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54150391 No.54150391 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t decide between love and wild sex with different kinds of women.

>> No.54150421
File: 436 KB, 255x255, 1678685791306523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't have wild sex up till 25 or when you found a beautiful girl with a rich family? That's what normal people do anon. What were you doing?

>> No.54150440

Do the sex thing until you get sick of it

>> No.54150442
File: 91 KB, 800x450, 83B6CE50-400D-40D8-B13A-4FA9F01183A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fapping to porn and wasting my time here.

>> No.54150454
File: 169 KB, 1740x840, MENA-region-1740x840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, want to make it and travel around the Med on a boat banging a different type of girl every week

>> No.54150455

But i’ve also found a good canditate for real love amd i don’t want to let her go.

>> No.54150459


>> No.54150479

how about neither
oh wait no that's me haha

>> No.54150481

Wife her up then and just accept you missed out a bit. Kids will probably be more fulfilling anyway

>> No.54150493

Then do what’s more important

>> No.54150529

Yeah i guess you can’t get everything in life.

>> No.54150540

You can always screw around on the side later if you have the discipline to maintain discretion

>> No.54150542

I mean i’ve had sex with 27 different women but i guess as long as you just fuck the same woman, you will always be missing on other women.

>> No.54150631

Enjoy the wild sex for the last few times before settling down with your cute young gf.

>> No.54150768

If not a shitty discord pre written demorakization larp thread, the simple fact you counted the exact number of females you have had sexual relations with shows that it is already too late as you destroyed your bonding ability. Have fun in the divorce rape a few years down the line you filthy degenerate

>> No.54150881

You, a porn addicted incel, must be a paragon of virtue.

>> No.54150960

If you have real love don't let it slip away as long as it is mutual. If you just love a girl who doesn't share the same feelings you're setting yourself up for misery.

>> No.54151031

She also has feelings for me.

>> No.54151120

Then love will win out and you'll be happier. Wild sex is great but it's better to be in a great relationship.

>> No.54151146

Having sex is mad important in life. However, the search for better sex is a (((porn))) psyop that will make you a pansexual faggot. Get the girl you love and learn to make love to her.

>> No.54151490

Projecting. I have only ever had 1 gf and she is the love of my life.

>> No.54151892

you'll eventually realise that having sex with women is a waste of time and basically worthless unless you get them pregnant and make htem pass on your genes into children.

Otherwise what do you have? memories of conquests? will you feel better telling your buddies when you're 60 years old that you were once able to fuck some really hot girls ?

no the true satisfaction and lasting achievement is from having lots of kids and knowing that there there is more of YOU in the world now than when you were first born. That YOU have increased your marketshare of the gene pool.

That is true conquest and lasting achievement.
There can be no greater way to die than to be surrounded on your deathbed by >100 of your direct descendents, you having >10 kids with your wife and each of them having > 10 kids, knowing they all came directly from you.

Compared to that , the guy who spends all his time fucking women with condoms or cumming outside trying to avoid getting them pregnant might as well have been an incel jacking off into his hand.
They're both just as cut-off and infertile.

You should realise the true purpose and satisfaction of life before it's too late. Will be much easier to get a fecund, young 18 year old to start breeding 1 every 1 or 2 years until their late 30s when you're in your early 20s than in your late 20s or 30s.

>> No.54151945

"""""love""""" is just listening to trivial bullshit in her life 24/7, being sent ranting messages because she saw a car go through a red light, and after a few years "not being in the mood for sex/ being too stressed/ too busy"

Or them outright using their pussy as a method to coerce you (you don't let them choose how they want the living room and no sex for you buddy boy)

Pump them, degrade them, and dump them. Don't fall for the love meme, women are just manipulative. They will text you "love you" like it means anything but refuse to suck your cock or make you a steak on the 14th


>> No.54151966

Kids are a meme too. Unless you are actually rich and they don't have to work, they're just born to be wage cattle slaves / follow globohomo trends or be bullied and mentally ill

>> No.54151997

so what? at least they'll exist unlike you, you genetic dead end.

>> No.54152036

Kek I'm actually planning to get my gf knocked up just so I can tick it off the list. But make no mistake if they hate this reality and want to be neets I will support them

Can most parents say the same? If you can't let your kids neet forever then you might as well have created them for the government lmao

>> No.54152081

so you are not planning to be a father you just want to get someone pregnant then leave and find somebody else? wow what a cool guy you are

>> No.54152096

wild sex gets boring really fast, unless you are sub 100 IQ then it might be the only thing you ever find interesting.

>> No.54152135

Depends if she keeps sucking my dick or not

Sorry you enjoy being a beta emotional tampon

>> No.54152139
File: 47 KB, 761x609, 115359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don’t want to let her go
Checked and there's your answer. At least in regards to whether a relationship can be that worthwhile. The truth you may not be ready for is that one day even death won't be an obstacle. The day when you see this you won't remember this post - you'll be too busy with better matters.

>> No.54152143

>Sorry you enjoy being a beta emotional tampon
kek nice assuming /projecting

>> No.54152201

Did both. The sex is fun but at some point you accept that as a dude you're never really going to stop having a drive to fuck different women and it gets really old really fast between pregnancy/std/sti scares and how much it costs to court a lady until she'll let you fugg and dealing with the various and sundry mental/emotional issues different people have. For me it was dealing with a stuck up cunt with BPD and daddy issues until the fatness of her ass stopped blinding me to what a mountain of shit she was, no matter how good the sex could be at times. For what it's worth it was often shit too because of all of her issues. My advice would be to bang sluts (not whores, never whores) until you get it out of your system or meet someone that is good enough to you that you would be okay with not being single and being able to keep banging sluts because you love them and they love you and you both enjoy each other. Then court them seriously and get married and have kids and start a family. If you're lucky the sex will still be awesome until both of you can't fugg anymore in a few decades and you'll look back and be happy you married instead of just being a bachelor until death.

