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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54582645 No.54582645 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.54582685

i will be a trillionaire

>> No.54582710

I will finally get a girl

>> No.54582730

How do I verify this?

>> No.54582733

I will buy a big mac

>> No.54582768

Uh oh

>> No.54582780

so it's finally been two weeks?

>> No.54582862

Are they even paying with LINK? And does this all go to the devs or the node operators?

>> No.54582935

Why do linkies expect nonlinkies to give them money? I don't get it.

>> No.54582951

Payment for services rendered.
If you don't want to pay for Chainlink, don't use it. Simple as.

>> No.54582959
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>> No.54582980

But nobody on this board has ever used it.

>> No.54582989

Newfag here, if that's true, why aren't insiders or even the devs of those 2K projects buying LINK? Isn't it usually the case that we regular folks know about things after they pump?

>> No.54583008

>buy 1 link
>give link to sergay
>sergay sells it plus an extra 50mil dump
How does this benefit linkies?

>> No.54583012

It isn't sold to consumers, it's sold to other businesses. But if you pay for a service which uses Chainlink in the backend, then you're obviously indirectly paying for it.

>> No.54583026

Yes that's true

>> No.54583073

They were already paying though, in dollars. Same as now. Nothing has changed. Token is still not needed.

>> No.54583091


>> No.54583155

They weren't paying before, actually.
And as far as I can tell nobody's really paying in USD, but it's something that I'm still trying to figure out. It seems like small companies through the BUILD program are paying in their native tokens, but everyone else is either paying in LINK or in a way which gets immediately converted to LINK. The token is intrinsically tied to the way the network functions, so it's literally not possible for nodes to be paid in anything else.

>> No.54583401

The corporate clients were paying Sergey (in USD), who gave them as many tokens as they needed. No corporate client was buying tokens on the free market in order to use Chainlink services, which is why the token is not needed.

>> No.54583405

Exactly. Now you pay up.

>> No.54583491

Been out of the loop, what's this about?

>> No.54584047

Chainlink customers have to now pay hundreds of thousands of dollars, or in some case millions, in order to keep accessing services which used to be free. And they all know that they don't have a choice, because Chainlink is the only secure option.

>> No.54584122

On and offf visitor to /biz/, educate me about the chainlink psychos anons.

>> No.54584212

Sergey will just lend them the link they need.

>> No.54584216

You had five years

>> No.54584392

all this wealth flow to sergey and the company none of it gets captured by the token and you know this
you need link to pay for the services but on the receiving end the nodes then sell all the received link so still no net buy pressure
and the fat fuck refuses to release staking still

>> No.54584470

>refuses to release staking
I’m staking right now lmao

>> No.54584536

v0.1 isnt anything like the staking described in the white paper and doenst capture any value
and you know this

>> No.54584645

How does any of this gobbledygook mean anything to you people?

>> No.54584714

Your penis is protruding.

>> No.54584805

Sure feels that way.

>> No.54585056

So does this mean link will finally go parabolic?

>> No.54585127

>Fundamentally vertical, where you just win

>> No.54585279


>> No.54585767

So a slow rise like the ocean in the wake of global warming meaning i can swing this shit forever

>> No.54585834

discord trannies literally foaming at the mouths

>> No.54585842


>> No.54585854


While this is true and V0.1 is mediocre, they did add the BUILD airdrops which is interesting, does add value, and was completely unexpected nor promised ahead of time. Its likely we will continue to see surprise value added without any previous knowledge.

The thing is I expect the iteration of staking in the white paper will be implemented. I trust the team to continue to reach the goals they have outlined.

I suppose the new FUD will be its never going to happen or it will be in a decade etc.

Either way as we inch closer to the fully realize version its not hard to see the token will be given increasing utility and value until we see the end result and the full node collateralization aspect.

>> No.54585867

So that's why ETH is going up.

