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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56626537 No.56626537 [Reply] [Original]

Why are normies able to have a family, kids, wife/husband etc on normie incomes, and millions of people do this, but there are incels on here with software engineer jobs earning like 4X the normies couple combined income and claiming they dont feel like they will ever make it and refer to their income/investments not being high enough.


>average normie household income like 80k (50k man, 30k woman)
>has house, has kids, goes out
>average incel biz poster (320k)
>cries about not having enough money

>> No.56626555

Because it's not about money, you retard.
Someone is heavily invested in demoralizing the visitors of this board. It's in their own best interest that we always feel desperate and helpless.

>> No.56626589

They are shit with money. It is way easier than you would think to blow through that high salary by being a complete and utter moron. I do it and so does almost everyone that I work with.

>> No.56626606

the SWEs live in hcol living areas where 300k is just okay.

>> No.56626626

Ya a better way to look at is in the hcol areas. You're probably sitting around lower middle class to middle class. Whereas the upper middle class to lower upper class brings in about 1.5 million in income.

>> No.56626630

personally, i have autistic high standards in terms of wealth, whereas normies can have $100 in the bank and pump out kids because they just take life as it comes without giving a shit
in other cases, people here just lie

>> No.56626661

Because most people live paycheck to paycheck, are in huge debt and wagecuck till death.

Meanwhile autists save money like paranoid doomer preppers, reject debt any way they can and desperately try to find ways to not have to wagecuck till death, or at all. So we hoard money and gamble on shitcoins for the chance to get to enough money to "make it", which literally just means having enough money to never have to work again. This is also why "six figure hell" is often repeated on this board, yes it's a considerable amount of money, but not really enough to stop working.

>> No.56626698
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This, I make a tech salary, but live in a dank basement and only spend money on investments. People assume I'm a poor (wrong), weird (true), incel (wrong, I got laid once 3 years ago).

>> No.56626708

Very well put.

>> No.56626718

Great analysis. If I were an English teacher I'd give you my penis.

>> No.56626721

/biz/ is retarded but higher IQ than normgroids who are content to live in poverty.

>> No.56626722

But if you live every aspect of your life as if you were poor.... doesn't that make you poor?
Isn't the point of not being poor to live a better life? I'm not saying new cars and boats and mansions and shit, but at least a bare minimum.
Does seeing number go up while you eat insant noodles from the dollar store make you rich?

>> No.56626732

Normies go into massive debt and their relationships falter due to the inevitable money problems that arise from doing so. They're literally stressed and mad 24/7 while the "incels" with money are mostly loners/introverts who can't be bothered to do all that just for regular access to vagina.

>> No.56626759

No. There's no particular to point to being rich, it's whatever you make of it.

>> No.56626768

It’s because unlike normies we don’t have social skills. To make up for our severe autism we need to looks max and we need to wealth max in order to even have a chance to attract a woman

>> No.56626771

Never working again is a noble goal but when six figures isn't enough it isn't because you don't have enough money, it's because it will never be enough money, and you will probably never stop chasing the ellusive goal of "making it".
In the end, it ends up being a version of horseshoe theory, where the autists that hoard every penny and the normalfags that live paycheque to paycheque end up spending their entire lives in much the same way - ever chasing a carrot on a stick.

>b-but so and so e-celeb made it by saving up every penny so that means I will also make it j-just need a few more bullruns!

>> No.56626792
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So much this. I'm in six figures, been living costless like a hermit in parent's guest room for 5 years while walking to work each day, spending nothing, living a dead life while I accumulate. Buying 2nd real estate in a few months, praying the extra income will finally be enough to set me free.

>> No.56626836


The normies live paycheck to paycheck and max out credit cards.

Also people don't realize how many normies get financial help from their parents. I know a guy who is nearly 40 and has 2 kids. His parents still give him like $2k every month to get by.

I was on my own at 18. I make about 120k a year and if I had a kid and wife I could make it work, but only just barely

>> No.56626858

>Why are normies able to have a family, kids, wife/husband etc on normie incomes
because they aren't, these people are going into debt figuring that the government will just bail them out since so many people are doing it, we are headed into a modern dark age anon

>> No.56626859

I was guilty of being the autist who never spends a penny of his six figure hell but I learnt to spend more on enjoying life with people but retained my cheap mindset.

I don't have a high income skill like many in late twenties, but I have the skillset and stoic mindset for years and years required to build a huge portfolio.

>> No.56626873

>I learnt to spend more on enjoying life with people but retained my cheap mindset.
Based and balanced mindset.

>> No.56626875

when shit hits the fan you will regret losing the "autist mindset," things are not sustainable in this global economy and the more reserve you have the better off you'll be

>> No.56626891

It's all going to wild places regardless and the illusion of being in control is just that - an illusion. It won't matter none once the happening happens.

