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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 675x680, F-CSJbVXIAAsWPW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56557766 No.56557766 [Reply] [Original]

well now.

>> No.56557813

Is it real Jesus, or is this a mall Santa Claus situation

>> No.56557858

Probably take the dinner with Jesus and ask him what's the next 1000x gem just to confirm it's XRP, also $ sign only apllies to 1 meaning it's only one dollar. Also the "r" in Trillion looks like a "v"

>> No.56557864

Take the trillion. This hypothetical assumes Jesus is real, if so, then all the worthwhile knowledge he would impart on me can be found in the bible anyway.

>> No.56559128

Don't Christians already think they can talk to Jesus any time they want? That's what praying is, right?

>> No.56559153

Is there a difference lmfao

>> No.56559177

I’ll take the dinner with Jesus. Rothschild will be seething since I’ll have gotten something they didn’t

>> No.56559185

they have dinner with him often as he's part of their tribe

>> No.56559192
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Trillion, because I'm already going to spend eternity woth Jesus anyway.

>> No.56559195

I think Jesus wouldn't appreciate you taking the dinner with him over the trillion dollars. He would probably want you to take the trillion and use it for good.

>> No.56559214

He made it pretty clear that you should give away all of your possessions and that rich people don't go to heaven. Acquiring wealth just so that you can give it away isn't explicitly covered, but I I doubt anybody here would give away the entire $1T anyway.

>> No.56559224

This is the most logical if you take the trillion and use it for good Jesus would probably personally congratulate you and take you to heaven when you die.

>> No.56559225

Honesty actually meeting Jesus let alone confirming he is real is worth probably amore than a triillion.

>> No.56559227

1 trillion because jesus is a dead jew

>> No.56559228

10 minute dinner with Jesus so I can kill him and put an end to the evil Christcuck religion

>> No.56559235

Being given the choice would already imply that he's real.

>> No.56559246
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>> No.56559250

I live every moment with Christ and will have eternity with Him, what’s 10 minutes? Also I don’t think I can eat a full dinner in 10 minutes.

>> No.56559266
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>> No.56559268

christcucks really are so god damn retarded they would unironically choose the dinner and stay a poor slave cattle the rest of their lives

>> No.56559273

They'll be rich in heaven, for now they need to suffer under the chosen ones because god is good.

>> No.56559291

I would take the dinner with Jesus and ask him to give me infinite money and a virgin wife. Checkmate, sinners.

>> No.56559296

>take the dinner
>it's just some middle aged mexican dude named Jesus

>> No.56559310

Cool, tell them I said congrats.

>> No.56559336

you'd rather listen to a book written by a Pharisee than actually listen to Jesus himself?
Jesus has barely anything to do with "Christianity", after killing him the Pharisees just slapped his name onto their slightly repackaged ideology with a few feelgood gimmes thrown in to trick the goyim. They even got retards to worship his suffering and torment as if it was a holy event. They got retards to eat his flesh and drink his blood every week. It's sick

>> No.56559344

What does /biz/ think about Saturnine Gnosis? I'm reading The Cult of the Black Cube.

>> No.56559350

gay shit for gay retards

>> No.56559363
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>> No.56559364

>$1 Tyllion

>> No.56559372


>> No.56559875

Even Jesus would pick the money because he was Jewish

>> No.56559899

>10 minute dinner

Wtf? Who has a 10 minute dinner while having conversation with someone? Gotta give me at least 45 minutes.

>> No.56559905

ever see black people eat?

>> No.56559916

Jesus is real, doesn't mean the new testament is 100% legit
t. Muslim

Anyway, one trillion is too much and will cause too much attention, give me a cool 10 millions and we got a deal

>> No.56559918
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>> No.56559923

me desu

>> No.56559924

No, thankfully.

>> No.56559953

Where are you from? I'm moving there.

>> No.56559963

if i took the dinner and found out jesus was just an autistic brown jew trying to spread his own version of hermetic philosophies, i'd be pretty sad

>> No.56559969


>> No.56559973

Western Montana.

>> No.56559993

1 trillion is so much money that's it's basically guaranteed lifelong stress, like the lottery winner effect x1000000.

A dinner with Jesus is the opposite of lifelong stress, eternal peace during life and after life.

>> No.56560007

>assumes Jesus is real
There’s absolutely no question that Jesus was in fact a real person, who was indeed crucified. It’s the whole miracles and son of god thing that people question and have doubts about.

>> No.56560026

>There’s absolutely no question that Jesus was in fact a real person

I don't think this is true.

>> No.56560049

according tooooo?

>> No.56560080

Any historian of any worth agrees that Jesus was a real person, even the most fedora tipping atheist.


>> No.56560081
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I could take the dinner with Jesus, and then just go and short ETH on Kinetix, that's the righteous way

>> No.56560091
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It's actually possible that Jesus would prefer you take the money and use it to help people.

>> No.56560108

I thought it would be obvious that my assumption of a 'real Jesus' in this hypothetical situation would be Jesus as in the Messiah, son of God as spoken about in the new testament etc. Not some random mortal guy who just had some ideas the romans and jews didnt like.

>> No.56560136

Based, you'd take the dinner just cuz you're christian or from a historic perspective?

