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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56546782 No.56546782 [Reply] [Original]

biz told me he was gonna go scott free with no jail time?????

>> No.56546790

he wont. worst that will happen is that he spend 5 years in jail and then gets pardoned by whomever is president by then. nobody will care and he will be just a name on a list

>> No.56546793
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he will get a nice minimum security vip cell where he can jack off and eat tendies until biden gives him a pardon on his way out

>> No.56546796

if you can predict the future can you write down what tokens to buy that will 10000x in 5 years? thanks

>> No.56546818

RELAX he is a dual-citizen.
not only will he win on appeal, but the US Treasury will cut him a check for $147m to make him and his parents whole from this trauma

>> No.56546823

guy made a billion dollars from nothing on arbitrage before FTX.

>> No.56546832

i can only tell you which ones will rug. pro tip check the early life section of the team members

>> No.56546875

you're a worse oracle than link

>> No.56546878

lefties decided that Jews are evil 2 weeks ago so he gets jail, it was all part of the script

>> No.56547013

he really picked a bad time to be a thieving jew
back in 2021 when money was free it would have been totally ok

>> No.56547102

He's going to be made an example of and serve decades, if not his entire life, behind bars. You all are delusional if you think him being Jewish will save his ass.

>> No.56547106

this is stage 1, merely a public ceremony, an act if you will

>> No.56547111

The japanese arbitrage story was a load of bullshit.

>> No.56547446

>biz is wrong again
color me surprised

>> No.56547460

House-arrest with full interest and hot pockets access. Nothing changes.

>> No.56547464

He's not in jail yet, retard. His Jewish family and their Jewish lawyers will work Hasidic magic on our Jewish legal, legislative and justice system to make sure the poor little Jew doesn't suffer a day in jail. This is far from over.

>> No.56547476

>inb4 he flees to Israel

>> No.56547487

no, hes in jail right now because he couldn’t stop talking to reporters.
he committed perjury when he testified.
he’s going away forever.

>> No.56547492

Good riddance. He ruined crypto for everyone.

>> No.56547506

LOL if you believe this you’re actually retarded. They are working to regulate an entire dark corner of the world. He will be made an example of. Life imprisonment, no chance at parole.

>this is what happens when you fuck around with crypto and get caught

That is the message they want to send. They know there are parts of this space they can only control with fear.

>> No.56547540

I was definetly wrong.
I guessed it was going to be like a 1 year + 1 day scenario with a ankle bracelet in a mansion.

>> No.56547574
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>by whomever is president by then.

>> No.56547805

Actual sentences can be a lot less than the cumulative maximum sentences.

It is still possible (but unlikely) that he is given 1 year per charge, with extreme punitive fines, probations and restrictions, and because the charges are all linked to the one main crime, it is likely some or all of the charges will be served concurrently, so he may only be in for a very short time.

>> No.56547845

>the sentiment against jews are in the all time low
>no jew will save him
What a cohencidence

>> No.56547876

I doubt it's a real jail though. Probably closer to a 5-star hotel that we're paying for with our taxes. I don't buy it for a second that this man has ever been, is in, or will ever be in a real jail. Any report to the contrary is just kike reporters trying to drum up sympathy.

>> No.56548530

Why didn't he commit suicide like half a year ago? Why would anyone not go home, have a nice meal, play some WOW and take a dirt nap in his sit??? Makes no sense.

>> No.56548806

He's just a wacky kid, just a few years out of harvard. Why are they bullying him like this?

>> No.56548841

he'll get off with a warning. Follow the nose

>> No.56548896

He still has some money in secret wallets plus all the money he donated is still worth something as leverage against his sentence...
In one or two months everything will be forgoten and he will be granted with a new identity in the Cayman islands where some of his money is along with Sam trabuco, the original rat.

>t glowie
Good jews never go to jail

>> No.56548933

He will be going to special luxury jail free from general population and will mysteriously “die” aka have his identity changed and live peaceful life in Israel for rest of his life

>> No.56548939

No way the chosenites are going to have one of their own spend life in prison. He'll spend at most a few years in a cushy minimum security resort prison for other rich jews and then get of on good behavior.

>> No.56549115

always do the opposite or expect the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.56549459

All part of the plan.

>> No.56549505

3 months and some probation seems fair

He’s just a kid.

>> No.56549524
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He dindu nuffins!

>> No.56549612

>No way the chosenites are going to have one of their own spend life in prison.
They will if he caused other jews to lose money

>> No.56549649

I’ll bet my left nut he doesn’t serve any time behind bars.

