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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54599737 No.54599737 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetically speaking, what would be the best way to launder $200,000k in dimes?

>> No.54599762

Very small and discreet CoinStar dumps. Lace the dimes with other coins if possible and wear a coof mask. Could take weeks going from city to city but very doable.

>> No.54599768

why is there a truck filled with 200k in dimes?

>> No.54599780
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>> No.54599782

Not really monetary profit but I'd tell charities I'd like to donate $500 and then just toss the bag of dimes at them. Not my problem

>> No.54599791

That's about 5 tons of dimes or 4536 kilograms. Where do you even keep that much in the meantime? Let alone steal it.

>> No.54599793

Easiest way is to find some mafioso who will take it off your hands for probably $150k cash.

Otherwise, do what anon says >>54599762

>> No.54599794

baka my head

>> No.54599797

>dime weighs 2.268 grams
>two million dimes are worth $200k
>4,536,000g or 4,536Kg
How the fuck do you steal 4.5 metric tons of ANYTHING? Did they bring their own semi and trailer?

>> No.54599798

Real talk, when you punch someone, do you guys think a roll of dimes would be best or a roll of quarters? My hands are kinda small so the dimes feel better but maybe others disagree?

>> No.54599806

if it can fit in a truck then it can fit in any house or apartment at least as big as a truck. probably not an apartment though, my guess a rural house far from any neighbours that might wonder why you're moving in so many barrels

>> No.54599809

Youtube video: "I bought a house with only dimes I asked from strangers over the last 10 years

>> No.54599811

basement, the house needs a basement since 4.5 tons might fall through a floor

>> No.54599812

or find a shady business man in a cash business like a laundry mat who can move that amount without alerting anything and will give you dollars for it. But again you're gonna take a serious haircut in the tens of thousands to move it.

>> No.54599816

Get 2 rolls of both and get a feel for them and practice punching with both. If the quarters are too heavy and you try to take a swing and you get thrown off balance youre gonna look like the biggest tool right before getting your shit kicked in with a wad of $20 bills.
Also, dimes weigh less than a roll of pennies or nickels. So you clearly have options here.

Oh and, not financial advice.

>> No.54599828

Yeah, you're right. Should just practice a bit with my punching bag and rolls of each coin. It's mostly just for fun.

>> No.54599843

That’s probably why all rednecks have 10 rusted out trucks sitting on their property. They’re all filled with change

>> No.54599852

Dumbest thread, business and finance gm

>> No.54599859

boss makes a dollar, i make a dime, that's why i stole 2 million dimes

>> No.54599897

Due to inflation, the value of the base metal is probably worth more. Melt it down.

>> No.54599915


>> No.54599946

I used to have a small business, and banked $1000 a week in coins. I used to say it was from my piggy bank to avoid a commercial fee.
every week the guy said "wow you've saved a lot ". And i would go mmmmmm.

>> No.54599958

wow you've saved a lot

>> No.54599967


>> No.54600263
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All that effort and I bet that less than a handful are even silver

>> No.54600384

Probably launder them in tourists forex desks

>> No.54600442

that trailer is 53' long 8' wide and 8.5' tall that's 3600 sqft buddy. it's not fitting in an apartment or a basement.

>> No.54602316

>He doesn't know industrial theft exist.
Nigger there's people steal everything as long as it has value.
They will steal concrete blocks if left unattended

>> No.54602402

Pay for 200000 blowjobs

>> No.54602435

they aren’t silver dimes but your mom would still take the deal

>> No.54602441

because it would take 2 trucks for nickels.

>> No.54602448
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In Europe the copper used to make coins is worth more than the value on the coins (1c,2c,5c) so the bankers encourage rounding prices to 10 cents so you don’t use copper coins.

>> No.54602449


>> No.54602521

I think there’s a rail gun that takes coins as projectiles, I saw it on youtube

>> No.54602935

this is the funniest shit that has happened in a long time and few people have the autism to theorycraft unloading 2 million dimes while the alphabet boys scramble for a lead, truly a shame

>> No.54602957

shut the fuck up god dammit it. lol

>> No.54602979
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faggy brownskin-dick-stroking european hands typed this post

>> No.54602991

$10,000 USD per BTC programmed into Blockchain Code.

>> No.54602996

>my guess a rural house far from any neighbours that might wonder why you're moving in so many barrels
rurals are far, far more interested in what their neighbors are up to, and miles away is still "neighbor." everyone has their eyes out, all the time. people steal from their "closest friends" constantly. in spite of all the self-entitlement, it's likewise vigilant people who move to rural areas in the first place.

