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File: 146 KB, 1242x875, 166856445450720244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52460129 No.52460129 [Reply] [Original]

Is this going to be good for crypto?

>> No.52460146

yea man super bullish

>> No.52460149

Biden won.

>> No.52460163
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>> No.52460186

who the fuck cares

>> No.52460191

no, trump is anti-regulation. literally any other republican would be better for crypto

>> No.52460195
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No very bad, only if he start the money printer agian like in 2020.

>> No.52460198

do you know where you are?

>> No.52460202

>regulation good

>> No.52460206
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Why are chuds always lying?

>> No.52460213

>the charges officer?

>> No.52460216

He’s going to lose so I wouldn’t worry too much if that’s your concern

>> No.52460224
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>> No.52460227 [DELETED] 



>> No.52460230
File: 27 KB, 584x551, T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shilling this loser. Fuck off. I think you're confused how many morons still want this dipshit around.

>> No.52460232
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I know I just wanted to show to all the /pol/ tourists that le based orange man is not good for crypto.

>> No.52460250

trump wasnt even that based
there i said it

>> No.52460270

All he does is win (except when he is cheated).

This is going to be good for everything. As long as the elections aren't stoled he will easily win 2024

>> No.52460295
File: 19 KB, 207x208, 8589C3D3-2BB6-4C57-B417-95D8973FBE2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still believing in elections
If you still aren’t blackpilled, you are ngmi

>> No.52460309

Who will even run against Trump in 2024 Biden again? Lmao

>> No.52460343

didnt his ex-wife/mother of 3 of his kids just die

>> No.52460365

I'll be good for Israel

>> No.52460384

Here's what will happen: Trump will be in the race a while, and gain monies (the second most important part) and see how the GOP field is going. When someone either gets close to him (or better yet is doing slightly better), he will offer his support in exchange for written promise of Presidential Pardon and drop out (keeping rube monies of course).

You can screencap this.

>> No.52460438

>Trump will surely do something reasonable case number #239847928
>he doesn't and goes full retard
He'll run as an independent after losing the GOP primary and spoil it in favor of Democrats. Trumpfags will continue seething about an advancing leftist clown world while simultaneously supporting Trump 2028 because, obviously, losing four times in a row is all due to cheating. Screencap this.

>> No.52460543
File: 2.34 MB, 2000x2706, B1iW0a3boMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has been close buddies (business partner) with elon musk when you consider twitters takeover with elon. Elon is a public stooge actor for peter theil, paypal technocrat guy is one of those techfag weirdos that mentions shit like that autism book that biz brings up "sovereign individual" and biz likes to connect to predicting crypto and tax evasion havens. Theil is the gen X koch brothers of party fundraisers for republicans. A long goal of the republican establishment has been taking a hammer to social security, medicare, medicaid, by act of congress not updating/enforcing FDR depression era created laws. Read senator's rick scott statements on this. Note the republican party is now taking control of the house. The covid 2020 event was a massive cash injection into the indebted medical system and they are now losing cash reserves, was the democrat establishment in bed with big pharma? Who knows. If I were to guess they are going to let the old power in the democrat party get their last pints of blood from the taxpayer then when they take power back from them they will do the bidding of their technocrat bankrollers and absolutely crash the medical system and associated businesses like 08 did to the housing market but much worse. My prediction, is unironically bullish for monero in 4-5 years if you can connect the dots.

>> No.52460553


It doesn't matter

>> No.52460554

I doubt that. If he runs he’ll probably get the nomination IF he doesn’t face serious charges.

In the general he would lose as long as the democrats run someone who’s ok. MAGA people have a hard time understanding just how distasteful most normies and independents find Trump. They elected a literal retard over the maga candidate recently for instance.

>> No.52460688
File: 119 KB, 1000x734, Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump will surely do something reasonable
Trump's clown act just distracts from his real mission:
1. Extract monies from gullible idiots
2. Cheat on taxes
3. Gain legal protection from prosecution

Everything else, from hating on illegals (that he employs) to building Wall, to pwning the Libs, is just a distraction for you to eat up.

>> No.52460791
File: 129 KB, 868x675, Sheeeit_Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we get to see a bunch of GOP shit on their own reputations by campaigning like made to get Tyrone installed in Georgia, and for literally nothing whatsoever.
Good Times. Lindsay was right when he said Dolan would destroy them all.

>> No.52460806

I don't disagree but this image is dishonest. He endorsed almost 300 candidates total and all the ones who lost are on here. People like Boebert in CO managed to win despite the odds being stacked against them. Still voting DeSantis over Trump because he shilled for vaccines too much but the guy is still pretty popular in some circles.

>> No.52460823

it'd be better for crypto than anything Biden or the current Democrat administration are fucking capable of doing, that's for fucking sure

>4 more years of Gary Gensler

yeah, fuck off

>> No.52460862

Trump doesn't like Crypto but he supports the idea of less regulations for most industries which is good for crypto.

>> No.52460899


Hahaha what a fucken idiot.

He'll tear the republican party apart and push voters towards the dems.

Good job trumpsters you're on track to no where.

>> No.52460910

I think at this point you really need to consider like 25% of anti-trump posts are bots auto-responding and another 25% are foreigners

there's just no way any Americans could be in favor of the way Biden has managed this slow decline of our country lmao. We're all clearly so much poorer and worse off than even 2 years ago and things are only going to get even worse (before they get slightly better before 2024, which is what Biden will campaign on)

>> No.52460915

*seinfeld slap bass outro plays*

>> No.52460937

But what if Ye is his running mate, his VP?

>> No.52460945

It’s all bots. They use the same language over and over.

