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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 236 KB, 1000x664, I0000cA8XSA3OMyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54651769 No.54651769 [Reply] [Original]

>Free food.
>Free health care.
>Free rent.
>Free college.
>Large signing bonuses.
>Learn skills that translate over well to the private sector.
>Veteran's hiring preference to edge out other applicants when applying to jobs.
>The respect of your countrymen.
>Learn to be assertive which will help you dominate the boardroom and give the grindset to be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Uhhhhh, why isn't enlisting in the military the greatest financial move someone can make fresh out of high school again?

>> No.54651798

>Large signing bonuses

>> No.54651814

It is aslong you join air force or space force

If ur a fag navy is good too

>> No.54651817
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>New recruits can combine several bonuses for an enlistment package of up to $50,000.

>> No.54651833

Mongoloid. They demand all your time, your physical presence, your obedience, putting your life and health at risk, and compromising your morality (unless shooting strangers is not against your morals).

Free my dick in your ass.

>> No.54651843
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>putting your life and health at risk

Only if you go infantry.

>> No.54651852

In AF/SF only combat ur seeing is droning goat herders while eating cheetos

>> No.54651854

>Fuck off army recruiter. We're not dying in your banker's war with the east.

>> No.54651868


>> No.54651878
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I guess you must not like getting a leg-up in life over the competition.

>> No.54651899

The only benefits are learning skills and free college or certifications. The pay is garbage and the bonuses are trash
>t. Former Air Force cybersecurity

>> No.54651920
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KYS mushroom nosed tranny freak

>> No.54651923
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They give you skills for life.

They teach you how to properly be an adult and take care of yourself, your family, and your friends.

You can't put a price on that.

>> No.54651937


That's not me.

>> No.54651945
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Kys tranny faggot, brooklyn post office worker

/fa/ tripfag

>> No.54651957


Ummm, that's not me.

>> No.54651964
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Literal tranny tripfag spammer, commit suicide unironically

>> No.54651977


Uhhhh.... what?

>> No.54651992
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Kys tripfag, you are on the archives

>> No.54651997



>> No.54652081

If the military teaches you how to “be an adult” then you had some really awful parents. On top of that, anything that lacks a dollar valuation is worth exactly $0 if it cannot be translated to real earnings

>> No.54652088

>up to $50,000.

>> No.54652103

This, always take the mos with the highest ASVAB requirements.

But in reality the military is pretty mid ngl.

>> No.54652124
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That's not true.

Parents don't prepare you for everything it takes to be an adult.

Some stuff you have to figure out on your own.

That's where the military comes in.

They'll teach you all that stuff your parents missed.


It's on the website.

>> No.54652153

>forced to get vaxxed
>risk losing leg in war
>if you or a loved one served at camp something, you may be entitled to…

All of this for a signing bonus and a “leg” up on other applicants. No thanks Jeff

>> No.54652166

/biz/ is fucking dead. Holy shit why are we constantly forced every fucking day to have these fucking useless glow niggers spam the slave cage to us?

Why can't there be one fucking corner of the internet that is not filled with the will of these fucking parasites.

>> No.54652181

it's the complete opposite. if you're junior enlisted, they micromanage your life (via on-base housing and the job in general) to the point where you can't make many decisions. this leaves retards unprepared for the real world, so you see things like privates buying ford mustangs at 23% APY, or marrying the first trailer trash girl that sucks their dick.

>> No.54652192

>spam the slave cage to us


>> No.54652335

>have to take six Covid shots, including boosters that were never tested on humans
>have to take a mpox shot meant for faggots
>have to endure endless hours of tranny indoctrination, white guilt lectures, pro-illegal immigrant, BLM, and pronouns training
>taught to hate American values like patriotism and liberty in favor of genderless, mixed breed brown mutt globalism
>taught to surveil people and disrupt pro-freedom conversations on the internet (Eglin AFB)
>bomb and murder innocent babies, children, and families overseas just so your illegitimate government who hates you can keep printing money and enslaving people all over the world
>fighting on behalf of genital mutilators, CIA-sponsored drug cartels, human traffickers, poison drug companies, pedos, satanists, and buttfuckers, all of whom laugh when you die face down in the dirt for their interests
>serve with black women, Hispanics, and tranny faggots who don’t give a fuck about America and it’s history and culture and are just there to get a paycheck
>will eventually be tasked with opening fire on American citizens on American soil during forced gun confiscations, forced vaccination campaigns, asset seizures from people who don’t comply with using CBDC, and FEMA camp roundups
>fight for a regime that is more worried about Ukraine than it’s own border and spends more time making Twitter videos with trannies and banning light bulbs than actually governing what was once a proud and noble country
Yeah sounds real kino

>> No.54652357

until a few years ago you literally could not sue a military doctor for medical malpractice, even if it was an extreme case of negligence like harming a patient while practicing medicine/surgery under the influence of drugs or alcohol. and i'm sure the new law "allowing" this has a number of provisions that make the law effectively useless.

really makes you think.

