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54723523 No.54723523 [Reply] [Original]

I'm still hurt and traumatized from High School bullying.

I will never recover, even if I was a millionaire.

>> No.54723559

bro I know, I fantasize about murdering my highschool bully, I think it would give me some peace

>> No.54723563

I'm still hurt and traumatized by my whole town bulling me, go figure.

>> No.54723567

Why were chuds always bullied?

>> No.54723571

Claim compensation from the school

>> No.54723574
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Absolutely pathetic.

Just lol. You will literally kill yourself if you ever make it into the work force.

High school bullying lol fucking boo hoo. Genuinely laughing at you, OP.

>> No.54723596
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>not bullied

>> No.54723603


What the fuck are you even trying to insinuate you retarded tranny?

Even if what I think you are trying to suggest was correct, escaping to right wing views like say, community, nationalism and family is a little more noble then cutting off your own dick and taking hormones.

Who even asked you anyway? Actually kill yourself.

>> No.54723611

I was bullied by my step mother and unlike a high school bully I still have to deal with her to see my dad.

>> No.54723619

Yikes definitely hit a nerve with these incels

>> No.54723622

take thyroid hormone, pregnenolone, B vitamins especially thiamin, eat a shitload of sugar, milk, gelatin, orange juice and carrots and then quit being a sorry faggot

>> No.54723631
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>> No.54723753 [DELETED] 
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Yeah there's definitely an inherent frailty

>> No.54723793

Because you crave validation from people who don't even remember you and likely will never think of you again. You'll never, ever get that opportunity to get back at your bullies and have that redeeming moment where you flip the script on them. All those moments you daydreamed about will never happen.

Luckily for you high school is only a few years out of your life so you can move the hell on and use this clean slate you have to your advantage. Stop letting another MAN live rent free in your head. They've probably atoned for their actions in other ways. They either have a terrible life because they're unlikable as an adult, or they have a good life because they became likable and are now racked with guilt.

Either way it's none of your business or interest so move the fuck on and stop letting literal high school define your life. You're an adult now.

>> No.54723805

>Stop letting another MAN live rent free in your head

It was mostly female teachers and classmates

>> No.54723812

>stop letting literal high school define your life
I wasn't bullied. But OP you should listen to this. I was having debilitating insecurity issues to the point where I had so much shame that I ghosted everybody I knew from highschool, to this day I dont have the balls to speak to anyone; even the friends I made because I didn't get into a top college with the best scholarships or whatever, in a strange way I dont regret doing that because it pushed me to care about my life a lot more. But at the same time I only had that happen because I had to focus on creating my own self-esteem and worth. When you don't believe you create value, truly in every sense of the word, it's over.

>> No.54723815

why are modern "men" such pussies?

>> No.54723843

whats your story OP, i was a german living in a small rural polish town, till i got to college in a big city i was the public enemy number one, there were days i was scared i won't make it out alive (like you guys in the US have in schools nowadays)

>> No.54723860

magic mushrroms

>> No.54723861

IK the feeling. Try EMDR

>> No.54723864

I'm in the situation you described. How do I get out?

>> No.54723865

Cope harder

>> No.54723867

I don't think about the people I bullied relentlessly at high school at all

>> No.54723870

Yeah poles are insufferably butthurt. Hope ruskies go after them next

>> No.54723888

Yes. Asshole kids grow into asshole adults

>> No.54723902

>I will never recover
weed will help you in your recovery

>> No.54723913

I'm the kind of person who's getting bullied by everyone I talk to
But I really don't care

>> No.54723920

Just remind yourself as much as you can, avoidancy will not and will never do anything to help you. Think of being avoidant as the equivalent of smoking crack, if you want to live in the short-term then smoke up on the high of not confronting your problems. Obviously this shit doesn't work in the long run. As cliche and normie as it sounds, you will never be able to change the past. There is nothing you can do to go back in time and slap 14 year old you to stop being edgy and focus on his life. It's done, what happened has happened and its permanently etched unless you have a time machine.

The only person that can dependably and 100% help you is you. You have to save yourself, don't depend on anyone else. Yes, it's good to have support and support others (in contrast to what the psychos and trolls on 4chan will tell you), but at the end of the day don't ever depend on anyone except yourself. You have to be there to save you from you, understand your own flaws and think of yourself not as a problem to fix but a ship that you're already on a voyage on in the ocean, you gotta work and improve and fix the fucking holes in the ship because you're gonna fucking sink and shit will hit the fan and you'll go back to drowning and living in unrelenting dread; im not saying this to make you panic, but be aware of how important it is to keep caring. If you were anything like me, it will greatly help to acknowledge the loss in your past as a "debt" you have to pay for the present and future you. Honestly that's what got me to quit the gaming & cooming cope loop and trying to forget reality everyday. It was looking it at my regret and insecurity in my face and choosing not to live like that ever again and do myself right. Because I don't deserve that shit, the past me didn't deserve that either.

>> No.54723921

stop lying you have no job, no money, no friends, and you don't even have a family
you'll never be a millionaire because your a faggot dweeb and everyone knew it even from the start

>> No.54723944

Tranny can't even form a proper argument because of those hormones and the brainwashing.

>> No.54723952

Become strong. Just discipline yourself or be homeless forever.

>> No.54723970

No one has ever committed sudoku thanks to this “advice”!

>> No.54723976

>All the popular kids hang out on obscure image boards getting into spiteful arguements with the users

>> No.54724003

All good advice on this subject basically boils down to that. In OPs case his emotions need to be disciplined. Why choose to be a bitch?

>> No.54724011


>beginner mode: eat organic food, take your vitamins, drink sea moss gel
>intermediate mode: look good and just be yourself
>expert mode: one hero dose of psilocybin, then micro dose and combine with lions mane

>> No.54724050

Because they spend their adult lives trying to impress ghosts from their past on social media
That really creates the direction for most normies lives

>> No.54724438

Your pain comes form inside you, literally, and you need to understand that you're creating your own pain because you cling to desire. I'm not trying to be deep - just understand that your brain reacts to stimuli based on how your mind has been trained to deal with it. If you change your perception of the world then the pain will go away because you won't allow the world to effect you. You have to control your own mind and then life is easy mode anon. All of the pain is within you ability to manage if you want it to be.