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54784915 No.54784915 [Reply] [Original]

How do i profits from english people being faggots?

>> No.54784923

Oral sex has never caused cancer.
This is propaganda for depopulation.

>> No.54784926

This includes men going down on women anon

>> No.54784955

does it include men going down on women(men) too or am i ok??

>> No.54784985

You're safe anon

>> No.54785004

>marry a roastie
>she gets throat cancer from the dicks she sucked 10 years ago

>> No.54785032

>How do i profits from english people being faggots?
They die, you inherit a cleaner, less degenerate world with a lot less subhumans. The kikes find any kind of way to shill tactics to retards aka normalniggers to get rid of them.

>> No.54785033

Literally the opposite, tons of Jewish media have been promoting oral sex on women. As a means to emasculate via submissiveness and give cancer

>> No.54785054

Didn't the Romans consider going down on a woman more degrading (less manly) then being fucked in the fart box?

>> No.54785219

A lot of women have HPV from being chad's low-hanging fruit. It gives them cervical cancer. It also gives men throat cancer when we catch it from them via oral sex. What sucks is pussy tastes good and has great texture. Most women don't even realize they have HPV, but ironically most women have it.

>> No.54785221

totally not the vax btw

>> No.54785245

Kek. Sex-havers get the cancer. We incel neets will inherit the world.

>> No.54785262

I dont think it's a good thing since I want to die anyway

>> No.54785595

That’s why on the us they are number 1 on colon cancer

>> No.54785688

>Didn't the Romans consider
Nobody cares what med shitskins think

>> No.54785706

I think I might have something wrong with my throat, I'd go down on some nasty skanks before I was married

the nonchalance of casual sex/pornography has been an absolute disaster for the West and ultimately will be our downfall

>> No.54785732

i ate like +80 women in my life and probably 5-6 dicks
am i fucked?
30 years old and nothing wrong with my body atm

>> No.54785755
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>probably 5-6 dicks

>> No.54785800

>eating pussy

>> No.54786983
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What's funny with STDs is that they would go extinct if people only had sex with a single partner during their whole life.

>> No.54787324

Vaccine related and STD related.

>> No.54787331

Based. Unvaccinated virgin only tyvm.
Otherwise pointless to live on this planet or support this society

>> No.54787399

There is a reason that people who control the world of finance, porn, etc. also get indignant and sic their army of roasties and down low niggas on you when you suggest eating pussy is disgusting and unhealthy. That you aren't a "real man" unless you get on your knees and slurp her rotten diseased box. Total degradation, slavery, and death is the least they will settle for.

>> No.54787512

Are they trying to scare people into taking the vaccine?
Nah, couldn't be.

>> No.54787541

>How do i profits from english people being faggots?
>you... kneepads.
>me... kneepad salesman

>> No.54787552

>This is propaganda for depopulation.
That's not how procreation works, unless you're blowing the cum you sucked from Tyrone into her vagina.

>> No.54787582


>> No.54787593

I've fucked quite a few women in my life, but my girlfriend only had 2 guys before me. She was clean before I met her and she got tested after we had sex and she was positive for 2 strains of HPV, both cancer causing types.

She bought us both medicine to get rid of it which included injections and pills.

This shit ain't no joke, but in the UK HPV isn't even considered a "real" STD, she had to get the medicine from another country. No wonder we're dropping like flies from cancer.

>> No.54787616

The uptick in cancer is definitely not caused by the experimental gene therapy injections mandated in 2021. How could you even think it?

>> No.54787670

hpv is a women disease, men go through it unless you constantly eat hpv stricken pussy or go raw in them

>> No.54787725

Went raw quite a few times

>> No.54787773

I've never not gone raw. Do people actually use condoms?

>> No.54787793

This is std related right?

>> No.54787808

antivaxx bots in 3...2....1......

>> No.54787820


>> No.54787836

What you injected into yourself was not a vaccine, fren, therefore I am not 'antivax'.

