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File: 143 KB, 747x728, PFIZERISDONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53445141 No.53445141 [Reply] [Original]

Pfizerbros.. how can I profit off a Blackrock-owned company making viruses themselves to sell more vaccines?

>> No.53445173

Does this mean work from home is back?

>> No.53445197

>source: trust me bro
>t. anti vaxxer
yeah, no.

>> No.53445208
File: 121 KB, 741x849, pussies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so far, it means google is aiding them by hiding this story. they are shitting themselves lmao

>> No.53445219

robert malone literally invented mRNA technology, brainlet

>> No.53445234

I don't care, he lost his credibility post-covid.

>> No.53445245

Lmfao we live in a fucking scam.
The military should blast all of the pharma companies to ashes. Isn't that why we have the military? To fight the bad guys? Lmfao

>> No.53445260

>invents mRNA
>takes it himself
>later tells people not to take it
Yeah, I just avoided it outright. I'm obviously much smarter than Robert Malone.

>> No.53445289

What am I missing here? All he's saying is that if we can intentionally mutate the virus into something against which there already exists a vaccine the negative impact of that virus would essentially be negated.
That doesn't sound like a bad idea if you can pull it off. Why are people getting butthurt over this?

>> No.53445299

he didn't take it, his stance was always against the use of mRNA. he's been banned for it since the beginning stages of the plandemic

glowies doing damage control eh? get your bosses some donuts, dog.

>> No.53445305
File: 727 KB, 799x599, 1671321145828647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covid is a cataclysmic bio-weapon, but you shouldn't protect yourself from it
>also covid is a hoax

>> No.53445338

he did take it

>> No.53445344

so not only they are aware of the side effects while playing dumb (Bourla said no safety signals were found whatsoever) but now the want to expand their "business" for more blood money and more complications and death. seems normal to me in this clown world.

>> No.53445426

They've been grasping at straws for the last 3 years and are desperate to find anything that could make them feel like they were right.
The world has moved on from Covid, nothing has happened, but just like moon-landing deniers or 9/11 conspiracy theorists they just can't let go.

>> No.53445447

virus mutate by themselves and as they do that, they get weaker but more contagious as already happened
pfizer clearly wanna mutate it into a new dangerous strain that they wanna provides jabbies for to make more money
we don't need and never have needed le jab, it was always useless against the virus and more debatably more risky than catching the virus, the dice is rolled on serious side effects each booster, imagine being a 4 time boostie madman. the ultimate russian roulette with no prize for winning lmao
covids is all over now anyway but the jabbies will forever taint peoples ovaries, sperm counts and veins

>> No.53445457

it must suck to think you're bringing truth to people and nobody cares or listens
at least they try unlike trump

>> No.53445506

source with timestamp
they did a safety review of the DATABASE. so they are in the clear since they pay docs not to report side effects nor vax status in the dead. they did not report the full extension of the side effects in the CLINICAL TRIALS on children as well. I know that from the parents speaking out and getting banned on social media for it.

>> No.53445548

Nobody will care as long as they're not starving to death.

>> No.53445566

PV is famous among politically active people, which is a big part of what politics is about really. But yeah the typical normie probably doesnt even know what PV is

>> No.53445579

Don’t bet against big pharma anon. It’ll be memoryholed in 3 days max.

>> No.53445585
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captcha: ST222

>> No.53445668

>All he's saying is that if we can intentionally mutate the virus into something against which there already exists a vaccine
Far from my understanding of what he is saying..
As i interpret it, the virus in the free mutate into all these variants which the vaccine don't work on, if they mutate the virus into new variants and then create vaccines against these new variants, then when the virus that is 'in the wild' mutate into a new variant, then they can check to see if this new variant is the same as one they already have made a vaccine against.

>> No.53445744

To try and clarify.
They make variants of Covid in a lab, for the purpose of making vaccine against these variants.
The real covid that is spreading in the real world, constantly mutate into all these variants, some of these variants might be identical to those they made in the lab and hence they will have a functional vaccine against those variants.

>> No.53445758

when will the gain-of-function ever conclude? who is gaining? at what cost to the losers?

obsessed by the "how" they could do it, humanity has forgot to ask if they should do it.

>> No.53445798

with natural evolution, viruses mutate to be contagious not deadly. only retarded viruses would kill their host. this is what anon was saying earlier

they will engineer one more impactful that requires the vax (or makes them $ in sales). in any case, no positive outcome is possible.

>> No.53446017

This is a huge nothingburger.
Say, anon... did you hear that ftm is pumping? May want to go check on that. And I hear AI coins are shaping up to be all the rage

>> No.53446927

didn't got vaxxed so i don't care + not my problem + hope all vaxxies will die

>> No.53447069

When you were mutating viruses i was mutating my white blood cells.
When you were working in the lab i was training in the sewers.
While you wasted your days looking through a microscope i cultivated the micro-organism.
And now that the world is infected and the flu is in your lungs you have the audacity to come to me for help?

>> No.53447144

anything project veritas "published" was cut and edited the fuck out of. they are a unreliable source.

if you fall for their political funded click bait your being led around by your nose.

look into their work before you repost the bait

>> No.53447158

show me your shorts
it doesn't matter what pfizer does, most vaxxies will keep getting the jab because it's like a religion
the media protects pfizer
if somehow pfizer reputation gets damaged, blackrock can just rename pfizer something else