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53587072 No.53587072 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no matter how much money i have, i still see niggers and arabs in the german cities
How to cope?

>> No.53587102

Go live in a yugo district. Sand Nigger and Nigger free, also no gypsies

>> No.53587160
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>> No.53587174
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Come to the East

>> No.53587205

no amount of money will solve the jewish problem

>> No.53587235

lolol funny and epic XD

>> No.53587281

You emotionally detach from Germany and become a global citizen/digital nomad.
Its very sad what is happening to Germany, but I consider it dead now. It will only get worse and worse the coming decades, so instead of suffering from seeing something that you loved slowly rot and die, you consider it dead already. The grieving process lies in the past for me. I dont care anymore. If I dont like it somewhere, then I will leave. Havent lived in Germany for 3 years now. Another aryan person making room for ‚the new Germans‘

>> No.53587318

get a rifle and be the change you want to see in the world, anon

>> No.53587333

Move to a first world country.

>> No.53587346
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Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!

> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.53587366

You are a jew. A jew can never be Aryan or German.

>> No.53587388

move to switzerland
move to monaco
move to lichtenstein

move somewhere where poorfags are legally not allowed

>> No.53587550

Wtf, how did you know?