>> No.54787849

Anytime someone posts antivaxx stuff they end up getting (you)s like an hour later by 5 different 1pbtid all repeating the same bullshit "trust the science" shit
The most retarded one was on /out/ board some eceleb's wife died and people were saying it was the vaxx. It took like 12 hours but once the bots found the thread they spent 100+ posts arguing about how the vaxx was safe. On a fucking outdoor thread

>> No.54787856

You misunderstood me

>> No.54787862
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>he took the othe vaxes

>> No.54787887

Antivax retards will chug HPV cum and die of throat cancer instead of getting the non-experimental non-mRNA vaccine that has been around for decades lmao

>> No.54787910

if you didn't get the HPV vaccine, there is a decent chance you contracted HPV.

But HPV throat cancer kills I believe only 1 in 5 people who get it.

Most HPV infections clear on their own and don't cause cancer, but if you actually ate out 80+ women, idk I don't think your odds are too good.

Maybe 25% chance you get throat cancer if something else doesn't get you first, and then 1/5 chance you die from it so my professional opinion is that you have a 5% chance of ultimately dying from eating pussy

>> No.54787924

>women willing to risk their lives to ride the carousel

>> No.54787932

Ah, I understand - my bad.

>> No.54787962

It gives oral cancer through spreading HPV into your mouth and throat
Though it obviously depends on the strain

Promiscuity has turned HPV into a ubiquitous condition, something "normal" or "expected" to have

>> No.54787970

this is going to be funnier when the health system collapses and there's a mass die-off of whores

>> No.54788033

>UK HPV isn't even considered a "real" STD, she had to get the medicine from another country.
There is no cure for HPV and its a STD. You're a faggot for mixing up HPV and HSV-1/HSV-2 (Herpes).

Their is a vaccine for HPV but once you get it you got it. Some times it goes away and sometimes it doesn't but its still their like a friend that won't go away.

>> No.54788075

>Promiscuity has turned HPV into a ubiquitous condition, something "normal" or "expected" to have
What's amazing is how stupid this mindset is because it makes people slaves to a system.

>Woman/man fucks a lot
>contracts a STD
>Goes to clinic for medical treatment
>Requires medicines to continue lifestyle
>Rinse and repeat

Big pharma for the win. Without pharma providing medicines to continue their lifestyles this world would be very different.

It's almost like degenerates are a major source of revenue.

>> No.54788096

The medicine my girlfriend bought got rid of the HPV, maybe it boosts the immune system to get rid of it, but it worked, or got it to a low enough level to not be detected

>> No.54788125

>bought got rid of the HPV
LOL, You dumbass. HPV has no cure.

"Is HPV curable?
There’s no cure for HPV, but there are plenty of things you can do to stay healthy and safe, and it’s even preventable! There are vaccines that can prevent high-risk HPV types and the types that cause genital warts. "


>> No.54788128

imagine still believing any of the shit they peddle after covid

>> No.54788151

Dude touch a pussy at least once. A clean one tastes better than anything you can imagine in ways you cant imagine. But i support fellow monogamy anons in this thread.

>> No.54788167

Covid was largely a supercharged flu. The vaccine is suspect.

HPV is real and so are its symptoms. The people that don't take it seriously are a significant source of revenue. I hope you're one of those that is carefree with STD's.

Big Pharma always wins.

>> No.54788168

why the fuck would you eat diseased pussy

pussy's awesome just don't have relationships with whores lmao

>> No.54788208

Turns out it has nothing to do with big pharma and is instead human nature.
If not sex it would be something else.
If you improve the engine efficiency of a car, turns out humans do not pollute less, they simply drive more

>> No.54788235


But with regards with HPV, it's really a problem for women over 30 (why they have to stop having so many one night stands after they hit that age) and people with weaker immune systems.

>> No.54788253

Sars-cov-2 was a US government funded bioweapon developed in China lol. But yeah it was less lethal than typical influenza, if it was even a clinical entity; there was a new radiographic pattern of atypical pneumonia on chest CTs that emerged around the pandemic so I suspect the virus actually did cause disease, but only in immunocompromised patients such as morbidly obese and elderly.

