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55052445 No.55052445 [Reply] [Original]

Am I too late to the big data analytics party? I'm an econ graduate with CFA competed and I've always looked down to data analysts but recently I started learning power bi, SQL and Python and I am in love with this stuff.
It's cozy as shit plus it's interesting. At the bank I could get a job just doing this. I'm sure in the long run these are the few jobs that will stay remote/hybrid plus there's less human interaction although I don't mind being in the front office either since that's where the money is. I'm now in commercial bit I plan to go into capital markets doing shit like this and financial analysis or wealth management as an advisor/portfolio manager.
In any even, learning this should help me out.

Am I too late for the good stuff though?

>> No.55052457

Those running and paying for it realized that quant is a scam without proper qual
Not that anon told them for 10 years

>> No.55052600

Can I get a data analysis job with 95 IQ and 125 verbal IQ? Serious question

>> No.55053055

With 95 IQ you should be the one getting analysed

>> No.55053081

you can probably talk youre way into a job but not keep it

>> No.55053093

Sure you can get any job you want. Qualified staff is on such a short end that they take anybody

>> No.55053103

that's a hog

>> No.55053135

Ahhh sex sex cooom

>> No.55053389

Pass an Actuarial Probability Exam, starting learning python &whatever tools you want to learn get entry level position at P&C insurer, job hop after 6mo into any type of Analyst/Analytical role afterwards.

>> No.55053418

>Considering working for fed or fed contractors
You must like sucking old dying dick that might get you killed by a mob of redneck and niggers

>> No.55053467

wtf are you talking about?

Most property and casual insurers are private. The only insurers that are Fed linked are those that insure deposits. That is mostly life insurers or reinsurers as most P&C lines have too short of a tail to add deposit coverage into their reserves.

>> No.55053503

Okay let me rephrase.
Why work for fiat ious for a bunch of incompetent dying double entry book keeping scam corpos depend on fed faggots with a declining pool of loyal and qualified staff

>> No.55053534

Aka slampig

>> No.55053546
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I am a literal retard setting up cloud infra for data analytic workloads. GCP/AWS/Terraform/Python

Not worried about chatgpt because cloud docs are literal shit.

>> No.55053550

>what are we gonna do in the leaves onichan
> POMF =3

>> No.55053554

For 6mo of experience to show that you understand analytic basics. Is pretty much guaranteed entry after a single exam which you can study for in 2 weeks if you're any good in math.

OP is asking how to get his foot in the door, this is a foolproof way, if he doesn't like the industry then he can go ahead and switch elsewhere. idk why you're so pressed about the Insurance industry.

What fiatless fedless industry that relies on modern analytic practices do you suggest he could get an easy way into that actually pays?

>> No.55053692

Where'd you go crypto NEETard?

>> No.55053735

Mining back in the days. Using energy paid by idiots that paid taxes to traitors to the human sovereignty paid to me to acquire real value instead of being a useful idiot furthering the enslavement of humanity by a cabal of collectivistic fascists
Yes I am a person fucking your slave system with your own weapons

>> No.55053791

Okay so best way for op to get into data is to go back in time and mine crypto before it took off?.... gotcha
You sound like an edgy highschooler who just learned all those buzzwords.

How big is your "slave system fucking" portfolio?

>> No.55053866

>feed me data
fuck you
>anon should work for a a bunch of second hand slavers and be paid in central bank fiat ious
asshole. If second hand slavers or first degree slaves would pay in btc, and put the traitors heads on pikes and abandon their funny money, maybe people like me would consider returning to society instead of working on its dismantling by grooming spic niggers and other in channels to shoot up and kill your cattle by showing them they are slaves

>> No.55053950

Okay since you're not gonna share I'm just going to assume you're poor, uneducated, and unemployable. Is this how you cope from never having friends? By rewording your favorite tweets from some anime girl profile pic shiller?

I make 100k+ annually fresh out of school. I work less than 40 hours a week. I'm currently making more than enough and will have plenty to support a family in the near future. Isn't your own wellbeing what you should care about?

OP was asking for advice in his career. He wasn't asking for your non-sensical ranting.

>maybe people like me would consider returning to society

Yeah, I don't think you're a disconnected outcast by choice bud

>> No.55053994

you should just posted
>lol you poor
you are so incompetent its hilarious
how many jabs did you take
how much time did you waste on masters degrees while getting your head filled with propaganda to make you really believe that you are something special, instead of just a slave
Iam free, you are not

>> No.55054055

Holy fuck just fucking end your worthless trash of a “life” you pathetic loser. Worthless subhumans like you proud of their ignorance shouldn’t be allowed to live.

