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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53152500 No.53152500 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53152531

minecraft them.

>> No.53152544
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Well you're basically stealing their money so it makes sense

>> No.53152548
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I'm sorry anon you know the rules of bizreal we had to sue you.

>> No.53152567

You will pay us wether you like it or not

>> No.53152594
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>> No.53152619
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saaaan salvador
saaaan salvador

>> No.53152631
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Indeed. Our data collected shown us OP was thinking he was a wise guy dodging short term gains on his leveraged trades. Casino needs liquidity simple as otherwise other anons cant make gains.

>> No.53152646


Prove it.

>> No.53152649

for what?

>> No.53152689

tell them to get fucked. moldy labia.

>> No.53152851

Unpaid taxes from 5 years ago. I had planned on killing myself, so I cashed out my 401k and traveled the world. I ended up not killing myself but never paid tax on it so now I owe almost $40k

>> No.53152911

>now I owe almost $40k
How much did you cash out/not pay tax on?
I bet you thought you were in the clear after 5 years
Good luck though bro. I hate the tax niggers as much as anyone.

>> No.53152920

you got 5 extra years, be happy

>> No.53152992
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>> No.53153067

What a fucking pussy

>> No.53153096

sounds like now would be the time to kill yourself then

>> No.53153120


>> No.53153142

>have >100k capital dispositions a year

good luck auditing me, IRS. lmao yes I sold 0.00001 NIGGERS on Jan 1 12:01am for a capital loss of 0.00000001cents. heres my hand written record to prove it. 99,999 to go.

>> No.53153256

Hire an attorney and then have that attorney hire a CPA using a kovel letter and then have the CPA look for errors in the IRS #s.

>> No.53153263

Top lel

>> No.53153312


>> No.53153389

File any back returns. Then OIC. If you are broke they will always settle.

>> No.53153408

get fucked, nigger goon

>> No.53153437

do they send people to jail for taxes anymore? or do they just garnish wages?

>> No.53153595
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Burn your passport and come to germany. We are basically giving away free citizenships. Just tell them that you are from syria or afghanistan. You can easily live on Burgergeld like a King until your case is closed in 15+ years.

>> No.53153619

But don't come if you're black

>> No.53153641

does this actually work

>> No.53153663

He'll need to look like a Pakistani hoodrat or darker, they won't take him if he's white.

>> No.53153782

he needs the passport to travel dumdum

>> No.53153794

this but in minecraft

>> No.53154894

duno about the US but here in the UK non-violent, non-drug offences such as fraud you will usually get sent to an open prison which is like heaven compared to regular prisons. you're not locked up in a cell, you have space to roam and are even allowed out in public under supervision.

>> No.53155488

happens to the best, imagine having to screw them so badly that they sue you
I hope god is with you and that at least you come out of it well, I will pray for you while I keep looking for legal loopholes to avoid paying taxes and keep paying for my vinu bags

>> No.53155518

Try and do a deal .. initiate some contact .. ty to speak with someone there who’s not a total cunt and really try your hardest to make them sympathetic…I’ve seen it work many times.. my friend is accountant who does this with and for clients

>> No.53155533

I have Jan 6th court today.
Buy Litecoin

>> No.53155691

That's nothing

>> No.53157068


Depending on your net worth, if you are rich enough, I could do this for you:

1) get your clean criminal records before they get tarnished, you will need them later.

2) fly to cambodia. For a substantial amount of money i can get you full nationality legally by king's decree in 10 days and get a new name. (This includes passport, ID and so on). A clean criminal record makes it much easier.

2A) if you are very rich before the Cambodian passport we can get another nationality by investment from a tax haven.

4) Cambodia has no income tax and dosen't tax money you bring in from abroad. Also doesn't issue TIN numbers so you can open trading accounts in US brokerage firms without tin. And local banks don't ask about FACTA forms and such if you have a local ID.

So you could literally trade tax free from cambodia and have a brand new identity.

>> No.53157450
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>> No.53157628

you can literally settle for pennies on the dollar with these fucks. unless you already did, then do what that guy did with an airplane and an irs building