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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53315874 No.53315874 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53315883

old news

>> No.53315890

why do old headlines pop up so much as new headlines? i swear this happened a couple weeks ago

>> No.53315898


This Whale account is retarded. Thanks for 6 month old news bro.

>> No.53315902
File: 67 KB, 1155x900, 51-6-e1589924804720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP solves this

>> No.53315916

It's just political posturing

>> No.53315963


>> No.53316065
File: 74 KB, 720x516, Screenshot_20230117-104306~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 hours ago, faggot

>> No.53316157

Sure, biggest news on the dollar since 1971

>> No.53316185

Good. They can deal with the Iranians by themselves. Or beg Israel for help. Not our problem.

>> No.53316188

Imagine the smell if they began accepting Bitcoin?

>> No.53316194

Post your hand. I bet you are so fucking black.

>> No.53316204

Checked and orange ID

>> No.53316218

this is old as shit news i.e. from 2022. Why are they repeating it?

>> No.53316224

Just because it's been reported again doesn't mean its new news. I've known about this for over 6 months and first heard about it from that boomer rich dad poor dad guy who certainly didn't break the news. It's in fact you who are a faggot, and a laggard at that

>> No.53316232

>Not our problem
You think the people that run your country give a shit about you and won't jump ship at the earliest convenience? The world is changing, anon. The US is finished. The timeline is debatable, but it could be a lot sooner than you think. America has cancer, and it's eating away faster all the time.

>> No.53316261

Yeah, sure, Amercia is dead. Surely China with their corn bridges will be the new pooper power.

>> No.53316273

Checked, but unlikely. If it feels like cryptocurrency is haram, it's because it is.

>> No.53316638


>> No.53317402

What are you talking about? A few weeks ago Xi Jinping went to Saudi Arabia and said that China would like to settle oil trades in yuan. Now the Saudis are officially responding

>> No.53317418

capitalism is a ponzi scheme simple as

>> No.53317451

I'm open to having sex with Taylor Swift, but that doesn't really mean anything now does it?

>> No.53317454

btc mcp trillions imminent

>> No.53318018
File: 1.29 MB, 408x218, principal-billy-madison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It very well could.....

>> No.53318036

you got it wrong. This is as if Taylor Swift was open to have sex with you. If Saudi Arabia is open to trade in Yuans why would China decline? Still old news, dating as far as March 2022

>> No.53318141

taylor swifts handler here. are you black? if yes, shoot me an email at cohenshekelwitz@mindgeek.us with a pic of your BBC. Maybe I can arrange something.

>> No.53318250
File: 188 KB, 645x773, 674BEFC8-8BC0-44F1-AA31-49DC9895A80E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey

>> No.53318303

its funny how this happens after israel and saudi arabia sign peace deals

>> No.53318308

XRP schizos have known this for months
Get on our level nigger

>> No.53318475

In other news, an Isis 2.0 has just been created in Middle East with the goal of conquering Saudi Arabia