as captial of isreal requires some balls

everyone can shitpost on reddit

>> No.5233796
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They should take a cue from Ripple who just recently hired a Facebook communications guy for PR.

>> No.5233823

this is what its like with all crypto projects. Transparent. Just bought 100k.

>> No.5233840

>was crashing this coin part of your plan?

>> No.5233853

Alpha as fuck, same as vitalik over the CP. Their product is so good they can say whatever stupid shit and it'll still go up

>> No.5233858

Honestly I don't know how PR is such a big business, what's so hard about not being an insufferable twat like this guy >>5232977

PR guys could be useful under crisis but these faggots are stabbing themselves in the foot.

>> No.5233872

also why the fuck does he have such a fucking cringy "nickname" or whatever you wanna call it
"Come from beyond" like hes some mastermind i bet theres 10 dudes in the NSA/CIA whatever that could blow that 50% forehead guy out of the water

>> No.5233912

ok I'll repeat that here too :
OP shut the fuck up

>> No.5233926


>> No.5233932

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.5233935
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b-b-but its totally different thing

>> No.5233946

why are all leftards so emotionally unstable?
should liberalism be classified as a mental illness at this point?

>> No.5233974

jesus christ I wonder how Bosch is going to deal with this autist

>> No.5234034


This retard's profile is a goldmine of cringe

>> No.5234062

Lol keep selling your IOTA idiots, I'll gladly buy it all up

Charlie Lee has been a complete autist on Twitter for the entire lifespan of LTC and look where it is today

I swear /biz/ hates making money lol

>> No.5234090


>> No.5234095

idk man rolling your own crypto requires some balls too

>> No.5234096
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he won't tell ya tho

>> No.5234108

charlie is autistic but he's a good guy

IOTA devs are assholes

>> No.5234120

the thing is my little bagholder litecoin is working steady since 2013 with no issues

iotas shitty tangle doesent even work

>> No.5234141

Fuck money, I may be a speculator but I have ethics in regards to the future of my country, fuck your rapefugee coin.

>> No.5234157

charlie lee is totally adorable though, and he's not afraid to fud his own coin, he just seems honest

>> No.5234184

holy shit, nothing to scare off investors like an incompetent leader.

Seriously if you can't keep yourself from typing out shit like that you're not fit to run a company.

>> No.5234188


>> No.5234192

Pissed he can only bang BBWs.

>> No.5234232

i already have bags. sad that i fell yesterday for req and fun shill, wanted tooad my 85% iota package up but instead bought this shit.
The Bosch on their team is huge as i said in another thread. Before FUD comes up, BOSCH isn't just saws and drills, they are big automative supplier, they are on of the biggest company in automatisation of packaging, they are really big in home and company security technology. Just think about the usecases combined with iota.

>> No.5234271
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hey look it's that
>"guys I didn't bough IOTA at $0.50c before it mooned to $6.00 in 2 weeks
>instead i bough in some other shitcoins that don't move 30% a day so I'm super like jealous now and talking about main dev political stance
thread again

>> No.5234319

i also bought in fun shill and its down today
>but fuck it, it's a gamble coin for a reason

>> No.5234345

i has ethnics too with coins, thats why i dont fucking ripple because its a jew coin of banks, which is against the idea of cryptos, but need to make my 20-25x on iota, to have money go emigrate from cuckistan in 10 years. And because iota is other and the only with tangle, thats why it is bought. Dont talk about usage anyway, 95 percent of this memecoins are specualtation of further usage, that is why you need risk management cause it can dip someday hard

>> No.5234346
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Oh my gosh. The CEO might be human! SELL!!

>> No.5234371

wow what a faggot. Boohoo we work soooo hard to make you rich. I mean its true to an extent but you started this in the first place faggot dont complain.

>> No.5234411
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Are you fucking delusional?! Charlie Lee is a passive aggressive little bitch who tweets FUD against whichever coin is encroaching on LTC's market cap

>> No.5234423
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>> No.5234467
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>smart refugee cities

>> No.5234470

in what fucking way. all it takes is a team of somewhat qualified nerds

>> No.5234524

so basically you buy shit that is memed here... loser.

