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File: 886 KB, 1125x1875, 2FD0E9B8-FEB7-4EC4-B590-3E57659EFFF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56261384 No.56261384 [Reply] [Original]

realize Link is going to miss the next bullrun? Man this place is going to go insane in ‘26 and the realization sets in. That will prob be the end of biz

>> No.56261397
File: 374 KB, 1125x955, 98AF612C-B082-437E-BEAB-5D964B8D4B31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they really just throw a conference to announce theyre at least 10 years out from having a product?

And the worst part, you paid for it. Ouch…

>> No.56261409

yes because all the other shitcoins have more things going on that will make them do better in the bull run

>> No.56261445
File: 741 KB, 1125x1517, 2973B9E5-35B3-421B-9AB3-4F3D8DDAD7F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when the team runs out of $$ via dumps as less and less new buyers come in?

>> No.56261463

>things going on

Lol, thats the point. None of them do anything. But its a lot easier to 10x on a coin worth $30m versus 3.5B.

Man it’s going to get ugly in here when the next run is missed

>> No.56261485

there is no "next bull" without chainlink
the halving next year is gonna be a dud, priced in already

>> No.56261496

Let me get this right...the FUD is that Chainlink is going to dominate the market but it's only a few years away? So buying now means we're still early?
ohhh nononono

>> No.56261500

nicely prepared FUD.
now go fuck yourself and no (you)s for (you)

>> No.56261501


Sinister Movie-Villain Tier FUD. What usually happens to the bad guy at the end of the movie?

>> No.56261502

>But its a lot easier to 10x on a coin worth $30m versus 3.5B.
sure but link is not going anywhere and gambling on confido, groestlecoin and the likes with 6 figures is not something anyone with a brain would do, if you only play with a few hundred bucks who cares but don't think for a second that anyone who has held link for 6 years is going to falter now lmao

>> No.56261510

Wowie! A cartoon monkey made a post on Twitter. That's it, I'm selling.

>> No.56261537
File: 56 KB, 153x266, Screen Shot 2023-10-02 at 2.37.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly $QNT

>> No.56261648

OP do you have a script or?
Every day you make the same exact twitter thread, just with different words. Every time you post from your phone, every time you start the sentence in the subject line and continue in the post and every time you make sure to immediately post a few more twitter screencaps in the first 3 or 4 posts. Every day non stop.

Either a paid jeet or a bot, can't see any other reasonable answer.

>> No.56261713

real life does not work like movies idiot

>> No.56262463

>Sergey knows exactly when he's going to dump
>can therefore short LINK with 100% accuracy
>uses profits to buy back even more LINK than he dumped at the new lower post-dump prices
>rinse repeat for ever
Sergey will never run out of LINK and he will never stop dumping. Why would he? He has an infinite money glitch.

>> No.56262489

>He has an infinite money glitch.
lol i think you are confusing one fat fuck with the ethereum foundation chudlet

>> No.56262587

Kek fuddies think we can't wait 3 more years after already having waited 7

>> No.56262669

this isnt the own you think it is

>> No.56262760
File: 19 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enemy of the Open Society

>> No.56262909


>> No.56263152

Ah there it's. Kek

>> No.56263232
File: 25 KB, 413x412, 1517544222071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, still not selling though

>> No.56263416

Oh shit, some literal who said CLL was an embarrassment. Better sell my ticket to intergenerational financial independence

>> No.56263427

Did you cry

>> No.56263439

> it's gotten this bad

>> No.56263440

Still balling

>> No.56263550

>everything with no fundamentals will pump purely out of speculation!
>except the one project with the strongest fundamentals and real adoption because...... it just will ok!!

>> No.56263551

>None of them do anything

except rollbit. the project with real revenue in an industry that's mooning(online gambling) and only going to get bigger. only other crypto project with more revenue is ethereum(and i guess major cex's like binance/coinbase)

>> No.56263588

>Man this place is going to go insane in ‘26 and the realization sets in.

this except there isnt going to be a bullrun for anyone. bitcoin is going under 10k because it's been 10 years and crypto is still all ponzis(except rollbit)

check back in 2030

>> No.56263673

You're mistaking a log of smelly shit for a nice clean ticket. You've lost your mind

>> No.56263693

can you try making an analogy that doesn't involve cuckoldry or fecal matter? i bet u cant

>> No.56263700
File: 367 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20231002_172705_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of them do anything
>except my shitcoin
Listen, fudniggers. Pic related is, as the CEO of ANZ said, the "eye-widening" proof that DLT can actually create a marketplace where someone looking for an asset in one country can view the market for that asset priced in whatever currency they use, be it on-chain or off, and buy the asset with that currency, while the seller receives the value of the sale in whatever currency they want without any intermediaries having to manually exchange anything into anything else, provides there's some abstraction layer that can be used to interface between the myriad chains and/or the assets and/or currencies exist within. If only there was a project working on making such a thing!