>> No.54603023

Get a loan to start a small business , start your own laundromat , fake books and cash in whatever appropriate amount per week in your business bank branch , pay the tax on your laundromat profits at the end of the tax year.

Money is now clean. Are they going to prove shaniqua and her 10 niglets don't do their laundry at your place every week?

Why do you think they call it money laundering.

>> No.54603040
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do vending machines commonly take dimes? just go around snaxxmaxxing

>> No.54603093

have you ever heard of gypsies?

>> No.54603216

Just because the trailer is that big doesn't necessarily mean the load is that big, fucknut.

>> No.54603256

be nice anon, that type of equipment is a hate crime is greater yuropooria

>> No.54603298
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Fucking hearty audible kek

>> No.54603304

Open a laundromat with machines that only accept coins. Make sure to also have a machine that changes bills for coins. Don't put quarters in the machine obviously.

I have no idea how long it would take you though. Thats a lot of fucking dimes.

>> No.54603336

Businesses pay for change delivery. I worked a job once where the general manager was such a cheap lesbo bitch that staff would be asked if they can bring change from home to be exchanged for notes. Just literally go to a business, say you want to get rid of your coins and they will thankyou for it. Maybe bag it into the amounts a bank issues them in, say here in Europoor-dystopia a bag of 1 cents is 100 coins.

>> No.54603347

Most likely, coin rolls for $5-10 apiece, then using them to pay for minor expenses, or exchanging them with random people on the street for dollar bills, even at a loss.
No one is ever managing to launder 10,000lbs of dimes via fucking coinstar.

>> No.54603465

Ok, sure, but there's a few pretty massive hurdles we're skipping over, like heaving that shit out and putting it into a different trailer. That's like 9k pounds of bullshit, man.

>> No.54603496

is it the scrap value of nickels or dimes thats like 20% over its face value?

>> No.54603533

Likely nickels, but who knows.

>> No.54603576

gantry cranes, engine hoists, pallet stackers, lift jacks.....
You can get very creative when you need to move thousands of pounds with suboptimal equipment. It's how I've gotten half my shop tools into my garage

>> No.54603668

>launder dimes
When I was in college, the clothes washers and dryers accepted dimes.

That was a long time ago.

>> No.54603686

Vending machines, buy all the inventory and use it to stock your own vending machines

>> No.54603697

>is american
>thinks he's white

>> No.54603700


>> No.54603726

Was just about to say this. The metal is probably worth more than the coin. Also the hassle of converting the coins into cash is not worth it

>> No.54603765

>own a dime arcade
>own a dime slots parlor
>own a dime candy store
>own a dime pachinko parlor

>> No.54604895

why do you need to launder your own money that you've saved up for the last 20 years? just go to a bank and exchange a few k at a time

>> No.54604957

>massive dime theft takes place
>all of a sudden a guy comes in with a pallet of late model dimes that he "saved up over the last 20 years"
you didnt really think this one through did you

>> No.54605295

shut up man

>> No.54605358

about the same weight as a forklift. just split them up into 2 or 3 loads and it would be easy lift for one

>> No.54605376

at least they toss the change to the ground

>> No.54605441

what the hell kind of laundromat uses dimes? it's been a while since I've had to use one, but literally every one only toke quarters. There is a converter for bills to quarters but there isn't one for dimes to quarters.

>> No.54605481

fuck that paint them gold and pretend you're scrooge mcduck

>> No.54605567

I think you're better off letting the guy cunt punch a roll of silver dollars into your ass.

>> No.54605581

The jew fears the household dime hoarder

>> No.54605688

I saw a black guy deposit over $100 in quarters into a coinstar and thought it was the most bizarre thing ever. Good luck even exchanging thousands in nickles at multiple stores without at least 1 guy making a note of it

>> No.54605706

My grandma had me put $500 in saved coins through a coinstar in a Wal-Mart. Never again.

>> No.54605710

A 5 ton truck handles 4.5 tons....

>> No.54605763

There you go OP. Just say "haha my grandma wanted to get rid of her change" 400 times

>> No.54605790

melt them

>> No.54605817

>adds the height for his sqft calculation
guess i live in a 30000sqft house

>> No.54605870

Nickels are roughly twice the size of dimes so it would probably take four trucks

>> No.54605898

I used to be a wagie at Starbucks and was in charge of distributing tips. I'd take $700-800 in coins every week to a TD bank nearby back when they had the penny arcade. The tellers were annoyed but they never suspected anything shady.