>> No.55054070

Okay, lol you poor.

Masters degrees are worthless, I only needed a bachelors. I never said anything about being special. You're the one claiming to be a member of an elite society who rejects the status-quo.

Other than shitposting without anything to back it up do you have anything else in your life? How am I incompetent when you can't function in normal society?

Listen to this guy

>> No.55054094

with the wealth in btc I have?
You will wish you had abandoned the fiat system earlier as the spics and niggers with swastikas understanding who enslaved them will not get less, while slaves loyal to your slave system will get less and less

>> No.55054157

I never said I don't invest in crypto, but I'm adult with things to pay for, I can't pay for rent or groceries with crypto. But at least my wealth grows on a bi-weekly basis.

How much wealth do you have that you're capable of abandoning the working world forever while still being able to afford daily expenditures without using real currency.

Is this the same shpeal you give your mom when she asks when you're going to find your own place?

>> No.55054209

>tries to keep fishing for data
you got more than you deserved slave
now go be a good slave and use your brain to think on how to make your slave masters more wealthy in their double entry book keeping scams

>> No.55054214


pick one

>> No.55054260

its funny to keep playing with pray but the time to go for the kill is coming closer

>> No.55054375

> 1pbtid
> 28 answers
> 14 posters
lmaoing @ this board

>> No.55054409

I've done occasional data analysis and analytics at/for multiple companies, but it's never been a dedicated role. Maybe there are bloated corporations out there where it's still a role, but for the most part it's just one of many hats worn at tech companies. The heyday for the role was 10-15 years ago I surmise.

Your best bet is data science or data engineering, but even those seem to be less ubiquitous roles. Might run the risk of big ML powered abstraction over the next few years but I'm not qualified to say this with confidence.

>> No.55054423

the desperation to try to recruit slaves. Like suckers trying to convince other suckers for some shitcoin scam

>> No.55054454

Allot of my DS buddies are seeing mass layoffs in their departments across industries, if you do go into data science I'd suggest a stable company/industry that's been around for a bit.

I do know allot of former teachers and professors who ended getting data science corporate jobs so it's pretty doable with limited experience

>> No.55054460
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>> No.55054470

straight out of alinsky
you havent really evolved since the 1950s

>> No.55054504

My ex-gf was boasting about her data analyst job 5 years ago. Trying to get a well paying job there now is like trying to get into the dropshipping business in 2018, you're way too late.

>> No.55054512 [DELETED] 

Why haven’t you gotten a rope and a chair yet?

>> No.55054556

I agree it's following a similar trajectory to software. It's not as glamorous as it was but it's still around, definitely not many entry level positions that break 70k unless in VHCOL area

>> No.55054781

I'm a software engineer myself so it's always taken a backseat to my main responsibilities, but at my last job I could generate insights, views, or reports derived from such for other departments to work with as needed, and occasionally dig into raw data. The marketing and sales brass actually did the analysis, but I'm not sure what their methodology was like, or whether they were outsourcing it. I probably wouldn't enjoy doing it full time.

I've checked out presentations by proper data scientists once or twice, and was blown away by their approach to analysis. There's probably a goldmine of unaddressed inefficiencies hidden in the data reserves of the typical corporation.

But yeah, tech employment in general doesn't seem to be taking well to the rate hikes, especially as the coastal giants hemorrhage talent. Working for established companies is generally pretty sage wisdom though.

>> No.55055414

Yeah some of the Data scientists I work with have PHD in entirely unrelated fields but pump out crazy stuff. I'm 22 and fresh out of College, Software would definitely been the best route for me had I been born 5 or 6 years sooner.

For OP, idk if there's a similar field that's on the cusp of booming atm but any hard science-based business role is going to fair allot better than marketing type corporate jobs in the near future

>> No.55057019

Sauce on chubby goth bitch?

>> No.55057064

word salad
touch grass

>> No.55057265

midwit roblox kid

>> No.55057278

its a bot

>> No.55057999

I can't imagine that working out. You'd be better off with a more managed role where your responsibilities are clearly laid out.

>> No.55058024

i think best time to get in was probably 6-8 years ago. it's getting tighter now. i work in the field, but i'm very senior. i've hired a bunch of folks, i see a ton of them with masters these days. nothing beats pure experience and those candidates get preference.