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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53496232 No.53496232 [Reply] [Original]

>28 yrs old
>only make $100k a year.

>> No.53496252

I make 50k as a technician. What do you do to make 100k, essentially double a technicians wage

>> No.53496331

Im in accounting/finance. But I still feel like a huge loser.

>> No.53496424

Also 28. PhD physicist making $200k but also working two jobs. One is $130k.
Still can’t afford a house in my area.

>> No.53496450

Okay, how about I unplug your internet and see how much accounting and financing you can do for 100k

>> No.53496471
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>33 years old
>only make $100k a year
my cope is that i started my career at 29 so i'm not doing """that bad."""

>> No.53496580

>lost my 65k/yr job three months ago
>still unemployed
Im going to kms

>> No.53496597

>be 28
>get to $120k
>wow this is great
>realize $120k is just the new $70k

>> No.53496627

I know this is all larping but get out of Silicon Valley

>> No.53496654

that would be poverty level. the truth, as >>53496471 points out, is that $100k is jack shit these days, even in reasonably priced cities and their suburbs.

>> No.53496673

HAHAHAAAA should have gone to a better school, chump!

>> No.53496675
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>27 years old
>make €90,000 a year
>government and arabs take €50,000 of it

>> No.53496684

holy shit im a dumb nigger, i meant to quote >>53496597 and not myself.

>> No.53496724
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its over

>> No.53496735

I'm 21 and I made $310,000 in 2021 in crypto and I'm finishing my degree in finance next year so I can go work for one of my dad's banker friends. You guys need to start hustling like me. I'm not larping either.

>> No.53496736

how much do u actually get in ur bank balance

>> No.53496811

>$96ish in lcol area

>> No.53496843

>make 21k€ after tax despite working fulltime and having a bachelors degree
It's absolutely over for me bros, if eth doesnt hot 10k within the next few years it's either rope or jump of a high building

>> No.53496863

No one enjoys their work. It’s not supposed to be enjoyable. If you hate it do something else or get more hobbies on downtime.

>> No.53496909
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>29 years old
>only make 127k a year
I don’t think I’ll ever make it in this company.
t. Pay loader driver for a chemical plant in louisiana doing 4 day weeks at 12 hours a day.
Sounds good but it’s boring after a few weeks bc all I do is browse biz since I’m done with my work by hour 3 and there’s never anything else to do besides jerk off and sleep

>> No.53496959

The worst part of this post is living in Louisiana

>> No.53497048

how the fuck do you do two jobs? What's your other job?

>> No.53497166

wow that's so weird that $100k is so little to you guys lol! I make just a little less and it was enough to put 20% down on a house AND max all my retirement accounts AND buy all the stuff furnishings and stuff I wanted for the house

are you all trying to make up for your small height or dick size or something? LMAO!

>> No.53497197

An average worker at Google gets paid as much as three of you.

>> No.53497214

good one

>> No.53497218

do you live in central nebraska or something?

>> No.53497268

Not him but I live in Chickasaw County Mississippi and I make 164k a year and I live like royalty

>> No.53497293
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>only make 50~60 depending on overtime (lol)

>> No.53497310

I live in the suburbs of Kansas City, but Omaha is probably pretty good too
boy it sure is nice not caring about how many good boy tickets are in my annual allotment from my corporate liege, ha ha!

>> No.53497458

It's not too late to make it, but you need to invest more than you spend, investing on DeFi projects can give you a reasonable reward that will change your life, the likes of EVMOS, ORE, CAKE are good pick

>> No.53497513
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>$100/m dividend

not great but I dont have to wage for that extra 100$
my plan is to get paid 1/3 of my salary through dividends, then I will reduce my workload to 24 or 32 hours a week. I will escape the rats race slow and steady.

>> No.53498222

make 15K after taxes
no disposable income.

>> No.53498241
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>I'm 21 and I made $310,000 in 2021 in crypto and I'm finishing my degree in finance next year so I can go work for one of my dad's banker friends. You guys need to start hustling like me. I'm not larping either.

>> No.53498248

>28 years old
>rage quit my last job
>two months behind on rent
>electricity cut off in two weeks
>no food after another week
>no car
>no money for public transit
Future xrp millionaire though so it's alright

>> No.53498498
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Tradie here.

Right there with you

>10 percent quarterly profit share
>North Dakota
>30 years old

Not terrible, but far from elite.

>> No.53498872

Bro that's brutal I make 2.7k/mo net in Slovakia as a code monkey

>> No.53498901

>38 years old
>only make 45.5k
>have baby on way. Car payment is $338 and rent is $1300 a month
Fucking kill me now

>> No.53498977

If people in the ghetto can make it work on less than half that in some cases you'll be fine. Should try to work your way up at your age honestly though, I make 50k at 25 writing up emails in a customer support role.

>> No.53498988

im 23 and make €17k after taxes ;(

>> No.53499036
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>college educated, multiple degrees
>/fit/, 6'2", good looking
>multiple surgeries and fucked up legs and hips
>in constant agonizing pain
>35, living at home, make 15 dollars an hour and can only get a job on the weekend
>have to collect NEETbux
>No one wants to hire me because no experience and haven't been in the "professional" workforce for years
>Everyone I meet makes promises and says I could be so much more
>When comes to actually doing anything they are useless
>learn to code, but can only afford Odin
>Find out my only chance to get hired is going through one of those bootcamps that costs 13K

You have no idea how soul crushing this shit can get zoomer.

>> No.53499282

Fucking hell mate I make 10k more than you

>> No.53499348

>2019 : 65k EUR after taxes (top .1% for my age/country)
>2022 : 23k after taxes
realized I didn’t enjoy life anyway so there was no point working so hard; I just do support now and work maybe 2hrs per day.

>> No.53499464

u dont need a bootcamp nignog, if you really wanted to do it, you could with nothing but FCC as a resource

>> No.53499468
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I'm in the same boat. I'm hoping that I can earn more with some IT certs but at 34 years old, I feel i'm not gonna make it and will be waging well into the end of my life

>> No.53499478

Nigga get certs and build a portfolio don’t waste your time at a jeet bootcamp

>> No.53499492

masturbating at work is one of the key indicators of a psychopath
also, you drive and make 127k/yr? can I join? T. 65k accounting and finance manager wanting to rope

>> No.53499523

how much business can a tradesperson get without the internet

>> No.53499606

they live in California they can’t help themselves

>> No.53499618

Hate being a grad student

>> No.53499801

>no savings
>doctor in europoor
only make 60k. why even live?

>> No.53501816

>75k CAD gross + 10-15k extra guaranteed OT and bonuses
>Everything priced in USD

Sure is great here kids, worthless dollar, unaffordable housing, single and by myself because last gf moved out when I wasn't home and haven't recovered from that shit show emotionally

>> No.53501861

>17 years old
>only make €250k after tax

Kms when im 18 I guess

>> No.53501869
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God I hate firstwolders so much is unreal, I literally make 10.000 a year and had to go to college 5 years for that, I hate you pampered fucks much

>> No.53501887

Based truth teller

>> No.53501900

how did you learn 2 code?

>> No.53501930

I'm 31 and I make like $22k/year and I live a great life. I mean yeah of course I'd love a pile of cash to buy whatever I want, but at the end of the day who gives a shit if I still get to eat great food and fuck my girlfriend in my comfy bed? I don't know how so many retards make five times what I make and still want more.