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53456139 No.53456139 [Reply] [Original]

What are acceptable reasons for a gap in a CV?

I have an applicant with a 6 week gap in their CV.

>> No.53456147

6 weeks? Into the trash they go. I can understand 2 weeks but someone going that long without a job just reeks of irresponsibility

>> No.53456155

just say you were in a coma

>> No.53456182

do not hire them. 6 weeks = lazy, they burned out, not sure about career, etc. you should only hire people currently employed.

>> No.53456204

Lol Americans are such faggot slaves. Wow 6 entire weeks! That's half my vacation time each year. Wouldn't call that a gap.

>> No.53456224

prob just held on remand while those unfounded multiple rape allegations were cleared up

>> No.53456227

what? I've had years gaps due to health issues, why is 6 weeks such a big deal? people have lives where shit happens goddamn man

>> No.53456248
File: 137 KB, 1200x640, 77A41008-5263-48B5-BA9C-7124D2B5C1AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve gone in with years as a gap and still got the job
Let’s be honest, everyone is picking chads they want to work with and not some loser with no gap in history
Last interview that asked about my gap I just told them I created a crypto (true story) and they acted like I was a genius for not working
If you’re fat and ugly and say the same thing you’ll probably get denied but people love attractive co-workers

>> No.53456257

hey daddy gusea. you got some truffles for me?

>> No.53456265

Why do Europeans always sound gay?

>> No.53456322
File: 2.82 MB, 3115x4155, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucker already made a video on it. knew he would. good on him.

>> No.53456541

6 weeks just seems like they have unresolved problems. They have not provided a reason in their letter.

>> No.53456557

it's the American obligation to behave like absolute trash

>> No.53456566

"I did some courses"
"I traveled to sick relatives"
"I took time off to travel after saving money for it"
"I had covid, I needed rehabilitation"

Ngmi you can't even pass an interview with a small gap?

>> No.53456570

Do amerislaves really?

>> No.53456599

How about:
”None of your goddamn business"

>> No.53456610

You will never make it in a competitive field.

>> No.53456612

6 weeks? LMAO
I had a 4 year CV gap no one gave a shit.

>> No.53456618

6 weeks is nothing.
If this is a real scenario, you are a faggot of a boss.
If this is a fake scenario, you are still a faggot.

>> No.53456634

I could understand a gap of 6 weeks for education, but those "family matters" excuses just stink.

>> No.53456640

6 week lol what the fuck

I have been neeting for 1.5 years and the answer is always SABBATICAL

>> No.53456643

We should first answer the question: why is a gap in a CV is unacceptable?

>> No.53456648

i have literally never been employed and am in my mid 30s
wagies sweating over not working for more than 2 weeks at a time
L M A O ing at you're lives

>> No.53456656

>My World is a Giant crab bucket
>Everyone inhabits My World

>> No.53456662


This has to be bait.

>> No.53456669

I had a 5 year gap in employment because I had money to NEET with and couldn't be arsed working, and still got a job in my field after the money ran out (software dev).

>> No.53456672
File: 233 KB, 719x688, 1642192684231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh here's a great candidate with desirable skills but he doesn't check item good boi hr box #1634, next.
>Employers undergoing massive labor shortage, we need more immigration asap.

>> No.53456678

i really wish /ck/ would just turn into a red board. it'd do the site as a whole a lot of good

>> No.53456691

Stink of what? That the guy had family matters? What do you get from someone not having any gaps in their CV which the CV with a gap like that with an explanation gives you? Can you even articulate it?

>> No.53456705

Do Europeans really read magazines?
Porn exists online bro

>> No.53456716

If they have a six week gap that means when they quit their old job they didn't have a new one lined up. If they quit jobs that easily that they couldn't even wait until they had one ready then it means they're likely to quit over basically anything and you'll lose them pretty quickly. Do not hire.

>> No.53456717

It doesn't matter. 8 billion people on the planet with more on the way and fewer and fewer jobs to take, no matter how menial or bullshit. Don't like it? Go on a shooting spree.

>> No.53456718

shoot me if i ever end up finding my dream job but it requires this cv nonsense. it sounds like a feminist joke.

>> No.53456729

why would you want too? Competitive implies lack of demand which probably means low pay. You want to work where they are they throwing money at you because there are very few people that have the skills you have.

>> No.53456730

Every hot chick has that resume and they always get hired
I’m a spaz in interviews and still get hired with over a year gap
It’s just a numbers game

>> No.53456741

They don't let it go. Even if it was a gap few years back in. One recruiter sincerely told me to fill it in with some lie or extend my previous work to that period to cover it up.

>> No.53456742

Any employer that gives a fuck and rejects on the basis of a gap in your resume should be avoided and shamed. >What, you worked for a few years and there's a year gap in your resume? Why should I hire you, you forgot everything you knew.

>> No.53456782

this is what I am thinking

>> No.53456804

Depends on how often they job hop. Are these six weeks after 5 years of employment looks completely different than six weeks after 8 weeks of employment.

>> No.53456832

I have a gap of full time employment of 6 years, been working like 3 months a year out of 3 of those years. But I'm in a business with such lack of work force I have no problems getting a job. Gonna work in April after I set up my new rental property. Life is easy. Just here to brag.

