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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55755497 No.55755497 [Reply] [Original]

Job market now is unofficially worse than 2008, and this is NOT an “official recession” Welcome to your 5th once in a lifetime event.

>> No.55755526
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it was actually an official recession as of like a year ago, 2 consecutive quarters of falling GDP, but they memoryholed that definition because one party runs everything now including the whole media so it is outlawed to admit there is a recession

>> No.55755775

Still makes me laugh to this day
>bro just delete the words and it won’t be real anymore

>> No.55756145

I used to work at Verizon and there were mass layoffs earlier this year. Not a single one of my old coworkers who were affected has been able to get another job.

My old boss from my current company hasn't been able to find a job in almost a year.

>> No.55756183

Its definitely not. You were prob in middle school then. People with good degrees were waiting tables. Thats not happening now.

>> No.55756190

I wasn't able to find a decent job until 2013 and I graduated in 2011.

>> No.55756203

>People with good degrees were waiting tables. Thats not happening now.
yeah they replaced that all with spics now you can't even get those jobs.

>> No.55756210

oh well at least the kike companies will also die

>> No.55756221

There are 10s of hundreds of thousands with amazing degrees working Starbucks jobs right now. You're clueless.

>> No.55756224

Yeah now they just dropped out of the work force completely. Pull your head out of your ass

>> No.55756226

>words only ever have one definition

>> No.55756237

>until it benefits me
kike behavior

>> No.55756242

I'm in corporate at CVS. they announced 5k layoffs this week, over the next few weeks. I feel like my heart is going to explode from the stress.

>> No.55756248

real GDP has been negative since 2008 we have been in a depression papered over by importing literally 10's of millions of subhumans to inflate the system.

>> No.55756251

Why? Man up. Who gives a fuck.

>> No.55756269

Because he knows he's being overpaid to do essentially nothing.

>> No.55756286

I'm in my mid 30s and have bills to fucking pay.
I'm in financial reporting and keep the company licensed with Medicare and Medicaid. Not that the jew executives care.

>> No.55756294

Glad I have my job. Shitposting from here right now.

>> No.55756293

Wagies keep on seething till you’re 70 and realise it was all for nothing.

>> No.55756297

2008 was a depression

>> No.55756299

Back then rent was $500 a month so you could still afford to live for $15 an hour. Nowadays wagies have to pay $2k a month for rent in big cities

>> No.55756305

Dilate wagie boomer is gonna fuck you dry and long. Hope you get laid off faggot!

>> No.55756308

Do you have any actual skills or was it just a fake office job?

>> No.55756391

Everyone does. Stop acting like a little faggot bitch

>> No.55756426

Ah yes my favorite job market indicator, random posts from fucking reddit. Go back, faggot

>> No.55756429

>redditor lies about salary at his previous job
>surprised when hiring manager at new job asks for proof


>> No.55756457
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Exactly. It's impossible to stress just how much better things were then than they are now. It sounds unbelievable, and it wasn't that long ago.

2008 only felt as bad as it did because Americans had no clue how prosperous things had been. It was "I graduated, but I can't even get a job.". It's not like a degree would help you get a job waiting tables, you'll lose our to someone who actually has restaurant experience. Hopeless, no way out.

It can get so much worse than no way to win. Things are so expensive now that even if you do have a job, 90% new job market entrants can't win, they're just trying to not lose.

If there's a credit event and mass layoffs you'll have the perfect storm of not being able to participate on top of not making enough money to win. Fucking nightmare.


I never thought I would look at 2008 with nostalgic warmth.

>> No.55756459

You're not looking at your company reports? Look at your gross margin. I'm surprised they are only announcing 5k layouts after that digraceful managment.

We actually increased our gross margin from 30% to 31% or 32% and our revenue has been mostly the same but no one got any raises early this year. My heart is exploding but from rage. I feel like murdering my employee for being such a fucking cunt.

>> No.55756498


"Skills" are not relevant when it comes time to lay people off. Either you can do the job you were hired for or you can't. The decision as to who stays and goes is determined by how much the decision maker personally likes being around you.

>> No.55756501

People with Harvard engineering degrees can't even find jobs at Harveys.

Rent in big cities is only $1000 a month.

>> No.55756520


Then you should understand how significant losing your livelihood is.

It's a lot easier to talk shit if you're a permavirgin with no children to be concerned about.

>> No.55756521

$1k rent in a big city? Maybe in someone's basement with no windows

>> No.55756530

Mother fucker I was unemployed looking for a job for 6 months. No fun, no spending money, no eating anything that wasn't cheap. And guess what I'm ok. It's gonna be o fuckimg k. So again STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKIMG WOMAN

>> No.55756555

Yeah it's unironically over
>Piss easy to get a shit job
>Can struggle by shit job with very low standards
>Getting a shit job is as hard as applying for some good career job with none of the benefits
>Can struggle by only if you live like a slave in shared conditions or with parents, will not support you independently no matter how low your standards

>> No.55756592

You’re either a boomer or a jeet. Today in the US rents are averaging $1500 to $3k. If you do manage to find one for $1500 it’ll be either in a nigger neighborhood that’s extremely dangerous, spic neighborhood that may or may not be decent, or the middle of nowhere with zero jobs

>> No.55756624


Get a gf or roommates. It's a whole lot easier to pay those rents when you're splitting them between 2-4 people. Rents are still ridiculous, but still doable for wagies if they don't feel like they're entitled to live by themselves.

>> No.55756628

The job search itself is the most stressful part of all. HR roasties are too stupid and evil to even respond to 99% of resumes

>> No.55756632


But you had no children. It's a completely different story, unless you're a total piece of shit absentee father that doesn't even acknowledge his kids existence.

You know nothing.

>> No.55756644

Joe Biden told me his economics are working, though, and all the major press confirms it. Why would they all lie to us?

>> No.55756677


Every government policy has its intended effect.

>> No.55756684

Yep and especially for shit jobs it shouldn't be.
My brother graduated in 2007 and for shit jobs in 2008 he would just literally walk into places and get it. That's impossible now.
I do not fucking understand why minimum wage shit with most of the time not even full hours requires you to stress so much to get, this only used to be a thing for high paying career jobs.

I applied for a min wage admin job and they asked me to do a presentation on why I would be a great fit and choose group exercises to compete with other applicants. This is for fucking minimum wage that will barely pay for bills and food.

>> No.55756686

Everyone afraid of being fired. I want to be fired. 3 month severance so I can take a few months to chill before responding to a recruiter message on LinkedIn.

>> No.55756693

That sounds like heaven, living underground is way comfier than high up, i live in a condo and it's $1k a month toronto

You're a retard. I live in Toronto and rent is $1k a month.

>> No.55756698

When I post a job it’s 500+ resumes to look through within a day. Like 90% of them are Indians.
They’ve opened the gates for India in the USA and people haven’t caught on yet but go to any dmv and watch. Buses of Indians every day that know zero English and are wearing sandals in 15 degree weather like someone kidnapped them and brought them here.

>> No.55756721

You having children is exactly why you need to not act like a chaotic stressed out faggot.

>> No.55756731

It’s the other way around. If you have nothing then it’s not a huge deal to just sell everything and live in your car eating ramen. Hard to do with a family.

>> No.55756733

08 had plenty of retail and service jobs that people took but it was “beneath them “ since they previously were RE agents or subcontractors or whatever where they made a lot more money. I found work by networking after graduating in 2011 but at crappy pay. But nothing was as expensive as it is now. When real wages buy so much less, there’s a loss of quality of life. Even the service jobs in 08 still gave you a decent quality of life, but those days are gone

>> No.55756734

Why not choose the blue collar life in a factory?

