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55624758 No.55624758 [Reply] [Original]

You are pumping gas. A Romanian man covered in jewelry & driving a brand new Tahoe approaches you. He tells you that he’s a millionaire but lost his wallet while traveling & only needs $800 to get back home to Nevada. He gives you this gold ring off of his finger. His wife & kids then start pleading out the windows. One of the kids gets out of the vehicle & gives you this chain off of his neck. What do you do in this situation?

>> No.55624769

>giving a Gypsy money

Lmao retard

>> No.55624793

>What do you do in this situation?
The same thing I do with any rando at a gas station with a sob story.
I rest my hand on my open carry sidearm and tell him to fuck off or find out.
It would never get to the point where he is trying to place fake jewelry in my hands, I shut down all such interactions instantly and decisively.

>> No.55624940

Wow you are so fucking tough and badass

>> No.55624963

happened to me in boise id a month ago at the gas station
common scam

nice car lots of rings
takes one off
sell it to you for "gas money" to get home

its all fake anon im sorry

i laughed and he knew i knew. you say no thank you and walk away

>> No.55624976

What if he offered to suck your dick?

>> No.55624988

And you would offer the stranger a blowjob (unless he was white, can't have that)

>> No.55624989

tell me you didnt buy it anon

if it was the same big romanian running around with his family that scammed you, im way bigger than both of you faggots ong i literally laughed in his face

>> No.55625012

I pull out my test kit and if it checks out I tell him
>sorry, i only have real money, gold and silver

>> No.55625020

Is this a useful thought exercise?
Is it enjoyable for you to imagine such scenarios and think "what would I do" in response?
Is this a good use of your time, anon?

>> No.55625030

this fucking happened a block away from me a month ago and im 99% sure they either have a scam network going on or OP is from boise

it had me scammed until i saw the family in the nice car piled to the rim like beaners

>> No.55625052

So, you're time is worth very little. Got it.

>> No.55625054

He doesn't have a cellphone?
And if he does not. Can't you literally just offer him to call someone?
I guess the aim of this scam is to target the victims greed. Which means all the people accepting, have already made their minds up about keeping the jewelry and not returning it once he returns with the $800.
Scammers are kinda based.

>> No.55625066

I run a jewelry store, and this has happened at least 12 times since January, and quite a few times before that. It's always some muslim dude speaking Spanish (which apparently he spoke with a Central American accent according to one of the suckers I talked to), and his wife and kids are in the car. He asks for cash for a ring and a chain that are stamped 18kt. Of course they look fake as shit to me, but the normies fall for it EVERY FUCKING TIME.
>Captcha: 0V4YY

>> No.55625077

Eh, hairy beards prick my balls.

>> No.55625079

holy shit it is a scam network

what the fuck are you weird faggots up to

nah. he uses his size and awkward approach to put you on the backfoot. hes peeling jewelry off right in front of you, as the family scouts you out from the nice black suv. same shit fake ring. same shit fake chain. no weight. no makers mark. chinese tier alababa shit.

they use the guise of needing "just whatever you can afford" to "get gas to get back home"

oooo boy its a good one i bet they feast in a cuck town like boise

>> No.55625080

Who the fuck is carrying around $800 in cash though

>> No.55625089

he would use a fake mouth, it's a common trick

>> No.55625093

i knew it. they might be just traveling up and down the coastal cities or west coast in general

where u located at

>> No.55625098

You will once you're he's got you greedy enough for his ''10k chain'' and ''12k'' ring

>> No.55625121

>yeah foreigner let me just walk over to my bank’s ATM with you while I get the cash out and my back is turned to you

>> No.55625128

Union guys and other Tradesmen on a Friday night heading to the local tiddy bar/Indian Casino. I live in the Region in Indiana, and there are a lot of tradesmen up here who are rich beyond their wildest dreams, but too broken and incompetent to use it.

>> No.55625142

219 Region Rat, right outside of Chicago.

>> No.55625143

say sorry, no can do, why grabbing pistol in pants. maybe point him in the direction of a pawnshop. never get caught lackin at gas station, friends.
t. robbed of what little belongings he has as he attempts to help negro at gas station.

>> No.55625149

yeah probably.
do this trick to all the people passing, I bet you can get a good 90 people coming by, 20% go into conversation and about 1% will actually get you the money you're asking for. Don't underestimate greed.

>> No.55625150

he would have given me both for $50 bucks in cash. its what i had in my wallet.

i think past $20 its free $, maybe even more than $10. people probably think they are scoring a huge come up and arent thinking clearly. its a greedy/opportunity/pressure grift

>> No.55625165

interesting ty for responding. does the ring look identical to you?

>> No.55625191

He pretends to be the victim. his victims think they come out on top by stealing from him because they perceive the chain and ring to be more valueable than the money they're giving for it.
He's scamming people targeting their greed and the dishonest ones will fall for it.
Cause if you're actually honest, emotionally and intelectually there's a 100 other things you could do for him to help him out.

