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53301403 No.53301403 [Reply] [Original]

I’m basically mid 20s and constantly told how low maintenance/ mature I’m for my age

In all kinds of business/work/academic/private relationships, I’m pushed to and told to open up
I don’t have a concept of quality of life/ only ahedonia, so it will never work properly
How should I hedge/profit in this regard? Waste no further time.

>> No.53301467

>I’m basically mid 20s and constantly told how low maintenance/ mature I’m for my age
I have gotten this for my whole teenage life to now(21). I realized it isn't really a compliment it's the only good thing they can think about you because you are boring as fuck.

>> No.53301529

yeah I get this from pretty much all strangers and acquaintances. I have a few envious friends that would say the exact opposite though

>> No.53301535

try nestling your face between the butt cheeks of a hot woman

>> No.53301560

OK well, the bad news is that you are here. So it can only get worse.

>> No.53301568
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>butt cheeks
Poop has been sliding out of there since she was born.

>> No.53301743

Try cocaine.

>> No.53301748

And that's a good thing

>> No.53301784

u;re gae

>> No.53301803

How does one fix this
It’s ogre

>> No.53301833

Try reading the Bible and forming a relationship with your creator and giving your time and energy to a righteous cause that will help other people. Stop being a self loathing depressed moron thats caught in the same repetitive pattern of unfulfilling nothingness because you are too self absorbed. Think outside the box

>> No.53301929

Imagine being brainwashed with porn and cool memes and normalizing the degeneracy of the west imposed by jews. Asses are supposed to be disgusting yet people nowadays glorify licking buttholes, sucking feet, pissing and shitting each other. West is doomed, and I'm not talking about Adam you fag

>> No.53301955

>righteous cause
Like what?

Feeding niggers in Africa and wifing up 30Yr old born again Christian Alicia with 2 kids?

>> No.53302035

It’s psychological abuse, essentially what they are saying is that you are not where you should be at your age in terms of relationships, job, and money/success. They are calling you a loser. In reality though it’s gaslighting, they make it seem to be your fault and blame you for being a “loser” and not meeting their standards of normal when the truth is it’s not your fault society is fucking shit, most of us if we were born in the time of boomers would all own homes, have wives and kids and be considered stable/normal but the game has changed things are much harder now but nobody especially older people will admit it, usually out of pride/ego, they like to feel better then us and don’t want to come to terms with the reality that their generation fucked things up for us

>> No.53302046

You sound like an unhinged incel. Time to have sex, pal

>> No.53302068
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>> No.53302091

>normies are trying to destroy your sigma status

Just stay focused on your craft. Newton was a celebrity, imagine all the pussy trying to throw itself at him when he was invited to the kings banquets.

>> No.53302120

Means youre a pussy who doesnt take risks
Start doing hard interesting important shit

Nobody likes a riskless man

>> No.53302169

You’re not attractive enough sorry anon if you were handsome they wouldn’t say that to you

>> No.53302233
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>Think outside the box
>Try reading the Bible

>> No.53302389

Hopefully he meant the Tanakh and not that cucked "New Testament" goyslop.

>> No.53302429

It's ogre unless you want to be less responsible and do normie shit like partying drinking and sleeping with a bunch of women.

>> No.53303044


>> No.53304219


>> No.53305336


>> No.53306788

Probably look young for your age, I stopped getting the you are mature for your age soundbite from normies by 18. Still told I'm quiet though, but any topic I can speak to would end with me getting ostracized. So its better to keep that side of myself for like minded people.
Try to engage on topics of interest to them, and dumb it down. It sucks ass to do but masking will get them off your case.

>> No.53307020
File: 73 KB, 640x480, Oh lawd he screamin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably part of the tiny minority of human beings that can:
>show up to work mostly on time
>do so without being noticeably high or drunk
>follow a set of three or more directions
>not immediately take any criticism of work or effort as a personal attack like you're a girl with Borderline Personality Disorder.
>Has the prudence not to bore people with your niche interests or talk about personal problems with people who cannot help fix them.

You have things you enjoy, you just aren't doing them. You have people you can engage with in a non-transactional way, even if you haven't met them. Consider the world you live in; would you think its a compliment if they told you how well adjusted to it you are?