>> No.56626907

because normies are normal, well-adjusted members of society so leading the regular life is just natural to them
it doesnt come that way to 4channers

>> No.56626949

lmao if you think whatever this modern society is, is "natural," its about as much of a fantasy bubble as it could get and when that bubble truly pops it's going to be a shock to you

>> No.56626958

Easy sex makes you not care about how shitty your job is. Since autistic males don't have access to easy sex, they end up focusing on their life more, trying to eliminate their need for employment since they don't have sex to distract themselves from it.

>> No.56627048

70 IQ reading comprehension

>> No.56627086

read it just fine thanks, you think modern society is normal which is delusional and contrary to reality

>> No.56627087

I will sell my soul to you to help me survive the shithole am in anon

>> No.56627100

notice how you changed your tune, and yet you still display 70 IQ reading comprehension
I bet you're a jew

>> No.56627196

Normies are low consciousness, susceptible to cluster B personalities, and have small horizons. They can live paycheck to paycheck and pump kids out. Their ultimate goals in life are to keep up with the Jones' and the males are all simps and are programmed to be actively hostile to non-simps. They don't need to think ahead and existential questions are completely foreign to their mindspace.
Most anons here are intp/j, above average IQ, and susceptible to cluster A. Many are acutely aware of their fate as slaves of global financial capital and corrupt politicians. If you're even moderately intelligent you most likely seriously overestimate how common higher-order reasoning is.

>> No.56627208

>can't be bothered
They couldn't even if they bothered lol

>> No.56627351
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>> No.56627367
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Many good reasons in this thread.
Also think about this. When you walk into any given Wal-Mart, how many women do you see with a child of their own that you would have never stuck your dick into? Maybe it's none, but for me there are countless cows everywhere that I consider unbreedable, yet someone has bred them. There are alot of weak willed men out there with standards for themselves so low that they would rather spend the entirety of their lives keeping up an image of what their immediate neighbour and family thinks is correct. Even if that means being in debt and working in terrible conditions, they want to hold onto their cookie cutter shit and easy fuck obese woman. A majority of the population lacks metacognition. They are incapable of genuinely thinking of why they are thinking of something. You have one existence where your time can not be retrieved, and you want to lock down decades of it to some narrative that not even you truly give a shit about? You see in time as you get older. If people actually gave a shit about their children they would be present all of the time, they would build a fortune beforehand to ensure the highest quality of life possible for them. Most people mowing their grass in the suburbs are just bad actors.

>> No.56627375

yeah they're just coping
money isn't their problem
everyone including them knows this

in reality they could easily get below-average women with that amount of money, but they want supermodels etc., which, given their demerits (ugly, beta, lame job, awkward, autism spectrum tendencies, etc. etc.) requires more like 7-8 figures and a good deal more effort, plus it entails the risk of getting divorce raped, and being like what i described, they are very risk-aware and risk-averse

another way to look at it is as having very low reproductive drive, so they're unwilling to make the necessary moves and sacrifices to have a family and kids
that's what the original idea of "manchild" typically means, a man who won't grow up and, you know, "man up"
normies think shitting out a bunch of kids without any kind of preparation for how they'll raise them and support them is the pinnacle of maturity because they only understand literal biological maturity

this is making me remember when about two years after i had left highschool a year early, i learned from someone or other that the dumbest, borderline retarded kid in my grade-year (who had been held back) already had a wife and 2 kids
so at only age 20 with no money, he already had your smart secretly rich /biz/ incels totally beaten by any normalfag's standards

>> No.56627376

Having a positive attitude, good support networks, and an optimistic outlook can do wonders for a person.

>> No.56627379

Why is there a yellow dot in the corner of this Pepe's eye?

>> No.56627387
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You have to be a fucking newfag retard if you seriously think the people on this board are actually wealthy with successful careers and not streetshitters larping to find amusement in their hut lives. I'll give you a little insight anon. People with legit careers making well over six figures tend to be childless by choice in order to focus more on their careers and also THEY ARE NOT INVESTING IN CRYPTO but in legit markets with their Fidelity accounts

>> No.56627393

i'm guessing
>duplicate file already exists
>makes minimally edited copy
>posts successfully

>> No.56627394

Bet you his wife was a hog

>> No.56627400

>Not investing in crypto
Yes we are.

