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55890989 No.55890989 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short Argentina

>> No.55891005

Based let's all become Jewish.

>> No.55891013

he's using cheatcodes , not fair

>> No.55891040

another Zelensky in the making

>> No.55891115

Argentina is on the ropes and rather than fix the problem he wants to use their political weakness to cash the last few drops of value out and siphon them into the dollar. The American empire really is ruthless to anyone who isn't paranoid about security and intelligence

>> No.55891222

Nah, he is based. Argentina had enough socialist politicians

>> No.55891233

So what do you call someone who wants to get rid of his own country's currency and switch to another's which is controlled by a central bank? Other than retarded?

>> No.55891242

Won't someone please think of the argentine central bank!

>> No.55891259

Their currency is perpetually depreciating against the dollar. Using dollars will make it much easier for their people to build wealth and grow a productive industry.

>> No.55891261

I don't see the problem. Dollarization ties the hands of the government, so they can't just inflate the local currency and stuff their pockets.

Certainly better that having to illegally exchange your pesos for dollar on a black market just so that your money doesn't devalue 100% per year.

>> No.55891279
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>(down another 90%)

>> No.55891463

im gonna buy some old argentia currency as a collectors item and lesson that wealth distribution and leftiodism destroys nations

>> No.55891464

Of course he does.

>> No.55891475

I mean technically: wouldn't that sort of solve the whole issue?

>> No.55891493

Argentina is at least 80%.
the whitest country in the Americas definitely deserves no more socialism

>> No.55891788

I know, right. Subvert the subverters.

>> No.55891797


>> No.55891865


>> No.55891923
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>> No.55891943

>guy points out that socialism is bad and destroyed the country
>far right

>> No.55891957

The entire world should use the USD.

>> No.55891994

Not a bad idea

>> No.55891997

Fool, that's what the Jews want, a one-world religion.

>> No.55892071

It’s all so tiresome. How is it that goyim keep falling for the most obvious controlled opposition….

>> No.55892079

When are we going to get some fucking good news for once?

>> No.55892180

Though it would also make everyone into a "subverter", and I don't think we're all going to walk around, all calling ourselves "the subverters".

>> No.55892187

It already is, that's why it's imploding (the USD, I mean).

>> No.55892197

Judaism historically didn't seek converts, that's why it's a minority religion, unlike Christianity, which is a major world religion.

>> No.55892223

It wouldn't make sense of Jews to convert other people regardless.
>OK so what's your religion about
We're God's chosen people and have to follow His laws that He designed specifically only for us or else he gets mad
>Uh, ok, what's in it for me then
You'll be subject to those laws if you convert and that's about it, we don't even really have a description of an afterlife so it's not like you get to go to heaven or anything if you convert, we don't even know what happens after we die

>> No.55892258
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i think you should long, and hard

>> No.55892302


>> No.55892408

>we don't even know what happens after we die
I mean, in fairness: how they fuck would they have that knowledge? That's a completely unreasonable request to make.

>> No.55892581

>far right
Getting really sick of these media pilpul tactics

>> No.55892602

"Based" just means signals the right thing. So he is selling out Argentina to prop up USD but can act "based"
>Captcha: 8SWAG

>> No.55892615

Political "spectrums" in general are pretty gay and retarded

>> No.55892651

It is depreciating because of odious debt it mathematically can't repay that it took out in the 80s. Dollarization will just lead to shrinkage and collapse

>> No.55892665

If we're all J, there are no goyim to subvert. Without a host a parasite cannot live. It would be the end. Good.

>> No.55892672

Lol it's true. When natsuccs complain about how evil Jews are they are just jealous/projecting their own plans

>> No.55892685


>> No.55892702

Thought it would also logically mean everyone would be Jewish. In this hypothetical example, I mean; while I can see the merit in Judaism, I'm not sure they'd want the entire world to join. But still, "in spirit", you know.

>> No.55892726

You will understand that nobody will "wake up" if the first thing they read you write contains the words "Jesuit oaths", "pedocult", and "wake the fuck up". No matter how convinced you are of whoever this "enemy" is: if you think about, you couldn't possibly seriously expect the guy who's screaming at others to "wake the fuck up" in all-caps to be believed. Even if I were maximally sympathetic: you didn't explain about these "oats" and what they are supposed to say/do, or how any of this relates to the Rothschilds, so I don't even know what I'm supposed to "wake the fuck up" to.

>> No.55892740

Nowhere. Not once, have I mentioned the word "oats".

>> No.55892757

Indeed you didn't, but would I have made a completely sensible argument in your eyes if I hadn't mistyped the word "oaths"?

>> No.55892788

Sensible? Depends on a number of factors. One it wasn't the first thing I stated. Two, upon researching very shallowly you can find ample evidence of Rothschild / Jesuit / Masonic ties and global manipulation, so therefore there would in fact be something for an unintiate to "wake up" to.

>> No.55892808

There's jews (Zelensky, Israel) and then there are those who kneel to jews (Putin).

>> No.55892860

why not?

>> No.55892865

Putin is controlled opposition and a part of the club. How is it you can't see this I find myself interally monologue and imagine slapping people whilst saying "No one. Not one has the right to be that stupid." Why is it the general public are willingly blind and walk into the slaughter house?

