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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53854791 No.53854791 [Reply] [Original]

>average marriage now lasts only 8 years
>average body counts of young, fertile women approaching triple digits by age 20
>average man is considered "settling" by foids
>sex life quickly declines into dead bedrooms upon marriage
>femoid can divorce on a whim just because she "doesn't feel the spark anymore"
>instantly lose assets that YOU spent a life time building
>lose custody of the kids, if any
>go through the horror of your kids slowly hating you from being brainwashed by foid, who will of course paint you as a deadbeat piece of shit
>have to pay alimony, child support, AND split half your assets on top of that to vindictive foid
>femoid who once claimed to "love" you 'til death do you part goes mask off and seeks your total destruction in the family courts
>femoid can get fat, cheat on you whenever she wants, treat you like shit and you can't divorce her, or the above will still happen to you
Gee, wonder why marriage rates are dropping. Boy, they're really missing out on those tax benefits!

>> No.53854811

Who hurt you, incel loser

>> No.53854840

You can become a woman and do this yourself

>> No.53854844

Fuck off incel

>> No.53854853
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, Roll_Down_Faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks. This year is 23 years my wife and I have been together. 17 of them married.

Go back where you came from, snoolover, and stop wasting digits, picrel

>> No.53854878

not my problem, death to america

>> No.53854986


>> No.53855069
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>tax benefits
Literally only applies to single income households. Why are normies so dumb?

>> No.53855131

this is all the result of the age of consent being created, the end goal is total destruction of the family unit

>> No.53855178


>> No.53855265

The chances of either you being real women will always be less than me being an i cel

>> No.53855281

>only wahmens hate the constant fucking incel spam
kys kys, literally just go fuck a fat chick, you fucking retarded faggot

>> No.53855324

ok jew
who talked about getting laid

>> No.53855327


>> No.53855379

they've already acheived that goal. now it's just about keeping birthrates low.

>jobs don't pay enough to buy a house
>without a house it's difficult to find a gf or wife
>no gf no wife = no kids
>no kids = malignant demographics

>> No.53855400
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>> No.53855482
File: 40 KB, 750x691, EnN7rSMWMAEkpVY.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to add
>Get married to gf in debt
>That debt now becomes your responsibility.
Marry a richer woman and take half of her assets. It's the only way to win now.

>> No.53855498

image thinking woman would make themselves rich

>> No.53855513

They only got rich from their previous failed marriage or daddy's inheritance. They'll be lucky to even have 6 figs when left on their own.

>> No.53855560

> 6 years out of wedlock
Go to hell.

>> No.53855589

Reason #46279 to implement shariah law

>> No.53855606

>jealous incel attempts to drag down other men with demoralizing cope
You're never gonna make it, you'll never have sex and you'll never be a man.