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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55210192 No.55210192 [Reply] [Original]

>Binance.us/Coinbase gets sued, short GOY
Expected reaction by subjects:
They provide short liquidity
Happened today
>The fed will pause , BUY GOY
expected reaction by subject:
Buys the dip that never stops
>The fed will pump when it crashes, BUY GOY
Expected reaction by subject:
Buys the dip that never ends

You are warned. Don't trust the (((Cryptobros))) Tech goes down. Fuck those scheming faggots, let them hold the bag

>> No.55210265

This whole thread is jewishpsychobabble

>> No.55210324

It is called behaviorism or social engineering and it is used by chinese and jews to steal from westerners. The reason why cexes are getting fucked and every pos shitcoin and (((l1))) grift is going to die to regulations

>> No.55210368

Your sentence structure is horrible. You're like having a dialogue with yourself and commenting on it.
>(((pol user)))

>> No.55210466

You understand it, that is enough
your grift is coming to an end (((cryptobruhhhh)))

>> No.55210780

this thread needs a bump

>> No.55210806

OP is actually JIDF LARPing as /pol/

t. High level schizo

>> No.55210923

Its just the shit that has been spammed here for 1 month leading into what is happening over the next month translated

>> No.55210965

history shows the pleb is always left holding the bag. unfortunately most dont know history and are too stubborn and will be left holding the bag.

>> No.55210984

the more are made aware off the faster the rats will panic, the faster this farce is over, cexes closing the off ramp and the scammers are left holding their bags they planned to sell

>> No.55211015
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You are also triggering my glowie detector.

>> No.55211128

Are freelancers that take jobs for intelligence contractors glowies? Are they glowies if they leak under plausible deniability information to the public that, hurt the scammers that populate certain platforms? your choice, don't get caught in hodl mode. p2p can be tricky, if you are just some fat jewish discord dweller that is looking for victims. A wire yesterday would have been easier.

>> No.55211243

My prediction is your a polcel loser who didn't buy the bottom because muh svb and muh evergrande and muh taiwan war. Hope you hang yourself retard.

>> No.55211264

No. Check investments into manufacturing in the USA. Those companies need workers, and they need cheap workers, felons are cheap and cant vote

>> No.55211304
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How did this schizophrenic retard OP haven't gotten banned yet. He is actually spamming this shit retard fanfic of his 24/7 on this board.
I literally woke up and he is still having schizophrenic meltdown

>> No.55211342

You expected to sell your bags until fomc and after, make big money and cash out being rich? Bad news, you go into hodl mode

>> No.55211352

Shut up no one is talking to you

>> No.55211357

I'm OP slow boat

>> No.55211376

glownigger detected
t. schizo

>> No.55211500

frogs are jews, they don't glow, they are just green

>> No.55211613

Just remembered one other nlp line by jews that has been repeated non stop lately
>Buy when others are fearful
Dip never stops

>> No.55211941

Giving this baby a bump

>> No.55211967


>> No.55211971

Sing me the song of your people

>> No.55212069

explain me something jew, why the obsessiveness with the ugly? The ugly comics, like the frog and the ugly bear, and the ugly bull, and the ugly white cartoon. Is it projection. I never understood the jews obsession with the ugly. The rest of your characteristics easy, but the ugliness, the hate for aesthetics, it makes no sense for a human, not that I consider you a human

>> No.55212278

Jews have an inferiority complex

>> No.55212422

you're delusional by choice because you prefer living in a fantasy world and I'm not going to feed your delusion

>> No.55212474

It's the most rational step forward to compete with china in manufacturing. The alternative is giving up

>> No.55212477

quit shitting up the board you post everywhere and use gay pics for your thread.

>> No.55212511


>> No.55212529

Is there an alternative? Importing more low wage workers won't do it, your people refuse to recreate. The only real solution is decrease costs by increasing the amount of slaves, felons.