>> No.55756739

I hope you told them to go fuck themselves

Yeah and they use bots to apply and then when they walk behind you they bump into you constantly and they stink from the food they eat and also from not showering

>> No.55756931

I work in restaurant management and my job security is unreal.
Oh you have a masters degree? That’s cute when was the last time you had to escort someone out of a restaurant because they fell asleep in the bathroom?
My competition is retarded wait staff who would need to be promoted (lol) or some other manager who, if they’re good, is just sitting comfy somewhere else.
The majority of jobs created in the last two jobs reports were in hospitality.
I can go anywhere in the US and have a job within a month.
The thing is I hate my job/the industry and I’m so comfortable here there’s no sense in leaving just to be the new guy somewhere else because the new guy always gets fucked.

>> No.55757005

This is the dilemma we face. Many fields are becoming oversaturated with applicants. Many fields that were once great are now dogshit. They pushed everyone into college, and now they are reaping what they sow. Look at China. The unemployment rate for young adults fresh out of college is about 20%. Some have moved back in with their parents and are getting paid by their parents doing choirs around the house. Not to mention the immigration of foreign people with degrees, further saturating an already fucked system. Recently, Joe Biden signed something that enables Indians a better way of coming into America or gives them more money to start their own businesses. One or the other. Not to mention many not being able to retire. Their are several elderly people at my workplace who have told me they don't think they'll retire and will die working. Wages have also become stagnated and everything is getting more expensive. While this doesn't hurt people who already have had time to save money, recent graduates trying to pay off their student loans are crippled with this since they just started making money. Many friends I know live with their parents. This system is fucked and neither the Democrats or Republicans can fix it. We're doomed.

>> No.55757019

Yes it is lmao. Apart of the reason you see less of that is because of how fucked up service is after COVID.

Quite literally the worst time of my life trying to float a fucking restaurant.

>> No.55757042

Good luck ever being a family man though. Your busiest worktimes will be on weekends and dinnertime, exactly when you should be home with your kids

>> No.55757059


You don't get it dude. I didn't either. Don't talk lightly about the well being of your fellow man's livelihood. It's a big fucking deal.

>> No.55757084
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chatGPT will replace all office workers, all call center workers, and eventuall all workers that do everything.

>> No.55757122

Oy vey

>> No.55757149

all these normies crying about being poor now, is so glorious to me, ive been into conspiracy theories my entire life and projected exactly what was happening right now back when i was a kid. my parents are boomers my older siblings are millinieals im a zoomer and i saw the pattern of ppl becoming poor'er and the acceptable house going from a ranch to a mcmansion to a ranch to an apartment and now we are in the live in ur parents basement and u can still get pussy era, so basically 20 years ago i foresaw all of this when i was like 6 and said i was gonna be rich and got into bitcoin in 2011 and became a millionaire and now i can survive off of staked shit. now that ive proven myself, in the future ppl in the us very soon everyone will be homeless living in their cars very soon, so i suggest you get ahead of it and start training the nomad lifestyle now -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v_YtUo7hSg

>> No.55757154

My sales are up 300% since 2019 and they've been getting stronger and stronger over the past year. My problem is finding more employees so I can expand and make even more money, but the only people applying are retards with no skills. Paying over market rate isn't working, it seems like everyone prefers flexibility. The employees I have currently have been taking days/weeks off all summer and there isn't shit I can do about it.

>> No.55757157

maybe the wrong board for me to say this but it's very disturbing how blatantly they can get away with lying under one party rule, especially about the economy, which affects every single person. "oh jobs are great!" "lowest unemployment ever!" meanwhile anyone actually seeking employment will tell you it's an absolute shitshow

>> No.55757163

office workers are just white ppl welfare in the USA, they arnt real jobs its just nonsense work, so the reality is that the USD is going away by design and being replaced by a one world currency, heres the deal, now that china can spy on everyone and every country can do this the elites dont need their currency backed by honest white americans, instead they can force everyone to be honest with social credit like systems, so they dont need the honest whites to protect the stability of their fiat, now they will just make a globalist coin and everyone will be tracked to force honesty

>> No.55757167

Except literally the opposite happened.

Back in the 80s, you just needed a stable job to get a job, maybe a bit above average.

In 2023 you need to be very wealthy to get a job, even a doctor doesn't cut it, you need to have multiple houses and cars. Why? Competition, it's become so easy to get rich in 2023 thanks to years of stock boomers, crypto coins, and A.I that every idiot is now rich. Zoomers are graduating school with more money than boomers made in their 401ks throughout their life.

>> No.55757174

*To get laid.

Getting laid in 2023 is the hardest time in history because nearly everyone is rich now

You could easily hire Harvard grads if you wanted.

>> No.55757178
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>Welcome to your 5th once in a lifetime event.
thanks man, glad to be here

>> No.55757179

thats cuz everyone in the US is retarded and have been living off of the teet of the US dollah and have no skills, so the demand for real shit is there but nobody to work so its confusing that ur sales can be up but thats cuz we havent seem demand rise inversely to supply, its kinda beautiful really if ur not retarded its nice

>> No.55757184

yeah now the equivalent are living with their fucking parents not working at all you dense fuck

>> No.55757189

>Medicare and Medicaid
Shouldn't exist anyway. Kill yourself.
Medicare = septuagenerian boomers
Medicaid = latinx spics and niggers

>> No.55757190

i think it'll replace administrative jobs before the ones you listed

>> No.55757193

thats what i said
greatD homeless -> 50s boomers ranch -> 70s split level -> 85s mcmansion -> 00s splitlevel 10s -> ranch 20s -> trailer/van life -> 30s homeless

>> No.55757198

This is 100% truth.
Also my company after 2 years of record profits fired half the contractors globally which was over 20k jobs and has been very quietly firing americans by the 1000's and hiring offshore.

>> No.55757199

no getting laid is hard cuz women can find a guy thats in the top 20% that will fuck them that night and pay for their uber.
getting a wife is hard cuz marriage is fucked and women are all busted entitled whores who sell their white race to guys in indian on onlyfans

>> No.55757203

Except it's become easier than ever to get a house. 23 year olds are buying Lambos with dropshipping websites they made when they were high.

Why do you think girls will now reject you if you don't have a Lamborgini? If everyone was poorer, girls would drop their standards.

>> No.55757218

most zoomers are broke and very few got lucky with internet coins (me) and scams like drop shipping, im not sure what ur point is houses are like 10x more expensive now and the property tax increased as well cuz white ppl allowed blacks and sp TICKS to live in america and they want to avoid living next to them

>> No.55757223

shut the fuck up you dumb faggot. barely scraping by by the skin of your teeth is exactly the point of this thread. we're all on the verge of doing that. saying "well you will be ok you won't starve to death stop being a pussy" is intentionally trolling and derailing the thread.

>> No.55757232

cool blog post thanks

>> No.55757236

Then why are girls now demanding you give them a millionaire lifestyle? Why coudln't they do that in the past?

>> No.55757237

millenials and boomers have been calling this shit out since '08 (ever read zerohedge?)

>> No.55757240

I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. I also expect to be outta here in <1 year but I’ve been saying that for 3 years

>> No.55757242

cuz they whore themselves out on onlyfans to brown men around the world for that lifestyle

>> No.55757244

no i was born in the late 90s and ive always known this ever since i was like 4, i was always a jew about money i would save up all my money and shit and im just built differnetly, i have been right about everything my entire

>> No.55757251

that ad is so funny, i remember destiny crying about how he worked for $15/hr back in 2008 and how it was so hard, bro that food costs 1/5 of what it does now, thats $75/hr now, i fucking hate every fucking millienial theyre all just poor lazier bummier boomers

>> No.55757253


>> No.55757256

millenials and zoomers have the same work ethic, which is to say that there's a bimodal distribution where half work harder than their parents and half are lazy disenchanted fucks

>> No.55757261

>If you do manage to find one for $1500 it’ll be either in a nigger neighborhood that’s extremely dangerous, spic neighborhood that may or may not be decent, or the middle of nowhere with zero jobs
Uh huh

>> No.55757263

So what am I supposed to do as a 19yo zoomer? Trades? College? NEETmax?

