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54245564 No.54245564 [Reply] [Original]

Damn look at these nugs…. Fire

>> No.54245602

Dam dude.
Good stuff.
I'm going off of it because it eats at my motivation. Been noticing it extremely, going a day without a cannabis hangover almost feel like a high itself. Keep it for the weekends, for real.

>> No.54245606

the straight edge neoboomers here are going to seethe at this while slamming half a bottle of jack every other day themselves

>> No.54245631

truely some good advice here

>> No.54245634

13.80 an hour? WTF

>> No.54245646

Yeah my neighbors are assholes, always robbing me

>> No.54245662

i used to smoke all day everyday in my early 20s, now I just smoke on weekends and feel 100x better. also I feel no attachment or need to buy it, since my friend always has

>> No.54245766

I can’t stand druggies

You all stink

You’re all messy as fuck

You all have shit teeth

You all look 20 years older than you actually are

You hang around degenerates

You’re doing immeasurable damage to your body (the only body you get)

All for what exactly? This shit makes 0 sense to me. I just assume all you druggies grew up in some drug house so it’s all you know, or maybe you were just dropped on your head as a child way too many times, either way you all disgust me

>> No.54245808

the Lord gave me the strength to destroy my paraphernalia this weekend
feels good

>> No.54245838
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>look at me daddy, i failed at everything else in life but i never drank, partied, took a hallucinogen or smoked a joint.
>no son, that means you failed at life as well.

>> No.54245866
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Come hit it bro!!! I will pack it for you

>> No.54245886

>dirty ass bong
>vidya game system

Lmao @ your life.

>> No.54245899

uhh i dont think you can afford that habit ser

>> No.54245903

Financially speaking is weed or alcohol a better drug?

>> No.54245976

That's a Versace wallet, in case you were wondering.

>> No.54245998

if i do it too rarely than the modern shit beams me into another dimension when doing it again. i wish they'd sell milder weed.

>> No.54246052

bongs are degusting instruments, there is something disgusting about them

>> No.54246083

old weak dry dank

>> No.54246104

Alcohol will at least help you charm HR Stacies. Weed will turn you into a paranoid timid cuckboy.

>> No.54246124

How the FUCK does this FATASS end up in every thread.

>> No.54246134


i bet you only have american Dollars in that fancy wallet huh?

>> No.54246148

Damn…it’s hot in this thread or what? Thug lyfe!!!

>> No.54246146

lol i know people making 200k a year and smoke daily and have since I have known them since college. you can lump people together but you're a dumb nigger and know it.

>> No.54246151

Exactly. Allah told us what is good, and what to avoid. He the Almighty is a better high than any worldly substance.

>> No.54246192

Tell me this…. Who cares about you really? These will make you feel better

>> No.54246215

Allah cares. Sure drugs are great but nothing is as good as Allah. (Snackbar)

>> No.54246256

Tell me about it. Amnesia can give me some serious closed eye visuals. Like, believe me or not but i've been on DMT tier trips when closing my eyes and lying in bed with that stuff. I've seen the checkerboard palace, i've warped through space, i've seen infinite amount of 5D boxes. Last time i was able to summon more clear visuals by letting it come to me. Let's say a balcony of a appartement above a canal in some city. I'm going to train myself every single time i get the chance, people don't know how intense weed can get nowadays when simply meditating in a dark room when lying in bed.

>> No.54246322

Lmfao good bait. $13 hr what do you do clean toilets?

>> No.54246340

In Brazil you would be called "Sapāo"
>big frog

>> No.54248580

bruh just grow your own if that's the quality you get

>> No.54248627
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>> No.54251806

they trap disgusting stuff to keep it out of your lungs? smoking is gross

>> No.54252566

i hate poors

>> No.54252671

DRUGS BAD notified FBI about this

>> No.54252808
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nothing like breaking it up on paper made with chemicals! mmm

>> No.54252818
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>$28,000 per year
lmaoing at your life bro

>> No.54252971
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>> No.54252982
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>he lives in a black market state
kek I got a medical card but its fully legal here.
Wounded warriors breath is the strain

>> No.54253034
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>smoke daily
>have known them since college
>totally not a drug addict, bro
>dude weed

>> No.54253054
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I hate potheads so much
>bro, there is literally 0 cases when somebody died from weed
>bro, it makes me relax and unwind. I am perfectly present
No, you look stoned and you act stoned
>bro, it is healthy for you, look up the studies

Jesus christ. At least junkies and alcoholics don't pretend like they are healthy

>> No.54253081

Back at you tranime faggot
you will never be a woman and you'll never be allowed around children.

>> No.54253107

I, too, like to get high (on marijuana) and then argue with and trigger potheads on the internet about how it (weed) is dangerous.

>> No.54253132

I got garlic butter rolled up as well.
I'm just eating a goyslop salad about to take a nap.

>> No.54253418

amphetamine paste > weed

>> No.54253539

>modern shit beams me into another dimension
The grower select strains are an absolute beast.

