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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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537866 No.537866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone want to hear how I'm getting revenge on an employee that disagreed with me?

>be working at my husband's family company
>met my husband here before he ran things
>didn't want to at first, but decided to marry him
>no regrets
>I've been incharge here for years now
>new employee hired without me interviewing him
>husband's father, my father in-law, did it
>hate it when people go behind my back
>decide to give this new guy a pass because I'm nice
>they think they're better than everyone because they were in the army
>keeps a stupid discharge plaque in his cubicle to show off
>I let it slide
>eventually I have to work with this chavanistic piece...
>the new guy, let's call him erin, is full of "ideas"
>uses the computer for everything
>I keep it a secret that I'm computer litterate so I can delegate work better
>I mess around online most of the day in private mode on various browsers
>people actually think I work
>anyway, erin is always trying to move more work to the computer
>I don't want my husband to know how much I skim off the top
>can't allow more accurate estimates
>tell erin repeatedly no whenever he brings a new version of this up
>get so fed up with his behaviour one day I just leave
>fuming at home, can't believe I let him get to me
>decide I'll turn this anger towards a positive goal
>my revenge begins

>> No.537871

Wait, so your husband is unaware that you're a terrible person and you want to take advantage of it by tumblr-feministing some new hire.

I believe the phrase I'm looking for is gr8b8m8

>> No.537872

>>I keep it a secret that I'm computer litterate so I can delegate work better
>>I mess around online most of the day in private mode on various browsers

>women employees in a nutshell

What a surprise that women don't do shit and PMS all day to get petty revenge on their coworkers.

>> No.537874

erin seems like a pretty cool guy

OP should kill herself and make the world a better place

>> No.537876

>I tell my husband he doesn't respect me
>use what advantages I'm entitled to
>"I think he doesn't repect me because I'm a woman"
>ha ha ha
>husband starts to lean on him at work
>my husband controls the men at work
>other men at work stop complimenting erin's work
>tell the women what I told my husband
>they fall in line
>erin is now an island
>about to be hit by a hurricane
>erin doesn't quit
>I know erin is friendly with my one son who thinks the army is "so cool"
>tell my son that erin lied about being in the army but to keep it a secret
>I don't want my children idolizing murders anyway
>see erin talking with my son
>beautiful son of mine doesn't even look at him
>I know that hurt

>> No.537888

People like you are why feminism has to play dirty. I'm allowed to prevent threat to what I deserve just like you're allowed to prevent threats to your life. Double standard. You do the same things.

>erin claims to have a chronic illness from the military
>but also says he is fighing with the va to recognize it
>it's vauge nonsense about developed asthma or lung damage
>just happens to be something you can fake, yeah right
>my oldest has asthma so I know
>make erin clean whenever it needs to be done
>wasn't even hired to do that work but still does it
>ha ha ha
>acoustical tiles in back room have mold
>hope he really develops a problem
>secretly remove mold problem over long weekend as an insurance
>ha ha ha
>tell oldest what I told husband
>tell oldest that we're not sure he was even int he military
>never underestimate a 19 year old boy's cruelty
>oldest starts pranking erin

>> No.537890
File: 1.02 MB, 520x375, nowisthetimetobeupset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I strongly encourage you to consider suicide.

The world would be many factors better off if you died tomorrow, I really mean this.

9/10 if troll. yes i mad.

>> No.537897

>keys his car and dents it
>caught oldest doing it, and act upset
>tell him to not risk his future over it
>I've been friends with most of the important officers at the local sheriff's office since we were kids
>son actually is law-proof
>just keeping up the act is all
>erin's car is such a beater shitbox that I don't think he noticed new damage
>I'll have to do better

>> No.537901

so.. /women general/

>> No.537909

As if I would care what an unemployed loser thinjs.
>tell oldest that erin should simply be treated the way he treats me, so he learns what it's like
>19 year old son starts putting erin in his place when they talk
>speaks to him rudely
>raises his voice
>practically orders him around
>can tell erin thinks he's a big tough guy
>obviously thinks size = strength
>ha ha my 5 foot 9 son is talking down to him (size doesn't matter, my son is much stronger)
>gets red faced but doesn't do anything >because I own him
>this is real strength

>> No.537925

As if men don't do this, I'm just better at it. I'm well within my rights anyway, I'm the boss and he doesn't tow the line.
>erin is finally much more quiet
>no one disrespects me
>we hire more people who erin fucking befriends somehow
>I can't let things change again
>tell the office manager (my bitch) that I erin is using the computer for nonwork stuff
>he probably is anyway, most of the other secretaries are
>his computer ends up being clean somehow, but I left suspicion

I forgot about the fake sick thing he does
>so he pretends to have asthma
>claims his lungs got messed up in a dessert
>make him have to briing ina doctor's note everytime he is sick
>don't do it to anyone else
>gave him the health insurance pack missing one sheet
>he brings it back without that sheet
>I "don't notice it was missing" until the day it needs to be turned in
>tell him he was missing the sheet and he'll have to wait till next time
>which is months away
>now he has to go all the way to a VA with an ER everytime he calls out
>that should cut down on his faking
>ha ha ha I win

And I told the new girl we hired that he disrespects women, which IS true so there goes that.

