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File: 245 KB, 1080x735, UK Britain superpower no longer sick man of europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56021996 No.56021996 [Reply] [Original]

UK is the greatest country of Europe after ditching the EU. Germany is the loser now.
UK Superpower 2023!
Everyone move to the UK right now! they're the best

>> No.56022002

o i am laffin'

>> No.56022023

Brexit meant Brexit after all

>> No.56022066

>Sirs we redeemed tha data n we found we r confirm superpooper 2023

Britain is a fucking joke

>> No.56022068


>> No.56022206


Absolute cope

>> No.56022350
File: 480 KB, 789x783, Screenshot from 2023-09-04 15-57-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Poland will do better than the UK in the future, in fact polish immigrants are now fleeing the UK back to Poland

>> No.56022552

lol, the UK economy is an absolute joke. Take it from a bong. We have a completely hollowed out economy and don't have any industry at all anymore. Its pretty much (((financial instruments))) and real estate which is all just a massive bubble. Only reason the GDP is going up is because the property prices are going up massively, and pricing all the natives out.

> import boatloads of thirdies
> government buys loads of houses to put them in
> house prices go up massively
> "hey look how great our GDP is guys. Line go up!!!

>> No.56022567

Which ex-colony are you seething from?

>> No.56022571

Shutting down nuclear plants and importing negros didn't solve Germany's economy? No way.

>> No.56022605

Now post the absolute numbers instead of the current trend

>> No.56022704

Holy cow! I am from Pakistan and I will now move to the UK and provide my labor there until I retire. I will also have many children, who will in turn provide their labor until they retire.

>> No.56022779

You guys have fallen for it. The country with the largest cumulative growth in the g7 since 2016, sixth biggest economy in the planet, will grow larger than Germany by 2035 and be the only country in the top 10 of all European countries by that point, with nuclear weapons and the strongest navy in the region and one or only two blue water navies globally and you think Brexit was bad somehow? They escaped globalhomo and globalhomo propaganda against them has been turned up to x1000 to hopefully punish them but really they look like the wests only hope now. T/pole who wishes we were as rich as the media keep claiming and wants polexit

>> No.56022799
File: 102 KB, 805x976, 1684452805370068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no remainers this can't be happening

>> No.56022830
File: 692 KB, 876x501, india superpower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By 2030 Poland will be stronger than even the mighty superpower India

>> No.56024014

It only means Germany is now even worse off

>> No.56024037

i don't believe even the bluest rosette fucking thatcher shagger believes any uk economic data any more.

>> No.56024065

Half german half british here

Where would you move to, if you had that chance?
I hate this EU nonsense but britain seems to be a police state anyway

Would like your honest non-larp opinions please

>> No.56024620

Go stand in front of a mirror and read what you wrote out loud. If you believe what you hear, you have become deluded. The sad truth is that the UK won't exist by 2040, it'll be the first country in history to be put up for sale, and either China or India will buy it. Enjoy your crumpets.

>> No.56024712

>They escaped globalhomo and
Hahahahah he thinks the u.k isn't globohomo hahahahah

>> No.56024718

Cope. You will never rise from the ashes you are in right now

>> No.56024736

>"We did a critical review of ourselfs"
>"According to our results,.. "We're The Best!"
>Source: Just Trust Me Bro, LLC

>> No.56024743

I'd go back to Turkey or Pakistan or India

>> No.56024750

Germany. But I'm biased

>> No.56024776
File: 93 KB, 960x640, uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Highest amount of insolvencies since the Great Recession

Even the average consoomer is realizing how fucked the state is

>> No.56024804
File: 70 KB, 1003x912, F43WdN7agAEnh21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how soon before they revise cancer numbers as well?

>> No.56025974

>sick man of europe
This gave me bad flashbacks to playing turkroaches in HOI4
The UK was never as bad as 1930s Turkey. At least we don't have fucking kurds sabotaging our infrastructure at every tu- oh wait