>> No.55625218

You’re 100% correct, I’m not disputing that. What I am saying is:
1. Who carries around that much cash naturally
2. Who would walk with a stranger to an ATM and put themselves in that kind of vulnerability
3. Believe that a millionaire is just driving around without a smart phone and can’t get their own cash or use their credit card
I’m average IQ at best but this screams scam from the moment he walks up

>> No.55625219

its multifaceted

you get the people who hate foriegners who want to "come up" on their feigned "desperation"

you get the kind people who will just give them "gas money" to "get back home" and dont want to take their kids chain whos popping out of nowhere to offer it to you

you get the people who are intimidated by his size and being approached in such a manner in an environment that most people aren't expecting (gas station)

its deep, and im sure its highly successful, particularly in cities like boise id who arent hip to this shit

>> No.55625221

>muslim dude speaking Spanish
That was probably just a gypsy (aka romanian) speaking romanian.

>> No.55625230

the number isnt important. $800 is a starting figure that is based off what he sees the potential of you having on hand or in an atm to give him

and he's absolutely a romanian and the family are 100% gpysys

>> No.55625233

> broken and incompetent to use it
to use what?
ah so they start with an “absurd” amount then “negotiate” down to whatever you’ve got on you?

>> No.55625250


>> No.55625253

No, but I've seen a couple chains like that though. They Are almost always stamped 18k and are almost always 24". It amazes me how some people actually think some Saudi is gonna come begging them for gas $ in exchange for a $10,000 chain.

>> No.55625264

Idk bro, when a Mexican tells me it was Central American Spanish, I think I'll lean with the expert.

>> No.55625268

Same but with my katana

>> No.55625272

i know OP is close or was scammed by the same family i was and i wish he'd come back and tell me he was OP or his gypsy family so i could laugh at how small the world is and how he should be more careful with his shitty scam

>> No.55625334

Mutt’s law.

>> No.55625342

side note the gas station where i was approached also houses a pawn shop in the same lot, which i didn't think of until just now. He wanted $40 for the combo you see in OP's picture. he got bullied into buying it or is part of the scammers himself, or thought he made a come up on some poor folks who took him for whatever he paid

>> No.55625366

>Mutt’s law
kek gottem

>> No.55625377

>100 % gipsy
wow in that case stealing the kid and harvesting his organs wouldnt be worth much on the black market

>> No.55625392

there were 4 in the truck, which one has decreased value?

i swear when i started laughing at his offer, the thrill this guy got in his eye was wild. he was so excited that i knew. i thought he was going to shake my hand (firm business handshake) as i walked off

>> No.55625400


>> No.55625436

>he thinks I made this thread from some past experience


>> No.55625451

I laughed way too hard at this stupid reply

>> No.55625467

Literally Bava Kamma 113b:10.

>> No.55625477

not even gonna ask why you perusing
"gas station encounters" on a friday afternoon god bless your soul

you are a funny person and i laughed hard

>> No.55625492

I follow the Twitter account and thought it would make an interesting thread. But Instead it attracted a schizo faggot(you).

>> No.55625514

this is the most engagement you could have got, certainly better than anything you could have thought of

nice work @gse

>> No.55625527

>Bava Kamma 113b:10
I only see some hebrew gibberish googling this. What it mean?

>> No.55625594

start schizophrenically rambling about how the government are watching until he bothers someone else.

>> No.55625634

I fucking hate how I can’t even be kind anymore.

>be at semi shady gas station at 7pm
>man asks for help
>ignore him
>he asks if I can jump his car
>be good guy and go jump it.
>he’s parked at spot with girlfriend in car, she looks a bit methy
>he says thanks and how everyone ignored him
>tell him it’s because everyone always asks for money at this gas station
>jump car and go to leave
>his girl runs out as I’m leaving and says “thanks so much, could you also give us $20 tog eat home”

Fuckin hate people

>> No.55625704

>Shmuel says that it is permitted to financially benefit from a business error of a gentile, i.e., it need not be returned. The Gemara notes that this is like that incident where Shmuel purchased a golden bowl [lakna] from a gentile in exchange [bemar] for the price of an iron bowl, which was four dinars, and Shmuel included one additional dinar in the payment so that the gentile would not realize his mistake.
Basically: Get greedy, get rekt. Kinda based, ngl, but sucks when the goyin as a society get rekt because I'm part of it.

>> No.55625780
File: 127 KB, 1280x1143, IMG_6929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize you. Shut the fuck up or I’ll fuck your ass, schizo.

>> No.55625808

There is literally a man who does this in Maryland where the casino is.

>> No.55625913
File: 23 KB, 278x454, 1679512729645718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone stole jumper cables out of my truck.

>> No.55626182

Why would he come to me instead of going to the closest pawn shop?

>> No.55626226

You got scammed dude. That jewelry is fake AF.

>> No.55626251

"I don't have $800." Done.

>> No.55626272


Check my pockets and make sure I wasn't robbed.

>> No.55627405

I do, normally carry like a grand. It is sometimes useful to have bartering power on you and boomers do not want you to cash app them nor would I. I'm not worried about getting robbed as I carry a gun or two as well.