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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52861706 No.52861706 [Reply] [Original]

Interlinked >>52817423

news and updates:
>gcr closed his short
>zaradar's proposal
>binance will burn offchain transactions fees of 0.1%

official tr discord:
>discord (dot) gg (slash) 9cyVTVcM
if you have the time, help other anons by calling out the kikery in there

>please try to stake with validators with lower voting power for decentralization

/tlcg/ official waifu validator, based and redpilled:

other validators that seem fine:
>interstellar lounge
>LUNC Development Fund
>Apeiron Nodes

questionable validators:

/tlcg/ blacklisted validators: (REDELEGATE IF YOU STAKE WITH THEM!)
>luna station 88
>lunc dao
>autism staking

exchanges supporting offchain burns:
>binance, coininn

helpful links:
>Terra Rebels Website
>Terra Finder for Classic
>How to stake on Terra Station
>HCC LUNCPenguins
>Bridge Wormhole LUNA back to Terra

>alex forshaw
>ed kim (probably)

>LUNChads anthem (Listen 3 Times Daily to Sustain Pumps)

>> No.52861732

$1 EOY

>> No.52861750
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Turns out Wrapped LUNA was the galaxy-brained play all along.

>> No.52861910

how so?

>> No.52862059
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I have 4.5 million
I need 1.5 million more to honor natalie portman's heritage

>> No.52862085

These threads get barely any replies anymore. Need to burn literally trillions. We'll never see $1. We'll never see $0.01. Why do we venture on?

>> No.52862128

dear retard,
the terra ecosystem was perfect until sbf raped it
cz is waiting for the public to understand this before the great resurrection
dr. autism

>> No.52862130

>need 1.5 million more to honor a hag
pleb taste
Does FTX still have money to hire you guys to FUD?

>> No.52862244

You just built a narrative in your pea-brain and ran with it. The reality is, the devs are not yet serious about burning. Until they are, this faggot token will do literally nothing. Despite the tons of utility being built, no one is going to give a fuck about a token worth 1/1000th of a cent.

>> No.52862249

Nobody wants to read fudfags, ogrefags, niggers and faggots fudding the chosen coin.

>> No.52862312

Fuck off, Alex

>> No.52862323

Take your head out of the clouds, moonboy. You need a dose of reality, not /biz/ larping. Math isn't very hard.

>> No.52862434

My dick is hard, Alex
Suck it.

>> No.52862708

I see you guys are quite salty

>> No.52862716

That makes you gay

>> No.52862761

The winning move was USTC all along.
It's not too late to catch a 40x.

>> No.52862777

>That makes you gay
Only for the one who sucks though

>> No.52862787

Trips of truth. Prison rules apply.

>> No.52863610
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>> No.52863812
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hodl fast, sisters

>> No.52863996
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new IBC’s open, seems to be the only new news and does fuck all for value. No mention of it in either case, just a bunch of 12 year olds making out “muh coin bad/good”. When fucking moon?

>> No.52864720
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Good afternoon lunchads, feels good just holding. Easiest shit ever.

>> No.52864730

>threads are extremely dead
>still 1b market cap
There is literally no better time to accumulate

>> No.52864778
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witnessed and checked
>Trips of truth. Prison rules apply.

>> No.52864788
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Good morning kings.

>> No.52864800
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so fucking close

>> No.52864888
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I’ve got a 12M bag I bought for 1K back when this piece of shit was .00008. I will never fucking sell until my ladder exit points are reached starting at .0095. Canadiancuck will be proven wrong, this is the coin to make it frens

>> No.52864898

Compoonded my daily this morning when I woke up, had a cup of black coffee with a Marlboro 27, then read for a little while in bed before heading out. Very overcast weather today.

>> No.52865354

it's ogre. next update in 6 months. rip.

>> No.52865411
File: 1.00 MB, 1284x1362, 8773FDAA-F437-466A-AE75-A470D1FC2F7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IBC now open
>Gravity Bridge will support LUNC/USTC shortly
>Ed working with Jacob & Osmosis to create the Osmosis burn module for off-chain burn

>> No.52865545

trips of truth

>> No.52865622

I need poopium now

>> No.52865684

osmosis handles $10k a day. do you really think that will change anything?

>> No.52865715

fuck the kike fuders too many of those niggers lately on /biz/
the kike faggots must be laughing at the normalfag retards who support jewish kikery that eventually only hurts the normalniggerfaggots themselves

>> No.52865772

so basically, nothing to look forward to in 2023

>> No.52866300

>Parity with 2UNA
>Repeg stable coin
>Market swap
2023 seems very promising to me.