>> No.55757266

>white welfare
Literally this

>> No.55757288

If you're not sure yet I'd stay away from 4 year college until you figure out what you want to do. You can learn a trade or go to do a 2 year degree for way cheaper than college in the meantime and see if it's for you with transferrable credit towards a bachelor's.

>> No.55757307


He's just a retarded troll trying to drag down discourse, but he does say one thing that's half-true. 2008 was a great time to partner off, everyone was poorer, couldn't afford to go out, and came together for house parties more. Much better way to meet romantic partners.

It's only half true because it's less about the material wealth and far more about the cultural attitudes and perceptions about it. The attitude in 2008 was the the economy shit the bed and that times were tough. Obama came out and told everyone it was the new normal. People were losing their houses. Expectations were more in line with reality. That cultural attitude isn't present anymore. The news media is telling everyone that things are great, and affiliate link get rich spam is the dominating the algorithm, making people (women) think it's normal.

Scary shit for the younger generation. Inherit your grandma's house and you can provide a lifestyle greater than a median wagie without ever lifting a finger. Competition becomes impossible, and a non-zero number of women will chose life in a harem over never getting their own home.

>> No.55757345


Honestly, my greatest fear is Americans losing their sense of entitlement. The moment people stop fighting to keep every shred of material they have is the moment what little they have left will be taken from them.

Still insane to not acknowledge that 2008 was heaven compared to today. It felt hell, a miserable depressing pit because it had never been worse and felt like it was impossible for it to be worse. How wrong we were.

>> No.55757355

Do not NEET. It's a fucking meme on here. If you want the big bucks immediately after graduation, go into: computer science, nursing, or accounting. Don't do STEM it's a meme. If you want really big bucks, do law and medical. Be warned you need to be rich to get into these fields. Otherwise, good luck with paying loans. Also, it will take many years to finish, and you will be the ultimate wage slave. Finally, it's hard to complete these fields. You need to be smart and devoted. Good luck, Anon.

>> No.55757358

You don't get it. What I'm saying it's don't stress. That's not helpful or productive. That's what women do. Be a fucking man and do what you need to do and it will be ok! Jesus so many sensitive little bitch boys

>> No.55757369

Yea 2008 was alright. Bought my first car in 2007 for $500 and it drove fine. Rent was $450/month. Rent in the same place now is $2000/month. Granted they redid floors and appliances since then.

>> No.55757377

yeh, stress about things you can control not those you cannot.

>> No.55757386

This is true. I'm the top 20% and I literally paid for the chicks Uber home last weekend lol

I agree marriage is fucked. It's too easy to lie and cheat nowadays. I think it needs to be redefined and you can't really expect your partner to be faithful forever. It's not realistic anymore

>> No.55757387

>Getting laid in 2023 is the hardest time in history because nearly everyone is rich now
Are you for real?

>> No.55757388


Also, you're right about millenials, and I am one. I couldn't get any of my friends to buy houses, despite rock bottom prices. Buying a house was "Scary" and "The economy is bad".

It's not boomer tier wealth and opportunity, but it was their one chance to capture some semblance of the American dream. They just had to do what their parents did, get a job and buy a house.

Millennials and boomers both had major opportunity and prosperity that they didn't appreciate. They also refuse to acknowledge how much worse it is now than it was then.

>> No.55757393

Why is my email full of job offers everyday ? Are they fake ?

>> No.55757403

You're the bitch. Man is stressing about possibly losing his job and not being able to support his family you're calling him weak for worrying. Fuck off you dumb cunt, "oh well I just think it'll all turn out ok :)" might work for mouth breathing idiots like you without kids but real men have families and stress about taking care of them. Not everybody can fly solo and only worry about themselves while they scrounge for microwave ramen like your faggot ass

>> No.55757405

>Thats not happening now.
You're right. Now people with good degrees can't even wait tables for minimum wage unless they also have 5 years experience and a good credit score/rent history.

>> No.55757419

It's a choice pussy. Choose to be a victim or choose to make shit happen. Get your t levels checked

>> No.55757430


Dude, stress is adrenaline. Adrenaline gets shit done. You're a childless permavirgin and have no concept for how much more significant shit like this feels when you have people you need to perform your best for.

You're just being a dismissive asshole with a warped view on masculinity. It's the absentee father that lives for himself, doesn't care about much, and doesn't feel anything strongly, be it good or bad. That's shit and isn't effective. It's faux masculinity.

I would punch you in the goddamn mouth if I could. Good men feel shit, and they use those emotions to make shit happen.

>> No.55757433
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>lucky to live with parents
>studied cybersecurity
>sending out nonstop resumes and cover letters, no luck
what the fuck do i do to stop being a bum?
im hungry to start doing shit that isnt just holding crypto with money i made years ago.
even some le side hustle shit would be something, but whenever i try and find ideas for shit like that, its just zoomers saying to dropship on amazon or whatever already dead stupid trend.
do any anons have any shreds of wisdom to impart?

>> No.55757442

You're a dumb faggot and have contributed less than nothing to the thread sniping at your fellow man just trying to support his family concerned about being laid off. Easy for a bitch like you who has no responsibility to sit on the sidelines and say "Oh dude lmao it'll be fine you'll make it lol stop stressing"

Easy to talk shit on a man when you don't know what it's like to be one.

>> No.55757445

I'll apply to your shitty startup anon

>> No.55757449



>> No.55757460

Little boy calling people names online to fill that emptiness inside.

>> No.55757461

The boomers who thought “cybersecurity” was magic and hard are retiring/dying off and you’re not impressing anyone our age. You missed the “getting paid an insane amount while knowing relatively nothing” cybersecurity boat by about 8 years and you’re a jeet tier analyst now. Not your fault though just bad luck.

>> No.55757497


He'll never get it. He's an autistic who is so engrossed in masculinity propaganda that he fully believes in the "Silent Stoic" scam. He spreads the bullshit notion that "being a man" means silently enduring abuse and exploitation and getting back to work.

>> No.55757498

only good post on here. You can still make it if you are smart and devoted to the task at hand. biggest hurdle is student loans and many go military to get around that (do not recommend)

>> No.55757499
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No refunds, bucko.

>> No.55757509


Post wedding band or get the fuck out.

>> No.55757517

Also true. There are always going to be paths to success. Stress is a part of the equation however. Part of being human

>> No.55757518

>23 year olds are buying Lambos with dropshipping websites they made when they were high.
thats enough tiktok for you, jayden

>> No.55757528

yeah i fucked myself with that one, its a meme field thats just falling apart big time now.
>you’re a jeet tier analyst now
true, thats exactly the kind of thing ive been applying for- low level tech support help desk shit.
id like it if i could put this meme degree to use or stick to this path in any way but im seriously doubting it.
managed my shit well and avoided getting stuck with student loans at least

>> No.55757534

> "being a man" means silently enduring abuse and exploitation and getting back to work.

Now you're starting to get it. I would explain more but I'm just wasting my time here with you castrated wimps

>> No.55757540

>Enduring abuse and not saying shit about it makes you namly
You're the one who sounds like a bitch lmao

>> No.55757556

The thing that no one would tell you and that I’ve seen at my Fortune 500 company is you should start in computer science or infrastructure at a company, get well established in that, then try to transfer to the companies’ IT security department. That gives you the best chance of becoming management in security, which is definitely still overpaid and a do nothing job overseeing audits and telling people “we need a policy for x” 1,000 times.

>> No.55757561

This is how I know your feminist gf pegs your asshole

>> No.55757562


lmao, I can't believe you just admitted to being a golem drone built to endure potential financial catastrophe to your own flesh and blood without feeling anything.

You were scammed pal. Your poppa told you that real men don't cry, all the while throwing a giant fit about every mistake you made in life. It's just not true.


>> No.55757570

Nothing wrong with that, no homo.