Finale coming up, it's good.

>> No.537934


well OP explains why this story happened

>> No.537936

>erin does our bank and mail runs now
>thinks he getting some escape
>start riding him everytime it strikes me
>screws with him I think because sometimes he's alot later and I say nothing
>but when he's faster I say "were you using company time to shop or something?"
>I'm hoping that he ends up trying to do it so fast he gets in a accident
>I'm friends with alot of the tellers at the banks my company uses
>one of them tells me she heard erin ask her boss if they were hiring
>just waiting for a tiny bit more proof before I tell my husband
>he'll tear his head off and fire him on the spot
>I just need to come up with a way for him to not collect unemployment and it'll be perfect

The lesson here, unemployed bumbs of /biz/, don't ever say anything to your boss but Yes Ma'am or No Ma'am. And don't try to get away with that old boy's club B-S either, husbands stick by their wives.

>> No.537940

how much money are you skimming off the top?
if its chump change youre just a bitch.
if its serious money youre going about it the wrong way, ex army guys are the weakest people in the world mentally. this should be easy op, cant believe you didnt do the right thing yet.

>> No.537943

Anyone who ACTUALLY OWNS A BUISNESS can tell you that it is now very hard ot properly reprimand an employee. Especially in floridaand especially the special snowflake vets that permeate everything now. I don't see why they get special treatment for doing a man's job when women actually were treated worse for doing their jobs.

ACTUAL BUSINESS OWNERS often have to be creative with reprimanding now, you'll know if you ever get to that point.

>> No.537944

what do you know?

>> No.537945


>> No.537946

Yeah basically this, you're a typical lazy female who sucked your husbands dick to get a job where you "delegate" (ie. do nothing) and even worse - you're also stealing from him. Someone needs to punch you in the back of the head.

>> No.537952
File: 285 KB, 555x504, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1413034976973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you wrote a lot and only a faggot would read more than a few sentences.

>> No.537957

>I'm the boss
You're a criminal, if I knew where you were working from I'd go out of my way to get you arrested tbh.

But probably a troll. Still, a reasonable example of how modern day feminists think. "I'm entitled to..." "I deserve..." "All men do..."

>> No.537965

damn OP,
You're the best example of soul sucking nepotism I've ever read, and to top it all of you're sexist, manipulative, and scared of competence in others because you have none of your own.

I hope this thread is b8

>> No.537976

This was a well crafted story designed to exactly piss off the NEET misogynists on this board by confirming their preconceptions about feminists in general and women in business in particular.

It has everything, the manipulative wife, the aggrieved army vet, the imagined feminist victim attitude.

You'll piss off lots of 14 year olds. 10/10 well done.

>> No.537982

I haven't done anyhing illegal. And most of the leitenants at the SO know me. HA the one girl I hired here years ago is the daughter of one. Empty threats don't scare anyone. As empty as your head and pants.

>> No.537984

it's pretty epic. OP's gonna get a lot more replies

>> No.538014

story is too long

>> No.538015

You literally said you're skimming money from the company, which could be viewed as theft or fraud or both. The tax office would also be interested depending on how you're taking the money in which case knowing your local police force means jack shit since it would be a federal issue. On top of that you could also be considered for workplace harassment, your single vandalism... As far as your story goes there's a lot going on that you could be vilified by your community for, and also fined or imprisoned for. Your town as a whole would sympathize with the poor military vet who you pathologically abused more than they are likely to side with the female middle manager who abused her power to steal from the company her husband created. Lets not forget how your kids and husband will feel when the truth comes out

It would make a good story I think. Definitely a solid troll. Even if it had nothing to do with business.

>> No.538044

10/10 bait OP, post it on /pol/ or reddit.

>> No.538046

You literally said you're skimming money from the company, which could be viewed as theft or fraud or both. The tax office would also be interested depending on how you're taking the money in which case knowing your local police force means jack shit since it would be a federal issue. On top of that you could also be considered for workplace harassment, your single vandalism... As far as your story goes there's a lot going on that you could be vilified by your community for, and also fined or imprisoned for. Your town as a whole would sympathize with the poor military vet who you pathologically abused more than they are likely to side with the female middle manager who abused her power to steal from the company her husband created. Lets not forget how your kids and husband will feel when the truth comes out

It would make a good story I think. Definitely a solid troll. Even if it had nothing to do with business.

>> No.538052
File: 3.72 MB, 347x244, laughingputin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit b8 m8, 1/10 please kill yourself.
knew it was a troll before I even finished reading the first post.

>> No.538310

Has anyone tried to figure out who OP is yet?

>> No.538314

OP, there is a special place in hell for what you have done. You are as sociopathic as a serial killer. Someone should seriously find their IP, track them down, and get the FBI and IRS on your ass. Anonymous would probably love to figure this out too.

Probably troll, but if not, someone is coming for you

>> No.538318

holy shit this story is boring. clifs?

