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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5460712 No.5460712 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5460764

my bags are finally pumping
thank you based shills

>> No.5460783
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op you faggot if you think this is "mooning"
wait for 2018 this shit will go to 300 USD easy

>> No.5460882

Obligatory nice just bought 100k

>> No.5460909
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>> No.5460919
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fucking quadrupled my moneys already

>> No.5460932
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200 sky here
will i make it
how many sky for a gf like this

>> No.5461043

one, she is ugly chink

>> No.5461066

Ugliest chink there is

>> No.5461067
File: 160 KB, 904x1280, photo_2017-12-13_07-34-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally free decentralized internet for everyone
no isp bullshit
no tracking no censorship no fucking datacaps
it already works miners getting shipped

im so glad i found out about this couple of days ago

>> No.5461395

the fuck is this shit even?
can you stop shilling your indian scams already?

>> No.5461545
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>miners getting shipped
this. it's not a vaporware shitcoin. they have working miners and are already working on v2, senpai

free us from the fucking ISPs please

>> No.5461621
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join us while you can

>> No.5461630

Wew lad is a virgin.

>> No.5461681


It's literally one of the few coins that'll retain it's value and be widely used once this bubble pops.

>> No.5461873

Sell all my bch and go all in on this? I'm unfortunately 100% bch.. only $43k worth. Where should I dump my monies?? I was thinking a sprinkling of $5k across 4 bittrex and 4 binance coins - thoughts? The green dildos behind these alts past 2 weeks seem dying to correct

>> No.5462169

maybe not all in but i think 10k is a good investment

>> No.5462285

if someone gave me $43k in bcash and told me to invest it wherever i wanted it would be:

>10k ethereum
>10k skycoin
>13k monero
>10k doge (once it hits about 40)

if you don't want doge i'd split that 10k into 5k more for skycoin and 5k for either eth or xmr

>> No.5462337

U cant buy 43k worth of this coin unless u want to increase the price by 200%
There is literally 0 volume

>> No.5462409

would have to wait for the otc to be back up again.

>> No.5462506

screen cap this post and re-calculate what this would be worth in 4 months.

>> No.5462512

Go all in ICX. it will be 20$ EOY/ early January. Trust me anon. This shit is going to mars. It isn't released on Korean markets yet and that shit triple over the past week.

BCH tip appreciated

>> No.5462550

fuck off pajeet

>> No.5462568

not a pajeet. Look at the charts.. Stay poor faggot

>> No.5462631
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>begging for money
>not a pajeet

>> No.5462690

this shit doesn't make any sense. i read their whitepaper and it does not prove that it's anonymous or anything like that. just that it "works".

>> No.5462719

also, the main dev is this paranoid schizo who claims that cia contacted him to create a new alternative bitcoin so that they can launder their money

>> No.5462749

plus, the wallet doesn't even have password. you call this shit secure?

>> No.5462894

Well not all encryption is created equally. New version will have it some .

I see nothing wrong with that desu. Almost all genius devs are borderline shizo.

What exactly have you read? The dumbed down blogposts? I invite you to visit the github or ask your questions on the telegram.

>> No.5463087

It's going to dip right?

>> No.5463256

If u watch this coin like I do then you will know that it moons 20k sats like this and then a bot dumps it back down every now and then

Its like ARK did in May

>> No.5463587

interesting can you tell me more?

>> No.5463638
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"Hence the group, in order to to survive, has to find a member who can make intelligent decisions for the group. Such behavior is modeled after sheeple..."

how stoned were these guys when they wrote this whitepaper

>> No.5463674


>> No.5463804

The fuck are you talking about lord?

>> No.5463846

What the fuck are you talking about? Context? Which whitepaper, there's 5 of them

>> No.5464013

Prolly the good stuff.
But what's wrong with that?

>> No.5464073
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>> No.5464812
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>> No.5464936

10k raiblocks
10k monero
10K skycoin
5k Funfair
5k INS ecosystem
1k Link
1k REQ
1k ETH

>> No.5465033

Skycoin is the BTC killer..

>> No.5465069
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unironically good portfolio, you're gonna make it

>> No.5465208

i literally opened the wallet. no password. you clearly have not done your dd.

>> No.5465279
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>> No.5465329

Bought at 21, sold at 22. Dipped back to 20 and I bought it again.

I made a $2 profit, I'm a fucking genius.

>> No.5465334

Its starting to dump btw

>> No.5465350
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They also made some unsubstantiated claim about the purpose of their failed election algorithm, asking if any "anthropologists or ethnographers could confirm this proposition, perhaps using their yet-unpublished

> yet-unpublished
> literally counting on "o whoops I never published that" within the present academic ecosystem of "QUICK I DON'T CARE IF THE RESULTS ARE INCONCLUSIVE, JUST FUDGE IT MOTHERFUCKER LET'S PUBLISH" to validate their claims

I want to believe fellow anons, but these guys don't sound like they have a clear grasp of reality and that makes me doubt their technical/business skills

>> No.5465380

>doesn't look out the window

>> No.5465444
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look at the order book/history. it's literally some fag selling 1 skycoin to himself at lower and lower prices which is causing noobs who can't read the order books to sell. lmao

>> No.5465447

good find I will sell 100 k now

>> No.5465799

There's the algorithm simulation on section 0.4, do you have any comments about that? It seems to be working fine, despite their "unsubstatiated claims" regarding the rationality of the design.

>> No.5465841

Seems like you're just too much of a brainlet to get it

>> No.5466045

You should read the whole thing before posting this desu

>> No.5466100

listen to this guy. don't let these moonkids convince you. this coin is 100% hype and doesn't even have a secure wallet. WALLET WITH NO PASSWORD.

>> No.5466143

are you that much of an idiot to have your wallet stolen in the first place? lmao

>> No.5466722

It looks fine. I don't see where all their big claims are coming from. Maybe one of these shills can educate us.

These clowns are talking about replacing fucking tcp/ip. With goals that lofty and presentation as shit as this whitepaper, I'm not convinced.

>> No.5467353

tcp/ip is outdated and needs to be replaced

>> No.5467403

I think you're missing the point

>> No.5467498

The white paper could need an update yes, but what exactly do you criticise about it?

>> No.5467519

here you go

>> No.5468209
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Blockchain thats been in developement since the bitcoin early days, fixing literally all of the issues with bitcoin:
>web of trust algo that got rid of the miners and pos hoarding from network operation
>fixed double spending
>fixed signature malleability
>51% attack impossible
>secure deterministic wallets
>coinjoin protocol for privacy
>created their own networking protocols for consensus verification
>uses a lot less resources than bitcoin nodes
>soft coded blockchain size parameter for ez scaling
>provably hundreds of txs per seconds
>no tx fees
>timelocked distribution over a 14 year timeline

Coin itself is used for operating skywire, a new decentralized internet built from the ground up, designed to be in every way better than tcp/ip:
>got their own hardware infrastructure
>uses public keys instead of ip addresses
>all traffic encrypted by default
>man in the middle attacks impossible
>nodes forwarding traffic can only see the previous and next hop, not origin or destination
>latency superior to ipv4 because ISPs use hot potato routing and skywire doesnt
>speed superior because bandwidth aggregation is possible, using the unused bandwidth of your neighbours
>immune to all of ISP fuckery such as throttling, censorship, outages etc
>works as an overlay over the current internet as of now, but will be completely independant as soon as the network backhaul is in place
>incentivized for the first 14 years, you get paid for running a node and transferring packets for the network
>it will be faster and pretty much free, no way current ISPs can compete