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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55745525 No.55745525 [Reply] [Original]

What are you going to do if you don't make it with crypto anon?

>> No.55745549
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Mooch off my family until the next big scam opportunity arises. There is literally no reason to try anything else. Slowly making money the old fashioned way is just for bare minimum survival. Even high salaried jobs are just house nigger positions. You're still a slave even if you have slightly better accommodations and toys to play with. If you want to actually live, you have to get lucky and make a lot of money out of nothing.

>> No.55745651


nigga you just explained all the thoughts I have these months

even making 150k per year, you are a more high tier slave compared to the bare minimum wage cucks, but you are not truly living

we gotta figure a way to become rich FAST

>> No.55745671

Spend all of my money traveling the world and then die.

>> No.55745681

I'm pretty sure it's a common sentiment here on /biz/, in the cryptosphere, and even with just young people in general. The hardworker boomer meme clearly didn't pay off for them and anyone paying attention doesn't want it to happen to them either.

>> No.55745694

That's the reality abd I hate to admit that

>> No.55745779


>> No.55745784

I just don't want to go back to work so soon.
Thinking about taking a professional degree, trying to choose the best option, not necessary the best option in terms of making money, but in terms of working smart not hard. I just need a easy going job that secures me a modest monthly wage . Sometimes I think that I would rather work part.time in a animal pet store and win less but have most of day free and easy going job

>> No.55745790

I'll pursue a career as a mime.

>> No.55745794

Die poor, I’m already doing it.

>> No.55745871

well you still can manage to take some ok moments from this human experience even not having much money.
Remember work smart not hard , the important is for you to have a monthly income, and no matter is is low income , always , always try to not spend it all and save some even if it's only $20 buckarinos , always, always save some, you need to cultivate this . And you can also flip some shitcoins here and there and re-invest some of your savings.
But remember every month you need to try to save something. As your personal finance grows , so the chances can grow too.

Good luck

>> No.55746033
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are you improving yourself in any way while you suck money out of your parents, or are you just being a stagnant nigger with delusions of grandeur?
if you're not lifting, learning new things, or improving your social skills while your parents subsidize your existence, you're not going to make it even if you do end up hitting the jackpot. You'd be the same dumb nigger complacent with squandering his life, just with money.

>> No.55746153
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>lifting, learning new things, or improving your social skills

>> No.55746167

lol, grow up bud.

>> No.55746248

>t. fat, retarded autist
if you're really that delusional thinking that you're in a waiting room waiting for your inevitable turn at the wealth carousel, then you should be living life as you normally would with money. Mentally stimulated, healthy body, able to interact with others.
if you're sitting in the waiting room with your thumb up your ass complacent with doing fuckall, then congrats, you are literally going to do nothing and piss your life away even if you get rich. money doesn't change one's character, it enables their behavior to be acceptable, bad or good.

>> No.55746283

I lift and finished my college degree...even if my parents don't charge me rent I help around the house with anything they want. They saw me go from $0 to $250k in the bank and understand how my life is going to be at this point I can't fix being antisocial, there's nothing to do about it.