>> No.56263722

my "shitcoin" has real value accrual from a business making 1mil/day(many hundreds of multiples whatever link is making) with 0 inflation and 0 token unlocks. didnt read the rest of your garbage post because its about some future possibility, not an actual reality like 1mil in the bank on the daily

>> No.56263750
File: 727 KB, 799x599, 1671321145828647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in thread i didn't read

>> No.56263764

it's going to zero against Bitcoin like everything else.

>> No.56263793

Remember they hate you and want you to fail.

Last time Schmidt was gigabullish and we tanked. This conference they are acting mega bearish.

Never trust these vampires.

>> No.56263795

Lmao the whole anti-Link sentiment that crypto has is cartoon villan tier. How much longer can this price irrationality possibly go on?

>> No.56263798

>degenerate gambler thinks his degenerate gambling coin has value

>> No.56263888

How low IQ of a nigger do you have to be to think this, unironically

>> No.56263906


They do its like you haven't been here experienced the coordinated FUD efforts to get me to part with my holdings the last year and a half

Just kill yourself

>> No.56263910

all investing is gambling. the difference is im gambling on a successful business in a massively successful industry. and you're gambling on promises and dreams.

not saying it cant work out for you someday 5, 10, 15 years from now. but one is clearly more substantial than the other

>> No.56263911

>t. retard

>> No.56263925

You are right I hate nigger I ironically I’ve never met a single good person who was black.

I don’t think we should kill all of them or anything, people like you, and me, but I hope you have a good day man!!!! I mean that :)

>> No.56263943
File: 105 KB, 355x292, 1694832157089812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will literally be dumped by the end of the year and now just because you're an annoying fucking cunt I'm going to make sure of it. Watch your charts and remember this day when I metaphysically shit in your mouth through the blockchain, Punjap.

>> No.56264068
File: 16 KB, 497x351, 7e03ee3c7efff6f1caa32d3df5e0e9b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pray that it does, its the only coin thats beneficial to dump. the lower the price goes, the more coins get burned. the more coins get burned, the more my holdings percent of total mcap increases. plus i get the benefit of buying cheaper coins, since i plan on accumulating every week until .3 at least, possibly even up to .5

imagine you're in a coin and there's a whale that buys every hour, but his total dry powder is unknown/hidden. and he's NEVER selling
(bcuz its being burned, duh)

theres no other coin on the market with such bullish tokenomics. check the top 100, how many coins are down -90% and still have to deal with a constant stream of token unlocks/inflation from the team dumping on their head? nearly all of them. ZERO token unlocks. ZERO inflation. ZERO vc's

>> No.56264104

>light mode iPhone thread

>> No.56264371

token not needed

>> No.56264391

lel someone ask him how close QNT is to have widespread adoption

>> No.56264523

correct, they could delete the token tomorrow and still have a successful casino. but lucky me they think its better marketing to have a top 10 token than no token at all.

>> No.56264893

Heres one: chainlink is the gamestop of crypto

Look at this post, look familiar?

>our stock is the center of the universe
>the only reason it doesnt go up is duw to a worldwide conspiracy

>> No.56265011

bullish or bearish, smartcon is halfway over and it's not even close to its weekly high. I highly doubt it pumps for day 2

>> No.56265018
File: 1004 KB, 1125x1954, 7AF372DB-2F9E-490C-AF76-AFEBBBDB7330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hodl gamestop marines!!!!!

>referring themselves as soldiers as they sit in front of a computer all day

>investing is a movement
>the war in Ukraine only happened to keep peoples minds off stock manipulation

Any of this hitting home? Replace the evil hedge funds with the Mev mafia/bulgarians

>> No.56265034
File: 753 KB, 1125x1888, C963ECEE-2DF6-49EE-83E0-CB768AAF97BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.56265057

>constant light mode spam
>he actually thinks people look at his images

>> No.56265252

>Jeff Yaaaassssss, slayyy

>> No.56265516

>Man it’s going to get ugly in here when the next run is missed
Indeed it will be. But they will just retreat into their delusions like the xrpees did. That their faith will be rewarded like its a religion instead of an investment.

