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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 497 KB, 745x647, 1AC30A96-7A8C-4D84-8396-34977C416C6F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56368211 No.56368211 [Reply] [Original]

>withdrew some money to coinbase earlier
>emailed tax guy tax document from coinbase
>coinbase was never verbally said
>at gf’s house in room watching youtube
>her tv or youtube account is not linked to me or my phone in any way
>get coinbase ad, had previously never seen one before

How does this happens bros, srs replies. How the fuck does technology know all this shit, what the fuck is this

>> No.56368214

unironically take your meds

>> No.56368215

I was talking with my dad about the bond market if it's going to collapse the economy.

Youtube recommended "top 25 essential items for the collapse you need to buy now"

>> No.56368217

I’m probably more jacked than you and get more girls than you, stop deflecting and answer my question faggot

>> No.56368219

Yeah but that’s the thing though you were actually talking, I literally never said Coinbase out loud

>> No.56368227

lol nissan put in their terms of service that they have the right to sell all your info including your sexuality and your sexual activity. It's truly dystopian. Supposedly all major car manufacturers do this. So imagine all the smart devices, email accounts, google services you use collecting everything about you and selling it for the last couple decades.

>> No.56368228

No amount of muscular fiber in your body will fix your brain.

>> No.56368233

Your tax guy is a cia nigger

>> No.56368240

You sound like youre 12 years old. Go back to high school, failed normi.

>> No.56368245


Anon you sound like a faggot

>> No.56368277

Literally messaged a person on telegram about which monitor he should get. A G5 samsung which I didn’t google or look up I just knew it off the top of my head.
And later that evening I get a fucking G5 monitor shopping ad while watching random shit on Youtube on iphone

>> No.56368280


Anonymous you sound like a faggot

>> No.56368291

I eat faggots like you for breakfast then use the calories to fuel my workout where I rep out your bench max while getting my dick sucked by your ex that got away, faggot

>> No.56368293


>> No.56368302


you all watch ads so your opinions dont matter and you shouldnt have privacy. you dont deserve it.

>> No.56368304

We all know it's you OP. Just reminding you that you're a faggot

>> No.56368309

No it’s not faggot, I’m OP. Unironically take your meds

>> No.56368313

Well if it's not you he wants to fill your asshole so you should be concerned

>> No.56368314
File: 349 KB, 1063x683, 6e20fc77d57153d37259436b2003662e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It happens, even wiry random shit.

>I never looked up anything about lawnmowers before.
>I was just thinking about getting a lawnmower.
>Get an ad for lawnmowers like 15 minutes later.

>> No.56368390

yeah this is the stuff that creeps me out. seems like it just started happening in the last 2 years or so. i have even gotten ads for stuff i dreamed about. like i woke up from a dream that mentioned "mid century modern furniture" which was weird because i know nothing about furniture. when i was looking at my phone 5 minutes later, a targeted ad for "mid century modern furniture" popped up.

what are they doing to our brains?

>> No.56368396

>Le Taxes Thread

>> No.56368517

I watched a few episodes of a TV series from my hard drive last week. Typed in the name on file explorer but never anywhere online (was already downloaded years ago). I got blasted with clips from the TV series on youtube when I had never seen them before. This shit is creepy.

>> No.56368521
File: 166 KB, 2340x1080, Schizo Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I earned $5 from staking snake nft and now the IRS is arresting me. While they were reading my Miranda rights my phone vibrated with a youtube suggestion saying crypto is Le Bad. Why didn't I listen bros

>> No.56368537

The only adblock i dont have is on my iphone

>> No.56368817

All technology is connected, it cant be avoided. The systems that are implemented for social credit scores in China have already been here for years. Its just silent and invisible to the public. The largest corporations spend insane amounts of money to make sure that they stay the largest corporations, so that means invading your privacy in any which way they can. Remember Apples most recent ad campaign about privacy? Now every application on an iPhone asks if you will or will not allow the app to track your movements with other apps. Even if you "Ask app not to track". Its just a red herring, they are tracking you anyway.