>> No.56549758

DK kickstarted it all

>> No.56549816

(((They))) started it on DK. Huge difference between the two

>> No.56549831
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>N-n-o don't you get it! DA JOOOOS are tricking is, he's part of the tribe, he will be let go early because of good behavior and will still be rich, because DA JOOOOS

>> No.56549867

the real culprit is the democratic party
He's only the scape goat
they made him believe that they would protect him and fooled him in the early stages of the process, but now, they are letting him taking the blame

>> No.56549876

>from nothing
that's really cute that you didn't know his parents were filthy rich

>> No.56549967

Speaking of parents, are his parents or at least the father complicit here too?

>> No.56550031

I bet you’re dumb enough to actually believe that.

>> No.56550070

>he believes this

How retarded can you be? The moment you start dumping BTC on an exchange the price will equalize where you are buying it from.

>> No.56550080

He is a jew.
He only scammed goyim.
If you don't understand why he'll spent some years in luxury jew-only jail and then get pardoned you haven't been paying attention for the last 30 years.

>> No.56550092

Meanwhile in real life:

>President Trump commutes sentence of Sholom Rubashkin, ex-Iowa slaughterhouse executive

>Trump pardons 1980s junk bond king Michael Milken

Do you want me to post more?

>> No.56550118

Check the coincidences here you retarded faggot:

>> No.56550127


trump isn't president, he won't be president again, and no current or future president will pardon SBF

keep coping /pol/tard

>> No.56550132

Say the retarded mongoloid.
Meanwhile the jews:
>Who were the Jews pardoned by Trump in his final days in office?
>Trump pardons several Jewish figures as he exits White House through back door

>> No.56550185

SURELY that time he was telling the truth. He definitely literally carried suitcases of cash back and forth to Japan with a series of ledgers. How much space could a billion dollars even take up, like a shoebox, right? Ez

>> No.56550211

You're actually hypercritically retarded if you think this, you should find a handler

>> No.56550232

The thing that’s going completely over your guys heads is that these charges will run at the same time not one after the other so he’ll get 11 years as all the charges will run at the same time. Not 110 years. He got 110 years worth of charges though.

Welcome to blue collar crime folks and the good old

>> No.56550248

>Two Jews got away with it so they all do
Minimum security prisons wouldn't even exist in your mind

>> No.56550264

Stop being antisemitic it's just a cohencidence. How many goyim gets pardoned in a daily basis everywhere?
typical /pol/turd

>> No.56550270

Obviously he didn't really make 20 mil. in arbitrage, so where did he really get the funds to start FTX?

>> No.56550282

Where do we place bets that he will be pardoned?

>> No.56550320
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>You all are delusional if you think him being Jewish will save his ass.

Even as someone who hates Jews for what they've done to my country - I agree with this statement. Being Jewish will not save him. He will serve time. The crime is too egregious. No amount of Jewish lawyering or Judging (they tried!) will erase this fact.

What he did was not Kosher. Recall, the Jewish mafia generally expects each other to be law-abiding citizens, in order to prevent "anti-semitism" from occurring. It's why they say:
>the law of the goy is the law of the Jew

Because unlike other mafias, the Jewish tribe does not really gain anything by breaking laws of their host countries. Instead, they work tirelessly to CHANGE the laws. Only once some awful Jewish behavior becomes legalized, then they engage in it to its full extent (e.g. pornography).

The only option they have is pardoning him at this point, after the goy have long forgotten.

>> No.56550525

why isn't he using the current state of anti-semetism with the hamas attack angle to help bail him out?

>> No.56551028
File: 779 KB, 1304x1872, Belfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will be back out in a few years like Jordan Belfort

>> No.56551070

/biz/ doesnt understand shit. they gave their money to a jew named bankman and they still havent learned their lesson.

now they give their money to a chink named CZ (means "long pig") and they will lose their money again.

>> No.56551707

whoever is president will still be serving da joos

>> No.56552126
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody learned anything. not enough racism on this board.

>> No.56552161

wtf is wrong with his teeth

>> No.56552166

wypipo are too busy making themselves extinct to start exchanges so I'll stick with the chink

>> No.56552431

The guy behind WeWork got away with 2.2bn and reputational damage - nothing else.

Sure, it was investor money...

>> No.56552524

>Joo joo joo joo joo joo joo joo

>> No.56552525

Imagine being this clueless. The dems will pardon or release him on good behavior within 5 years tops.

>> No.56552567
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He is free on bond until the sentencing phase in March 2024. He will get his slap on the wrist at sentencing.

>> No.56552601

God I hate them so much.

>> No.56553030

Nobody here is that stupid.

>> No.56553190

Since when is biz ever correct?

>> No.56554288

biz is full of low IQ reditte zoomers

>> No.56554308

If anyone says anything hateful, it's strictly based on emotion. Real ones are here to make money and frens along the way.

>> No.56554326

Imagine being as much of a blackpilled retard as you are

>> No.56554335

You only win by doing the opposite of what Biz says, same applies for legal matters.

>> No.56554343

fr fr