>> No.55757583

damn man you might be the dumbest dude on /biz/ rn. congrats

>> No.55757587

LoL agree

But I know it will hurt that pussys feelings so that's why I said it :)

>> No.55757612

>I work in restaurant management and my job security is unreal
kek get a load of this retard

>> No.55757620

>Boo hoo it's mommy and daddy fault from my childhood that's why I'm like this
Keep being a victim. Now I know you're a zoomer too blaming everything on your parents

>> No.55757639

How many 23-year-olds are buying Lamborghinis that weren't already born into a rich family? Maybe 0.0000000001% of all people in their twenties, let alone rich kids.

>> No.55757665


Talking about you, champ. (But you knew that). My parents were great. Yours didn't set you up with enough skills to find a mate and continue the bloodline. They just wanted you to shut up, and figured that telling you feeling shit somehow revokes your gender.

It's always the dudes who fly off the handle at literally ANYTHING that have convinced themselves that they aren't emotional. It would be funny, if it wasn't so harmful and counterproductive.

>> No.55757690


Military can be good if you heavily optimize your GI bill. You can collect $4,644 per month tax free from BAH if you go to UCSF or another one of the cities with high BAH, but you can commute in. If you chip away at an associates while you're in the service then you can ride GI bill all the way to a master's and be paid about $150k tax free.

Otherwise you're going to be 100k in debt at graduation, Rather than 100k ahead.

>> No.55757744

I'm done fucking with you now. I was just having fun and trying to help some young men in the process

>> No.55757771

>generic world event that happens every 5-10 years for all of history happens

>> No.55757811


You did the opposite. You were propagating the stoicism scam that tells men that they should just let bad shit happen to them and their family and not feel anything.

It's the only reason I stuck around. You're hurting young people with your rhetoric. You're a charlatan giving opinions about masculinity and financial success when you haven't even successfully created a family.

I genuinely hope you got something out of this interaction.

>> No.55757826

Swahili is not an amazing degree. Actress is not a realistic job. Everyone at Starbucks near me is below the age of 23.

>> No.55757830

>Oh you have a masters degree? That’s cute when was the last time you had to escort someone out of a restaurant because they fell asleep in the bathroom?
>I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
the irony...

>> No.55757841

Jesus you're fucking retarded. 100% you voted for Biden

> tells men that they should just let bad shit happen to them and their family
Literally the opposite Jesus your level of confusion is impressive

>> No.55757857
File: 70 KB, 1296x808, -1x-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the statistics show that it's booming

>> No.55757889

>all of history
oh no

>> No.55757902


>>55756251 This post right here, jackass. You straight up told someone that they weren't a man for feeling extreme stress at the thought of losing their ability to provide for their family while being plunged into a tough job market.

YOU need to man up and stand by your word.

>> No.55757917

Just found out my old job is shutting down next month. It sucks because a lot of the men whom worked there were just felons trying to do the right thing for their family and trying to get their life together

>> No.55757927

Yeah. They shouldn't stress and worry. They should DO. TAKE ACTION. And yet your victim mind heard
> that they should just let bad shit happen to them and their family

>> No.55757929

I feel like there is a weird disconnection.
either most people in this board are tech bros or people who work in tech companies who are now being fired en masse, this board is being botted, or the actual data is fake as fuck.

>noo don't worry about your kids losing their standards of living and maybe even their health!
lmao what a surreal guy. I bet you have never been poor. I hope you become poor so you starve to death while telling people not to worry about losing their jobs kek

>> No.55757937

all the 'learn to code' fags are going to have to, ironically, learn to do something else.

>> No.55757948

The kids will lose their health? Wtf
You guys are fucking hopeless and I'm sure you're raising bigger pussies than you are. China really is gonna over take America within the century because America is just producing a bunch of wimpy faggots

>> No.55757950

>Job market now is unofficially worse than 2008
Unemployment is literally 3%. Holy shit zoomers are so annoying

>> No.55757960

Luckily most companies are clearing out the jeets first. There are a few good ones but most of them really don't care or know how to produce quality work that doesn't waste more time going behind them to fix it

>> No.55757976

Your wife is definitely leaving you dude.

>> No.55757980

After hearing from all the retarded faggots in this thread I'm starting to hope it gets worse because I guarantee these are the same retards who voted for Biden. Reap what you sew dumbfucks

>> No.55757983


That's not how any of this works, nor is that what you said, asshole. Emotion is the basis of action. You hit harder when you're pissed and you act faster when you're stressed. You're more alert when you're in danger. He had the correct emotional readying response and you shit on him for it.

>Who gives a fuck?

Your exact words. You ignore the things you don't give a fuck about, now you're saying acting should have been taken. You were promoting passive attitudes in young men, and now you're denying it like a woman would.

Just stop repeating your boomer dad's mantras. They haven't gotten you a family, and nobody reading here should be giving them any consideration. They shouldn't want the set of results that come from going through life with a "Who gives a fuck" and "Real men don't give a shit" attitude.

>> No.55757989

doubtful, but I guess we'll see
in any case, most computer people are good at analyzing and organizing shit, so I doubt learning something else will become a big problem for most of them, but their biggest problem is they are autistic as hell and unable to talk to people like normal human beings, so they are fucked.

>The kids will lose their health? Wtf
do you know what happens when someone can't find a job for a long time, has no other source of income and spends their savings? have a hint: food and bills in general cost money. living in the streets damages your health.

>the "don't worry about losing your job" retard is a tech bro

>> No.55758000


Didn't you hear? he was unemployed for six whole months and had to eat cheap food and not go to the bars. >>55756530

He even started it with "Mother fucker", like he had endured some great challenge. Fatherless behavior.

>> No.55758004

I hope so too so I can actually notice it instead of seeing threads like these 24/7 and realizing its just empty hysteria

>> No.55758024


I already got three children out of her and my vasectomy. She's fuckin' stuck, and such a move would only hurt the kids. (which would hurt me, but I digress).

>> No.55758031
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>some wagie worked for 7 months without a pay check


>> No.55758035

Be a lineman or fiber splicer. You can make loads of money and get a desk job after. Training can be paid by your employer.

>> No.55758037

>Just get a job that doesnt support the system in any way bro
Zoomie are you reading the thread?

>> No.55758045

Sorry anon I give up with you.

I will just share that I don't have a family yet because I'm having too much fun fucking college sluts every weekend. When I'm ready I'll just knock one up that I think I can deal with for 18 years. I'm a man with a plan. When I get knocked down I don't wallow in worry. I figure out what I need to do and I do it. Oh btw I guess the silver lining of all you zoomies being such fags is that it does afford me an endless supply young sluts thirsting to be fucked by a man. So thanks for that bud.

>> No.55758047

>lazy disenchanted fucks
clever way of saying "less-prone to exploitation"

>> No.55758072

the sign says free refills, wagie

>> No.55758078
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Pussy. Pick yourself up and stop being a bitch. Go get a CDL.

>> No.55758084
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larpiest larp that ever larped.

>> No.55758097


Bull fuckin' shit. You're the same as every other faux douche that's meandering through life seeking hedonism. You're a child that doesn't have anyone who depends on him and has zero concept of responsibility. It's why being concerned about failing to meet responsibility is a totally alien concept to you.

You are no man. You've not grown up yet. Keep your "Wisdom" to yourself until you've successfully done so.

>> No.55758125

If you're homeless, you're not considered unemployed. Stats are rigged.

>> No.55758163

A bunch of reddit screenshots vs amazon breaking their earnings estimate by 59%
Hmm who do I trust more.

>> No.55758185


Wrong ID. The douche you're covering for already spilled the beans that he's unmarried, and is making wild cope-claims about college pussy.

You're cool though. You actually gave some good, actionable advice that anyone can apply. OTR is my exit plan should everything go tits up or I get ousted from my industry. I really should have done it from the start.

