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53204439 No.53204439 [Reply] [Original]

why waste money on condoms and pills when you can just fuck a girl in her butt

>> No.53204468

Why waste money on women who dont even have a useful job/productive members of society, and fuck them in the butt; when you can just fuck a man.
Take the redpill on homosex. Money for activities, depravity, travel, good times

>> No.53204486
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faggotry is gay

>> No.53204527
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Pulling out is free.

>> No.53204530


>> No.53204548

OPs figured out how to tell us he’s a homo without overtly saying he’s a homosexual

>> No.53204558
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wash her ass out with warm water first, just stick a hose in it and fill her up with warm water then she lets the water out

>> No.53204601
File: 588 KB, 1024x574, Tonegawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then she will need to use diaper because of doing stupid shit to the body, no thanks, pussy is good

>> No.53204679

this logic is why aids became so pervasive in the first world

>> No.53204697

>yeah bro just rinse out something that has been carrying shit for decades it will smell fine

>> No.53204736

I only fuck asian girls in the ass because I don't want to risk making a mongrel halfbreed Kalergi mutt. White girls only get it in the pussy, no condom.
t. white man

>> No.53204767

Supremely based white man

>> No.53204856

aids is from heroin use, gay men having unprotected orgies and beastiality, not straight couples having anal sex

>> No.53204924

That's stupid. Men can't get pregnant. If you fuck a girl in the ass then her butt gets pregnant. You get a pregnant butt. Which you then can exchange for BTC or whatever.

>> No.53205015
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Osaka highly approves!

>> No.53205149
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>for decades
Anon... you're not on reddit.

>> No.53205277
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I've been pulling out thrice a week for 2 years, can confirm.
In the beginning, I got carried away once but luckily my dick is so long that by the time it reached the tip, I was out

>> No.53206043

Most men don’t know but you can get a very nasty bacterial infection from ass fucking with no condom.
Bacteria gets in through your urethra (peehole for non medical types). The urethra is a mucous membranes just inside. Bacteria gets in there and makes its way up your urinary tract to your prostate.
Good times will then commence.
Use condoms frens. Or sheep intestines if you are worried about environment.

>> No.53206110

I've had anal sex hundreds of times with women (female)

Never a problem.

>> No.53206124

Ignorance is bliss.
But if you ever get a UTI you will know where now.
I have been ass pounding Ukrainian whores for months now but always wear a condom because well because they are whores.