Remember facebooks privacy ad campaign around 2018ish? Remember that story where a teenagers local target knew she was pregnant before she did, so they sent her emails about baby products?

They are smarter than us, thats why they rule our surface level lives, they know everything that we dont and constantly use that against us.

Also basically all computer chips are made in Taiwan, and all of those computer chips are backdoored. There is no such thing as privacy. The 1984 anti thought crime wave is meaningless. They know what you are going to think before you even think it. not even doom/blackpilled, its just true.

>> No.56368917

Cluster Analysis with graphs. You and your gf spend a lot of time around each other, by proximity due to your phones google sells the data to marketers. Marketers make a Social Graph of the data, and you and your gf are connected. Therefore they show you two similar ads in order to influence your behavior
>.t got stuck in a marketing job

>> No.56369081

You do know that Bluetooth devices can share information without actually being paired right?

>> No.56369100

>googles "diy how to groom extra sassy long yard plants for homosexual zoomers"
>surprised when lawnmower ads show up

>> No.56369117

>cookie token generator on your devices / accounts by visiting or searching for coinbase
>your gfs TV may be logged into your account from you logging in before ages ago and having forgotten or if not
>advertising token may be paired across on basis of you using similar apps / logins to talk to each other etc (selective group advertising uplift boost)
I've messed around quite a bit with the apriori algorithm used for selecting things like recommended products, ads, programs, music etc

It could be pure coincidence or just the biscuits being paired up, grouped, redistributed etc

They mentioned they have to
>throw curveballs
Into the mix because it's
>too good
What they really mean is it will tend to just keep showing people the same stuff they're already seeing if it's left to just go a to b to c on the recommendations.

I can throw a curveball option in
>you're gf is actually an undercover stealth crypto genius

It can literally be as simple as stuff like you searching for crypto based stuff on your phone while you're round there.

It's surprising how many people are surprised by the existence of cookies and what they do. How else would they achieve the whole targeted advertising trick?

>> No.56369139

>while you're round there
E.g. your phone would autodefault to her WiFi connection usually if you have the login stored, to save data. So the servers you visit can notice things like someone is searching for and using the apps etc from thay ip, so it may ad the ip to an advertising uplift temporarily

What boggles my mind is I've been using the net since it was dialup based and even as a kid I'd be getting
>granny sex

It's decades later now and I'm still seeing them. Am I out of the loop and this is actually a big thing everyone is into?

>> No.56369150

honestly just proof that your 'smartphones' and 'smart' shit in general is spying on you in real time every single day.
idk how normies dont realise the fucked situation

>> No.56369162

An interesting question is how long do these guys actually store linkages etc? E.g. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are using gigantic tape backup libraries or something along those lines in the event of a total server failure (purposeful hack etc) since the value of the companies is mainly the information they store.

I tried nuking my entire Google/youtube history and it seem to take several months for it to stop recommending random videos I'd been watching years ago.

They may have sped that up a bit but given the scale of the server centres and network involved, I wouldn't be surprised if it has a fair amount of laggyness to have quickly it can flush all the copies etc around the place

The way information is mirrored and distributed around those is quite interesting, it's definitely not as simple as just send it all through subsea fibres or create a permanent copy in each server centr

>> No.56369175

Do you have a link for this?

>> No.56369178

They also seem to be using time based recommendation variables. E.g. I'd usually get in from work at 11pm and listen to music videos etc for a couple of hours. Those videos started to appear in the recommendations around that point in time regardless of whether I was searching for any music related stuff whatsoever

>> No.56369199
File: 3.68 MB, 482x640, shrimple dimples.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine all the smart devices, email accounts, google services you use collecting everything about you and selling it for the last couple decades.
All you have to do to get an idea for the scale of it is if you download a WiFi and Bluetooth gateway logger app, you'll find your phone has picked up about one and half thousand in the space of a couple of days.