Just grind up less of it. If you ask around enough for leaves you might find someone who can get you a bunch, there'll be much less thc in those and zero nicotine. Blend it with that.

The people growing it usually just dump all that so they might even give you it for free. Or not a lot.

>> No.54253574

You'll quite literally go mental, at least temporarily, if you're not careful with that.

>> No.54253645

>Jesus Christ.
No, Allahu Akbar

>> No.54253722

one time in HVAC school a black bro gave me an 8th wrapped in newspaper. but i scared him off when i called him asking for more without using a code. we are more casual about our weed use where i'm from

>> No.54253765

Just like how I like to drink from time to time

>> No.54253858

Health issues is not the problem with those people, they are junkies be it sober or not. Weed just makes them feel better about themselves but it is not the root of the problem

>> No.54253938

You can't afford weed.

>> No.54253976

You can’t afford money, dumbass

>> No.54254004

Some fire ass nugs bro

>> No.54254015

Come again poor faggot?

>> No.54254027

I think most of the people seething about weed on 4chan are zoomer straightedges, not boomers.

>> No.54254142

bro face it you got rekt beyond recovery.

>> No.54254173

I said you can’t afford money. Go get some more money right now. I dare you.

>> No.54254187

I can't afford any
i bought weed

>> No.54254209

Oh noooo

Are you okay bro?

>> No.54254234
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Na I'm poor and I bought weed so I can't afford money anymore.

>> No.54254259

I’m sorry you can’t afford money. I will smoke a bowl for you.

>> No.54254292

Bro don't you might lose your money.

>> No.54254375

I’d rather be a fucking dead than post faggot pictures like you

>> No.54254477
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If you never do drugs someday you will be as powerful as me

>> No.54254513

your weed is laced with something

Good advice. I'm growing myself but I sell the buds and (casually) only smoke the leaves (the small ones covered in trichomes, not the big outer ones), more than enough for me.
You can also mix it with tea, can be good for some interesting flavor

>> No.54254673

Also I noticed OP is very careful not to post any other nigger items after I called him out for black panther lighter (post HAND druggie)

>> No.54254692

Woah my hands they’re attacking by mistake!!!!

>> No.54254721

i smoke weed every day. sitting in my nice house and on 6 comfy acres in rural texas. literally living the dream anon. I'm also 1099 and not the normal slave. I work at home. feels good. smoking the bong for you right now and the jew you posted.

dude weed

btw the guy I was talking about owns 2 homes and is only 33. los pop out there grinding. he'll have #3 built soon.

>> No.54254925

What are you even on about? I said OP can't afford weed. I can afford weed, I have my own home, a load of crypto, my own car.

But keep seething you poor fags.

>> No.54255068
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I wish I had a connect to get some. Used to buy off of onions, but I got caught like a dumbass. Delta-8 vapes are shite and probably way worse healthwise, but that's what I'm stuck with

>> No.54255094

Damn bro that delta 8 fire??

>> No.54255135

its garbage compared to even mid black market stuff tbqhwyf

>> No.54255187

I'm pretty sure the majority of them had shit childhoods. I'm not giving them a pass. Don't spoil your kids but let them be kids or else you're creating drug addicts who won't contribute to society.

>> No.54257419

my brother in christ, holy fuck, who gives a single shit about society?

>> No.54257483

because the simulation is built for only pain

>> No.54257489
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I happily smoked weed almost daily when I was in college and dreamed of a future where I could afford to buy ounces of the best shit whenever I want. Now I'm making close to $200k a year but can't smoke because it makes me too anxious and awkard. It's fucking tragic.

>> No.54257801

I remember being at this level in life OP, thx for reminding never to go back there.

>> No.54257925

literally just go to an outdoor concert and meet 10 plugs in the same day bro. don't smoke that garbage.

>> No.54260034
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>weed is nigger tier degen shit
>14 year old trad virgin wife only
>one day I'm gonna lose all this weight

>> No.54260257


>> No.54260326

Weed =\= meth

>> No.54260378

that sounds like weed laced with synthetic cannabinoids, are you in europe? tons of weed is laced in europe, mostly sold as "haze" and "amnesia"

>> No.54262235

just smoke less lmao
you don't drink liquor like beer either

>> No.54262500

whats wrong with cannabis out of a dry herb vape?

>> No.54262784

>nintendo switch
>inhaling too
you're a pawn, a tool, a fool

>> No.54263864

Lol order d8 distillate or thco they're legal still

>> No.54264020

Imagine making $14 an hour when labor supply dried up and people pay $50-$100 per hour to hire lawn mowers and window cleaners. YOU ARE FUCKING PATHETIC. Covid made low skill labor moon in value and here you are doing nothing about it

>> No.54264170

Oh shit. Gottem!
I always pay in Swiss francs at the V E R S A C E store. I usually pay in rupees at the McDonald’s though.

>> No.54266508

>weed is too strong for me
weed can make a lot of mental illnesses worse when smoking, consider getting checked out and possibly quit

>> No.54266523

Whew… good to know