The injections peddles were not vaccines, however, because they neither prevented infection nor transmission of the pathogen. The injections were experimental gene/cell therapy designed to teach your own cells how to produce the spike toxin that causes covid-19; causing you perpetual illness. The mRNA cocktail developed in China to obviate US bioweapons development laws was a poison, and that is unoquivocal.

>> No.54788260


>> No.54788261

Diseased people can lie about their condition and affect undiseased non degenerates so a cure should still be found

>> No.54788278

you mean ukraine, and transported and released in china

>> No.54788303

LOL, You think STD's are not real. People like you have made people like me very wealthy. Please continue to be you.

>> No.54788391

Well if it made you whealthy I am happy for you. But read that a second time you retard, you still seem to be a bit slow

>> No.54788773

You profit by shorting vax manufacturers at the right time.

>> No.54789087
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Rookie numbers probably 200+ pussies munched, 1 or 2 cocks female cocks (thanks meth)

>> No.54789102

Is oral sex street slang for MRNA vaccine?

>> No.54789116

Incels are significantly more likely to get prostate cancer

Basically we're all going to die unless we fork over our money to pharmaceutical jews

>> No.54789124

>Incels are significantly more likely to get prostate cancer
Just bust a nut man, there isn't some magical secretion the hole has that prevents it.

>> No.54789136

2 more weeks?

>> No.54789832

Virus as a whole are some bacteria/disease thing.
They are a byproduct of the body being sick and fighting off the sickness which comes out as virus.
All viruses start after you become sick, they are not the sickness itself hence they cannot live without a host.

>> No.54790015

>scientific impossible
>but it worked for me!
Mankind is doomed. And no, not because of vaccines.

>> No.54790026

Probably, eating pussy’s pretty gay

>> No.54790057

if pussies weren't meant to be eaten why they look so good? (I get what you are saying but it gets me so fucking hard I'll never stop)

>> No.54790331

There are mosaics in Vesuvius depicting oral sex, so it had to be somewhat common at some point. STDs were also probably less common than nowadays.

>> No.54790357

Probably not. For all the doom and gloom in this thread, the reason why HPV is so ubiquitous is that most of the time has no symptoms and is basically invisible in your system. Tons of people have it and most never are affected by it.

>> No.54790361

I dunno nigga, in my younger years eating pussy was almost always a guaranteed repeat fuck that would last for weeks if not months.

>> No.54790386

So this is likely to be a faggot/nigger problem obviously, like all STD's.

>> No.54790671

Goddamit bros I love eating pussy so fucking much…fucking HPV is so gay

>> No.54790748
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4chan thinks this is spam so pic rel

>> No.54790922

maybe you built and maintained a decent immunity idk who knows your bmi, diet and lifestyle

>> No.54790942

this propaganda was made by losers who could never touch a woman and just want to ruin the fun, it's like the market dropping from time to time wanting me to drop my HAMI bags and go back to being a waiter

>> No.54791077

there are too many people on 4chan who have sex nowadays. what went wrong?

>> No.54791146

I don't understand how your girls have HPV?? Here in Germany girls started getting vaccinated against it in the 2000's, so as long as you're with a girl who's <25, you're HPV-free

>> No.54791156

>be god
>make penis
>make vagina
>make penis in a shape to get inside the vagina
>make vagina in a shape to receive the penis
>make food
>make mouth to eat food
>make all of this so retard proof the stupidest animals do it right
>humans do it wrong

>> No.54791160

There's different strains, only a few are vaccinated against.
They're the ones that will cause female infertility, not the ones that will cause oral cancer.

>> No.54791161
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may be yeah

>> No.54791166

For the final generation.

>> No.54791168

Going down on a woman is something degenerate western girls expect you to do and most of the days they don't go down on you

>> No.54791178

Im sure it has absolutely nothing to do with a forced poison vaccine that shuts off your immune system leaving you defenceless against cancers and every other disease.

>> No.54791209

I love eating out girls. If you haven't made a girl cum with your mouth and tongue alone, you're.. idk.. lame and boring?