>> No.54652362
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go away glowie, i'm not dying for gay rights in iran

>> No.54652371

You forgot

>burn in hell

>> No.54652374

>people whining about covid vaccine

I don't get this.

You mean you DON'T like having protection against a potentially lethal virus?

Seems pretty stupid to me.

>> No.54652396
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>> No.54652401

I got free tuition for my 4 year degree. If I didn’t, I would’ve gone the military route for the GI Bill.

>> No.54652406

You were doing so well, now you ruined it.

>> No.54652426

>free ptsd
>oops the VA doesn't cover that [injury sustained during service]
>just build your own VA hospital when we close the only one you can use!
>highest rated of suicide and homeless
A fitting end for zogbots

>> No.54652436

>You mean you DON'T like having protection against a potentially lethal virus?
what i don't like is my blood vessels getting clogged with spike protein from random cells in my body that should be doing their jobs

>> No.54652454

>Free food.
>Free health care.
>Free rent.
>Free college.
>Large signing bonuses.
>Learn skills that translate over well to the private sector.
>Veteran's hiring preference to edge out other applicants when applying to jobs.
>The respect of your countrymen.
>Learn to be assertive which will help you dominate the boardroom and give the grindset to be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company.
>blown to shreds by chinese DF21
>crippled by a landmine never walk again
>baked alive in the bowels of your landing ship
>a slow death on a cold eatern european battlefield after being peppered with shrapnel from a grenade dropped by a drone flown by a mid level league of legends player

>> No.54652464

>12 pbtid
>tripfag, for no apparent reason
>reddit spacing
this is definitely some sort of psyop.

>> No.54652474
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>> No.54652481

It's a good financial move. You also might get shot at and lose body parts or get PTSD. You have to get the clot shot or else. It's woke and you have to share living space with troons. You cant treat people fairly anymore because expectations are racist. The food sucks. Access to women is rare, it takes a bunch of extra work to date when you are in and she will leave when you get deployed. Military bases are always surrounded by bad neighborhoods so you can't walk or ride your bike, you have to get a car

>> No.54652499

Unless you’re infantry, the odds of ever seeing combat even during “special military operations” are incredibly low. You’re far more likely to get injured or die from sheer incompetence than to die in combat

>> No.54652548

It used to be a good way to get a legit career with plenty of room for advancement and opportunity to do cool shit.
The military imploded itself with its focus on diversity and woke shit.
Now you have 7 million working age men with zero interest in returning to the workforce.
God damn, America is fucking retarded.

>> No.54652549

Be warned about the kind of women who seek out military men. You will be hounded by either aggressive fours and fives who will suck your dick thirty minutes into your Applebee’s date and try to get knocked up in the first six months to get access to your military benefits, or by gorgeous women who are psychopaths who want to use your military involvement to further their real estate career or social media influence or travel around the US as a travel nurse who brings toxicity and malice to every relationship she has just to climb the ladder. Both of these types will be the most enthusiastic fucks you’ve ever had but don’t be pussy-blinded to their selfish and often psychopathic nature

>> No.54652624
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>free lead
>free amputations
>free wheelchair
>free ptsd
>free casket

>> No.54652632

She won’t leave when you get deployed, but she will fuck other guys or at least talk to other girls behind your back. And she won’t usually miss you, she will enjoy the social status of “my boyfriend is deployed” and miss the IDEA of you. But she will stay for the Tricare. Most hospital compliance managers don’t know military payer benefits as well as a 22 year old overweight tag chaser who hangs out at dive bars near military bases.

>> No.54652644

Other guys, not girls

>> No.54652646

>They teach you how to properly be an adult and take care of yourself, your family, and your friends.
>t. i dont have a father

>> No.54652648

Yasss dying is based fellow magapedos

>> No.54652743

Sadly, the food is probably the best thing on this list.
You won’t get both large signing bonus and a skill that can transfer to civilian work force.