>> No.55758217
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>the proper time to redefine "rescission" is when the precious definition is precisely coming true

>> No.55758222

I run an ebay shop for retro games and my sales basically died from feb. Dead. I dont need any fuckwit to tell me there is a recession. Its fucking obvious from that alone. People dont have the spare funds to buy fucking video games when they are being squeezed like this. I have also noticed a race to the bottom on a lot of products among sellers

>> No.55758225

I'm laughing so hard. I understand that it really is impossible for you to comprehend all the hot young pussy I slay. It really is a public service sometimes. Some of these poor girls straight up tell me the boys their age are too feminine and can't fuck them right

>> No.55758250

>retard tells married guy with kids to stop worrying about losing his jobs
>gets criticized by people who have actual life experience
>deflects the topic and makes it all about himself
what the fuck is this narcissistic crap lmao

>> No.55758254
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i, uh, i think he might be trolling, anon

>> No.55758260

Bullshit. If you're a non-retard there are plenty of jobs. The faggot who wrote that probably has zero skills and is applying to shitty min wage jobs.

>> No.55758262

Lmao sorry I can see how it looks like that! I was just trying to explain my justification for not having kids yet

>> No.55758278

Ultimately it feels like everything is so saturated and theres no money, the only money thats left is in the untapped niche industries.
It feels like a rat race to learn all the skills to get into the niche industry, but then you realize everyone else had the same idea, so now that field is saturated. And now you have to start over.
I cant tell you how many jobs i've applied to that never called back.

>> No.55758284

Min wage job market is actually easy to find something lol. We have an over supply of “skilled workers”

>> No.55758287

>Bullshit. If you're a non-retard there are plenty of jobs.
middle class professionals who have careers that are many years long are losing their jobs right now. AFAIU (I'm not too knowledgeable tb.h), when this has happened in history, the rest are next.

>> No.55758309

I hate to break it to you. I’ll reiterate for you pussies, this year is NOTHING like 07-08. And I also graduated 2007. There are a fuckton of jobs now compared to then.

>> No.55758316


It's not that it's impossible to believe, it's that it's not impressive. You literally just wait until last call and any ugly mother fucker can get someone who needs to bed a man that night, otherwise they will go home and cry about how unattractive they are.

You're bragging about not paying for something that was already free. Even at market value your hobby only nets you maybe 15k in pussy on the domestic market, and less than 3k overseas.

>> No.55758318

I do agree with this. But its hurting everyone. Im gonna pull 250k this year and I feel fucking poor

>> No.55758321


If by trolling you mean pivoting to "I was just pretending to be retarded", then yeah. That's definitely what's happening.

Ego shielding. Nothing more nothing less. Hopefully he grows out of it.

>> No.55758323

>(ID: OY+T9pOW)

>> No.55758324

thats true but that would mean the recession is over now...so we're in a bull market then!

>> No.55758327

Service tech for commercial refrigeration I work with did 93 hours last week. Said he made about 160k last year. There has got to be a better way to make above 100k take home while not being the ultimate wage slave.

>> No.55758331

Youre a huge pussy. You need an old fashioned ass kicking. Youre not a man

>> No.55758335

No bitch I am trolling. However I can troll you and be completely honest at the same time

>> No.55758340

You're not invited, slave.

>> No.55758344


Nubiz is cupcake soft. Imagine asking one of these pussies to pick up a phone and call a client there first week

>b b but Im only used to texting
>c c can I just make a tiktok video instead

>> No.55758366


I apologize. You were being honest about being retarded, you weren't just pretending.


I have people in my life that depend on me for their well being and survival. That is what makes a man, nothing else. Someone living just for themselves is a child.

Post wedding band.

>> No.55758391

Anon I do commend you for your pride in being a good family man. There is definitely nothing wrong with that.

But you're incorrect about
>being emotional is helpful etc blah blah real men act like pussies and victims

>> No.55758392

I hear that but I wouldnt downplay his point. Young guys today have ZERO game because theyre all absolute pussies, so theres a massive void (heh) to be filled. I routinely look around the bar and see mid 20s smokes talking to mid 30s guys. We all grew up pre cell phone era where you had to call a girls house and dad answers and then you ask her out while mom is listening on the other line.

>> No.55758430


The fact that you're still here shows that you're emotionally invested. If you didn't care you would have fucked off like you said you were going to. You dismissed a guys fear of losing his livelihood as a "who gives a fuck" but have engaged in a flame war for hours. The only reason someone does something they don't FEEL like doing is if they are forced to. Nothing's forcing you. Your emotions are keeping you here. Mine are too.

What you're doing is a sneaky sociopath manipulation trick, and you're not sharing the secret. Emotion is POWER. Emotion is PASSION. Emotion is the only reason any action gets taken EVER. The stoicism shills like you seek to get OTHERS to give up their emotion and there's their power. They give up their emotional force and you exert yours by using aggressive, emotional language in every one of your posts.

All your posts have been using emotionally charged language and you don't even realize it. You're so deep into the lie that you think you're living by the rules you set. Every person who's ever told me to shut up and not make a big deal about it is the same exact douche that will flip their shit if they think you may have tracked dirt into their truck. Assholes, every single one of them. Looking to empower themselves and weaken others.

Know what the only unproductive emotion is? Apathy. Do you know the origin of the word?

Prefix - a, meaning without
pathy - pathos, emotion, intense feeling.

That's right, the only unproductive feeling is feeling nothing. Apathy is the mindkiller, and that's what proper application of stoicism gets you.

So, to sum it up. Fuck you. You're a snake that preys on others while genuinely believing that you're doing the right thing. It's sickening. If you lived for anyone but yourself you wouldn't behave this way. It's why I was so easily able to peg you as a childless loser whose lineage will probably end with himself. (But hey, at least you had fun, right?)

>> No.55758440

Not reading all that but I am feeling accomplished at this moment

>> No.55758484


You're blowing smoke. 20 years ago you'd message them on Myspace or send text messages. You didn't need to make a phone call you fucking faux boomer.

What you would do is scour the profiles of friends of friends, message the ones you wanted to target and ask "Hey, are you coming to so and so's party?". If they already have the invite then you've broken the ice and secured some mental real estate, if they haven't been invited yet you score points that way. Bonus points if you offer them a ride, because then you automatically have a context to leave the party with them and go back to their place.

No game, no charisma needed. Teenagers are all hormones and if they do any drinking at all at the event you're guaranteed sexual tension on the drive back to their place, which you can choose to exercise or not.

I personally believe the notion of "game" causes more problems than it solves. Tactical socialization just looks weird. All you have to do is talk to people and then orchestrate scenarios for you to be alone together in a non-sexual or romantic context. Any sexual tension that bubbles up out of it comes Automatically.

But what do I know. I married the second person I've dated. Doesn't stop shit from getting weird when I was dropping people off after a night out. Really flirty behavior from friends of friends, even though I'm clearly married and my wife's in the car with us.

>> No.55758493


You really should, but I didn't write it for you. I wrote it for the lurkers. Thanks for pussying out though. Makes undoing the damage you've tried to do a little easier.

>> No.55758520

boomers put up with literal gay sexual abuse because of
>muh job

>> No.55758537

Lolol you samefagger
Emotional retard double confirmed

>> No.55758553


I just got on the wifi. It's still me, bud. I don't need to manufacture consensus. My claims stand on their own.

>> No.55758568


They got fucked sideways on shit, but at least most of them got paid well enough to support a family solo. The whole "Be grateful you even have a job" mantra makes a lot more sense when minimum wage is a full ounce of silver.

I'd tell my kids the same thing if they could make that kind of money part time in high school stacking produce at the Wal-Mart.

>> No.55758593

Basically the whole thing needs to collapse. In the meantime, decent people need to band together and start working on alternate systems that can weather the storm

>> No.55758610

Zoomers are worse. They've spent so much of their lives staring at screens that they've lost a part of their souls

>> No.55758611

>financial reporting


>> No.55758612
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3 routes moving forward

> physical labor jobs
> sales jobs
> hustle university bullshitn unironically. I.e stocks, online biz, influancer. Best combined wtih sales or physical labor job

Programming is especially dead especially full stack. Its no longer web vs web its now content vs content on amzn/twitter/facebook/utube nobody use other websites

>> No.55758630

>I do not fucking understand why minimum wage shit with most of the time not even full hours requires you to stress so much to get

You are the lowest caste because you are the most disobedient golem.