>> No.54605904

You should retake intro to geometry class anon

>> No.54605958
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>he doesn't know why there's a truck filled with 200k in dimes

>> No.54605963

I hand load 4000kg of cargo on board aircraft by myself multiple times per day. Takes about 15 minutes

>> No.54605973

And 4 guys can do it by hand in half an hour....

>> No.54606062

Why does everyone assume this was done by one person? It looks more like, they left a truck somewhere overnight and for 6 hours random people robbed the truck.

>> No.54606107

Solid laugh while I'm pooping my man.

>> No.54606131

easy, just wait for hyperinflation, scrap metal alone is going to be worth way more than 200k
>Each 1¢ penny is worth approximately 2.3860¢ in scrap metal.

>> No.54608181

Mix the dimes into dirt and rocks to beat them up. That way the dimes will look used and be less suspicious.

>> No.54608683

Sell on ebay with free shipping and 30% off or something.

>> No.54608823

Somewhat related.. I have access to decently large quantities of fine pure nickel powder, like 50lbs worth. What’s the best way to profit from this?

>> No.54608921

>I saw a black guy deposit over $100 in quarters into a coinstar and thought it was the most bizarre thing ever.

Not bizarre at all, if you collect loose change it can add up. I would regularly have $30 plus of change in a jar kept it.

>> No.54608936
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Do anons really not know where coins come from?

>> No.54610343

coinstar machines. Exchange the dimes for cash in intervals over the span of several years

>> No.54610353

OK niggerlover

>> No.54610697

Hope those are mercury dimes...

>> No.54611017

wait a year then do this >>54599762

>> No.54611031

They stole the nickels go buy $waifu
$33k stealth launch soon, gg/waifuai

>> No.54611087

Banks are starting to *not* handle change. My nationwide big-name bank sends my pounds of change to be counted off-premises. My local bank still counts and deposits change locally though.

>> No.54611128

thanks man I've been laughing for a couple minutes at this point

>> No.54611133


>> No.54611144

Open up a gumball business

>> No.54611163

why dont they just do a bank transfer? why use a truck lol

>> No.54611188
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I do I convince random people to give me theirs 1, 2 and 5 cents?

>> No.54611949

Wholesome Based.

>> No.54611979

You should go to an arcade which has that coin pusher game that way all your winnings will be legit.

>> No.54612029

Insane how fiat works in reverse too.
>this Piece of paper is actually worth waaaay more than a piece of paper because it has the $ sign on it
>this piece of metal is actually worth less than a piece of metal because it has the $ on it

>> No.54612068

Charity boxes. Just set up a holocaust survivors relief fund

>> No.54612095

>>$200000 in dimes stolen in Philly
>Several tons of dimes stolen
Inconceivable. This story is not about dimes, but "dimes".
Sounds like someone dropped a lot of dimes. Expect a big arrest or police raid in the near future.

This is how the news works, 99% of the stories aren't real. Its encoded messaging. It all works like this. When you learn how it works you can profit from the windfall. My crypto portfolio would be accused of insider trading in less than the next 2 years if I was a prominent social figure for example.

>> No.54612106

Stop giving away our secrets, cunt!

>> No.54612140

well coins do not have serial numbers so they are not really traceable.
but i am sure people at those coin exchange machines at walrmart or whatever plus at banks would be on alert for people exchanging huge numbers of dimes.
setting up a business and claiming payment in dimes is probably a no go
best bet would be the painfully slow route
use your own money to make change ( change a few thousand in cash for quarters , nickles, pennies etc). then go to those machines and exchange your coins with a mix of the the dimes that fell of the back of a truck. maybe do a thousand or so at a time with 30 to 40% of the coins being dimes. spread it out over the course of a year or so and do it in a bunch of different states and you MIGHT be fine.
probs do the whole sunglasses and hat thing as well

otherwise just do like >>54603040 mentioned and snaxxmaxx
but instead of eating them, buy out entire vending machines and sell the stock at a reduced price. you will probs lose like 50% of the 200k after taking into account the loss from buying at vending machine and selling even cheaper.

>> No.54612578

Only one who knows what's up here

>> No.54612599

Open a laundry mat or video game arcade.

>> No.54612677

>Where do you even keep that much in the meantime?
In the same truck you stole it with.

>> No.54612706
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>> No.54612886

Watch this guy get caught by trying to bring 2,000 pounds of dimes into a Dodge dealership

>> No.54615085

Literally melt them into ingots and sell the metal.