>> No.52866664

Next year, easy 1$ lunc

>> No.52866768
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the daily reminder that all the good LUNA projects moved over to Polygon
sell while you still can

>> No.52866791
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and same goes to Solana

>> No.52867032

Stupid fucking take. If USTC repegs to $1 why the fuck would LUNA not also pump massively?

>> No.52867075

Comon man, this is just sad.
Its time to move on.

>> No.52867077

So whats the latest? Did TR get their faggot funding or are they on hiatus now?

>> No.52867099
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Suck a dick. I can tell you never had the makings of a varsity athlete.

>> No.52867252
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Oh-hooooo checked Uncle June

>> No.52867301

hOLY Chekked

>> No.52867374

Checked. Got my 20M bag at the same time. Not selling a single, solitary LUNC until .0097.

Niggers tongue my anus. WAGMI

>> No.52867610

Akujewro just put a new prop up asking for funds to create a new wallet. Let him know how you feel in the comments ;^)


>> No.52868354

After I undelegate, how to sent the LUNCs out of terra station? Do I need to wait until it is undelegated? Wtf does that mean?

>> No.52868358

>*fudding intensifies*
No. Stop. Don't.

>> No.52868780
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just two hundred more years bros for zoomer creampies

>> No.52868962


>> No.52869172
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it’s over

>> No.52869241
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Why is it over this time, fake fud piece of shit.

>> No.52869268


You've been shilling LUNC so hard lately that I couldn't handle it anymore and bought a 10M bag. Y'all better be right about this or else there's a shooting happening - in minecraft of course.

>> No.52869401

>bought a 10M bag
Nice bag. Just stake it and forget it for a while. Stay away from the generals if you tend to be paper-handed. It's been nonstop fudding over discord drama and the inconsequential changes to the burn tax for the past month or so.

>> No.52869468

So any new news lads? Repegg q1 2023?

>> No.52869568

Nope. Its over for real this time.

>> No.52870015

Cool, now sell me your bags so I can stake them and ride a constant wave of cyclic adenosine monophosphate increases.

>> No.52870028

If cz survives everything going on right now, bullish. If not then it's pretty much done. The buffoons of tr aren't magically going to pull their shit together.

>> No.52870068
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>Terra Luna

>> No.52870196

why wrapped luna? i bought 1,2 million of it with pocket change when it crashed. just for the joy of getting it cheap when retards paid hundreds for it before

>> No.52870478
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how about you ride this dick homo sapien homo

>> No.52870607

Finally! I wasn’t even aware IBC’s opened. I just transferred all my lunc trapped in osmosis and sure enough it worked. Feels good man.

>> No.52870946

This guy presented solid arguments why lunc might be fucked. No fud, just logic.
This is your average copium retard, banging his head and yelling obscenities just to avoid sinking in reality. Don’t call other fudders when you’re in denial.

>> No.52870984
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For me it’s holding Lunc and bttc and never selling and just fucking accumulating

>> No.52871381

Matthew Perry is talking about a possible Lunc reverse split. I never read about that option anywhere

>> No.52871461

>reverse split

sounds like autism

>> No.52871731

based stacker

>> No.52871899

The burn tax has been a meme from the beginning to keep LUNC from fading into obscurity and it has accomplished that goal; LUNC is consistently a top traded coin and is not going to be delisted anytime soon. The only way to realistically burn the supply is through utility, the strongest solution being repegging USTC and reenabling swaps, but there might be other solutions as well. Only casual moonbois ever thought the burn tax was going to put a significant dent in the +6 TRILLION supply. We have moved from the burn tax phase to the utility phase (which includes burning) so get with the program.

>> No.52872272

Seems like if btc can hold off on shitting its pants we could get a nice little poompa here.

>> No.52872312

checked but dont bother, fudders and faggots wont have it until they see it. some people actually thought they could burn 6 trillion by trading amongst themselves for 5 years and burning 1.2% of every tx lmao

>> No.52872555

Now TR are wanting to mint coins to make an offbrand shibarium on top of minting off chain burns. Can they think of any solutions that doesn’t involve minting LUNC and crying for handouts? This has been the same playbook since USTN and they wonder why nobody wants to pay them.

>> No.52872635
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This. One thing that tipped me off is that for months after the crash, volume remained weirdly high. It's dropped recently, but someone's planning something with this coin, even if it's a long-term movement. I put down 100 dollars on it, and I will be a little sad if it's gone, but not too much.

>> No.52872684

Checked. I think the whole goal is to death of LUNC by a thousand cuts until it is weak enough to be swallowed by 2UNA and all the biggest orchestrators get paid by DK.

>> No.52872711

How many of you became exit liquidity.

>> No.52872719

In case you forgot, TR made it the “community’s responsibility” to find them funding. Unless a stable mechanism is put in place to secure 7+ figures worth of funding for the devs, none of those dates or projects mean anything.

