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55684341 No.55684341 [Reply] [Original]

My 28th birthday is tomorrow. I’m an utter failure in every sphere of life.

>dead end degree and dead end job
>myriad of unexplained health issues ranging from nonstop dizziness and lightheadedness that make it difficult to walk in a straight line to stomach issues to headaches
>despised by family because I’m weird and low status
>completely socially inept, can’t hold a conversation, have diarrhea before making phone calls because of nerves
>no money

I have one year to fix the mess that is my life. It begins tomorrow. I have to fix everything, every last bit, I can’t live like this anymore.

>> No.55684352

Idk man. I think giving yourself timelines like this is mostly an exercise in procrastination and cope. If you really want to change your life, what you should probably do is identify what you want to do with your life and then do it. If money is a big part of that, then it’s as simple as doing the work necessary to make the money a reality no matter how long it takes. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.55684372

I remember thinking the same. I kept moving the goal post. Now I'm 33 and nothing changed. I hope you make it, Anon.

>> No.55684374

Give yourself 10 years and it'll happen without you even trying

>> No.55684375


>> No.55684393

Yeah don't give arbitrary timelines. Just keep fighting. Keep buying bluechips during this bear market and you'll make a modest sum in the bull run. You won't be fabulously wealthy, but you'll be better off than now. Don't gamble on shitcoins. You can do it man. I want to see every social retard succeed and every outcast overcome all the bullshit thrown in front of his feet. Keep fighting. KEEP FIGHTING. In our own modest way we can carve out our own chunk of this madness we call the world.

>> No.55684394

join the air force (nicest branch of military), do tour, get college paid for, get job.

there's your five year plan OP. have fun! don't forget to DCA into LINK on the way up

>> No.55684407

Focus all your energy on one of those things that you believe will make the most impact, just setting the goal at “making it” isn’t going to help and you’ll just be treading water for the whole year until it’s over.

>> No.55684419

It's all just practice and getting used to the motions. Practice going out. Practice holding a convo. Practice better life choices from your day to day to macro goals. If you don't Practice you lose it and the anxiety and overall edginess comes back.

>> No.55684425

Good advice here minus the hylian propaganda

>> No.55684456

do you masturbate and watch porn a lot?

>> No.55684507

Checked, he’s soliciting you OP. Here’s your chance to make it.

>> No.55684546

this bro

OP before you do anything else. Do you smoke? do you drink? do you take drugs? are you overweight? if you answered yes to any of those, that's probably all it is.

>> No.55684586

bull run is in 2025 though wtf

>> No.55684602

when i was 28 i told myself if i didn't make it by 30 i would kms.

im 35 and haven't made it :)

>> No.55684639


I thought of something retarded like maybe just trying to join the military at 30 or some shit.

If I can make it through basic I'd have a """"better"""" job that others percieve as better and maybe better in the long run of catching up to the others in life but holy shit.
I've never cared for this game.

>> No.55684658

I'm 36, I lost more chances than most people get to make it.
I've pretty much given up on life.
Young anons don't just wait for life or you'll be me.

>> No.55684680

Don’t do it, I didn’t make it til 31 and I reeeeally made it. Life just gets better bro

>> No.55684757
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Op if you actually did do this and this is not a homosexual larp; then I would follow you every step of the journey for that year provided you detail in journal form in a general thread here every day. Every step of the way could of course eventually lead to that last step being off a short stool, but I will be here nonetheless if you so choose. Come now boy, what shall you choose; life, death, or certain death?

>> No.55684942
File: 321 KB, 764x492, 1639847781394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should unironically consider kys as an exit to all of this, but if you still don't wanna go the easy path, perhaps you can check arkham

>> No.55684963

Ive set myself a goal.
If i dont make it in the next 2 years, im going to put a loaded shotgun in my mouth and pop it.

Either i will make it, or i will perish.
Slavery of modernity doesnt satisfy me. Its drab and lifeless.

>> No.55685018

Crypto can be a way, and if he's lucky enough, he can be among the fraction that will make it, or else end up losing the entire sum made so far. That's why one ought to be strategic about the % to risk. Arkham is a good one. If I were to suggest, I'd go with Peaq. Not yet launched, but many already have it on their watchlists on CMC. The traction and influx are in.

>> No.55685171

It's not like anyone would pick that shit as a first option either, cope and seethe

>> No.55685175

Why are you still alive, I would have given up

>> No.55685176

Stop smoking anon, that shit's bad for you

>> No.55685209