>> No.55214030

>High level schizo
I prefer
>t. High level nooticer

>> No.55214861 [DELETED] 

>Time in the market beats timing the market
Hold that damn bag while I dump on you
>Timing the market is better than time in the market
Buy my bag goy

>> No.55215306 [DELETED] 

Lets bump the thread before the jew slides

>> No.55215692 [DELETED] 

The sliding is unusual for a mid week.

>> No.55216000

Very weak nlp by them. But jews are in general not good with speech. They identify themselves by their inability to recognize aesthetics, similar to asians. Both tribes are not human

>> No.55216523

Heavy slide for a mid week on a dead board

>> No.55216615

Just bought 30k HBAR

>> No.55216667
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low iq rambling. Everyone knows glowies astroturf this place. the ((them)) meme is months old man and half of the anons here are jewish

>> No.55216700

There's only 1 million jews worldwide. More died in the holocaust than exist today.

>> No.55216843

>Posts an ugly frog
jew jew jew jew
There was never a Holocaust. Hitler tried to convince the yid to go back to Israel. Until the British closed that lane and due to the war they got put in work camps and ghettos for after the war to be shipped home
Hitler was too good at heart. He should have followed Hadrian and killed them all

>> No.55217223


>He should have followed Hadrian and killed them all
But anon, what you just said basically implies that not only could Hitler not kill anymore jews as Hadrian already did so, but this is specifically the group of jews that Christ talks about in revelations.

>> No.55217436

Hitler never had the intention to kill the jew. That's the big lie, yids are afraid off to come one day.. because if that lie is revealed and known to a bigger public the entire house of lies by the yid comes crashing down and it will mean the end of the tribe. And it has only been 78 years they started to tell that lie and it's already known to many. The tribe wont exist in 10 years, jew

>> No.55217599

Anon, i clearly said Hitler didn't kill any jews, because Hadrian wiped them all out. Which is to say what this basically implies, is that these are imposters, specifically mentioned in the bible.

>> No.55217635
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you are literally autistic or actually glowie posting

>> No.55217655

jew go play your jew games somewhere else. Your tribe is going to be eradicated mostly because you always bite the hand feeding you. Only this time the Barbarian of ISlam are waiting for there chance to genocide you on the home turf while the only place to flee is to the asian barbarian who are also waiting to eradicate you and feed on your kind. You literally managed to kill yourself over a poorly made up lie.
And all the master race, Europeans have to do, is watch your tribe gets genocided

>> No.55217900

We might never know jew. Am I paid to do what I do or am I doing it for other reasons. Only I and my clients know

>> No.55218645

Up it goes

>> No.55219501

What is with this fag having a mental breakdown about shadow jews that live in his head rent free

>> No.55219732

Are you having a mental break down yid and are projecting your inferiority complex for being exposed trying to run for the exit while dumping your bags on suckers with really weak nlp?

>> No.55219943
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>> No.55220007

You trust fund babies don't know what game you are playing. Mamy and dady won't be able to protect you. Car accidents, overdose, suicide by two shots in the back of your head. You threatened stability your lineage ends
Should have stayed on reddit

>> No.55220731

Only thread of value on this board

>> No.55221762

Last bump. Those that are able to read saw it, and those that arr illiterate don't matter and learn it the hard way

>> No.55223127
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I´m okay with OPs message. Fuck centralised exchanges. It´s been more than a decade since this nerd money has been around. People should evolve, get a hold on their funds and switch to thai dex bars. I just hope that my dex shitcoin is better than yours.

You did well

>> No.55223634

False you decieving glownigger. Hitler was a controlled op Jesuit rothschild descendsnt. The goal was to create a nation for his Khazarian buddies. Balfour = 4Bal = For Baal.

>> No.55224332

there you go. there are two solid alternatives to your ridiculous hypothesis. I don't even need to argue since the only thing you can do to keep talking is argue against your own point.

>> No.55224387

what the last 73 years showed is, when you import brown to the west, they will also stop recreating because they are taken care off by daddy state and so don't need to recreate in the speed to keep the pyramid ponzi going. The only thing it creates are social and cultural cleavages that deepen with every new batch