>> No.56560144
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Yeah I think I'll take the trillion

>> No.56560148

And not ever needing to worry about anything, I mean, you got to meet the Creator of all things, you know he'll provide

>> No.56560150

If He's nearly as nice as they represent him in The Chosen I'd dinner with him even if I didn't have the 1 trillion offering

>> No.56560156

Well, OP is a retard cuz I get to dinner with him everyday, He lives in me (I'm sorry J man I'm poor as fugg)

>> No.56560195

There is a point though to the argument that choosing the dinner with Jesus is actually a selfish act where you only want to save yourself, while you could do a lot with a trillion helping others.
But then again if you met Jesus you'd probably want to share his words with the world till death as well, while you can certainly make gigantic mistakes with that trillion and even make net harm to others if you are not careful about it.

>> No.56560237


>> No.56560243

>literally worships a Jew as god
uh okay sweetie

>> No.56560254

10 minutes with Christ and it's not even close.

>> No.56560290

How has nobody edited this picture to add a Laineyball yet?

>> No.56560305

“ When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus," or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice”

If I spoke to jesus perhaps he could tell me the way i should live my life, maybe so that i could best help others and make earth a better place, one more resembling the creators ideals

>> No.56560313


>> No.56560331

The trillion. Then use it to do good works the rest of my life, and get eternity next to Jesus anyway.

Unironic checkmate, atheists.

>> No.56560345

That lie doesn't work anymore golem

>> No.56560353

the Bible says he's a Jew

>> No.56560354

Rich dont go to heaven since they are scared of death because they just cant get apart from their wealth. They are material. You misunderstood one of the most common teaching topkek

>> No.56560369

Im not worthy to be in the presence of the Lord, just gimme the gibs

>> No.56560373

Only in jewish translations

>> No.56560380

Really? What is the original Bible you are using as the true one? Was is Greek?

>> No.56560386

I’d take the trilly
Someone once said never meet your idols they might not be all you built them up to be in your head

>> No.56560391

I'd pick nothing before spending one second listening to that jewish piece of shit. Rabbi Yeshua can't sit on my table.

>> No.56560430
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>> No.56560437

there's no real records of jesus ever existing

>> No.56560446


>> No.56560459
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>> No.56560472

Christcuck board. I'm out.
Enjoy trying to get rich with your scams. VERY Christian of you.

>> No.56560522

Assuming you could prove to everyone without any doubt that your dinner with him was real, you could earn more than a trillion. You could become the next pope, print infinite books, unlimited merchandise, and soft power. There are so many people who will happily pay.

>> No.56560535
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10 min dinner so i can crucify him

>> No.56560538
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underrated kek

>> No.56560585

Real Jesus? Dinner with Jesus obviously because if he's for real that means the other shit is real which means I'd be a fool not try to get on his good side. The thieves that were crucified next to him were granted entrance into heaven with him.

>> No.56560616

Jesus is already here with us anyway.

>> No.56560660

Only one thief
The other took the biggest L in known history

>> No.56560666

Option 2

If I found his presence convincing, would dedicate my life to his teachings

>> No.56560677

Why would jesus talk to a true believer? You could arguably do more good with 1 trillion.

>> No.56560761

very suspicious trips

>> No.56560774

10 minute dinner with Jesus, come on. Ask a few questions about life and the universe, people would pay trillions to know about that stuff anyway. This is assuming Jesus will answer all your questions, and isn't just focused on eating.

>> No.56560808


>> No.56560916

Jesus is a real guy…. Wtf

>> No.56560933

You could be a millionaire just by writing books about your dinner with Jesus so either way finances are good. So I’m meeting Jesus m.

>> No.56560942
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Where’s the third choice, a DPlay jackpot?

>> No.56562006


>> No.56562013

>He made it pretty clear that you should give away all of your possessions and that rich people don't go to heaven.
Yes which is why he'd be happy if you took the trillion and used it for good.

>> No.56562045

It’s Jesus, the guy who cuts my grass. I’m taking the 1 trillion

>> No.56562101

When you meet Saturn, don't accept the offer he gives you.

>> No.56562121


>> No.56562166

id serve the lord.

>> No.56562205

Jesus. I'd just listen.

>> No.56562225

Living live comfortably (which I already do) Vs confirming the afterlife is real and Christianity is the correct religion to follow for eternal salvation ??? Who the fuck would pick 50-60 years of riches Vs eternity in heaven (literally) I swear you guys are retarded

>> No.56562240

>Using Wikipedia as a source
>trusting kike-approved credentialed "experts" after the year 2020

>> No.56562265

Underrated af.

>> No.56562358

Jews desperately want to associate Christianity with Judaism SPECIFICALLY because they believe they can make the truth of Christ distasteful by implying that they are the progenitor of the Christian tradition.

>> No.56562394

10 minutes is a bit too short for a dinner, but I wouldn't mind the chat

>> No.56562683

Jesus Christ is King

>> No.56562747
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>The jesus in question

>> No.56563695

why would I talk with a jewish rabbi that got nailed to a cross by the Roman Empire?

>> No.56563892
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this is a harder question imo.
i'd prob pic the dinner with jesus over the $100