>> No.538323

>OP has preconcieved notion she is in charge and hates that someone got hired by her husband without asking her

>somehow he is chauvinistic simply because he is army, and she hates him because he has better ideas than her

>starts fucking with him, spreading lies, trying to get him fired, intentionally messing up his health insurance

>oh yeah, she steals from her company
>she is not sorry at all, thinks she has the right to do this shit.
>ends with "don't fuck with your employer or we'll fuck with you"

>> No.538547

>I'm allowed to prevent threat to what I deserve just like you're allowed to prevent threats to your life


>> No.538559

It's obviously a troll.
There can't be a person out there that can seriously do that then try to seek approval online.

>> No.538562

how old's your son seriously?

>> No.538563
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Wait nvm.
A 40 year old woman on 4chan.

>> No.538572
File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, 1390377283179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen to my tale of how I got revenge on someone for being more competent than me

Why is it so hard for some women to be motivated to outdo someone by doing a better job instead of being spiteful cunts.

>> No.538573


>> No.538576

She became the prince of bel air.

>> No.538589

>woman posting on an imageboard for neckbeards and lowlifes
>knows how to greentext
>is lazy, and only worth as much as her cockleeching vagina
>takes it out on a male

nice try.

>> No.538592
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come on, you really think I'm buying this...

>> No.538593
File: 541 KB, 1192x953, 1397729313772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be bait ...

>> No.538624

>I haven't done anyhing illegal.

Hehehe, lawyer here, let's see...

>but when he's faster I say "were you using company time to shop or something?"
>I'm hoping that he ends up trying to do it so fast he gets in a accident.

Mmmmhh... doesn't this look like conspiracy to get someone murdered? I bet.

But wait, it gets better:

>acoustical tiles in back room have mold
>hope he really develops a problem
>secretly remove mold problem over long weekend as an insurance
>ha ha ha

Now THIS can get you a nice stay in prison if he's smart and plays his cards.

Also, the "hahaha" just proves the fact that you didn't only do it in purpose, but that you also enjoyed it.

But wait, there's more!

>tell oldest what I told husband
>tell oldest that we're not sure he was even int he military
>never underestimate a 19 year old boy's cruelty
>oldest starts pranking erin

This is mobbing, clear, classical mobbing. A nice fine, at minimum, some prison years, in some cases.

Also, not only you will have to face the judge, but your son as well.

>keys his car and dents it
>caught oldest doing it, and act upset

Damages to private property... using anunderage boy forthat! You know tht using people under 21 to commit crimes is a crime by itself? And that you can end in prison for this, even if it was just to play a prank?

>tell him to not risk his future over it
>I've been friends with most of the important officers at the local sheriff's office since we were kids
>son actually is law-proof

This is corruption, and nepotism.


>> No.538627
File: 32 KB, 580x280, patio monipodio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>gave him the health insurance pack missing one sheet
>he brings it back without that sheet
>I "don't notice it was missing" until the day it needs to be turned in
>tell him he was missing the sheet and he'll have to wait till next time
>which is months away
>now he has to go all the way to a VA with an ER everytime he calls out

Oooops! playing with the health of an employee by messing with legal papers? This is mobbing, damage against an employees health, hehe nice one, you'll be lucky if he doesn't get sick before he gets the insurance, you're a nurse's question away from facing a court. Or even better, you're A DOCTOR/NURSE FRIEND OF HIM of facing a court. Guess you can't control who your employees friends are huh?

>anyway, erin is always trying to move more work to the computer
>I don't want my husband to know how much I skim off the top
>can't allow more accurate estimates

Theft, probably money laundering through buying things with this stolen money...

>anyway, erin is always trying to move more work to the computer

Erin didn't do anything wrong, he was just trying to improvethings around. But he found you, the lazy, corrupt gold-digger.

Besides being a criminal, you're a terrible boss, and your company would probably make much more money if you actually worked and tried to do things better. You wouldn't need to steal money in that case, but I guess you aren't smart enough to understand that, and instead of just firing Erin you had to hur an innocent person whose biggest mistake was to bedisliked by you and to try to improve things.

Give me Erin's number and I'd hire it in a fly, he looks like a good worker.

Besides that, I don't care about feminism or shit, but you're a bad person, and a criminal, and what you have done deserves jail, and much , much more money than you could ever skim. It'll be nice to se how you pay Erin more than a million dollars after toying with his health and getting other people to enjoy the mobbing-fest.

>> No.538643

You spent way too much time responding to a troll.

>> No.538650

Gee, for a lawyer, your bullshit detector sure is broken.

>> No.538715


I think it was a neat thought experiment.
Besides there are plenty of people around who genuinely think they can get away with this kind of bullshit, AND plenty of people DO get away with bullshit like this precisely because they do not know they could take matters to court.

>> No.538717

>to what i deserve

HAHAHAHAHAH how fucking delusional sluts are

what do you deserve? you deserve fucking nothing, you aren't entitled to anything.

>> No.538754

mfw op is erin tryin to get hired

>> No.539521

Bumping this.

>> No.539525

tits or gtfo

>> No.539781

pls die