If there's something broken inside you that you know would make a happy relationship for you and your partner impossible, then get therapy for it and keep banging sluts or banging them until you've fixed your shit. Otherwise the love is better than any manner of depraved kinky hot fucking and you can still do all of that with the same person rather than chasing different ones. And if this is just a demoralization thread and you're a faggot, do a flip onto concrete and livestream it.

>> No.54152226

You want middle eastern pussy
Expensive taste anon. Mentally and financially. Brace yourself

t. med brownoid subhuman who has muhdicked med chicks (Egyptian, Israeli, Iranian) in the US and Egypt. Triple vaxxed

>> No.54152238

You can and you'd also be a piece of shit
But if she's cheating on you though then yeah fight fire with fire

>> No.54152247

>NOO!!!!! NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!
shut up nigger

>> No.54152256

What an incredibly silly take. KYS.

Don't listen unless you have superior genetics. Fucking disgusting breeder

>> No.54152261

>t. med brownoid subhuman who has muhdicked med chicks (Egyptian, Israeli, Iranian) in the US and Egypt.
> Mentally and financially

i heard its easy to pull chicks if I have a yacht and put it on dating app like tinder and bumble, like a 100% hit rate she doesnt flake and dtf
if it doesnt work, then Il have to find a chad wingman

>> No.54152269

what a fag
imagine asking biz for advice on this

>> No.54152276

Great plan anon. You can try Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt. Meet a local Egyptian Chad and double team some of these visiting bitches

>> No.54152297

Why not both? A real loving woman knows your animal desire to fuck all the hot woman in the world and encourages and supports you to do so, because she knows that's what alphas do. You are loyal to her in a romantic way

>> No.54152382
File: 484 KB, 2068x1164, eilat israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thanks, if cant get laid with a yacht on OLD then its over
wanna try Israel and Lebanon as well, bomb asses

>> No.54152392

Valid thread anon. This question / decision by OP has a financial aspect to it too.


>> No.54152416

Hell yeah. Would love to go to either some day. Eilat is not too far from Sharon either. Probably an hour with the yacht

>> No.54152422

Sharm* not Sharon

>> No.54152492

Why even bother having sex if you need to use a condom or something?

>> No.54152522

what do you think of Turkish chicks, theyre the prettiest of the bunch on bumble

>> No.54152557

>bragging about how you're going to let your kids be fucking losers
lol. if your bloodline doesn't end with you then it's going to end with your useless neet kids. so you'll still be a genetic dead end and an evolutionary incel.

>I'm not going to let myself breed because I'm so mentally cucked that I think other men deserve to reproduce more than me
Lol you're just spineless and mentally totally fucking cucked.
You might as well be giving your women to other men so you can watch him inseminate her.
Infact that's probably what you do you fucking freak loser.
You're fucked in the head. The most natural and healthy instinct every organism has is to be on the side of themselves. You can't change teams, retard. You don't win if another man fucks your woman and puts his kids in her. You win when you reproduce , are evolutionarily successful, create more of you by the time you die than when you were born, and take over a greater and greater % of the gene pool every generation. It's the people who manage to do that who have superior genes.

>> No.54152582

I'm not the fucking dolt raising 26 kids. Have fun with that shit. None of this matters and we all die. Did you get the memo on how fucked this world we inhabit is?

>> No.54152622

you sound like a kid smugly boasting about how all you eat is sugar and chocolate and how other people are idiots for eating vegetables because sugar tastes the best

typical lost, cut-off, atomised, atheioid bugman who'll probably kill himself from depression in 20 years or will die alone on his hospital bed as an old man with no children or grandchildren around him.

>> No.54152667

>is just listening to trivial bullshit in her life 24/7, being sent ranting messages because she saw a car go through a red light

I don't agree with everything you said but this much is completly true. The most BORNING mundane issues you'll hear about nonstop.

>> No.54152669

Thanks for the answer bro. I guess i'll keep protecting my belowed one's smile.

>> No.54152951

Don't want to spoil your bliss but children are pretty much overated. I have seen children who treat their parents like shit and should never been born and I also noticed children and for most grandchildren have little in common with their parents especially in modern age. Most children are leeches who give back very little. Truth is, unless you are very lucky, children are just a cope to feel you less depress about being old. Having children is not much better than having countless sex with hot girls. Both things are cope and bothwill probably disappoint you. Polcels are shilling all the time "children" because they have little experience with social life. True reason people desire children is status, so society doesn't call you "childless manchild".

>> No.54152997

I have bad news for you. There is very big possibility your wife, children and grandchildren will abandon you to die alone in hospital because you are not useful anymore. I have seen it countless time children cutting off their parents when they get old and sick. You will always die alone and in misery and your children will wait for you to die to grab your wealth.

>> No.54153054

>You win when you reproduce , are evolutionarily successful, create more of you by the time you die than when you were born, and take over a greater and greater % of the gene pool every generation. It's the people who manage to do that who have superior genes.

You never "win" retard. Your grandchildren will not care about you and then you are forgotten forever. Your grandchildren will not even resemble your looks and will do whatever you want. Your precious "genes" are dilluted unless they disappear. Passing your DNA is cope, yes you pass but it doesnt make you win anything you just create more people who will never care about you passing dna. At the end what matter most is what makes you happy, if you want to fuck whores do it, if you want play trad dad do it but at the end you both die and nobody "wins" you just choose different life experience.