>> No.54652875
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Death to ZOG

>> No.54652885
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I joined the army as infantry, did everything I was supposed to, got all the awards to show for it, got out honorably
Now I'm on a terror watchlist because of my skills and can't get a normal job
>police tried to recruit me
>merc agencies tried to recruit me
>any other job would seem to accept me at first then call back and say the position's been filled
I even tried modeling because I was so poor my bodyfat was like 5%
All I want to do is play vidya and eat food I'm tired of fighting, wasting my health, watching my friends get hurt, for globalist corporate interests

>> No.54653014

Why haven’t you applied to work with a military contractor? Tons of companies contract with the DOD

>> No.54653035
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>Zogbots recruiting on fucking /biz/
Pathetic. Reevaluate your life.

>> No.54653188

It’s interesting because even veterans don’t respect the military anymore. And most companies are so woke that they won’t hire veterans, even though they’re the perfect foot soldiers for far-left insanity due to all the brainwashing that they get in the military.

>> No.54653222

You know what's pathetic is you. Don't re-evaluate your life. End it. Worthless piece of shit simp.

>> No.54653226

>free food
No, you pay and it's shit
>free rent
No, you pay overpriced rent
>free college
Everyone gets it for free now
>free Healthcare
Dying is so free
>signing bonuses
Only if you're a doctor, surgeon, dentist or some in demand trade that isn't cannon fodder
>learn skills
No, the military will not give you the educación to succeed as a civi
>respect for your countrymen
No one respects zogbots

>> No.54653265

based and redpilled
don't join the army of zog, young anons. Let the trannys, fags, nonwhites fight the jew wars from now on.

>> No.54653282
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Imagine in any capacity defending the powers that be.

>> No.54653495

Shut up retard
>I can't respect the military anymore there's a black person

>> No.54653540

Food sucks

>> No.54653620

Other peoples incompetence can get you killed. Out to sea some dumbass doesnt dog down a door properly. It swings and crushes some guys head like a grape. Retards were everywhere and it is probably worse now.

>> No.54653700



>> No.54653713

And the retarded and corrupt are in charge, and blame always gets pushed downward.

>> No.54653718

Crypto thankfully saved me from waging

>> No.54653758
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>> No.54653774

Also preferably on dead people. We lost a helo (they all died) and they investigated it for 2 seconds then said it was pilot error.

>> No.54653850

>Uhhhhh, why isn't enlisting in the military the greatest financial move someone can make fresh out of high school again?
Didn't keep up with inflation and during the covid lockdown they kept people on cramped boats for over a year where they broke down and started stabbing people and on land got locked into locations for a year.
Also nice groomer thread groomer

>> No.54653853

>Large signing bonuses
>New recruits can combine several bonuses for an enlistment package of up to $50,000.
>It's on the website.
yes and that's incredibly disingenuous you faggot.
>why isn't enlisting in the military the greatest financial move someone can make fresh out of high school again?
because no one gets a $50k sign on bonus with no real skills coming out of highschool.
a highschooler would be lucky to even get a $5k sign on bonus.
No, joining the military, would be one of the dumbest career decisions you could make.

>> No.54653936

The job really sucks. There's assholes everywhere and you can't get away from them. You can't quit, you are stuck. You show up every day at 7 no matter what and you have to work every 3rd weekend. You might have to work 18 hour days for weeks for no reward there's no overtime pay.

>> No.54653974



That's totally going to be everyone's experience if they join the military.


>> No.54654014

Tranny tripfaggot BTFO'd
Get off our fucking board nigger.

>> No.54654072

Are you unironically recruiting for the military on this site holy shit at least use a pepe image and dont reddit space

>> No.54654175

I don't think he is, I think he's just baiting.
like that last post he is down playing infidelity in the armed forces.
which, is so absurd, it sounds like a joke.
they sing songs about getting cucked.
they have special rules for discharge, due to cucking.
it's a large cuck-force with some sodomy sprinkled in there.

>> No.54654495

Are we taking Downs recruits now?

>> No.54654952
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Heh plebbitors, we hate you retarded fucking NPC nigger loving faggot trannies. We here are unironically Nazi’s we want Jews gone, we want all degenerate faggots gone, shitskins gone and women's rights gone. We Don’t trust the science, we are unvaccinated and everything we do here is to make money to fund the 4th Reich. Ps. Jews did 9/11, Holocaust didn’t happen. Everything is a lie. But you won’t listen, you’ll just act all smug like you know the truth. You are too pussy and gay to bear the harsh truths and go down the rabbit hole and come to your own conclusions. Anything that gets in the way of your fragile false reality is an existential threat, and you lash out at anything that doesn’t conform to said false reality like well trained dogs. GTFO and kys tranny faggots, you are soulless pieces of shit, nothing more than a slave golem of your Jewish masters. Cope, seethe and then rope

>> No.54655271
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speak for yourself, i'm an islamist

>> No.54655412

what ethnicity is that?