I don’t think the burn tax was a meme, or at least it wasn’t initially portrayed that way. People from TR came out after the fact and spammed how they never believed in the tax to begin with, but I think that was mostly to save face. The tax was fucked from the start during the implementation stages (it was a cluster fuck), followed by the fact that it got reduced only 1 month after being online.

Granted, everyone was too hyped up over the tax and completely overlooked the repeg/swap that was projected to be worked on eoy/early 2023, but with all the recent events, who knows what’ll happen and how long it will take.

>> No.52872795

>Checked. I think the whole goal is to death of LUNC by a thousand cuts until it is weak enough to be swallowed by 2UNA and all the biggest orchestrators get paid by DK.
Ditto. You nailed it.
I’ve been saying that lunc is being used as a liquidity cow for 2una and that there are MANY bad actors in TR that will ensure that lunc is swallowed up by 2una.
it sucks to hear but it’s over.

>> No.52872851
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I be compoonding er' day my lad, feels good

>> No.52873066

Do I need to unstake and move off of Tara station?

>> No.52873143

Which is ironic because many speculate that once/if parity happens, lunc will swallow up Luna. The two would essentially be competing at that point and, prior to all the BS that’s happened in the last few months, lunc had a much brighter future than Luna so it made sense. Right now, who knows what’ll happen

>> No.52873190

Why the fuck would it?
USTC was pegged at $1 earlier this year, except with trillions less LUNC in existence.

>> No.52873191
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>C’mon man sacrifice a little liquidity for the greater good

>> No.52873380

> People from TR came out after the fact and spammed how they never believed in the tax to begin with, but I think that was mostly to save face.

Not true. Listen to Zaradar’s AMA with HCC before the burn tax was implemented and he says the tax is about rallying the community.

>> No.52873651

kinda tempted to swap my 20m lunc into ustc and have like 150,000 of them in the event of a repeg.
i doubt lunc will ever reach .0075 so ustc is the smarter bet

>> No.52873890

kinda what I'm thinking
maybe unstaking my giga stack

>> No.52874132

what are the odds of ustc getting repeg’d back to $1?
what are the things that have to happen in order for that to be done?
it seems unlikely too, where is all that liquidity going to come from

>> No.52874154

Lunc is a joke. Sold my for just under 2x

>> No.52874221

That's some strong cope

>> No.52874228

I left that comment on that nigger's video weeks ago. YOU'RE WELCOME FOR THE IDEA LUNCNIGGER.

>> No.52874407

Any hopium lads?

>> No.52874533

Staking LUNC yields USTC, which is probably the most value any of us will get from this whole thing. I get like 500 USTC/month. Because of this I don't see a reason to unstake, although I will also be buying a USTC sui stack.

The odds of USTC repegging and making a few people rich are far better than the odds of LUNC doing a 10,000x and making all of us rich. Isn't reestablishing the peg one of the first goals of the roadmap? It used to be anyway.

>> No.52874715

>Isn't reestablishing the peg one of the first goals of the roadmap?
Checked and yes nothing significant happens with LUNC until we get USTC repegged. Whether that "peg" ends up happening at $1 or $0.10 or whatever, or if they end up creating an entirely new "AFT" remains to be seen. The fact that something will definitely need to happen with the stablecoin before something happens with LUNC is exactly why I've been keeping all my USTC staking rewards in my wallet rather than just swapping them for LUNC like so many others. CZ holding onto his stack is enough motivation I need to keep holding my LUNC stack, but having some horse in the USTC race makes perfect sense as well, especially when you get your stack essentially for free through staking rewards. It's only been two and a half months with my 45M (initial) LUNC stack and I'm already almost at 10k USTC.

>> No.52874766

USTC holders are too impatient for a repeg. There is not going to be a repeg unless LUNC is strong enough to handle it, but ((they)) want to put the cart in front of the horse while starving it and beating it to death because they plan to sell it for glue later. Truly jewish behavior.

>> No.52876097
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LUNC and FTX both crashed on a lunar eclipse so I’m certain there’s supposed to be a connection between the two that’s being heavily foreshadowed lately with SBF crashing it. Also convinced there are big plans for the circulating supply as CMC updated the page to show it at 5.9 trillion. The whole burn procedure seems to be part of the ritual for the phoenix rising. The FUD on this board is out of control suddenly as the price seems finally stabilize. What’s next biz?

>> No.52876363

Success for LUNC
>doom for rest of crypto market

>> No.52877101

So with this gay volume and price..
Will affect anything if i buy $10.000 worth of Lunc right now?

