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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52896831 No.52896831 [Reply] [Original]

>55 Billion to Africa
Why? Who voted for this? When there is so much inflation? Why are we giving Africa 55 Billion?

>> No.52896860

You mean Ukraine.

>> No.52896863

>been alive for over 10 years
>didn't learn how voting "works" in that time

>> No.52896886

desperate to have the niggers turn back to Africa instead of China. First comes the money but the ones who reject it will get first coups, then civil war and in some rare cases AFRICOM action.

>> No.52896900

They are giving 55 billion to Africa too for no fucking reason. Just giving it away. Not like the fucking Chinese who build the shit. They just give 55 billion to warlords. It’s insane

>> No.52896905

*turn back to America I'm a dolt.

>> No.52896916

He's just giving back to his people

>> No.52896917

i been telling you guys africa gongo up dca and buy duh dip

>> No.52896928

Because they have control of the money flow you fucking Queer. Also Africa is the most developing continent right now,..

>> No.52897005

Oh there's a reason. It's just to create more debt. It's gotta go to Africa, because if they sent that 55 billion anywhere else, it might not get wasted in its entiretiy and might, in some small way, slow down the planned global economic destruction.

>> No.52897013
File: 274 KB, 637x865, 8691 - arm bloodshot_eyes clothes crying fail full_body glasses hair hand leg lips missing_teeth open_mouth piss soyjak spit text tumor variant chudjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to >>>/pol/ you genetic failures.

>> No.52897108

no they're not.

>> No.52897110

It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred million votes or more could ever do
I make it rain down in Africa

>> No.52897190

To help our fellow man achieve their dreams despite their circumstances in life
>Who voted for this?
You did
>When there is so much inflation?
What inflation? Check the historical inflation numbers in the US, they always bounce around at 4-8%; currently were at 5%
>Why are we giving Africa 55 Billion?
Read my first response. As an American you should be helping those that are less fortunate.

>> No.52897232

as a white person who lives in africa
i like democrats and the biden administration

>> No.52897267


>> No.52897336
File: 108 KB, 1085x1079, ElNpds6XIAAhwsm (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgiving student loans
>that is heckin unconstitutional
>Sending billions to foreign countries for war etc
>Hello based department

>> No.52897411

>print usd
>african countries whose reserve is in usd can't afford to buy your wheat let alone other shit
>burgers complain they gave some paper money to countries that are already fucked by using it despite it not being backed by shit

>> No.52897466

it will be worthless soon anyway, so who cares if they print more and give it away?

>> No.52897827

Are you pretending to be retarded or are you actually looking for a real answer?

>> No.52897860

>voting matters

>> No.52897940

its called dollar diplomacy chud. also if the money is in africa it helps inflation, because it cant be spent here

>> No.52897951

Thanks fren for making me laugh for a split second during my tax hell nation's collapse

>> No.52897987

Know your place, white boy.
If you must know why, it's called conflict minerals and Africa is full if it.

>> No.52897997
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>> No.52897999

>get taxed
>tax goes to another country
>that country uses it to send infinite niggers
>this fights inflation

>> No.52898020
File: 81 KB, 960x960, 1581825548964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s insane
Shut the fuck up, bitch ass.
Go hustle for 55 billion dollars if it bothered you so much, fucking pansies.

>> No.52898070
File: 151 KB, 660x751, walmart-people6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conflict minerals and all the cobalt you can ask for.
White boys upset his tiny little European continent has been thoroughly pillaged and stripped of resources.
>Everyone I don't like is a pajeet!
>A child's guide to /pol/ arguments.
Get new material, white boy.

>> No.52898892

Nice bait. Have a (you)

>> No.52898953

Also not a single person mentioning Africa is lost to, completely beholden, and getting filled with Chinese so part of our tax money will literally be spent to prop up Chinese people and Chinese business interests in Africa. God bless America. Historians will spend hundreds of years trying to parse exactly why the country hated itself so much it committed suicide. I wonder if any of them will ever figure out the real (((reason)))