>> No.53456836

I've quit 10 jobs because I can so easily get a new one. I've never used any days for holiday. When I want a holiday I quit my job. Simple as.

>> No.53456949


>> No.53456974

I have slightly more than a 6 week gap, but maybe ChatGPT can make up some plausible bullshit to slip in.

>> No.53456991

Why does it matter? You put them on a tryout period for months anyway...

>> No.53457006

>I’m the boss now
Based employee

>> No.53457007

this is usually frowned upon lol

>> No.53457045
File: 8 KB, 222x227, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i had 10 anons posting pictures of the digital and physical magazines and issues they have any access to we would rival anything reddit is currently working on, financially especially. we may be able to even get once loyal users from their site to come here and start hanging out with us. no reason you can't apply compassion and reason to dual a respectable opponent in the battle of greater good of the peoples economy.

>> No.53457077

a gap of more than one month is like listing pronouns on the portfolio

>> No.53457245

who hires a slacker?

>> No.53457532

job hoppers are gross

>> No.53457539

My resume is a bunch of lies and you cant do anything about it

>> No.53457568

Why not just write that you was freelancing?

>> No.53457607

This is how 95 iq hr people think

>> No.53457633

2 years gap and just got hired again in my field. Sales. You are retarded. I hope you don't get any qualified people. The joke is that i don't even respond to HR wanting a cover letter or asking too many dumb questions. It's over for you guys. Take the L

>> No.53457641


>> No.53457646

What you do

>> No.53457679

HR caught up to this meme, they'll now ask for client references or documents/details
>tell me more about your freelancing experience
you can definitely 100% still bs your way through that, but they can mark it down as a gap either way since so many people do that now.
>tfw freelancing gig was selling weed
>got the job
>still selling (and consuming) weed

>> No.53457707

3 or 4 people colluding together can get any amount of 6 figure positions through the act of deception

Get some friends, get a good life

>> No.53457849

I chose when I want to be a slave, it used to be this way before the industrialization.
Not like they aren't gonna hire me.
Secret. Don't want competition, if I got that no one would hire me.

>> No.53457905

Is Benjamin Cowen the Adam Ragusea of /biz/?

>> No.53457916


>> No.53457924

This. Everyone I work with has a 1-3 year CV gap. No one gives a fuck anymore especially after lockdowns fucked everyone up.

>> No.53458039

6 week gap is ok if you are 19

>> No.53458064

good luck selling lattes

>> No.53458086


>> No.53458144

"Why yes, that was when I did not have a job."

>> No.53458163

Very true.
But such nieches are either hard to find or don't last long, or maybe they require a very specific kind of person.

With the unemployment rate at 3.5% it's very comfy how many job offers I get.

>> No.53458175


>> No.53458253

>1 guy with 11 posts talking to himself about how you should work 2 jobs so you never have a gap
This board is bad whether it's jeets posting scams or fags posting larps.

>> No.53458276
File: 467 KB, 2076x1196, mturk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gaps in CV

Resume gap?


Tell them you were working from home for Amazon through mturk (mturk.com - sign up for a worker account) doing Data Entry.

>> No.53458286
File: 145 KB, 720x639, new strat job application nflstreet tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53458300

Just lie nigger. My life and career became infinitely better when I just started lying

>> No.53458301

You guys are so fucking stupid. No wonder there's so many indians shilling scams here.

>> No.53458497

i bet you must be so independent

>> No.53458536

>Aha, mturk!
>So, you'll be fine with $2.63 per hour then Anon?

>> No.53458564

Test post
Onions onions baseddev cringe
Soi soi soidev

>> No.53458577

Why does söydev wordfilter to baseddev and not onionsdev

>> No.53458584

Any reason at all. Work isn't that important

>> No.53458595

just lie
lie about everything
every single shitbag company you apply to is going to lie why shouldn't you

>> No.53458599

Id probably end the interview with you if you ever asked about a gap smaller than 2 years, let alone 6 weeks.
1 year you wouldnt even know because i would just put years on my resume.
Its a chud move to ask at all. Ask about skills and my fit in your company if you're good. Asking about experience and time is what you do if you're a run of the mill, c tier recruiter and never wanted to put in more than minimal effort.

>> No.53458650

My country's economy collapses every 10 years. In 2016 I lost my job and only manage to get another one almost a year later (hard times). When asked what I was doing, I just say "consulting". Works for me.

>> No.53458705

Extended holiday in south east asia.

>> No.53458799

Now that I'm not entry level I see these types of questions as a red flag. Anytime they are asking questions that have nothing to do with your skills and experience it means it's a low skill job with hundreds of low skill candidates and they're just fishing for the biggest cuck slave they can find. These are also the types of jobs with 3 rounds of interviews, "please send 3 professional references", and other big time wasters.
I've been looking to job hop since August and all the interviews that went like described above dragged on for over a month and either I didn't get an offer or the offer was week. The offer I finally accepted was 3 days from application to offer letter .

>> No.53458824

I almost never had a job so my cv so the gaps in my CV is basically the 3 job experiences I had.

>> No.53458834

I have a 10 year gap in mine
no fucks given