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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52748729 No.52748729 [Reply] [Original]

Now that we're few years away from 2023, how was 2022 financially for you?

>> No.52748779

Worst year of my life financially. I got JUSTED by the taxman from last year, it took half my earnings pretty much all year to pay off, and then saving for next years tax took the rest. I also earned less as I took some time off with the birth of my second son and my wife's off work of course on maternity still. Then my mid 6 figure crypto portfolio got totally fucking butt-blasted into oblivion, and I was hoping for another year just to hold so I could maybe buy a house...
Oh well, hopefully next year will be better.

>> No.52748792

based do I like Biden now? fuck eurochina

>> No.52748795

I hate america so much it's unreal.
"Great Satan" is an understatement

>> No.52748814

you chose your side, chang

>> No.52748815

You should have let Germany finish what they started

>> No.52748838

It's at the point where I can't even feel sorry for Europe. They apparently really enjoy being in an abusive relationship as America's little cuckold, so good for them.

>> No.52748850

He's right. Anything to stop the aggressor Putin to just steal a country. First time I agree with Biden.
Do you have any idea how the Russians treated the german civilian population after the war?
Do you have any idea how grandparents spoke highly of the US soldiers, who actually helped and were friendly and organized?
Fuck Putin and every single /pol/cel supporting him.

>> No.52748920
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not taking that b8

>> No.52748943

It wasn't bait. Just honesty.

>> No.52748960

> few years away from 2023

>> No.52749224

It was actually just your opinion, and it just happened to be so bad he thought it was bait.

>> No.52749417

>we're few years away from 2023
fuck what year did I wake up in again.

>> No.52749465

The bad news is that both Putin (Shelomov) and Zelensky are Jews and serve the Zion. The extermination of the whites will continue until their masters are pleased.

>> No.52749488

The bad news is that the merchant already controls most of the western world. Has zero to do with Putin. And I am appalled at /pol/s sudden 180degree just because their puppet of choice isn't at the wheel. Appalled. You guys lost respect. From me. I know you don't care.

>> No.52749516

Really only recently started getting more involved with investing, so not much room to judge yet. Lost a solid chunk of my funds when oil did a 180 but I've worked my way back up to my starting point with my other moves. Hopefully things go well moving forward.

>> No.52749532

>Has zero to do with Putin
Vatnigger, please. Putin's government executes every globohomo agenda point, including the fucking reduction of carbon emissions as a country whose main export is oil and gas.

>> No.52749549

Ur retardsd if u think russia isnt Zogged

They killed the tsar and have ruled the country ever since.

In rhssia they basically had spies way before the mi6 was a thing. These people had assassins and spies since sometime 1800s

>> No.52750212

Lmao you really can’t?

>> No.52750463

seethe more hohol. btw your 2 hour internet time is about to expire. time to take a dump in your outdoor shit pit.

>> No.52750521

At least he is being honest.

>> No.52750787

Same story here minus child
Congrats on new family member

>> No.52752409

this post is a satire

>> No.52752741

lmao the US raped France, Germany and Italy with blacks. Even Japan killed them and put their bodies in caves after they started raping over there in the Pacific theater after the war

>> No.52752757

kill EVERY SINGLE american

>> No.52752776

he didn't say that in the video... it's /pol/-propaganda once again

>> No.52752777

Best year of my life financially. Went from being an alcoholic NEET with about $200 to doubling my wagies.
Turns out my schizophrenic obsession with the elite made me decent at getting in and out of key investments with modest gains, especially crypto but I've been almost entirely out of coin dabbling since March accordingly.
Started investing according to geopolitics and this has mostly worked out as well. Metals investment has been by far the best though, both stonks and physical. Still hoarding as much as I can at a reasonable pace and this is my main focus now.
Currently sitting at approximately 18k which, coming from fuckall with fuckall knowledge of how things work is good in my book. Next year I'm buying me some land.
Not being an alcoholic saves a lot of money.

>> No.52752800

>hmm I don't really know who is the good guy and the bad guy here, maybe both are jews?
the absolute state of the average /pol/tard

>> No.52752837

The state of you war mongering faggot lefty bootlickers who don't realise they are both Jews. You support another pointless Jew war. Well done you fucking faggot.

