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56189118 No.56189118 [Reply] [Original]

How could NFT's fail actually? It was primed to be a revolution

>> No.56189162

I never liked bored apes, but now they're worse than basedface lazy lions.

>> No.56189496

theres no support for them anywhere.

if fb or twitter included nft support somehow they might be worth something. like you can have nft's as your profile pic or something. sure poeple can save the image but it could be quite easy to stop them using the image as a twitter profile pic. making you the only person that can use that nft as a profile pic or something

>> No.56189518

what's stopping someone from making another token with a link to the same image?

that would only work if fb or twitter only permitted certain NFT collections, which they would have no reason to do. Unless they only permitted their own collections and made money off that, in which case blockchain and NFTs are not needed for that.

>> No.56191059

Twitter did this like 5 years ago

>> No.56191099
File: 64 KB, 249x249, DigiPepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFTs were a good idea for an actual fucking artist to individually license and sell individual pieces of art.
Bored Apes skirted this notion by making endless variations on the same artwork, thereby effectively inflating the price of their own product.
If Bored Apes was a series of 50, limited to 50, sold out at 50, and a new series was begun, Bored Apes would be a rare and lucrative hold.
But no, there's thousands of them, hundreds of thousands of copies of the same fucking ape.
The same can be said for any other commoditized NFT. The business of crypto, not the business of copyright as was intended, was used on the NFT market.
Had it been what it originally was meant to be, NFTs would be the digital signature an artist could apply to their work to mark it as legitimate.

>> No.56191179

It was the test for RWA

>> No.56191286

A revolution of what? They don't have any use beside selling them to a bigger retard trying to make a profit, they're beanie babies

>> No.56191308

>NFTs were a good idea for an actual fucking artist to individually license and sell individual pieces of art.
At best it's a convoluted way to transfer copyright, that's it. It's a fancy proof of ownership

>> No.56191715

nfts are just shitcoins but better. Easier to understand for normies, and even less liquid

>> No.56191888
File: 22 KB, 353x259, Screen Shot 2023-09-25 at 11.45.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFTs have failed already failed actually in a number of ways, including:
>Overhype.The NFT market is currently very hyped, and this has lead to a bubble bursts.The value of NFTs have plummeted.
>Regulation. Governments are still trying to figure out how to regulate NFTs, and this could lead to uncertainty and confusion in the market.
>Utility. Many NFTs don't have any real utility, and this could make them less attractive to investors and users.
>Scams. The NFT market is also rife with scams, and this could discourage people from investing in NFTs.

There is only one platform that I see can fix this. https://guac.chat

One of the biggest problems with NFTs is that they are always public. Guac Chat solves this problem by allowing users to create private NFTs. Private NFTs can only be seen by the owner, NFT holders and the people that the owner chooses to share them with. Guac Chat's private NFT feature can also help to solve the problem of overhype and scams. By allowing users to create private NFTs, Guac Chat is giving users more control over their NFT collections and reducing the risk of being scammed.

>> No.56192578

Twee jaar na de hype rond NFT's is het merendeel waardeloos - https://nos.nl/l/2491825

Dutch news regurgitating news from a week ago.

>> No.56192742

The underlying technology has the potential to change the way digital ownership works, but the idea that these ai generated jpegs are worth anything is just retarded

>> No.56192940

>some monkey on a jpg
The tech has legitimately good uses but now it will never shake that bad rep from being used to grift retards.

>> No.56193075

>BAPE about to put BAYC on their shirts
>every bayc flown to Hong Kong for apefest and provided free hookers
You guys sound like normies burying the only good NFT project in existence

>> No.56193145

Except retards started lawsuits over this.
They don't understand that selling NFT means you sell your fucking rights.
Now if you buy an nft you only get a image link not the rights.

>> No.56193246

>How could NFT's fail
They didn't fail. They succeeded. You were able to create worthless jpegs and sell them for cash. You scammed tens of millions of people out of billions of dollars. It was a resounding success. What more do you want?

>> No.56193650

It's not failing, you've been misled into the wrong pussy

>> No.56193664

NFT is dead just like crypto

>> No.56193673

So what are you gonna do now? What's the best market place to mint on?

>> No.56193686

When I saw it coming I switched to Metaverse and Holoride isn't disappointing with its VR technology

>> No.56193704

You must have lost all your networth on LUX.Y marketplace. Sorry retard.

>> No.56193717

Twitter literally has this and nobody cares because it's still a picture of a monkey made by an Indonesian on Fiver and the company made a billion dollars to release a flash game

>> No.56193718

Wtf is RWA?