You gotta admit
They have a point
Why can’t there be
Why doesn’t the right
It’s over
The vaccine dieoff
Mommy ______
You won’t do shit
Fuck around and find out
Why did capitalism fail?
This is the moment that made me a Democrat voter
There’s nothing you can do about it. :)
Why are conservatives so against education and science?
You guys are all going to get arrested
You are irrelevant.
They wont do shit.
Dark Brandon
When I was a Libertarian
Muh gunz
Take your meds
NOOOO you can't just investigate
Anybody else completely accept defeat?
/pol/ will defend this!
As a former
We’re fucked
Dabs on
I wish I were a woman
Are anti vaxxers retarded?
The left can’t me-
She’s right you know
Why is it so much harder to get a gf now a days?
He's not wrong
*Role play statement*
Why can't Americans figure out universal healthcare?
Let’s be honest
Why are white men so weak and pathetic like this?
Dear diary
Trannies have won
Dare I say
Trump’s going to prison
Why have grown men given up?
Christ cucks
Twitter screencap
Let's face it
We all know
It’s okay to
We lost
Latinx bros
Randomly capitalized WORDS

>> No.52461157
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Mind broken chud.

>> No.52461200

This board is dead. Nuke it.

>> No.52461337

oh look, it's the guy who denies that Covid came form a lab to tell us that masks work and the 2020 election wasn't manipulated by China

>> No.52461406

I hate Biden and the democrats and can also admit trump was a retard is that too difficult to understand

>> No.52461429

no but seriously

I unironically think the current administration is pathetic and evil enough to the point where this is what the Slava Ukraina $400 billion is being spent on; funding weird poor foreign niggers to spam online forums with pro-status quo dogshit propaganda. All it takes is being white and living in America since 1990 and you can literally feel and see with your own eyes how much this country has declined in every single way since then

foreigners, niggers and artificial intelligence bots will never understand

>> No.52461444


He’ll lose but you’ll never make it

>> No.52461538

His fucking job was to maintain the USD as reserve not shit on it and he did a lot better then pedo joe has.
not even american, but burgers who have TDS are literally fucking retarded npc tier mongoloids

>> No.52461580

No the absolute fucking wasn’t you need to stop letting media just shove shit down your throat because trump has openly Elon lmao

>> No.52461581

Pump tomorrow

>> No.52461593

>Trump point blank saying Bitcoin is a only used for crime is "trump derangement syndrome"
Can you teach me how to cope out of reality when it's blatantly presented to you?

>> No.52461616
File: 24 KB, 620x271, Trump3487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this going to be good for crypto?
Idk but it'll be fucking great for memes that's for sure

>> No.52461650

Elections are rigged anyway so even if all of you feel the same it really doesn't matter

>> No.52461666

What's dishonest is taking into account +30 R seats as if those are legitimate endorsements in terms of judging whether the Trump brand is a loser or not.
Trump is a huge loser in competitive races. And if you want to win power, if you want to win the fucking presidency, you need to win competitive races.

>> No.52461684

Did you sleep through the midterms?

>> No.52461709

What memes? Like the eternally embarrassing stop the count meme?

>> No.52461797

My body is ready for Ross Perot 2.0

>> No.52461801

No if you don't pick red or blue crayons you're not American, it's that simple. You HAVE to choose one to destroy the country.

>> No.52461865
File: 152 KB, 1440x907, Trump-Kim-handshake-rtr-img-4070018227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The country is completely insane. I'm apolitical (voted twice for Ron Paul, that's it) and I have to acknowledge that Trump is the best president in my lifetime.

>No new wars
>Actually made peace with North Korea

Yeah, he's made mistakes. He's a fucking coward for not keeping to "It's just the flu" stance on covid, putting Fauci in charge, and his alliances with Israel, but he's not a warmonger like Biden.

>> No.52461903

>No new wars
I think this is the most insane aspect of this whole situation. He was the first president to try and not get the US involved in wars for MANY years and half the country hated him.

>> No.52461923

his assassination will kick start another civil war. we're looking at 4-6 year bear market. screenshot this.

>> No.52462090
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>> No.52462123
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She's at Dorsia.

>> No.52462334

>It's another /pol/ crosspost thread with 'how do I profit' added episode
Other republicans will run, it's not just going to be him. There'll probably be a dozen in like in 2016.
>easily win 2024
I haven't been paying attention, I'm really sick of politics and /pol/ made me hate them as much as the left. Not the ideas, just his fan base. Anyway, my friend said he's already going after desantis and diving some of the right. The only reason it makes sense he would be doing that is some internal polling that says desantis would get more votes if he were to run against trump.
where will he post the memes?

>> No.52462568

You missed the point.
he was the pot US not the fucking po BTC

>> No.52462580

I'm actually really embarrassed that I supported Trump in 2016 and 2020. Like I cringe when I think about it

>> No.52462599

I think he's a fag but I'd vote for him again because what the fuck else am i gonna do

>> No.52462608

How many crypto firms have now tanked under Biden, we've had 2 massive events, under Trump a bullrun. Look at your crypto returns since Biden took office, not that it stopped you voting demos hit on the midterms.

>> No.52462617

not vote

>> No.52462622

Whoever loses Republican primary will refuse to endorse the candidate so USA is doomed to neolib socialism its over

>> No.52462645

Same man. Tbh though 2015-16 trump had a decent platform. Many of his criticisms of the mainstream political system were legitimate and his personal platform was mostly good.

However MAGA has devolved into a weird cult of personality, Christian fundamentalist nationalism with a slew of low IQ conspiracy stuff. It’s also clear he is nowhere close to being competent enough or ruthless enough to affect real change. Things like censorship and tranny weird shit propaganda only escalated under his Presidency. MAGA needs to die and will in 2024.