>> No.55892917

Would you casually refer to yourself and everyone you knew as a "subverter"? If so, then so, but that'd be the consequence.
>One it wasn't the first thing I stated.
It was in the context of you having made one post in this thread. >>55892685 as a whole is "the very first thing they read you write".
>so therefore there would in fact be something for an unintiate to "wake up" to
I won't judge that, but presumably, not all of the claims made online can possibly be true, unless what you're saying is "literally everything that you can read online about the Rothschilds or the Jesuits is true". People can make up all sorts of things, why would Jesuits/Rothschilds be an exception, about which only 100% correct information circulates online? If they're as subversive and secretive as you say, I'd think that there'd be at least some unsubstantiated and false rumors as well disinformation going around.
If not everything one can read online about is true: then you'd have to say what exactly is true and what isn't, otherwise how will anybody know what you're even claiming to be true?

>> No.55892930

>How is it you can't see this I find myself interally monologue and imagine slapping people whilst saying "No one. Not one has the right to be that stupid."
You were "that stupid" at one time, unless you came out of the womb with this knowledge. We do actually "slap ourselves" for our own ignorance. Treat others as a past version of yourself that didn't know what you know (I won't rule on its validity of any claims, as said): surely, you'd want any knowledge explained calmly and kindly to you; you wouldn't want to be screamed at or insulted about "how stupid you are for not getting this".

>> No.55893034

Somalia hasn't had a stable government for 10 years, a failed state without any central bank or the likes.
Their currency literally flatlines, the Somalian dollar is the most stable currency in Africa.

It's so obvious that it is government decision to increase the monetary supply that leads to a depreciation of the purchasing power and it's associated wild swings. Yet this is somehow lost on a libertarian candidate? that calls out "shit statists"?
His solution to the magical bad money problem, find a new untainted money and hope the "statist" in a foreign country doesn't get to greedy at the printing press.

>> No.55893397

It's Argentina, there's nothing left to short.

>> No.55893570

Shit statist. Legal tender should be a free market itself. Even if you lived in a state that requires you to pay taxes, you should have multiple ways of giving a cut of your earnings without being forced to used a government mandated paper shitcoin of their choosing. For instance, if the tax rate is 20%, index it toward how many barrels of oil (energy, just an example) your yearly earnings was worth that year. Same for paying employees. Ik le rotschild saying if "care not who makes the laws", but it's the forcing of using someone to use a specific currency that fucks everything, not its existence itself.

>> No.55893576

>Uhhhhhhh I have an idea in my brain about how society SHOULD be
Nobody cares bitch politics is about dealing with reality not daydreaming about utopic conditions

>> No.55893642

I've literally known since i was like ten years old, git gud fag.

>> No.55893698

>jewish libertarian
holy shit he might actually turn argentina around if he gets the right connections, based and jewing the jewpilled

>> No.55893738

Would you have liked it to be called "stupid" as a 10-year-old child?

>> No.55893796

A genius strategy, in a sense.
People buy their bonds because they're "an EM market with a good economy", which they are, but then they also just keep defaulting every, say, 20 years instead of every 30 to get the discount on their interest payments they think they deserve. Them wanting this "discount" is a consequence of buyers of Argentinian bonds still expecting rates that are too high, risk-adjustment or not. Argentina cannot possibly pay 17% sustainably, THUS it defaults. The creditors themselves are causing periodic defaults, so the real interest paid moves to the equilibrium point of the 'nominal interest - the part defaulted upon in a cycle + black market premium". The "black market premium" is the price of the defaulting-kerfuffle.
Creditors engage in a sub-optimal portfolio allocation strategy collectively because their goal-function
>maximize yield
Is not rational (maximally efficient, causing the black market premium to increase). The a more effective goal-function is
>min{maximize yield, minimize default-risk due to [our]my own actions}
"[our]my" means that one exerts the actions as a class, collectively ("lenders"), but one controls one's actions individually ("individual creditor"). As long as goal-function in aggregate tends more towards the former, market-pricing will be inefficient, causing instability. An incorrect goal to optimize.

As for what they should do: they should be forced to hold those fucking bonds to maturity and they themselves should determine the yield to offer: a reverse auction. They would, with the latter goal-function, be incentivized to offer the best terms. The investment is also economically rational, since one's self-interest and the counterparty's interest (Argentina's) are aligned. Even if Argentina cannot offer "market-rates", which, even given the attempt to minimize the risk of its periodic defaults, the investment would be be strategically and globally beneficial, as it's a major supplier of commodities.

>> No.55893813

I won't turn my back on Christ no matter what angle you try

>> No.55893850

Just become a Jewish Christian. You know, libe Yeshua.

>> No.55893981

Jews just want the whole world to be monotheistic, but not necessarily Jewish, and to also abolish all idols. Jews consider the Christian concept of the Trinity to be idol worship and that Christians aren’t monotheistic. This leads to much of the contention today, and why Jews have historically been on better terms with Muslims who merely consider Jesus to be a prophet rather than God himself with no trinity involved.

>> No.55894223
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>wants to become a jew
he alredy fucking is, look at hid schnoose

>> No.55894658

You are all scum, therefore not white. It is enough to see how you filth play soccer, cheating and theatrics every minute.

>> No.55895261

this, dont come cry to me argentina