>> No.54791309

OK but you didn't have to make a thread about it bro >>54791301

>> No.54791335
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not me who did it

>> No.54791376

>am i fucked?
i hope so you fuckin degen

>> No.54791386
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virginity wins again

>> No.54791421
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You 'profits' by selling them saxophone mouthpieces for blowing balloons so they don't give them cancer. But I don't think they are using them as intended. It's common at a college party to inhale gas from gas canisters using balloons.

>> No.54791853

rip your dicks

>> No.54792832

This is entirely straight men going down in women. Men and women sucking dick aren’t getting cancer from oral sex. If you’re eating out a non-virgin women you’re going to get HPV

>> No.54793069

Another mysterious cancer epidemic that appeared suddenly after the vaccine campaign. People have been blowing one another for millenia and only now we are getting cancer.

>> No.54793258

>What sucks is pussy tastes good and has great texture
it's literally just a fuckhole that a hundred dicks have been in

>> No.54793291

>only had 2 guys before me

>> No.54793397

they've been telling people to use a 'dental dam' or saran wrap when doing oral on girls for quite a long time. hpv has been known for decades.

>> No.54793480
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>she got tested
Who the fuck from the year 2020 onwards still trusts (((tests)))

>> No.54793633
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>has hpv
>only had 2 guys before me.
kek, there's one born every minute

>> No.54793926

There is evidence to suggest that oral sex can increase the risk of developing certain types of throat cancer. This is because some strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) can be transmitted through oral sex, and these strains have been linked to an increased risk of throat cancer. However, it's important to note that not all cases of throat cancer are caused by HPV, and many people who have oral sex never develop throat cancer. The best way to reduce your risk of HPV-related throat cancer is to practice safe sex and get vaccinated against HPV.

>> No.54793956
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>> No.54793982

>oral sex

Sucking dick or eating pussy?

>> No.54794891
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>> No.54794904


>> No.54794913
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>> No.54795024

When Michael Douglas got throat cancer he blamed it on eating Catherine Zeta Jones's pussy so much. She was not happy about it.

>> No.54795771

Short disgusting US and UK pussy

>> No.54795816

it's simple, you only go down on virgins
anything else is gay

>> No.54795831

women fucking disgust me

>> No.54795841

checked and truthpilled

>> No.54796421

Yeah right, I'd blame it on that climate change thing

>> No.54796433
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it's god punishing degenerates for NOT procreating properly, same with anal sex

>> No.54796911

you know, kind of like covid
this is an issue on first world countries in g7

but mysteriously is not a problem on third world countries

>> No.54796985

>but mysteriously is not a problem on third world countries
They're just dying of AIDs instead.

>> No.54797120

99% of people are asymptomatic with HPV
imagine getting a vaccine for that lmao

>> No.54797144

yes bro it's surely the bots telling you not to take the most shilled injection in human history

>> No.54797152

Virgin incel neets win for one more time

>> No.54797404

Tbh i like eating pussy but this always worried me because idk if i ever got the HPV vaccine

>> No.54797416

>alot of women have HPV
Dont alot of women (and men) not have HPV because there is a literal vaccine that prevents you from getting it?

>> No.54797527

Considering most women can easily get new dick every day, it is an accomplishment

>> No.54797557

Is this why Tony and the gang gave so much shit to Uncle Junior for allegedly eating pussy? They were just looking out for his health perhaps?

>> No.54797628

Totally not a scare campaign, anon. You don't believe what those conspiracy theorists tell you about big pharma and their social media campaigns do you? ;)

>> No.54797652


>> No.54797689

Who would have thought that being chaste and following God was the right way to live

>> No.54798089

if any percent of the female population fucked 365 new guys a year I wouldn't be an incel.

>> No.54798193

I said they could not that they do.

>> No.54798898

Yeah it doesn't prevent all strains though just the more dangerous ones. If anything it just gives people a false sense of security

>> No.54799123

Iirc there is always a risk with every medical treatment. Is it worth it?

>> No.54799147

Yes just as long as you understand that it doesn't make your hvp proof. If you're gonna be eating pussy or sucking cocks you should be getting screened as often as women get their flaps inspected