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55561888 No.55561888 [Reply] [Original]

Where did the money go?

>> No.55561909

into thin air...

>> No.55561914

If you pay 10 bux for a cake, you are aware that you usually cant sell the literal shit that you shit out after. You dont think the money disappeared, the store got it. Same with stocks except everyone pretends their fictional feces has intrinsic value and that money "disappears" when that value goes down.

Tldr the money exists, the stock seller got it.

>> No.55561926

jews also checked

>> No.55561931
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I stole it all and spent it at Taco Bell.
Sue me.

>> No.55561935

the people that control the currency seized it. this is how the boom bust cycle works. the central bank prints money and gives it away to people, then once people build something of value with that money the banks then make money scarce, this allows the banks to seize real assets since the people can no longer pay the debt. its a big scheme to trade nothing for something. if you are smart about it you can also benefit from this and ride the waves of wealth transfers. someone is always on the beneficial side of inflation/deflation

>> No.55561939

I've reported you to the ADL for antisemitism.

>> No.55561947

to the smart few who bought low and sold high

the dumb masses did the opposite and whined a lot, also, as Friedman said, the Fed already existed and exacerbated the situation. So it was already a case of giving out stupid loans and then contracting, playing with the money supply.

Except back then gold standard was still a thing so it would have been temporary and fixed itself if Roosevelt hadn't confiscated the gold by force. So instead of economic contraction which was somewhat warranted the way was paved for cancerous inflationary growth at the hands and whims of the fed/government