>> No.5234528

he says that neo is a scam and haves a fucking bitcoin ripoff...

>> No.5234538

These fucking donkey's should have a contractual agreement not to give personal opinions on forums.

>> No.5234577

Whats alarming is the fact that he is emotional, probably wth rage, and talks about money ALL-THE-TIME!!! Literally. You remember the data marketplace announcement? He lied and said IOTA partnership with all companies in there followed by "IOTA #3 market cap after the announcement".
Isnt that alarming enough? Everything he do is talk money like he doesn't give a flying shit about iota project which might explain why it's been stalling since it was released in June. Not a single fucking update, nothing.
Not even the fucking wallet he promised in June. Or removed the coordinator which is also way overdue.

>> No.5234580
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>smart refugee cities

>> No.5234638

They seem very threatened by raiblocks, I wonder why..

>> No.5234649

This guy is such a fucking hack piece of shit. IOTA won't ever succeed.

>> No.5234668

maybe because XRB has a wallet

>> No.5234677

You get it anon. They also partnered up with Ruuvi a few days ago. This thing is gonna be huge when they get everything set up. Buy up all the dips, we're gonna make it.

Let these retards FUD something they don't even understand. Tangle is brilliant imo, I read the whitepaper and the dev's blogs. It should work perfectly fine when there's enough nodes, which seems like what these companies are about to bring them.

I get that the lead dev is kind of a dick, but they'll prob tell him to stfu soon.

I'm kinda diversified so I already had some req and Funfair from a while back. Was a nice pump

>> No.5234681

This, well intended autist>sandnigger isis shitcoin

>> No.5234720

iota i bought because of other reasons,
but yes i dont lie, i bought fun and req because of this big shilling here and ofc on reddit.
I wanted to buy verge and/or buy more iotas, verge and iotas would be 20-30 percent in last 24hours but i hodl longer time so lets see, hope it was qualified shill and wont be any emc2 remake.

>> No.5234733

the absolute state

>> No.5234735
File: 103 KB, 500x675, IMG_4687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised all of you faggot /pol/tards don't LOVE the "smart refugee city" idea... pic related

>> No.5234789

Yeah you noticed how he claimed backing is a "vague" word? Then proceed to being as vague as possible so we would interpret it as they actually use iota but he made the claim vaguely so he could save his ass when the time comes and he gets busted for the lie

>> No.5234816

what are you talking about? if you go to the Raiblock reddit, there's almost no talk about Iota, and people there actually think both projects have a future and can coexist. The hostility comes from the other side, which is constantly trying to find flaws and bugs on XRB, probably because IOTA devs feel threatened by it's existence.

>> No.5234892
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Lmfao I have requested the attendance of moderation to this thread

>> No.5234947

that nothing to be pissed about

>> No.5235008
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the absolute state of this manlet

>> No.5235018


This, fuck these faggots.

>> No.5235082

hey look it's that
>"guys I didn't bough IOTA at $0.50c before it mooned to $6.00 in 2 weeks
>instead i bough in some other shitcoins that don't move 30% a day so I'm super like jealous now and talking about main dev political stance
thread again

did you guys read me last time ?

>> No.5235086
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>> No.5235103

I did my due diligence a while back. The founder is crazy and spergs out on Slack all the time. You might get another pump in it, but I wouldn't hold it long term.

>> No.5235175

top kek

>> No.5235185


>> No.5235198


>> No.5235302

You wanna heard nice words? You pajeets wanna breakfast in bed also? Its a fucking marketplace and you buy whatever the fuck you want, dev team doesnt own you a shit. I generally like how /biz shill that means you need to buy, when they tell you to buy some coin you sell the shit out of it. Bought 8500$ IOTA today at 4.50$, enjoy your shitcoin Rai, pupmed hard just like req, gonna be bloodbath when it comes down. Iota will prevail u dumbfucks.

