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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53230666 No.53230666 [Reply] [Original]

why is it pumping?

>> No.53230680

sorry we can't afford bobos anymore

>> No.53230685

Checked satan
What recession has a booming job market?

>> No.53230692

Soon bobos won't have the luxury of living

>> No.53230698

After 13 months constant red are you scared from a 3% green? Lel

>> No.53230708

>constant red
why lie?

>> No.53230713

Think about it, retard. We were in a recession and the government denied it. NOW the media is saying we're about to enter a recession to scare people from buying here. Media spamming recession = bullish. Recession is ending soon. Cpi being bullish tomorrow = btc is going to have a nasty ass leg up. This shit is nothing

>> No.53230719

>I thought.
Your head cannon doesn't match reality.

>> No.53230739

>why lie?
Are you retarded? Zoom the fuck out you smooth brain.
Bitcoin is down from the All Time High.

>> No.53230794

there was a few billion dollar in liquidations all the way up to 18k. market makers gonna eat good this week.

>> No.53230823

this, need more retards to long while i layer in my shorts for 12k

>> No.53230892


>> No.53230907
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>> No.53230925

high iq take

>> No.53230950 [DELETED] 

high = buy
low = sell

it's not that hard

>> No.53231035
File: 29 KB, 554x554, AADFCE06-65F6-4B35-9964-056B71460330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it from me, a seasoned wagenigger.
Wageniggers are fed up. This time it’s different, something has broken and it’s not only me, all of my colleagues and friends share the same sentiment. Everyone is sick of working and has had the curtain pulled from their eyes, even the most simple dumbest gorilla wage nigger realizes that he is wasting his life waging. There’s feelings are only being compounded by stagnant wages and rapid inflation; what is the point of wage slaving 50+ hours a week if you can only afford ramen and can’t buy a house meanwhile shekelberg and his buddies yuk it up making millions?
The solution? Bet everything on crypto. Every wagenigger I’ve spoken with over the past couple of months have tried to shill me some type of bag. This kind of sentiment and public discourse about crypto has been unheard of until now. If you’re going to be put into debt over a ducking carton of eggs why not just Yolo half of your paycheck into shitcoins and pray for a miracle? It’s essentially the same sentiment 90% of /biz/ has had for years but now the wageniggers are catching on. 4chan has always been a bellwether for ideals before they hit the mainstream, if you doubt this just look at how much /pol/ has shaped American discourse over the past few years. Now it’s /biz/s turn.

I recommend you stock up on shitcoins now because this market is going to be insane come summer when job layoffs are at their peak and former wageniggers are gambling their entire unemployment checks on dogeshitcunnycoin while living in their parents’ basement. It’s the new meta.

>> No.53232338

niggers arent high iq. what a moron.

>> No.53232388
File: 817 KB, 1640x1699, EE44650C-18C5-4333-9F34-FC046629BAA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be pretty obvious

>> No.53233561
File: 133 KB, 848x1200, EzfwK_6VcAAV0V_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen up, boberino. i'm only gonna say this once. recessions are a scam. the only ones hurting are banks. people are paying their monthly cc bills, no probs, still buying shit, job reports good, the economy is fine, but banks are greedy. they manufacture a recession as an excuse to raise interest rates to nominal highs while denying fake money when the economy is good every 3-4 years. this also looks good globally for the USD, it's like the US banks credit report to the world showing their scamming us good again. get it, bobitch?