Printers in offices and homes, all the phones and smart watches. Passenger WiFi links on passing buses and trains. Customer and staff gateways at McDonald's. The list goes on and on.

They can tie that to GPS coordinates to figure out at least approximate locations without the GPS on another phone even being enabled; e.g. that someone's phone has picked up the same McDonald's and subway WiFi gateway several months later, so they're probably at the same location the other person was months ago

Shrimple dimples really.

>> No.56369208
File: 202 KB, 1440x749, Screenshot_20231015_142533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then, multiply that by around 1.8 billion accounts and you get a few trillion entries in the database just from that.

>> No.56369280
File: 431 KB, 1536x2048, 4chan meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP and his friends.

>> No.56369417


>> No.56369472

You emailed a coinbase document, is that correct? The panopticon is watching, anon

>> No.56369575
File: 62 KB, 1000x1000, 1696537384361381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sir, I have a master's degree in technology. Here are possible reasons you have received this ad:
>You are using Google Keyboard on your phone, which tracks your keystrokes
>Gmail free edition for goys actively looks at everything you send for ad tracking
>You shared same IP Address from your phone as your gf's "Smart" TV

May Satoshi's blessings be upon this Sun Day.

>> No.56369601

Everyone in this thread is fully immersed in the consumer lifestyle. You are receiving ads for things you are "thinking" about because you have been programmed to think about these things. There is no other grand conspiracy other than the space inside your head is a empty canvas for advertisers to paint on. Go outside and meditate instead of watching ads all day.

>> No.56369626

>You are receiving ads for things you are "thinking" about because you have been programmed to think about these things.
you think about it and then a day later the add appears out of nowhere. its not coincidence or normal

>> No.56369627

its like your brain is already connected to your smartphone

>> No.56369636

Every single interaction you've had before that thought has been accounted for. Do you really think you are unpredictable?

>> No.56369646

Time isn't real, everything is happening all at once. Humans haven't figured that out. Computers are advertising to past you, but in the present. Since to them, it's the same thing because they have no perception. You thought of withdrawing to coinbase, influenced by the ad you'd shortly be getting.

>> No.56369714

so you saw an add.....cool blog post.....
if she ask "do you know what is coinbase" just reply "it s a scam...it s the bitcoin stuff"... which is always what you should reply when people mention crypto. Follow the masses

>> No.56369725

i fantasize about having access to a massive botnet that spams every "big tech" server with the word NIGGER over and over again until they all permanently crash and go up in flames.

>> No.56369815

>withdrew some money to coinbase earlier
You logged into coinbase. Coinbase and their advertiser network have a record of your username, what time you logged in, your IP address, and your device id.
>emailed tax guy tax document from coinbase
You logged into your email. Email provider and their advertiser network have a record of your username, what time you logged in, your IP address, and your device id.
Guess what? Coinbase and your email provider use the same advertising company. Boom.
>coinbase was never verbally said
>at gf’s house in room watching youtube
You connected to your gf's wifi. Gf's isp and it's advertiser network has a record of all activity your device is doing. Your coinbase app and email app send packets in the background to check for notifications. Your isp now associates your gf's ip with connecting to coinbase. They all use the same advertising network so now the advertiser knows you use your gf's ip.
>her tv or youtube account is not linked to me or my phone in any way
You used the same IP. You probably emailed your gf as well. You probably share YouTube videos with each other. Even if you strip the url trackers (I already know you don't) yt still knows what time/IP/location you click the link.
>get coinbase ad, had previously never seen one before
You and your gf's tv are linked in dozens of ways. You don't take your privacy seriously.

>> No.56369847

>paying taxes
When will you be coming out of the closet ?

>> No.56369880

if i suddenly think about mowing when ive never done so before, then yes a system shouldnt be able to detect it