1. Kikes
2. Niggers
3. Shitskins
4. Streetshitters
5. Chinks
6. You

>> No.55758632

Oy Vey!

>> No.55758634

I'm not the one starting threads about how I got laid off and can't get a job, faggot.

>> No.55758641

>Physical labor jobs
Definitely the smartest path these days. Try and get into some trade that pays a lot and can't be done by A.I. Hell just be a fucking plumber or a handyman. People don't know how to fix anything these days

>> No.55758644

>noooo i studied to be a social media marketing manager and there is no job thag pays me $120k per year this job market is ruined

>> No.55758654

Yeah hard jobs are still completely begging for labor. Easy non productive jobs are finally getting found out

>> No.55758687

Did you do an internship? It’s going to be extremely difficult to get an entry level position otherwise m8.

>> No.55758703

nta you are talking to but if you aren’t trolling, the pathway you are going down will lead you to nothing but sadness, loneliness, and a lack of fulfillment

I should know. I took your stupid path and outlook and now I’ve been working hard to set my life on a better future after it was leading to nothing but depression.

>> No.55758733

worked with corona

>> No.55758788

Reddit alert

>> No.55758837

Stoicism doesn't mean that you should tolerate being abused and become a robot. Being able to tolerate hardships for a worthwhile goal is a categorically useful and masculine trait. Being in control and able to direct your emotions into useful activities is superior to letting your emotions dictate your actions

>> No.55758855


Peak black/white autism. My son was big enough to require stitches to repair. The last thing I'm about to do is demand my wife undergoes another goddamn major medical procedure.

Think for yourself, Jesus Christ dude.

>> No.55758868

Man I just got my first office job that pays me like 70k, been there a year and a half and just got a promotion, now this shit happens — looking for another job and can’t find shit… don’t want to stay and get underpaid either (you have to job hop to make money in the beginning)

>> No.55758874


It's bullshit, you're being scammed. They just want you to fall in line and shut up. Go read the post that contains the word apathy. It's cope for losers who take comfort in inaction.

What you think is control is actually restraint. You're chaining yourself like a good little submissive.

Don't have to take my word for it. Look at all the major social and cultural wins that have happened in your lifetime. Were they won by calm, stoic individuals, or by brazen iconoclasts?

>> No.55758884

Listen Mr. 22 posts by this ID, I'd like to just chime in to call you a complete retard and say that virtually all of the preserved traditions of wise men all over the world throughout history generally agree that you are wrong on this point, and I am more inclined to believe them than a stressed-out seeming eunuch on this grand dealing and commerce gossip hall

>> No.55758912


The overwhelming majority of people in all civilizations are subservient serfs. Would you agree with that? Would you agree that it's beneficial for the chattel to adopt a wide philosophy that makes them productive for the ruling class and keeps them from rebelling or otherwise acting in their own self interest?

Refute it or don't. It makes no difference to me. I get that the "Just chill and don't let shit bother you" ethos is comforting, but it's the philosophy of serfs. The people who peddle it will fire off emotion to attack you and demand you don't respond in kind.

>> No.55758914

You're the modern serf lmao, not the other way around
These traditions come specifically from the elite of every era

>> No.55758923

>office workers are just white ppl welfare in the USA
I see it more as busy work the aristocracy did in monarchal systems so they could say they were actually doing something and not have the peasants chop their head off.

>> No.55758926


Yeah, rules for thee, not for me. Look at yourself dude. You're literally licking the boots of your masters with every fiber of your personal identity.

>> No.55759002


Last thing I want to say before checking out. To all the people here who think they have "control" of their emotions, I urge you to try and force yourself to cry. Take control of your emotions and make yourself feel in such a way that tears form.

If you can't do this, understand that you don't actually have control and can't actually will yourself to feel in a manner of your choosing. You've been tricked into thinking restraining your emotions is controlling them. This keeps you docile and manageable. You've been fooled into handing over the keys to your own mind and the power that comes with it.

I wish the best for you all. Difficult times ahead for the next generation, even if nothing changes. Don't let people bully you into apathy. Choose rage over apathy if you can't will yourself to feel hope.


>> No.55759004

There definitely needs to be change. At least you are optimistic. I've just given up and accepted it. In my opinion, the West has been put to sleep because of so many distractions. Change only happens in third world countries these days. The people at the top won't have change in the West because that would require them to step down in power. People really think that voting actually does something. What a bunch of dumbasses.

>> No.55759118

I've been looking for a year and cant find ANYTHING. I'm thinking of packing a bag and moving to taiwan and finding a job teaching science in english. I have 3 degrees in science.

>> No.55759129

no jobs here either. english teachers wages same as 20 years ago. lucky to get 60k a month which isnt enough to live a decent life in taipei

>> No.55759162

shit. I like tainan though. thanks for the heads up.

>> No.55759337

>Not a single one of my old coworkers who were affected has been able to get another job.
Someone should tell them about how much of a labor shortage there is in every sector. The poor companies go on TV crying about it, and how the only solution is more 3rd worlders.
Are your former co-workers so dumb they can't take advantage of an unprecedented labor shortage?
It's all going down the toilet all around the world but the official word is that there's nothing to worry about, in fact there's so many jobs that we have a labor shortage.

>> No.55759384

> 6 months

>> No.55759628


>> No.55759727

I have a 6 year resume gap. How do I get a job?

>> No.55759764

I'm you but 10 years older.

>> No.55759790
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Factories only hire mexicans or union workers and both will gatekeep you out. Besides i worked in a blue collar job for 5 years. It beats up your body and wrecks your health. Pay was good to start but not worth the pain of the labor and lifestyle.

>> No.55759800

wrong. my job is to fix multi billion dollar errors because the automated systems have hard limitations.

>> No.55759812

>they keep requesting days off
Yes if they are under 25 and working a low to no skill job they have that slight power over you
The one summer I took off like two weeks in July for a road trip.
The issue nowadays is there's nobody proud to work those positions anymore, there used to be someone who decided this was the best they were gonna do and career'd it.
These places won't take on the career unskilled Joe anymore. They had to accept that Joe is never gonna be anything, but if you want to keep Joe around you have to pay him like you want him to stay. Joe deserves more money because he ain't going anywhere, and maybe you pay him a few dollars over per hour and have him do a few extra jobs because he's there so much. Unskilled Joe's are dwindling because they are not being rewarded for their commitment to the unskilled wage force. Unskilled Joe gets treated the same as daquan who's on break for all 8 hours and his phone is his emotional support pet. So why should Joe bother to care about the job, care about the tasks, care about anything?
Find Joe, pay him more as a bargaining chip, and the quality of your business will improve significantly

>> No.55759820

glad I'm a carpenter

>> No.55759901
File: 32 KB, 474x466, 6851515864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue collar
Fuck blue collar work. ESPECIALLY factory and warehouse jobs. Construction is the worst. Nothing but a bunch of felons and meth heads. Mike Rowe is full of shit.

I'll take my nice little comfy sales job where I'm just generating leads all day for the reps. Honestly I don't know why so many people hate basic office jobs. The pay is pretty good, you get to be inside an air conditioned building, and the office parties are fun. Fuck working on an oil rig.

>> No.55759915

>Marcus Aurelius wrote to keep da pleb man down, nigga!

>> No.55759922

It just got sad here anon, you shouldn't have tried so hard

>> No.55759937

Yeah they're not even able to get a job waiting tables

>> No.55760058


>> No.55760076

I had a stroke reading your title. Kys

>> No.55760091

2008 was pretty rough for some. I remember having to do dog food drives for people who couldn't feed their dogs. But yea, pre 2007 it was much easier to live than today.