>> No.5235327

Iota moves 30% DOWN in a day when apparent partnerships are found to be bs

>> No.5235347

>everyone I don't like is /pol/
He got triggered over one guy saying that he could sympathize with the dev getting upset over how IOTA gets put down when rai comes up but the devs should be more professional. How you got /pol/ack out of that is entirely beyond me. Seek help.

>> No.5235374

relax David

>> No.5235379

Apex kek

>> No.5235436

>Meanwhile IOTA devs
>15x incoming in a month, buy buy buy
>tech doesn't work
Even one of these should be a red flag, all three together and its just a matter of time until the info filters on out and people start running for the hills.

>> No.5235493

doesnt he actually write awful lot like him? talk about price of iota, talk about "nice words", making subtle insults in the beginning of sentence, claiming he/the devs doesnt care, again talk about price and how the price of IOTA will be in the future.

This could ironically be him. The sympathizers and overall structure of his arguments are all in the same flow as david.

>> No.5235531


>> No.5235631

what a fucking loser lmao

>> No.5235667

Its your decision to stay poor. You can then chit chat with your shitcoin dev team and remain poor cause you need to like how dev teams talk before you buy. Strong points u shillfags got there. Honestly i think most of you spend more time shilling about this David guy and you got nothing on Iota you dumbfucks. Stay poor

>> No.5235716

Kek, its that time again. Remember when iota got fudded hard for the refugee shit and then x10'd kekeke

>> No.5235737


>> No.5235785

fucking saved, thanks for the kek.

>> No.5235787

>Sergey straight up doesn't exist
>David goes maximum sperg 10 hours a day every day
which is worse?

>> No.5235854

aww look at all the little thin skinned babbies having a sook because they cant handle someone being mean on the internet

>> No.5235934
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>> No.5235968

>Ask Vitalik who will be using his Proof of Stake w/ ETH

1. CfB didn't invent proof of stake
2. Proof of stake in Ethereum is going to be completely different from that in nxt

>> No.5235983

Wow, I'm looking at the DavidSonstebo posts in reddit, holy shit the guy is salty. He's fucking 24/7 talking shit and insulting people or responding nonsense.

>> No.5236025

hi David

>> No.5236061

>defending a literal autist doing bad business decisions
wew lad

And you wondered why the tech didn't work when this guy is busy shitposting all day

>> No.5236110

Kek. Someone that autistic must hang out here.

>> No.5236123

>defending a literal autist doing bad business decisions
>bad business decisions
nigga this is crypto hes not a fucking talk show host

>> No.5236152

yeah like that one time he claimed it wasn't his responsibility to correct the wrong reporting on his business.
Keep coping mates. At this point fucking RaiBlocks is going to take their spotlight, and I seriously thought that was vaporware as fuck.

>> No.5236155



>> No.5236196
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>> No.5236210

Can I buy it on an exchange that won’t steal my identity desu?

>> No.5236233

Bitgrail. Zero withdrawal fees too, but 100 XRB minimum.

Stay away from Mercatox. Once this gets on to some decent exchanges and people catch wind of its superiority over IOTA it's going to the moon.

>> No.5236246

Bitgrail, you don't even need to be verified to withdraw. Stay away from Mercagox though.

100XRB minimum withdrawal though

>> No.5236282
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>if they're so smart why did they fuck up their own countries before coming here?

Checkmate Charlie

>> No.5236290

This. I used Bitgrail too, you don't give need to give any personal info. The exchange is really shit tho, but that's why you buy and immediately transfer it to your online, or desktop wallet.

>> No.5236314

XRB Crashing in few days, stay poorfags.

>> No.5236389


>> No.5236390

Low test SOYOTA boy detected. Have fun watching your cuck founder destroy your investment with a few cringey reddit posts.

>> No.5236463

yes TA says ressistance at 1,9-2,1. RSI is pretty high and overbought saw this signs often before dips. If you wanna buy i would w8 for dip in this zone, or just buy iota

>> No.5236533

>On a coin with two exchanges and low volume.

Audible kek.