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52704474 No.52704474 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people waste money on shit that serves no purpose other than to be “Decorative”?

>> No.52704482

you need to be 18 to post here incel

>> No.52704484

they have sex

>> No.52704491

guess how i know youre poor

>> No.52704516
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>> No.52705704

The sheconomy is appropriately large given the depth of clownworld. Women gain notoriety as 'designers' and give speeches to rooms full of women about 'design'. It's incredibly stupid.

>> No.52705825
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The female feathers the nest with decorative objects to warn other females, there's already a vulture living there.

>> No.52708348
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have sex

>> No.52708400

I want to burn all ur knickknacks while u watch and scream in agony as you proceed to kill yourself since your life purpose was flexing your knickknacks

>> No.52708438

Just like everyone else here said, it's because women are mentally ill consooooomers. My friend just finished paying for the insane furnishings his wife demanded for their first home and now he already sold the entire thing and is wageslaving furnishing the next one. We used to rent an apartment with that guy together and I know for a fact he can live in an empty room with a PC. The woman's function in this world is to spend money

>> No.52708445
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I buy goodwill junk, spray paint it and put it on my empty shelves. I especially like the mind prison cube thing. I just wanted the shelves to put my game system on.

>> No.52708479

The only acceptable knickknacks for a man are things from your past that you are emotionally attached to. If you have to question whether it needs to be there, it doesn't need to be there. You don't need sea urchins on your wall. That just looks gay.

>> No.52708488

Plants are cool. Vases are gay.

>> No.52708575
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Imagine thinking that pretty things are an affront to your masculinity. lmao, Jesus you guys are pathetic. You'll really come up with any excuse to justify being a poorfag.
> NOOOOOOO you have to live in a soulless empty box
And these are the same people dunking on "living in the pod" when their entire home is empty space and secondhand furniture picked up from the side of the road lmao. Just pathetic.

>> No.52708628

Only women want to collect vases and dinner plates
>nooo I want to collect them too
Do you though? Or are you just having one of those internet arguments where you pretend to like something you don't?

>> No.52708639

low IQ. most women are unironically retarded.

>> No.52708644

>Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending
>Forbes 2019

Lol, lmao even

>> No.52708649
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> Only women want to collect vases and dinner plates
Let's unpack that. Why do you think that only women want to collect pretty things? Are men incapable of appreciating art?

>> No.52708677

Decorative stuff is cool but you can't just let a woman go shopping and buy whatever, because she'll just buy crap that looks good in the store and doesn't fit the rooms at all, so it'll look like a weird mix of trash rather than something nice.

It's better and more efficient to decide on the aesthetic for the room, plan it out together, then go out and buy the pieces you need to achieve the effect. No mixing eastern and western objects, colors need to take natural lighting into account, etc. Lots of big museums have entire rooms of decorations you can look through to get ideas in the real world.

>> No.52708729
File: 3 KB, 213x236, oxblood vase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oxblood vases are based. Celadon glaze is also good. Can you put them in the same room though? Nah, pick one theme and stick with it.

>> No.52708902

Unironically because it contributes to their environment resembling a high-status one, as in a wealthy person's house, which contributes to their sense of accomplishment and well-being. It's all about appearing well-traveled, sophisticated, and design conscious as someone with too much money to spend might, particularly to oneself. As, visual interest is good for sparking creativity, motivation to move, etc.; objects are essentially surrogates or invitation for people, so a knicknack-filled space fulfills, to some degree, our desire for social connection and community. Minimalism is for sociopaths.
I remember you, anon. It looks even better than last time, kudos.

>> No.52709471

Very tasteful anon, nice. Digging the midcentury modern furniture.

>> No.52709516

>sea urchins
Can't unsee lmao
Thanks I like mid mod furniture