>> No.52752849

Let’s see. My 401k is down 25%, my crypto portfolio down 70%.

>> No.52752862
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Yeah they treated you nazi fucks real nice that you're still bitching about it

kys and meet bandera faggot

>> No.52752883
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December last year: 460k€
December this year: 130k€


>> No.52752917

the type of people in charge of russia back in ww2 are in charge of america/europe right now

>> No.52753014

nigga nobody who is in control is saying inflation is good for the economy, they're all still on "inflations under control" and JPow is on "I will smoke all markets to get US inflation down"

>> No.52753520
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I only made 200k waging and I lost about 600k in crypto and stocks. So not good. I just keeep trying to be positive and watch motivational videos and shit to calm the anxiety like this one:

>> No.52753551

I'm up $50k from the end of 2021 but down $100k from May of this year

So I'm JUSTed but I might make it later

>> No.52753582

Of course he didn't say that en verbatim. It was what it boiled down to though

>> No.52753615

its the opposite us spent trillions in free defense of europe over the years and all they have to do is play pretend recession

>> No.52753872

Sigma grindset, but he's still retarded

>> No.52753944

>its the opposite us spent trillions in free defense of Europe over the years and all they have to do is play pretend recession
to be honest i always felt like Europe wasn't doing enough on defense, but then again that's what the USA promoted since WW2, you build up the economy and prosperity, we take care of the defense, they didn't really incentive the militarization of Europe, quite the contrary... but that ship as sailed, i think the EU has the tools it needs to invest heavily in common defense programs and be a stronger partner to the US and other aligned countries, like Japan, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, we really need to step up our game, Europe should have a combined defense spending of 2/3 of America, that way we would be rowing in the same direction, and the west would hold it's position as the most powerful civilization on earth, if we don't invest now, we will be economic slaves to Asia in the next 20 years, if not sooner.

>> No.52753959
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>> No.52754214

Its the fucking SAMEEEEEE

>> No.52754255

>Putin’s price hike, Jack, now go get boosted today!

>> No.52754307

lefties just love when innocent blood is spilled

>> No.52754627

All the other You's must be Russian bots, right?

>> No.52754681

My net worth went from $400k to $40k

>> No.52754694

I lost 80% of my money and my rent got higher.

>> No.52754714

Cheers and check'd

>> No.52754794

Pretty good, went from barely anything in my bank account to 12k. I finally managed to get a good job.
Cryptowise it went bad though, as I had about 14k at my peak early this year and it went down to about 2.5k.

>> No.52754804
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Ruscrement are subhuman, the good Russians have all left that shithole

>> No.52754990

I suppose financially it was a complete fucking disaster. I remain unaffected though, it's all playing around with savings and has no bearing on my day-to-day life.
I'm worried for everyone who can't afford heating and shit this winter more than myself. We're in for a tough few years I think - years that'll definitely see me throw more money into stocks as a % of my portfolio. Crypto is very entertaining but it's just too wild and I'm not a good enough investor for it to be my only thing. This year taught me that.

>> No.52755253

Here’s a (You), you lazy twat

>> No.52755301

It's been a turbulent one. Inflation, crash etc. Biz lured noobs into investing in crypto this year without warning them to stay in their stablecoins and farm them on Aave or SpoolFi. Now they are all rugged and roasties demanding how the financial year had been.

>> No.52755321

Fool you are still poor. Overall you made no bucks.

>> No.52755351

very good. i got to watch the cattle realize their retarded policies over the flu were a bad idea. they might tip over the whole economy. here's hoping that happens in 2023.

>> No.52755415

Still waiting for this crash that's supposed to happen.

>> No.52756642

You don't even have a plan for your life retard. Still waiting when your funds on stablecoins can be accruing yields if you put them on Convex, Compound, Curve through Spool protocol. Your poverty seems hereditary.

>> No.52756846

not great. got into a car accident and broke my elbow, leaving me with permanent minor disability. prevented me from working for a while and lost clientele