>> No.55760100

Lmao I also work at CVS and wouldn’t mind being laid off for that juicy severance

>> No.55760104

Hi anon. You're a retard. I'm a director level worker and have been unable to find any work in any field I am capable of working at any level. Before 2021 I received dozens of job offers a month from out of the blue. I have received three since 2021 and none since 2022.

The market is absolutely fucked beyond anything approaching reason. And, so, as a result, I have started my own software business.

>> No.55760134
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>> No.55760155

>. I couldn't get any of my friends to buy houses, despite rock bottom prices. Buying a house was "Scary" and "The economy is bad".
Millenials are perpetually doomers. Anytime you tell them they can improve their lives they act like its not possible. Thoroughly demoralized for most part. So many of my peers too do nothing because theyve given up.

>> No.55760187
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The top players ain't gonna lose. It's only the small/medium (non kiked up) companies losing.

Zio - 1
Gentilles - 0

>> No.55760237

You don't sound OK to me. You sound like a boomer brain "everyone else should quietly suffer just because I did" faggot

>> No.55760247

Sociology degrees ? Teehee

>> No.55760288

Things are better than ever. Fuck you for trying to spread fear and doubt just because your guy lost the election.

>> No.55760336

>The pay is pretty good, you get to be inside an air conditioned building, and the office parties are fun. Fuck working on an oil rig.
Agree. Way too many retards i had to deal with onsite who try to act like meme tough guys. Oil rig lifestyle is like a highly paid prison. Gotta "respect" the dudes and such like theyre little gangs who get butthurt if you arent their type. Not the least the few times i almost died when retards messed up and a piece of metal almost landed on me.

>> No.55760356

read the policy in colleague zone. it's like 6 weeks for me because i've only been with the company for a little under 2 years.

>> No.55760451

I sell second hand recently released games and noticed this too. market is dead except for dumb poos offering 20% of asking price.

>> No.55760468

Must be your job grade then. I’m under 2 years as well but For me it’s 13 weeks , when you add in paid PTO basically getting money to do nothing through December

When you free up time spent on job and use it for job search then yea pretty easy to replace that income in that span. Assuming you can get a job in 2-3 months (contrary to doomers here that’s very feasible) then you basically get paid double to fuck around

>> No.55760674

if we lived in a just world bankers, politicians, and 'journalists' would be mass executed live on tv ISIS style.

>> No.55760884

>my intellect provides no value so how could anyone else's?

>> No.55760940


the us dollar is backed by interracial sex and islamification. i'm surprised the federal reserve hasn't "mandated" everyone to watch blackedraw, but i guess they're too busy committing war crimes to conceal the repo market

>> No.55761013

That wasn't the point at all

Oh my bad can't believe I let a typo get through on 4chan

You seemed to like it and maybe some zoomies can benefit from it

>> No.55761025

Ok I'm listening...

I plan to settle down soon within the next few years. I just don't want to be anchored quite yet

>> No.55761218


I mean, he was emperor. It would greatly benefit him if the populace endured more hardship without complaining.

>> No.55761316


You really had to have been there to truly understand the demoralizing sludge that was coming out of the media. It was a neverending psychic assault of doom and gloom about everything at every level.


This was absolutely harrowing. When the goddamn president came out and called the economy the "New normal.". It felt so goddamn real; the leadership wasn't even going to hand out comforting lies anymore.

Most millennials heard that and came to the conclusion that "It's never going to get better". They stayed poor and missed their chance. I heard that and came to the conclusion that "It's only going to get worse", and I got every shred of material I could while I still could.

>> No.55761413

I'm getting neetbux and trading crypto so I don't care about the recession kek

>> No.55761414

100%. People don't have the balls to do shit like that anymore. We've been distracted for too long fighting each other when there's one common enemy doing all of these things to us.

>> No.55761490

Cobble together a list of skills learned and write a cover letter without a resume and have it ready when you walk in on your future boss on his lunch break at a restaurant because you've been stalking his office and introduce yourself as his next top employee of the month

>> No.55761493

All the job gains in the past year have been government and healthcare.

>> No.55761524

Anon, do not let people like OP dissuade you. The world is not a horrible place and neither is the job market. The job market is exactly what it is supposed to be like. None of us can tell you what to do, but if you have the funds, go to college. You don't even have to go to college for anything specific but you should have an end goal in mind. If as you start to take classes that would actualize that goal you realize that you can't stand it, take other classes.If someone isn't going to pay for. university, start a wagie job that has you interacting with people. Being forced to talk to people even in a limited capacity will help you increase your social skills which is probably needed for the average channer. Maybe even go to community college and that work X number of nights in a restaurant (front of house) where X is the max number that you can reasonably handle while still feeling content and able to complete schoolwork.

Whatever you do, do something. Even the NEETmaxers must do something. NEETing is kind of aristocratic, but most people do not have an aristocratic sould and end up depressed. True NEETs have legitimate accomplishments.

Remember anon, while you do this, make sure to save as much money as you can in stocks and crypto. Set up a retirement account and fund it as much as possible. Your decisions will compound, both health, financial, and general habits. Start out on the right foot.

>> No.55761536

$.02 have been deposited to your account

>> No.55761588

I remember that movie, how quaint

>> No.55761926

>This was absolutely harrowing. When the goddamn president came out and called the economy the "New normal
Sorry but my point still stands. Why would anyone suddenly be demoralized because politician was a weak willed coward? Millenials were in high school anyway and i doubt they cared or noticed.

>> No.55761967
File: 576 KB, 1280x889, 1687643271995784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying over market rate isn't working
Wow, a buck over min wage? You aren't paying enough to attract quality workers, blue collar professions were making $15-$20/hr in 2000, that's $70-$90/hr in 2023 dollars. You want leverage over your workers, you need to pay enough that actually have leverage.

>> No.55761981

watch lotr and always squeeze out a tear when Sam and Frodo manage to destroy the ring and Sam talks about how he would have married Rosie if he wasn't going to die on Mt. Doom

>> No.55762013

my blue collar factory job only paid $16 an hour in California. That's basically slave labor here

>> No.55762018

There’s a hiring freeze. Companies are learning how to optimize their skeleton crews before a period of expansion. Sucks if you just got out of high school or are unemployed, but it’ll be good in the long run.

>> No.55762025

Can't recall corona, but natural immunity was changed for sure.

>> No.55762038


Gee, I don't know. Maybe because we don't live in a free market economy and and results for common citizens are heavily dictated by monetary policy of the government and federal reserve? A government that has formally declared that you're fucked and they're not going to do a damn thing about it, and that you're just gonna have to suck it up, citizen.

Or maybe you could see more than a foot past your own face and realize that even if you aren't pessimistic, the pessimism of others will drag down economic activity and therefore your own opportunity, possibly spiraling into ever decreasing standards of living?

I swear, this new generation is uniquely proud of their ignorance. Very much a culture of "I don't understand or relate to a damn thing that was said, therefore it I must still be right."

The winners in that ecosystem DID get demoralized. The only difference is that they responded with panicked acquisition of assets, rather than apathy.

>> No.55762077


That's a good one. This is my go-to.


>> No.55762105

>Maybe because we don't live in a free market econom
Lmao this dude so bluepilled into thinking the free market cares about the welfare of workers. Kek go back to r/thedonald and fight for your tax cuts. Governments can declare anything they want to, it means nothing unless you let it mean something.

>> No.55762121

I dont have a guy pal

>> No.55762135

Tbh you (you as in the company, not you individually) deserve it, CVS is such a shit business.

>> No.55762165


The fuck are you even saying.

>it means nothing unless you let it mean something

This is a multiplayer game. The attitudes and decisions of others influence your life. Monetary policy and its impact isn't something that just disappears when you close your eyes.

>> No.55762177

Post the job listing in this thread. You'll get gigabrain /biz/raelis to work for you.

>> No.55762189

How much worse do things have to get before the Second Great Depression is officially declared?

