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File: 218 KB, 2022x713, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53434894 No.53434894 [Reply] [Original]

>It's not the % drop that matter. Is's the trend reversal.
>Could say it feels like btc is losing ste-ACK
Come out you faggot I want you in my thread.

>> No.53435498
File: 419 KB, 3668x1554, 1674581450432213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem angry.

>> No.53435737

You’ve wasted precious years of your time waiting for a number to go up so you could brag on the internet against a bunch of strangers. No number bitcoin hits will reverse the pathetic squalor that is your life.

>> No.53435877

And bears waste their pathetic lives for a number on a screen to go down

>> No.53435894
File: 186 KB, 610x748, 1673739591989878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe you fucking bearcels seethe.

>> No.53436001

>You’ve wasted precious years of your time waiting for a number to go up so you could brag on the internet against a bunch of strangers. No number bitcoin hits will reverse the pathetic squalor that is your life.

It seems like you're projecting your life on others.

>> No.53436132

I ain’t a bear

It’s the truth, and I don’t care about any of you. Just looking for a good tragedy

>> No.53436203

you dont have to look far then just go look in a mirror and you will see the biggest walking tragedy on earth

>> No.53436211

you sound nervous, retarded mumu. my liq is so far away from your dreams you wouldn't even believe

>> No.53436234

What an absolute burn JFC

>> No.53436278

Yeah, just call someone ugly and they’ll go away.

What are you going to do with your cash when bitcoin moons?

>> No.53436313
File: 153 KB, 650x650, 1647718716504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA fucking told you bearcel 24k today you low iq tards fell for the same shit twice HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

>> No.53436327
File: 125 KB, 1000x1000, 1674680392792038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it feels like seething when you dedicate an entire post to an anon who threw sand into that gaping wound you call a vagina, it's because it is.
Nothing you say matters anyway. You'll leave the board after BTC drops below 16k again. Don't think we didn't notice when you went all quiet after the FTX collapse, like a coward.

>> No.53436362
File: 73 KB, 609x505, 1669810787940478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>words, words, words
All this seethe for nothing we will pump to 24k and your little graph will be thrown into the trash just your mother did with you.

>> No.53436456

Better take profits now.

>> No.53436473
File: 278 KB, 660x606, 1647462636587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ain’t a bear
>Better take profits now.
Why are you lying bobocel, what are you hiding we will pump to 30k and you will get a new hole from the green dildo.

>> No.53436491

I’m more of a crab. But fine, don’t take profits then.

>> No.53436536

All cartoon animal posters must hang

>> No.53436546

>I’m more of a crab
>I base my whole investment strategy around an animal larp
Holy shit fucking cringe even the bobotard in the first post is less of a loser than you.
>inb4 no I just daytrade in the crab market

>> No.53436582

Getting mad at some guy online is super based though. When do you cash out?

Yep. I wonder why other animals besides the black swan are never posted.

>> No.53436588

lotsa mumu cope on this board
btc couldn't even touch 24k in two weeks. lmfao. go up a bit more so i can short again

>> No.53436658

It took 5 months to get back up to this point. I wonder how much backrent they owe just to DCA back into the black?

>> No.53436688
File: 22 KB, 474x502, 2121df12f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53436721

>They are still in denial
I told this faggot >>53435498 that we will pump to 24k and I was right and you are still coping. The bull market is back and you have missed the bottom AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.53436845

>The bull market is back
sure it is, mumu

>> No.53436903

Who cares? You’re probably an idiot that bought the top anyway.

>> No.53437167

It’s starting to die now, not too late to take profits. Unless you think there’s a mega pump coming up

>> No.53437265


>> No.53437310

Stop getting so fucking cocky mumu.
Your days are limited.

>> No.53437322


>> No.53437342

Maybe in a couple more years. Will you cash out then? It’s easy to look at a line go up, but it’s hard to actually profit off this shit.

>> No.53437352

I mean, if your chart is right the only thing you would get is another bottom at similar levels. So why the fuck not just buying 4 weeks ago???

>> No.53437532

kys lmao

>> No.53437554

>back to 23K

You guys want to take profits now or wait for a moonshot?

>> No.53437592

kek. Imagine being (you) right now....

>> No.53437611

that's a bit too optimistic there. 8k

>> No.53437634

these mumus must love public humiliation. Imagine these mumus family members that have to live with these idiots.

>> No.53437726

Maybe. What kills me is that they could make thousands from this fake pump alone, but they’re busy gloating to strangers online. I hate crypto: it’s a cult for gambling.

>> No.53437829

Sad thing is that he's all mad at me and I was one of the few bobos who wasn't rubbing the rejection in mumus face and was warning other bobos not to get euphoric last night.
I actually do respect mumus for having conviction in their bags, but holy shit some of them have gotten deranged over the last year.
If I was a doctor, I'd be be writing a thesis on Bagholder Induced Dementia.

>> No.53437854

chart appears to show imminent bart

>> No.53437886

I’m not trying to rub in anything, but I don’t respect all this bagholding in the slightest. Crypto is something you supposedly make money off of, it’s not supposed to be an identity or something you boast about owning.

>> No.53437903

But they expect to make money in the long run, is what I mean. I personally think crypto is for trading, not hodling, but to each his own.

>> No.53437940

Yeah, that’s it exactly. You gotta trade to make money. Maybe not day trade, but crypto holding for the long run isn’t a wise investment.

>> No.53437952

Poor mumus are quiet. They didn’t take profits yet.

>> No.53438113

Ok, so bitcoin’s pumping back up a little. Do you mumus want to brag a little more before it’s too late?

>> No.53438171

Hey man, your seethe is showing

>> No.53438222

My seethe is showing? Is that why you didn’t post for a few minutes?