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54426197 No.54426197 [Reply] [Original]

Money is energy and fossil fuels have peaked.

Our growth economy cannot accept this and so we have turned to massive debt in hopes that we are able to pay it back in the future, but it is not playing out.

We are currently undergoing the collapse of this civilization as we have no viable alternative to that of which the fossil fuels have given us, a practically limitless energy source and carrier.

Billions must die and we must change our way of living. Hope you enjoy your last moments for things are only going to be more expensive, no matter, what, you, do.

This is ignoring climate change, if we go sooner it might be a good thing for the future of humanity as the planet might be more inhabitable.

Enjoy yourself

>> No.54426215

just print more money lol
MMT KILLS the ch*d

>> No.54426223
File: 37 KB, 318x306, F0C0A96A-7EE9-44BC-A247-8E5F544AD0D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate change

>> No.54426226

No, we are not peak oil or fossil fuels. True, the economy is shit with the money printer and the debt, but conflicting that to energy is retarded.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54426264


>> No.54426392

Fucking retarded globalist drivel

>> No.54426432

Perhaps these so called globalists know a bit more than you and are trying to save humanity from extinction

>> No.54426463


>> No.54426483

It is clear that our primate hunter gatherer brains were not primed for this kind of abundant energy, this answer being a prime example of that xD.

>> No.54426499

No one asked nigger

>> No.54426504

Trillions will be pocket change in a decade. KYS op. Two more weeks

>> No.54426548
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>we have no viable alternative to that of which the fossil fuels have given us, a practically limitless energy source and carrier.
Ur a fagat

>> No.54426615

Nuclear is not a carrier nor is it sustainable until we have fission, which has been a wet dream 1 year away 40 years ago. This does not take into account that only 20% of energy being used is electricity. We would have to convert our entire society to one that uses electricity and that is no simple task in such little time, as we also have to reduce our climate impact while doing so. Massive amounts of reactors very complex will have to be erected, that is just priming for disaster to happen! Not to mention that we have a finite amount of that nuclear stuff around too.

>> No.54426887

They're gonna mint the Coin, anon
Also, >>54426548

>> No.54426920

>take heat energy
>crack water
>synthesis liquid fuel
Not difficult. Uranium supply is also de facto infinite as fuel costs for fission are neglectable, making even "expensive" e.g. $1000/lb uranium prices workable making ocean extraction feasible.

>> No.54426945

Are we running out of magic dinosaur remains?

>> No.54427275

Dumb fag we can use pebble reactors. If anyone in government wasn't a complete useless shithead we could have nation wide nuclear energy, space elevators, etc but instead we do war and welfare. Also oil is abiotic in origin but we can't extract enough abiotic sources right now.

>> No.54428038

Your either completely brainwashed and retarded or this is an elite shill thread… the only reason we have been burning “fossil fuels” for energy is because it is completely owned and controlled by the parasites!! They murder anyone who dares to invent anything that will free us from our slavery.. if we removed all central banks tomorrow and released suppressed technology (which we paid for) we would be truly in a golden age, lookup “plasma batteries” this is only ONE of the technologies they are keeping from us while trying to spin a dystopian control system of carbon credit to save the environment! THEY are at fault for any damage done to the environment! They are collapsing society because their ponzi in its final stage, don’t let anyone tell you this isn’t easily solvable with the extermination of the so called ruling “elite”