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53846790 No.53846790 [Reply] [Original]

My frigid ex-wife now wants to take our dog and move back to the east coast. She says she “deserves to get something” because I’m still living in the shitty crapshack we bought together and breaking my back every day to fix it up. How do I protect my property and my heart?

>> No.53846815

kill the dog

>> No.53846855

You wouldn’t say that if you had met her. She’s so beautiful and precious, I wish she could live as long as me

>> No.53847069

Tell her to take a hike

>> No.53847281

I did

>> No.53847294 [DELETED] 

if you don't have kids what does it matter fren. let her take the shitty dog. go find a better girl and make some babies. let her be a dogmom

>> No.53847694

She’s not a shitty dog. She’s my everything and this woman can’t have her

>> No.53847713

We’ll she is gonna get her cuck serves you right for getting married faggot

>> No.53847744

It’s just a fucking dog, fag. No wonder you whore wife left you.

>> No.53847757

Your 'frigid' wife and your mangy cooter are obviously having it off at every opportunity. Barking with glee, e'vry time your back is turned. Be glad you can get rid off both the disloyal manages in one swoop. And get a cat next time. Cats are also disloyal, but seldom so with your wife.

>> No.53847777


>> No.53847782

And also suck my blessed quads

>> No.53847789
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Uh oh little divorce cuck is hurt awwww

>> No.53847798

Look that dog in the eye.
It knows
She knows
You knows.

>> No.53847835

Enjoy your eternal loneliness
Doubt, she’s a female and so is the dog

>> No.53848237
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If you bought the dog you own it. Possession is critical, do not let her have the dog for any reason for any amount of time.

>> No.53848247

How you enjoyed the divorce rape and I hope you enjoy seeing your dog get taken away from you cuck

>> No.53848368
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Just ghost her for a couple months. Lock the doors and board your place up. Maybe lay low at a friends or your parent's for a bit. Block her everywhere and refuse to communicate except through lawyer.

>> No.53848467
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Just dont give her the dog. She is not going to pay a lawyer for that

>> No.53848577

Use her remains to fertilize the woods.

>> No.53848797

If she's your ex wife the divorce should be finalized? Otherwise you're not really divorced and may have to pay out her share of equity. GL on the legal side.
Fuck giving her the dog.

>> No.53848814

hide the dog and tell her it died

>> No.53849540

Just give your wife money, that's honestly what the whore wants. I dunno if you have any to give but if you want the dog that would be your best bet. Get it in writing so she doesn't come back around later to try to take your dog again after she fails at life wherever she ends up. The main objective is to get her far away from you and that is what she wants as well...the dog is just her whore brain way of trying to get what she wants...which is money to move.

>> No.53849650

This is the best advice anon
I dated a girl for 3 years, we broke up and I kicked her out. She spent a month or two in the city we lived in, at her friends house. After that she was moving and asked to spend some time with our dog before she moved. I let her have a week with him and she refused to return him after. She ended up moving and acted like she took the dog only for me to find out from someone else she gave the dog away in my city. Long story short, I was pissed at myself and felt defeated and I started imagining that my dog was back in my home. Next week I found my dog and they new owners agreed to give him back. He’s never peed inside in the years I own him but apparently peed inside from the day my ex left him there.

TLDR: don’t trust the bitch and have faith that the dog will end up with you.

>> No.53850085

Give it to your friend and say it ran away. Wait until she moves away and take it back.

>> No.53850133

This is a tale as old as time. Women always blame the man even if it was fully her fault the relationship fell apart. When they leave they want to inflict maximum damage on you so they'll ruin your life and try to take everything you value.

>> No.53850159

>both are females
Doesn' stop her from spreading peanut butter all over her rancid pussy for the dog

>> No.53850278
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>She’s my everyth-AAAAACK

>> No.53850285
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OP live stream it!

>> No.53851768

>She’s so beautiful and precious
did you fcked the dog and she caught you? that's why she's the ex-wife now, right?