>> No.56265839
File: 761 KB, 1125x1771, 54DC4DFB-3850-4342-AA8C-CBA8BD51A86C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooooohhhhhhh linnnnnnnnnkieeeeee

>> No.56265896
File: 808 KB, 1125x1819, 59609795-41DA-47D3-A04B-9513D05E72B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There he is! My main follower. How are your eyes today my little edgelord?!!!

I guess the good news is you’ll be so rich in just a few more weeks, you can buy Apple and make dark mandatory

>> No.56266738
File: 666 KB, 1080x2340, 1687588404016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts posting his twitter account as he gets saltier
oh hi adem
hows the suicidal porn addiction going? is drugaddictgod helping you relapse? why didnt franciscuck show up to smartcon? lmaooooooo

>> No.56267102

Did you just screencap a reply from an obvious bot/fud twitter account?

>> No.56267301

>Immediately disappears

>> No.56267335

Did anyone notice that Sergey has been MKultra’d?
>Slack jawed during keynote
>Saying “sure” “makes sense” every single sentence (sentences used to make sure he’s still under mind control)
>Dead eyes and no emotion when applause was given last keynote
>Started talking about AI when last year’s fireside he was skeptical of it (Eric is mind controlling him)

Sergey has been kingmade, and by kingmade I mean neutralized as a threat to TPTB like many other celebrities and politicians.

It’s over.

>> No.56267373

Sergey sold 500million tokens he minted on his laptop for the cost of gas in 2017. He's only on stage at this point because walking away would invite atomic sec scrutiny.

>> No.56267436

I remember seeing a cap from before chainlink was created floating around where Sergeys former colleagues mention that Sergey wanted to do an exit and didn’t know anything about the crypto space other than bitcoin.

I mean, he’s dumped 600 million link at an average price of $14. That’s 8.4 billion dollars.

Even if he had hired 700 employees for the last 10 years @ 150k per year, that’s still only 1.05 billion.

That means he still has over 7 billion dollars in his treasury, which is basically his own personal wallet as he’s not beholden to holders or anyone really.

I really don’t understand how this is bullish for link. Sergey keeps saying we’re a decade or two ago from adoption while “experimenting” with other companies. He reminds me a lot about Elizabeth Holmes, she used the same tactics.

I don’t understand why a former obsessed PC gamer like Sergey would really care at this point. He’s either extremely tired or has been mkultrad, but wr have to admit that Sergey already made it financially and probably doesn’t care if chainlink succeeds or not, he can just open a new company if he wants.

>> No.56267478

I want to know which ass did you pull these numbers?

Also r9k, go back

>> No.56267488

The decade+ countdown started yesterday not 7 years ago

>> No.56267490

What numbers specifically?

>> No.56268025

>He reminds me a lot about Elizabeth Holmes, she used the same tactics.
That’s a hoot. I can’t debate his finances, but Holmes never had shit. She had an idea that couldn’t work. She duped people into joining her, and raised a shit ton of capital. And then, when she couldn’t buy magic, she tried to fake it. Do you suppose Citibank, ANZ, or SWIFT, just really like Sergey, and decided NOT to tell the world that his project doesn’t function?

>> No.56268044

>Do you suppose Citibank, ANZ, or SWIFT, just really like Sergey, and decided NOT to tell the world that his project doesn’t function?

I see lots of experiments/proof of concepts, but no real implementations on systems that are used in real life. These companies have hundreds of other startups working on experiments, just like chainlink.

Ask yourself this, is swift et al wanted a system like chainlink so bad, why didn’t they pay Sergey to build it? Instead he had to create an ICO in the Cayman Islands to pay for it

>> No.56268085

>trying to write a fudcuck manifesto about the salty owner of the failed ergo platform pretending that he knew sergey well and contributed something worthwhile to chainlink
meanwhile in reality he only helped with one of the first versions of the website before it was scrapped for a better layout and he got yeeted
you cant find a single piece of code he can claim that he worked on for the actual oracles
now kys, faggot

>> No.56268184

Truth hurts huh?