I have a hunch that we're gonna pump before eoy

>> No.52877414

just sold lole
shit coin that is not going anywhere

>> No.52877647
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it's ogre

>> No.52877909
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Famous last words

>> No.52878405
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the phoenix is ready for liftoff

>> No.52878978

One day later the fudfags, ogrefags and weak handed fags are still here. Now we have ustc baggies in the roaster. Not suspicious at all.

>> No.52878994


Someone needs to take a hit out on him

>> No.52880013
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>Proposal 10983 passed
Good job retards. If 50% of the """burned""" coins now go to the Community Pool/devs Binance will probably cut the burn tax and we will have another huge dump.

>> No.52880177

Is that supposed to be $10,000? Either way, no, it won’t do shit. Bull bnb bought over $1m worth a while back and it hardly did anything

>> No.52880365
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I have a big short counting on that.
he already sold.

>> No.52880584

OR now CZ can essentially bankroll LUNCs revitalization behind a smokescreen of plausible deniability of being one step removed from the actual funding, after all he’s just burning trading fees

>> No.52880665

>puts the onus of bs smokescreen governance shams on holders


>> No.52881605

Is all the Binance/ CZ fud bearish or bullish?

>> No.52881696

At what point was USTC a stable $1 when LUNC was minting trillipns of coins? Also you do realize if USTC is $1 then that likely means the whole swap & repeg shit is probably well underway, the whole goal of which is to burn through the fuck huge LUNC supply. The bigger issue behind all of this however is how the fuck do you imagine USTC hitting $1 without something happening with LUNC?

Like how do you niggers expect USTC to hit $1? How is it honestly anymore likely than LUNC? Btw when they talk about swaps and repegs it doesnt necessarily mean USTC is $1 or that swaps arent re enabled until that point.

>> No.52881734

ustc has to reach $1 before swaps can happen. it's ogre.

>> No.52881908

No it literally doesnt

>> No.52881964
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>CZ is totally fine burning millions of dollars of Binance's own trading fees to send 0.2% of every LUNC transaction to the burn wallet.
>CZ will be furious burning millions of dollars of Binance's own trading fees to send 0.2% of every LUNC transaction to the burn wallet, but half of that ends up funding the devs trying to add value to the chain.
Makes perfect sense. I swear the LUNC fud just keeps getting more retarded.

>> No.52882308

(((They)))'re afraid, so I'd say bullish for now. You don't spend time and effort to fud something insignificant.

You have to be retarded to fud instead of staking LUNC but those people (probably FTX investors) were doomed from the beginning.

>> No.52882356

It's finished lunchads. LUNA has a better chance in making it than Lunc. Just sell like I did, and buy a bag of $Luna

>> No.52882419

The generals died
The price died
The hype died
The burn tax died
The volume died
Even talks of the burn is dead
CZ doesn't care anymore
Twitter hype is finished
Almost lost all of it's meme powers

It's over sisters

>> No.52882606

The only people who like to work for free are the jannies so shut up and accept it

>> No.52883224

bullish, although I want the price to drop

>> No.52883977


>> No.52884282
File: 130 KB, 1317x934, F7B5282D-52A1-4562-BCA3-61997625A802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fast

>> No.52885082

Wasn’t neblio supposed to provide funding and hardware for Terra Rebels? Why wouldn’t they cover the cost for this?

>> No.52885101

maybe if the price drops forever we can all be rich. Sound logic.

>> No.52885517

I would imagine conditions were made that this happen prior to any future funding due to their association with the crash. I’m sure many others were also waiting before getting involved so it’s possibly we might actually see things progress from here

>> No.52885544

Someone is trying to pump USTC for another rug again. Even 2UNA holders aren't falling for that one.

Which is sad. If USTC holders could keep it pegged at $1, the entire ecosystem would benefit. Instead, they'll kill their golden goose and crash and short it on the way down like angry kikes.

>> No.52886101

>CZ doesn't care anymore
Still holding trillions of LUNC.

>> No.52886732

Large amount of small wallets have sold off, but there's surprisingly more 100m+ and 1B+ walls than there were 3 months ago.......

>> No.52886876

cex wallet does not equal private wallet

>> No.52887330

So, it died?

>3M stack. I don't even remember when I bought it. Cost me 200 bucks.

>> No.52887340

that’s not good
the more massive whales the less likely of any sustained pump
when the whales enter it’s essentially vultures picking off the carcass

>> No.52887517

Buy 10k worth then force a daily vote for a 100 to 1 split. You'd be a fucking legend forever.

>> No.52887808

please please please don't pump before I get my paycheck

>> No.52888022
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It's going to be a long few years
>Wake up
>Go about my day as if I'm NGMI
>Go to bed
>Wake up

>> No.52888709

yes it's dead.

