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53403582 No.53403582 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53403625

>should not be called a blockchain
>should not be called a blockchain
>should not be called a blockchain
Finally, someone is getting it.
Blockchain not needed.

>> No.53403644
File: 210 KB, 1242x1242, fcvresf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedera incels are just pathetic.

Cardano chads win without even trying.

>> No.53403662

W8 this is so true

>> No.53403673

> OMG, come on… you are comparing open permissionless Cardano with 3200 validators to private centralized blockchain with 27 nodes where no one can join without council permission. This should not called blockchain, more like bank or private database.
I mean I don’t see the lie here kek. Cardano has thousands of validators, no VC, compare that to a centralized database with billions of tokens owned by a bunch of corporations and a shittier tokenomics than bitconnect enough to make Madoff blush in his tush.

>> No.53403694
File: 40 KB, 600x600, pepecorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl, this thread is going to be entertaining

>> No.53403726
File: 60 KB, 596x402, hbar_charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBAR chads!! Are you going to take this bent over? HBaggies assemble!!

>> No.53403773
File: 268 KB, 1125x648, EE9727F9-C943-4955-9489-CD11D0870292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one? Hedera has nodes in every continent with no two nodes on the same cloud provider. This Slovenian esl is purposefully misconstruing muh decentralization. Who gives a shit about 1300 nodes if half are in America? If cardano, a common enterprise, gets a visit from Gary, the network could get shut down.

>> No.53403825
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x2268, 20221020_204144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but the thing is, corporate interest really does control hbar

>> No.53403883

Well that’s the trade off. Random whales or a single whale or a gc. Even Charles said he wished they had a gc.

>> No.53403924

>HBAR chads!! Are you going to take this bent over? HBaggies assemble!!
>Yeah but the thing is
This reply does not fit contextually. Update your coding please you third world piece of binaric shit.

>> No.53403925


Hedera incel centralized cope

>> No.53403927
File: 1.12 MB, 256x256, 2DA049FD-D214-4B5D-BFD4-AA8D980A826E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ada is best because it just is okay! it doesn’t matter there is no dapps because…uhm..Charles is chad! Look at this meme, so based an redpilled! Hbaggies cope and seethe!

>> No.53403982

So there are still 650 nodes outside of America. How many does Hedera have?

>> No.53403986

Zero counter argument

>> No.53404022

Enjoy getting shut down and blacklisted wallets. Eth is being forced to blacklist wallets and it’s more decentralized than ada

>> No.53404469
File: 10 KB, 194x259, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally don't post on stuff like these, but for the few lurkers that care here it is :

If you want to build a secure network that is still here in 100 years, you start with a solid foundation.

That's it really.

Hedera has to make sure that the network, which is fragile at the moment compared to the monster it will become, doesn't fall into "bad hands". Like, most networks that claim to be decentralized which truly aren't.
Like Bitcoin :
or Ethereum : >https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/09/15/eth-may-already-be-showcasing-increased-signs-of-centralization/

Hedera aims to be as decentralized as humanly possible.
The network needs to grow on the shoulder of the most respectable companies right now, that would be held accountable if anything shady were to happen to the network.
That's the same reason for the slow unlocking of tokens. But no, goys would prefer individuals like Master Bankman running the show!

Then, once this foundation is secure (will be this year), and Hedera is proclaimed as the de facto enterprise network, you can open it up a bit with community nodes. Then once this foundation is secure also (I'm guessing 2 years like these), we could open the nodes for everyone.

What is truly the level decentralization to build the trust layer of the internet ?
I don't want my social credit "good goy" number to be held by a group of chinese miners.
I don't want my coupons for "real meat" rations to be decided by AWS and their friends.
But most of y'all dont see that far, this is why you'll pass on Hbar and seethe in a few years when you Digital Fed Wallet gets confiscated (again).

Leemon is building the tool for ultimate tokenization of our world, ultimate control of our digital life, and ultimate seethe for nocoiners.
Not selling one single Hbar before staking is live (DONE), sharding is live and stocks are tokenized.

>> No.53404530

HBAR is completely centralized with only 27 nodes, while Cardano has over 3,200 stakepools all operated by the community hosted on decentralized infrastructure.

Cope more Hedera incel/baggie


>> No.53404543

You should try the eyepatch method.

>> No.53404546

i remember you, always nice to read your posts

>> No.53406148

Based Chalamet poster

>> No.53407493

Holy cope

>> No.53408195

Peter Oravec on fire at the moment, so fucking based.

>> No.53408646

I have to agree with adachad here, all those venture capitalists can shove it. Fuck being their exit liquidity and fuck being data farmed on top of that.

>> No.53408696

cardano 0 dapps