>> No.54585876

>But nobody on this board has ever used it.
Nobody noticed it and that's EXACTLY how you want it.
You didn't notice you used TCP/IP today either did you? You utter faggot.

>> No.54585900

> thinks .1 > 1.0 shift is likely the next release

You’re in a world full of pain fren

>> No.54585917

wait until linkies find out just how little money there actually is in a fully b2b token vs one that has any demand by retail whatsoever

>> No.54585988

>You’re in a world full of pain fren

It went from an ICO of $.0.09 to $54. I'm doing fine.

I actually never said it would go from 0.1 to 1.0. It will probably take sometime but I doubt as much as you want people to believe.

>> No.54586023

It won't be so painful when stakers get a few dozen airdrops totaling tens of thousands of tokens for a single 7k link stake. Think about how many coins the average arb user got as an airdrop and multiply that by the number of projects using BUILD. This was a completely unexpected addition from even the 2.0 whitepaper but Sergey did it for the holders out of the kindness of his heart. What a nice person Sergey is.

>> No.54586063
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>or in a way which gets immediately converted to LINK
That point in the blog post wasn't entirely transparent, and I cite: "Payments in other assets CAN then be converted to LINK". Can ≠ Will, and no clarification has been given to this day even if it was asked for en masse. Not fudding here, just check for yourself if you don't believe me.

>> No.54586065

>You didn't notice you used TCP/IP today either did you?
Of course I did, windowlicker. Nobody here has ever used Link, period.

>> No.54586109
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Sergey is making them pay up! Now pay up bitch!

>> No.54586130

>The thing is I expect the iteration of staking in the white paper will be implemented. I trust the team to continue to reach the goals they have outlined
If there's one thing that the team tried to put in your brainlet's head the most is the fact that truth > trust, and it looks like you still fail badly at acknowledging that

>> No.54587001

>If there's one thing that the team tried to put in your brainlet's head the most is the fact that truth > trust, and it looks like you still fail badly at acknowledging that

What kind of nigger tier thought pattern is this?

The team is building the truth machine. So it until it exists one must trust they will complete it.

>> No.54587010

>Can ≠ Will
i made up this fud for lulz

>> No.54588023

I just read the blog shit instead, still sus

>> No.54588167

The tokens will not be an instant buy / instant sell. The consumers will buy a certain supply, operators will sell a certain supply. It's an ouroboros that removes a portion of link from the market for each price feed or similar service a consumer uses.
Operators will also soon have to lock a certain amount of tokens into SLS. They will be tucking some away to the side already. Even if it's just to have their own "war chest"
Fees will be distributed out to a range of people such as the team, operators and stakers. Who knows, even some API services might negotiate to be paid in link rather than usd and will hold onto a speculative quantity as well.
As we saw from a thread a few days ago, the next version of staking is coming this year.

>> No.54588195

Whore costs $100 / h bro

>> No.54588214

I personally saved that meme pic.

>> No.54588269


>> No.54588317

Bad business to have an expensive token rocketing upwards as your payment system, Why do you want to hurt Sergey's business anon? HE HAS TO EAT YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!

>> No.54588366

Fees are paid in link but denominated in usd. 18 decimals

>> No.54588383

By turning into an ethereal being that can step inside ops mind and take a look at his files

>> No.54588433
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fudsisters, we lost... WEF won...

>> No.54588448

Checked and I guarantee the subhuman you replied to knows this

>> No.54588459

Masonic digits

>> No.54589039

LinkCHADS....we fucking made it

>> No.54590227


>> No.54590451
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>pAy uP
>everyone ditches LINK for the next scam
>sergay sells for USD
>stinky linkies not allowed to cum, ever

>> No.54590677

Did any investors make money off of TCP/IP being invented? My research says no, so not sure why you're touting this as an accomplishment.

>> No.54590687

>dude just go back to 2009 and buy bitcoin

>> No.54590705
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>> No.54590744

Why link has a token and tcp/ip didn't. Token needed. Thanks for playing.