>only 200 years left

>> No.52888895
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if you like stacking check out bttc brother, it's kinda useless but extremely stackable, i'm getting 70k/day and am contemplating purchasing 1% of the supply before it drops a 0. It's a TRON utility token which is kinda gay but i'm bullish as fuck on it. Same with RVN but that's PoW...nfa dyor

>> No.52888994

Fuck off you subversive cunt. A reverse split offers us literally no benefits whatsoever.

>> No.52889119

You should maybe lookup what that means dipshit.

>> No.52889175

Stupid bastard. It's literally the exact last thing we want. Of course, you know that.

>> No.52889188

that doesn't solve anything, he's a complete retard if he proposed this.

>> No.52889482
File: 43 KB, 281x540, OUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice logic, but what of 'our' wallet?
Who do you think creates those dildos? Pablo with his 200m Lunc, or an exchange.

>> No.52889726

Just use a credit card?
And make your monthly payments selling lunc or something until it pumps

>> No.52890615

When Monaco meeting bros?

>> No.52890707

Relax, I watched his video about the reverse split idea and he said it's a bad idea and shouldn't be done

>> No.52890771
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>> No.52890853

there's proof sbf fucked ust
things are accelerating

>> No.52891015

>there's proof sbf fucked ust
Any actual sauce on this as of yet? I know the Jew York Times had an article about this possibility a week ago, but it wasn't much more than speculation. It seems likely that Caroline is singing like a canary to save her ass so this could potentially be good for us.

>> No.52891063

And, yet, you’re still here.

>> No.52891219
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>> No.52891316

wuts the significance of a monaco meeting? been gone for while and catching up

>> No.52892191

>bought when no one could buy during the collapse
Who pays you to FUD? we figured that out months ago.

>> No.52892385


>> No.52892399
File: 34 KB, 237x213, 1669551329914089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo what's next for Baboona? What are TR gonna do? What does CZ wanna do? Why is USTC consistently pumping? Is a $1 repeg still in the plans? What would that mean for LUNC? I've been out of the loop for a couple months.

>> No.52892487

that was never proven faggot
pure speculation
same with the neblio bullshit
all speculation

>> No.52892571

kek. so going full retard is your tactic eh? good. you make my paid anti-fud job much easier.

>> No.52892578

Wtf how fast we burn? Two weeks ago we was on 96Billion and now 93Billion?

>> No.52893481

Gee you work for free?
Might as well apply for Janny too

>> No.52893544


>> No.52893549

Nice nigger grammar

>> No.52893926


>> No.52893953
File: 171 KB, 256x286, 1671052793314424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats some strong English, Darshit.

>> No.52894139

>so, what’s next?
Well, we’re going to fill the community pool and TR will slowly suck it dry until they get what’s owed to them. Then they will give up on the project and we will come here to seethe. Meanwhile, the rest of the market will continue to dump during the 2023 recession. Q4 2024 / Q1 2025, lunc will be revived by a legit company and will initiate the start of the new bullshitrun. That will be the last bullrun before the world finally ends, so don’t fuck it up

>> No.52894185

when v23?

>> No.52894458

You don’t expect them to work for free, right? Stop being so greedy

>> No.52894486

Bought another bag for $100, what am I in for?

>> No.52895124

See >>52894139

>> No.52895463

how does being exit liquidity and $10 2023 feel?

>> No.52895646

I've got just over 500k LUNA and I'm sick of it just sitting there doing nothing. Is it worth staking it at this point? And can someone just point me in the right direction of how to do it with retard-proof instructions? Asking for myself (retard)


>> No.52895690


>> No.52895761

>how to stake
See op

>is it worth it?
At 500k, not really. You can keep it in a wallet for cold storage and have it available asap, but ain’t shit happening with lunc anytime soon. Might as well stake it and get what little you can out of it.

>> No.52897414

Yes lock it up so when the prices moves, I get to sell first you dumb nigger. That stack isn't going to do shit.

>> No.52897742
File: 1.13 MB, 846x1306, Screenshot_20221125-112658_1_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stake it and compoond your rewards daily or weekly. This was always going to be a long hold, so just accrue interest and go about your life.

>> No.52898671

Luncsisters I don't feel so good...

>> No.52899092

Jesus Christ guys wtf happened. I have 26m lunc and holding this is not comfortable. Fucking niggers and kikes don't want us making it. It can't be that easy.

>> No.52899109

Why? You ass hurts?
Lemme see it

>> No.52899148

I am utterly and completely demoralized.
Looks like the jews won again.
We will eat ze bugs.
We will own nothing and be happy.
We will never be free.

>> No.52899173

if you haven’t made it by now, you will live in the pod.
the last bullrun was the (((2020 covid))) year where they printed all the dollars for one last jubilee.
i’m not fudding, it’s over. plan accordingly

>> No.52899191

This is by far the most uncomfortable hold I’ve ever had yet I’ve never been so sure I’m going to make it

>> No.52899247

that's the mental illness speaking, brother. don't get that checked out or they'll institutionalize you.