>> No.56193724

ripe wet ass

>> No.56193735

I fucking hate AI, they're just a bunch of shitholes that wants to do and know everything.

>> No.56193758

I know faggots won't believe this, but I know NFTs sure has a future. Pin this to your mama's ass and check back on it when the bullrun starts.

>> No.56193773

AI is just an assistant but it can't assist you fuck your bitches. Kek

>> No.56193784

Who still holds onto NFTs??

>> No.56193822

Y'all in this thread should just fuck off

>> No.56193839


>> No.56193845

Do you mean I've holding some worthless assets??

>> No.56193859

is time to go where the real money is. Fortnite skins.

>> No.56193916

Here's the game-changer anon, Open Game Builders are crafting games and metaverses with real assets. You shouldn't miss out it this too.

>> No.56193946

Oh yeah anon, I hold OGBX to unlock exclusive NFTs and Access real-world assets. This feels like the bullrun have started.

>> No.56194004

Maybe you need a change of mind, EVR is offering Staking Rewards, Free Enefti-VR Glass and Metaverse Utilities

>> No.56194082

>VR technology
EneftiVerse have caught my attention anon, the possibilities with its cutting-edge VR smart device is a top notch. Interaction with virtual worlds is becoming quite easy and adventurous.

>> No.56195546

Kek, retards and bag holders maybe. I'm not touching them with a 10ft pole, especially when there are based gems like Inj, Xtp, Snx, and Rndr for long term gains.

>> No.56196267

NFTs as a whole were a side effect of $4k eth
the entire market is still worth around $5B, so nothing really failed

>> No.56197560

unstoppable domains is still going strong

>> No.56198153

I don't like bored apes but even the most retarded investor could see them pumping next time eth goes up and any amount of attention gets to NFTs at all. They will bottom somewhere and give great returns just because they are/where the most popular.

>> No.56200496

No, it was a scam targeting morons

>> No.56200597

But Beanie Babies are actually real. I think people seriously overestimate the ability of the younger generations to truly grasp a complex digital good. Half of these millennials and almost all zoomers literally cannot even type. They are stuck with their faces in screens all day, but a lot don't even know how to put a PC together or understand the basics of software. They were raised by phones and are completely fucking retarded.

>> No.56200611

They always were scam rugpulls that will go to zero overtime.

>> No.56203280

$Trac , Bitmap 3D nft will be your next x1000+

thank me in 2 years

>> No.56203471

>It was primed to be a revolution
people parroting 'imagine if you could own the mona lisa' is not a revolution it's a cult

>> No.56203533

Digital art was always seen as inferior to physical. Now with AI being able to shit out some OK looking art, even more so. It was a good try though

>> No.56203557

It was bound to fail since most had no usecase but pure sentiments. I sold my last stash for RAIL before the privacy boom.

>> No.56203939

Did you post this from you phone while shitting on a street in New Delhi like the filthy subhuman jeet you are

>> No.56203979

Biggest most retarded scam of scams

>> No.56204069

Selling a link to some jpeg on a dropbox server for half a million is retarded and anyone buying this link is equally retarded. Apart from the fact there’s nothing of value being handed over, the only ‘innovation’ is the permanent entry in a shitty blockchain that there was an idiot who paid for a link.

>> No.56204146

sorry for losing your life savings to Ranjeet, I can see why you're so bitter.
crypto is well alive, those scam projects from Ranjeet died, which is why I decided to only stake stablecoins through SpoolFi, where I get to withdraw when I want.

>> No.56204311

>nooo, all those projects are fake and scams, but this one that I am personally invested in isn't, because reasons, ok?

>> No.56204442

>I didn't know stablecoins are a scam professor dumb.

>> No.56204502

the next rave we should be seeing is the tokenization and trading of RWA. trading this will come with the phase 3 on Nexera exchange.

>> No.56204655

Its failed. I'll just stick with based projects like Monero and Railgun with real usecases.

>> No.56204888

Lol not exactly, it just had its time and its time is gone because there was no solid utility.
the next rave is crypto payment platforms, considering my experience paying for my stuff in Rio, using CryptMi, and I'm in full expectation of how this utility advances.

>> No.56206806

the issue currently is it ended up becoming apparent royalties weren't enforceable on-chain without all the (((marketplaces))) playing along.

this shortcoming in the tech breaks the usefulness of it and also broke any incentive for nft projects to keep "building"

how do i know this? i deployed multiple projects and made millions

>> No.56206845