>> No.56268241

nah, feels pretty good to speak the truth
you should try it sometime, you braindead fud cockroach lmao

>> No.56268269

Keep begging for my attention, dirty shill. Hilarious!

>> No.56268642

>Getting btfo in your own lies so thoroughly that you pivot to acting like he's begging for your attention and avoid directly linking to his posts
Wew lad


>> No.56268718

Uh oh! His boeyfriend joined the battle!

>> No.56269329

this shit's hilarious. it's like someone criticizing besos or schmidt for their stock price not being in the stratosphere RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT when they're currently in the process of capturing their entire markets. that thomas fag literally has nothing but ad homs, and CLL has the entirety of the financial industry in the palm of their hand.

>> No.56269390
File: 397 KB, 2200x1327, Screenshot 2023-10-03 090309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you seriously going to argue that PoCs never lead anywhere? did you listen to how the ANZ CEO said his eyes widened when he saw what CCIP allowed them to do? Digital Assets have moved out of the innovation groups of their respective institutions and into its own department, and you think this technology isn't going to be implemented? stay poor, faggot. enjoy your shitcoin casino. i'll stick to the only project with fundamentals.

>> No.56269473

>are you seriously going to argue that PoCs never lead anywhere
they actually don't lead anywhere, ever, so yes
show me some PoCs from any 7 year old startup that have actually translated to a working product
go on, I'll wait

>> No.56269485

My new start up “retards incorporated” is creating the new vaccine to cure being retarded, invest now we are going to inoculate every retard on the planet.

>> No.56269555

they're called pilots, and they're used in just about every single business model ever created. you think multi-billion dollar corps just revamp their infrastructure without first testing if it's feasible? you think PoCs aren't part of business loan applications? my god, LINK really is an IQ test.

>> No.56269563

around 2021

>> No.56269602

No one thinks this war will be won overnight. Stop gaslighting. That's why they are the Link Marines. In fact i'd wager a large percentage of marines plan on holding until at least 2030.

>> No.56269655

who knows what'll happen that far out. but i plan on holding until the next technological progression makes LINK (and the rest of DLT) obsolete, selling only what I need to fund my lifestyle and/or diversify into harder assets.

>> No.56269660

>show me some PoCs
>he can't even name one
>he tries to play semantics by swapping "PoC" with "pilots"
thanks for conceding

>> No.56269715

It's really not that far out. In 7 years blockchains will still not be able to scale. Onchain computation will still be limited and expensive. The need for link ecosystem will be higher than ever. Now in 15 years that could be totally different as some of links services are probably going to be able to be done onchain, but until then we have link.

>> No.56269721

You are arguing in bad faith. Pilots are PoCs. Dropbox, Square, Slack, Airbnb, Google Maps all started as PoCs

>> No.56269808

launched a full product in under a year
2 years
1 year
less than 4 months since conception, also not really relative to the subject but whateve3r3
>Google maps
under a year
thanks for proving my point, retard

>> No.56269828

dude hes a retard that lives online and thinks he has an understanding on how these industries work because he read the wiki a couple times.

>> No.56269839


Yes I will be missing the next bullrun.

>> No.56269866

Your point is that PoCs lead nowhere. If that is your only argument I think you made your point.

>> No.56269905

my point is there's not a single startup that has went 7-8 years without delivering a working product, ever. keep in mind that smartcontract.com precedes LINK's ICO by 2 years at least
specifically crypto startups performing PoCs has absolutely led nowhere

>> No.56270062

Ok, no matter how I try to frame my argument you will retort with
>you are coping
>you are retard
So I’m just gonna go back to lurking

>> No.56270067

>Kek baggies

>> No.56270210

thanks for conceding anon

>> No.56272489

Sounds like link is pretty impressive then. And if you think its only because baggies fund it and keep their doors open, what do you care how we lose our money? Im going to buy more link tokens when I am able to do so comfortably. Im paying roastie salaries to do nothing at all. :3 how does this make you feel? Call me a paypiggy. I literally dont care. Sergey has me by the balls but I have you by the balls because you will be here in every thread obsessing over me. Guess youre getting dommed by a sub. ;^)

>> No.56272504

kek fuddies

>> No.56272659
File: 168 KB, 375x375, 1584580800514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so poor you have to worry about the price of Chainlink.

t. OG with several make it stacks

>> No.56272688

How can a i trust a man with a children's cartoon antagonist as his profile pic?