>> No.52899291

Everything is FUBAR right now, you can't help it. I personally sing Rules of Nature to keep going, you should try it.

>> No.52899522

I'm just enjoying compoonding my rewards. It's very comfortable.

>> No.52899596

You have to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.52899750

Is Canadian twink still around ?

>> No.52900277

I am never selling my lunc

>> No.52900433

Nice :)

>> No.52900664

Its so fucking over

>> No.52900761

Just dump or whatever but I cant stand another weekend of crabbing

>> No.52901304
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1080, burn it all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lunchads, the price doesnt seems right. How do we fix this?

>> No.52901481
File: 236 KB, 1497x1252, itsogre2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm financially shrekt.

>> No.52901971

>bitcoin controls all other coins
>bitcoin goes down, lunc goes down
Why are third world brown people like this? White men of good character don't act like this. Hold your faggot stacks and stop bitching. You have no reason to sell.

>> No.52902127

You gotta have jeets and paper hands to pump the next bullrun. Buy high/sell low, my favorite kind of consumers.

>> No.52902957
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>> No.52903468
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>> No.52903493

It's over. Just sold everything and I am killing myself.

>> No.52903515


>> No.52903519

Wtf is happening bros

>> No.52903523

Oh no no no no no lol stinkie pinkies not like this not like this

>> No.52903527
File: 178 KB, 241x489, Genius_Sheen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of fud is indicative of an incoming pump

>> No.52903533

man, what the actual fuck
can I catch a fucking break already?

>> No.52903550
File: 363 KB, 999x1405, 1668042887382380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kekekek sell sell sell sell

>> No.52903571
File: 232 KB, 1000x800, 391283812736123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slurped

>> No.52903584
File: 61 KB, 1080x865, Screenshot_20221216-224622_Binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see luncslurpers in the orderbooks

>> No.52903614

So BTC is shitting the bed again.

I just increased my stack. Luckily I was just looking at the price when it started to drop.

>> No.52903635
File: 60 KB, 822x802, 1663248251900847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking kill me

>> No.52903667
File: 34 KB, 986x201, 300k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its TR and their retarded proposals, some people talked to rexx on telegram about the v23 update being way underpriced at 300k

>> No.52903675

Seems like altcoins are shitting the bed, BTC is stable. Scam dump before a rally maybe?

>> No.52903708

Chin up anon.

Nah it's a market wide movement.

Let's hope so. I need to go to sleep, I'll see how it goes tomorrow morning. Stay strong bros.

>> No.52903713

TR just minted another 250Billion LUNC.
It's fucking over. The jews win once again.

>> No.52903883

No one is minting anything

>> No.52903910

Imagine all the energy wasted, the pollution, the man hours. And btc just goes to 0. It's almost beutiful if I wasnt about to kms

>> No.52903939 [DELETED] 

The community pool just took a nose dive. Something’s going on

>> No.52904000
File: 73 KB, 1440x810, 1000001035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52904003

It's over will be back to 0.00005 by next week

>> No.52904017

BTC crashing my net worth yet again.

>> No.52904159
File: 100 KB, 527x653, 1670030079030116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a bear market
>What is crypto winter
>What is years between bull runs
>What is hold and forget about the shit
Kek there's no guarantees but imagine panicking like a woman over price movements in this bear market lmao fucking even

Bros I do kek, I really do

>> No.52904174

This always happens after the first leg down. There's always a second leg down

>> No.52904280

Just sucked down another couple mil, so comfy

>> No.52904290
File: 221 KB, 1678x2048, 123781231263712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just wait for it shlomo

>> No.52904391

You only lose money if you sell. Dont sell, don’t lose money. It’s that easy, just hodl and forget for another year or two.

>> No.52904413
File: 204 KB, 1700x1253, 1508980853527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I got a plan, if it goes to 0.000000000 I'll buy all the supply and burn it, for us! WAGMI

>> No.52904423

Good, fag. This shitcoin needs more shakeouts, there's too many fudniggers, ogreniggers, and weak handed faggots

>> No.52904507
File: 17 KB, 400x321, 198231627836213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta shortsqueeze greedy bobos at last...

>> No.52904591
File: 2.49 MB, 498x280, DONKEY THE PRICE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf happened to the price? It's really fuckin' going back to 0.00005 isn't it?

>> No.52904678

how many times did i tell you clowns to sell. I told you what was going to happen.

Stupid arrogant biz fucks.

keep watching your money vaporize

>> No.52904738

Yea sell so I can get up to 25 mil already. I'm ~3 mil short.