>> No.55762196

Unironically yes. All job listings are probably fake
They post them so they can say they couldnt find anyone for the job

>> No.55762240

>This is a multiplayer game
No it isnt. I dont have economic opportunties lost because other millenials sit at home and smoek weed. If anything i get more now since there are less people fighting for those jobs. Millennials can sit at home and be demoralized but its all in their head. Which is why im richer than most of my peers who graduated my high school. I didnt get demoralized.

>> No.55762325

I can already size you up:

You’re a kid who performed well in school and thinks that that means you should make a lot of money. WRONG.

Anyone with valuable/useful skills is doing fine. People like you who spent all their time getting good at writing book reports and expanding their vocabulary are in pretty low demand. What can you do that anyone in this thread can’t?

You have to be a retard to not perform well in school nowadays.

>> No.55762341

The more I read your posts, the more I can tell that you’re, not only useless, but also miserable to be around. The problem is you, lad.

>> No.55762391


Shit got fucked in 2008 and by 2010 the powers that be formally declared that it won't get better. They were correct, it didn't get better. The winners did what they could to acquire before things got worse, the losers didn't.

You've found something that works for you. I'll leave it at that. If denying the impact of outside sentiment is what you need to ignite your flame then keep doing that.

>> No.55762410

So you admit it, you're a loser. That's all you had to say.

Now, unironically, ask God for forgiveness and help, and watch your life change.

>> No.55762424

>8 and by 2010 the powers that be formally declared that it won't get better. They were correct, it didn't get better
>powers that be
Can you say jewish powers? I want to know if you are able to say it to make sure you arent a liberal from r*ddit.
>formally declared
kek is there a special way they did it? to formally declare that things are bad and tough luck millenials? they say a special phrase? Is it different then informally declaring it? You fell for gov propaganda. I didnt. Thats all there is to it.

>> No.55762485


You don't know a damn thing about me. I made the bulk of my earned income post crash earned income from sales, specifically credit cards. I had to take a pay cut to move up to an analyst position, since my sales commissions were so good, but it was worthwhile in the long run.

>muh skills

A welding program can be completed in 8 weeks. A CDL can be had in 4 weeks. Some apprenticeships can be completed in a year, and it doesn't matter how long it takes, because you're paid as an apprentice.

Get off your high horse. "Skills" are not hard to acquire. The country couldn't function if the vast majority of jobs required skills that were beyond the capability of the average person.

You're huffing meritocracy copium. Most people aren't fuckin' savants. They get their jobs through social connections. The Skilling process is short and easy.

>> No.55762562


Yeah, Ben Bernake is Jewish, nearly all the heads of media at the time we're Jewish, and so were many of the president's advisors. Jewish people had significant contribution to the demoralizing narrative at the time.

>You fell for gov propaganda. I didnt. Thats all there is to it.

There was nothing to "Fall for". What they said came true. I acted on it by acquiring resources and pulling as much overtime as I could. It was a benefit to me, and I empathize with the people who fell into apathy and missed out.

>> No.55762646

Why are you so annoying

>> No.55762673

White Water rafting industry in WNC is down big. Massive. Small guys down over 50%. The entire tourist industry in Asheville, a city that attracts people from California, New York, Florida, and the midwest, is down over 11%. We aren't doing great but whatever. I work for a manufacturer in the area that has over $650 million in orders waiting to be filled. The peasants are dying off but the big dogs remain strong. This is how they get away with saying no recession.

>> No.55762679

Did you look at the place on Google maps? Its completely run down section 8 in Detroit with no jobs.

>> No.55762698

Everyone knows the election was rigged and stolen and that's why there's bad inflation and an expensive war in Ukraine. Trump will pardon Snowden and Assange, reveal what really happened on 9/11 (you know who did it), and then will get added to Mt. Rushmore.
I wish there was a concise way to explain all this that doesn't sound insane to those without years of /pol/ exposure.
Is there anywhere I can make a bet that Trump will be added to Mt. Rushmore within the next 10 years?

>> No.55762716

>Rent in big cities is only $1000 a month.
Bullshit. My rent 1350 and I’m a small/medium sized town. You’re full of shit, so what’s your angle?

>> No.55762727

Born in 1977.
Life is so much worse now.
Do not believe the lying boomers.

>> No.55762769


Right, but think of the diversity, inclusion and equality.

Just think of all the babies women get to murder.

Your priorities are out of wack. You're not thinking about the homo gay butt sex that takes place over marriage.

You're honestly being selfish.

>> No.55762802

I want this as a t shirt. Used to have these a lot when I was dating my wife lol. One memory of me slopping 4 of these things down at 2am while she sat at the table waiting politely.

>> No.55762821

Lol things were great under Carter, not. This just proves stagflation is back.

>> No.55762831

Felons should be executed anyway, not given grants if people hire them.

>> No.55762840

Same here my E-Bay & Amazon sales are insane ever since covid. Whatggggt recession?

>> No.55762848

Do you know any felons

>> No.55762885

>t. doesn't understand stoicism
The point is to stop complaining like a woman, think rationally, and act with purpose. Stoics fix the problems that are solvable and realize that they have to endure the unsolvable ones, because they by definition can't be fixed. Now help us all out by eating a bullet.

>> No.55762886

Lol you're such a a 20 year old zoom zoom who thinks he knows all of the answers.
You're getting drafted and the world will be better off for it.

>> No.55762919

Sometimes you gotta eat the dog

>> No.55762928

I wish I was a zoom zoom

>> No.55762940

We all do if we're honest
Age is the one thing that you appreciate more the more you live
And the thing you'll never be able to get back regardless of how popular you become or how much money you make

>> No.55762967

Lost drivers license with time stamp zoomie. Blur out identifiable info.

>> No.55762972


>> No.55763006

You should visit the closest gas station to your local amazon warehouse in the morning. Then you'll realize EVERYONE is hurting (except the boomers with their mansions, and remote workers)

>> No.55763023

Yes, for a fucking studio apartment.

>> No.55763028

>the only people applying are retards with no skills
so do what every other business does and make it a revolving door where you extract every useful bit of goyjuice from them for the short while before someone says something unnecessarily critical to them or they experience tetris effect and they quit.

>> No.55763038

something where you don't have to worry about paying the housing jew
trades if not qualified for any of the above
college if you intend to pay debts and milk the creditjew your entire life

>> No.55763043

If it reads like it smells of curry, yes indeed sir they are the real genuine article sir click on them right the away sir!

>> No.55763067

A 20 year period of people were all in high school? Just stop posting your brain doesn't work.

>> No.55763082

Your hubris won't last forever. Every time there's layoffs the idiots just think "that can't happen to me".

>> No.55763104

Yes I work with them I'm sick of everyone making excuses for them and the government paying employers to take them too. They always have kids too which is extra disgusting since society has to pay for their violent low IQ offspring to get fed, grow up and spread more dysfunction. I only knew one who I respected and he was a quiet guy who I later found out beat his boss almost to death after years of abuse. Still wouldn't let that guy around my family though.

>> No.55763285

Would've been $.04 this time last year

>> No.55763308

must into stoicism/resiliency/fortitude

>> No.55763870

I'm sure you slay like no other - now tell us about your game and fEmAlE NaTuRe like in your bluepil- I mean "redpill" videos lol

>> No.55763883

He wrote that during a point in his life that was wife was cucking him. No I'm not kidding you can look this up. He wrote that shit as a way to cope with being cucked and not being able to do anything about it.

>> No.55764014

Wtf are you on about

>> No.55764020

You're lying and you're gay

>> No.55764454

Rent in big cities is $5,000/mo. Rent in small cities is $2,500/mo.
Average rent is $1700 and median income is $31k.
Surely this is completely sustainable.

>> No.55764864

why dont you just pivot into software, its basically the same thing
no offence but i never understood the "cybersecurity" pathway. if you can write software, you by-default understand all the ways in which software can be hacked/compromised.