>> No.54655482
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>>Learn skills that translate over well to the private sector.
Citation needed.

>> No.54656105
File: 554 KB, 1024x846, 2B2BC9BF-01CE-4CE7-9D78-DAC0A7CE5219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an 11b. Joined so I could fight where Alexander the Great did. Got what I wanted but holy shit the Army is fucking awful and full of the dumbest and most useless sacks of shit. I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.54656107

Im probably the only fag in here that's actually in right now and yea it's dogshit
But I'll still take drinking the goylaid over perma neeting for 4 years playing league 16 hours a day. I just hope that when I get out in 2 years I don't go right back into that lifestyle or I just might kms.
My "job" is signal related with a secret clearance. Hopefully i can get some certs before I leave but fuck they're hard

>> No.54656322

Who were you with? I was 25ID 2-35IN

>> No.54656367

>cant smoke weed
not worth it

>> No.54656402

>They demand all your time, your physical presence, your obedience, putting your life and health at risk, and compromising your morality
Sounds like every job I’ve had.

>> No.54656472
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>Citation needed.

Military Occupational Specialty 25B.

This is an instant ticket to a six figure IT job when you leave the military.

While you're enlisted, they'll pay for all of your IT certs.

In fact, earning certs counts towards promotion.

The security clearance you'll have upon leaving alone will make you qualified for many high paying IT jobs.

Ready to sign up?

>> No.54656479

>Fight for Israel
>Live the rest of your life as a rent seeking tax parasite
And then you clowns have the balls to talk about “entitlement programs” like you aren’t living on eternal welfare

>> No.54656527

This. I'm in HR, and while some veterans are solid; way too many of them can't manage their hours or pay for shit, and an overwhelming number of them are people that have no business being given a gun at all.

>> No.54656578


>Vitamin C
>Vitamin D3

When I got covid a few years ago, it was just a mild flu. I can't even remember the last time I got really sick. People didn't have the government telling them how to survive thousands of years ago.

>> No.54656621

reminder that the us military is being pozzed on purpose to ensure no fighting force capable of overthrowing the government from within the borders is left standing

>> No.54656728

Too bad they fucked up by giving us 20 years of combat experience, lessons in insurgency tactics, all while managing to piss off every veteran and make them hate the government lol.

>> No.54656803

>This is an instant ticket to a six figure IT job when you leave the military.
that's a ticket to a $70k job.
and that's assuming they place with a defense contractor.
they won't even get an offer for $80k.
Slava Ukriaini!
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.54656866
File: 623 KB, 2048x2048, BF1DFBE9-77FD-4D01-9A81-395FF9273F0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join PMC Wagner instead

>Free food
>Free Healthcare
>Free education on any Weapon System you want including Tanks, Heavy Artillery, Helicopters and Heavy Bombers/Fighter Jets
>no cap on how much you can earn
>fullfilling objectives results in getting premiums and rewards
>Learn to destroy Western trained Subhumans
>Captured Americuck Mercenaries are allowed to be beheaded, castrated or murdered with a sledgehammer
>actually fight in real wars experiencing real modern warfare
>will actually get you in shape physically and mentally
>charismatic leader
>literally get paid to fight the Antichrist and his Armies of dickless homos
>earn real respect

>> No.54656892

M8 they'll just wait until the vets die off
Then all that'll be left will be the troon platoon and it's game over

>> No.54656900

If you’re ok with being a vaxx zombie in a Jewish banking war, I say go for it. Someone has to do it.

>> No.54656961
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>Uhhhhh, why isn't enlisting in the military the greatest financial move someone can make fresh out of high school again?
You're gonna come back home in a flag-draped casket with a hole in your face.

>> No.54657658

what happened to /biz/ its just glowies,ziggers and pajeets trying to shill shit, I'm going

>> No.54657715

>glownigger recruit on /biz/

>> No.54657731
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We aren't talking about the historically risible state of filling all western militaries with niggers, homosex, atzatlan, islam, sikhs and letting kikes run the whole mess in service of crime fortress Israel?

>> No.54657783

I miss the bear market.

>> No.54657836

50k ain't shit.

>> No.54657910

veteran hiring preference definitely depends on the job/field, there are plenty where it's an unspoken negative

>> No.54658088

The military teaches you that you're always being cucked by Jodie. It's very common.

>> No.54658205
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