>> No.52904744

most chains actually have competent people and leadership. this chain has zero leadership and clowns like this guy and rex alienating the community with every comment. these clowns are comparing themselves to actual teams, when they're more like a clowncar trying to charge bmw prices when they're barely even a kia.
bearish af. not putting in a single cent more and considering everything I have in this already lost.

>> No.52904853
File: 98 KB, 634x911, article-0-0EDC353A00000578-436_634x911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically think that the play with LUNC is to buy as much as you can in order to, at some point, outdo paper shorter trannies

>> No.52904930

Don't forget the inevitable 12 inch third leg too

>> No.52905003

If this gains another zero I'm gonna slurp so hard

>> No.52905039


>> No.52905120

Actually, have you heard of the quantum mint? I think it's starting.

>> No.52905176

Repegg Q1 2023 still in the works?

>> No.52905199
File: 256 KB, 1146x1146, 1000001932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just opened a 20x long with 200 USD worth of lunc lol

>> No.52905633
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 4AmWiiPH_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggaheads? i warned you

>> No.52905928
File: 461 KB, 1351x1065, bobo-peeks-around-door.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knock knock knock
Hey there LUNCies, how's it going?

>> No.52905953

lmao, look at that drop. Where's your utility now?

>> No.52906259

LUNC actually seemed to have had momentum about 4 months ago. It lost most of that because of a plethora of incompetent/malicious actors dicking around and killing the project. TR are faggots and it wouldn't surprise me if they were bought out by DK to kill LUNC so everything moves to 2UNA. Hopium is that the coin is just doing the same thing SHIB did in late 2020, but I doubt it.

>> No.52906273

Fuck TR and fuck this shitcoin

>> No.52906281


>> No.52906556

>TR are faggots and it wouldn't surprise me if they were bought out by DK to kill LUNC so everything moves to 2UNA
i’ve been saying this for weeks.
this is literally what has happened.
half of TR has been constantly dropping hints than lunc is nothing but a liquidity pig for 2una

>> No.52906717

Its over

>> No.52906737

It may be over but I will go down with this ship. Never fucking selling. It's so painful.

>> No.52906813
File: 76 KB, 600x600, 1669663378009727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's over.

>> No.52906838

I hope people sell ;)

>> No.52906854
File: 180 KB, 1966x352, Screen Shot 2022-10-01 at 4.41.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.52906889

Does anyone know how much LUNC was withdrawn from Binance in the last few days? Which website would show that info?

>> No.52907044


>> No.52907119


If by repeg you mean Terra Rebels and the validators will reinsert the peg into the anuses of baggies, you are correct

>> No.52907262

It's fucking over. At least birdnigger got liquidated.

>> No.52907747

TR were 'working for free' because they had big bags and thought they could quickly raise the price to cash out, unfortunately for them they were completely retarded manchildren with no business acumen so only managed to dump the price instead. As such they are now asking 'to get paid' for simple code so they can exit

>> No.52907777
File: 2.89 MB, 1329x720, Commando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll show you, the God candle is going to make the first one look like a bobo's dick.

>> No.52907803
File: 26 KB, 781x300, 123rf-alert2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was that?

>> No.52907834

Kek is with us, Mashallah. $1 is inevitable.

>> No.52907949

Sure, just need a $7 trillion market cap

>> No.52907971
File: 789 KB, 1284x2778, D9B64F2F-6BB1-44D0-BCF5-473A8402E759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and extremely based. Pic related is a reminder these things can actually happen in todays market. WAGMI

>> No.52908046
File: 236 KB, 750x956, 0755BE3F-AE86-4982-A11D-406A84E07E5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, that pic is fake…its over

>> No.52908143

Checked. WGMI based receiver of quads.

>> No.52908248

Goreish. This now a rubic general. What were they thinking just being on 2exchanges gatio and kraken?

>> No.52908376
File: 539 KB, 640x640, 1662674851272819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52908859


>> No.52909102

Checked, WAGMI

>> No.52909355

The numbers are back. We've just witnessed the new bottom at 00012, I hope you slurped accordingly.

>> No.52909367
File: 3.89 MB, 3840x2160, 1666215767025678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, everything is working out in the backround.

>> No.52909804
File: 51 KB, 498x498, 0nuunzvata251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aint afraid of no bobos

>> No.52910964
File: 110 KB, 700x724, pallass-cat-kitty-cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patiently staking and waiting

>> No.52912215

I'm buying 1.5 million more after I eat breakfast

>> No.52912335

is wluna any good? i just don't care enough to go through the hoops to unwrap it

>> No.52912382

yes, I have 6 million just in case there is a wluna / terra luna ibc glitch

>> No.52912438

Don't forget to take a nice whosome shit

>> No.52912516

thank you, sir
it's nice knowing that the lunc community looks after each other

>> No.52912640


>> No.52912799

Low IQ ESL shitskin. kys.

>> No.52912881

Biggest wallets accumulating like never before..

>> No.52913324

>tanking to zero

>> No.52913430


>> No.52913619

dump now but wait for a big pump, jewish tricks 0,0009 this december screencap this

>> No.52913658

This is what I needed

>> No.52913731


>> No.52913768

It's over lunchads. You better merge with Luna or what your shitcoin becomes a dead shitcoin

>> No.52914059
File: 372 KB, 720x1082, sbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52914947
File: 61 KB, 540x540, 1669952763890443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those strong willed, keep holding!
Dec 28th 2022, major pump will ignite to start the FOMO race starting in Jan!

NFA, what you do with your money is your choice, but don't jump off a building after the 30th of Dec if you sell now

>> No.52914966

I'm so demoralized that this baseless hopium calmed me down.

>> No.52914967

Any hopium lads?
>fudders needn't answer.

>> No.52915014

all you need to do is take a deep breath, and look at the last 2 posts.

remember Terra Classic december update .00084
WE got this

>> No.52915044

I'm not selling and I'm compounding. I just haven't heard much beyond the 1 or 2 dumb props that passed.

>> No.52915076

what do you base this on my good friend?

>> No.52915121

not going to sat too much, but lets just say a certain man with Asian DNA is going to release more numbers, which will not make much sense to the common non observer, but the chad observers will notice a small but significant amounts of money transferred by certain man to "help" a division of teams, which would look like a coincidence when a certain channel opens up for lunc/ustc.

that is all I can say without divulging anymore info that could be pinned back

>> No.52915186

Are you an insider anon and not a "tRUsT mE bRO"?

>> No.52915220
File: 74 KB, 700x703, trump-nft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52915337
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>> No.52915400

Binance is going to collapse next btw.

>> No.52915706

As long as CZ keeps his bags I don't see any reason to sell mine. I just wish he'll survive the Jewish trickeries.

>> No.52916441
File: 229 KB, 750x920, terry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the New World Order is making their ultimately inevitable move against all of crypto like it did neutralizing Alex Jones and David Icke nearly simultaneously, we're a potential first target and we'll never make it.

>> No.52916629

the second this starts pumping again we are off to the fucking races

>> No.52916661

CZ doesn't have any bags. Just wallets holding his users' Lunc. So I guess you better sell.

>> No.52916677

lol do you really gain joy out of these type of larps?

>> No.52916682

1$ EoY, it's going to get nuckin futz.

>> No.52917073

They literally pumped 2una to stop it from mega pumping last time

>> No.52917225
File: 109 KB, 1200x675, FfE6l1DWIAEUsW3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be so satisfying to see the outcome of this finally

>> No.52917786
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>> No.52917811
File: 2.00 MB, 640x800, 1666743845000689.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy time to buy more lunc

>> No.52918000

Trips say major pump imbound. And I base this on nothing.

>> No.52918015
File: 111 KB, 1200x675, outlander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wealth beyond measure, outlander.

>> No.52918045

>The number 0.
>"I base this on nothing".
>The number zero IS nothing.

I'm cautious af with all this lingering meme magic. Staking, obvs but playing; Forever.

>> No.52918055
File: 666 KB, 1280x800, *tips trowel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So mote it be.

>> No.52918266

based magician

>> No.52918340

Do you happen to base this on a script you run to get digits on le chans? Hmmmmmmm??

>> No.52918664

Need Hopium right now.

>> No.52918667
File: 381 KB, 1124x636, Mina luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.52918738

>le script
Somebody take this Jiggaboo away from me

>> No.52918994

Kek imagine being this new

>> No.52919316
File: 1.73 MB, 220x220, 1663899093051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52919577

>imagine being this new
lol tell me you're new on /biz/ without telling me you're new on /biz/

>> No.52919788
File: 86 KB, 1665x623, LUNC_Ladder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BNB doing a 5% recovery pump
>CZ winning against dark kike magic
>Funds are safu
>LUNC is safu
Adjusting my ladder just in case. At least 5 million to sell and staking 90% to $5 like a degenerate for the next bullrun.

>> No.52919813

Lmao did you literally just give me a
>no u
Cringe newfaggot you stick out like a nigger at a science fair kek but ok

>> No.52920029


You got small dick energy desu

>> No.52920331

Throwing the word around doesn't hide the fact that you're a newfag yourself
Newfag like you really stick out like you said. keked

>> No.52921094

one more month until the great BABOONA.

>> No.52921149


>> No.52921384
File: 15 KB, 480x577, 1665016178064844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew rabbi was working for CZ

>> No.52921404