>> No.56627401
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>They are shit with money. It is way easier than you would think to blow through that high salary by being a complete and utter moron. I do it and so does almost everyone that I work with.
But they're not. The only thing they buy is an expensive PC and then live with their parents. It's just they always think their emotional and relationship success will improve with money, and since it hasn't, they always believe it's because of a lack of money

>> No.56627404

It's a fed tracking image

>> No.56627411
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because of this

>> No.56627412

Uhh I been laid, not TOO hard but mostly the juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

>> No.56627468

>in reality they could easily get below-average women with that amount of money, but they want supermodels
It's not so much that they want supermodels as much as they want a type of girl that no longer exists. Girls that were considered mid a decade ago that nerds would have gone for have all turned into slampigs, and the girls higher up on the totem pole than them squander their natural beauty in favor of getting DSL's and other degenerate plastic surgeries. So now you either have low quality obese women that would make poor wives since they won't even take care of themselves, let alone your kids, or girls that are mid (but might have been really pretty if only they didn't ruin their bodies with TikTok surgeries) thinking they're the hottest shit and acting like there's always going to be a better man around the corner for them.

Incels know this, so on one end you have nerds settling for hamplanets, and on the other end you have the nerds scrambling to looksmaxx at gyms thinking they can get a "hot" (mid) gf

>> No.56627478
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>Why are normies able to have a family, kids, wife/husband etc on normie incomes,

>> No.56627492

Holy fuck S Korea is done for. NK won

>> No.56627525

The people you see living that life on low salary have parents with money. This is why we need to make it, so our children can live the beautiful life you are watching other people have with very little effort.

But also, it's social media. People are posting only their happiest moments. They are mostly miserable in their lives and relationships but you see the three happy moments of their month and assume it's their entire lives.

>> No.56627532

NK also probably cooked their books knowing how most commie countries are

>> No.56627576

Most people exist to be debt slaves their entire lives.

>> No.56627580

How do we break free

>> No.56627595

I’m istj..

>> No.56627613

If I knew the answer I wouldn't be here. Until then I'll just pay taxes every year until I die.

>> No.56627621

uhh anon I make like $400 a month

>> No.56627837

I'm not worried about red; disease, famine, and war cull those populations

>> No.56627843

I put the dot on the pepe earlier this year and there's endless conspiracy theories building on about it, I love it

>> No.56627855

Six figures is definitely enough to retire depending on where you are in the world. You just have to do your research plus one of the cons of autists is that they’re so scared to leave their expensive shithole in the US or Europe. Meanwhile I’ll be living in Tunisia paying $200 a month for rent hanging out at the beach every day.

>> No.56627906

>Why are normies able to have a family, kids, wife/husband etc on normie incomes, and millions of people do this
they struggle with debt and can't actually afford that lifestyle. They have to keep waging every single day or it falls apart. You can't comfortably do this unless you're rich and can afford whatever you want

>> No.56627908
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>> No.56627939


>> No.56627942
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obligatory picrel

>> No.56627956

Normies are literal cattle slaves, they work full time just to afford living paycheck to paycheck, are typically heavy in debt just so they can keep up with the neighbors with dumbass expenses, especially women. Making it means saving a few mils so you can live off 5% so you can afford freedom and free time with a house paid in full.

>> No.56627967

Why are normies so stupid playing monkey games like keeping up Joneses

>> No.56627986

The fuck does any of that shit mean? How fucking much of a sperg do you have to be to label every little psychological profile?

>> No.56628009

women are innately driven by irrational emotions and narcissistic impulses over reason and logic, meaning driven by jealousy, peer pressure and conformism and are extremely susceptible to advertising/marketing, groupthink, fads/trends and very short sighted short term thinking and immediate gratification over saving/delayed gratification/long term planning (they're the biggest household consumers, which is also why boomer capitalism pushed for feminism and pro divorces/destroying the family unit, giving them their own income so they'd consume so mindlessly, get heavy in debt, the whole alienated consumerist wine aunt on anti depressants traveling to some bullshit resorts so she can snap some insta pics for attention and validation, leaving no inheritance behind, renting a shitty apartment in the big city with one cat instead of owning a big house and land in the countryside with 10 kids and the grandparents, the more alienated and depressed they are the more they fall for advertising/psychological tricks because consumer objects are sold as transitional remedies to their alienation/unhappiness/unfulfillment etc)

men (simps) tolerate and enable this behavior because pussy feels good and is the gatekeep to family

>> No.56628022

women dont have to "save" and "think ahead" because they always have a simp to fall back on, they never had to integrate survival mode (see the ant and grasshopper parable)
the duplicity of feminism is making them think they're independent when it suits them, while still entirely relying on men when they're in trouble because men will always provide and protect women, sharing their resources with women whereas women only consume for themselves

>> No.56628030

It is enough to stop working if you move to a low cost of living area and live like you're in abject poverty (never consume anything other than bare necessities, spend the rest of your days lying on a makeshift bed or the floor doing absolutely nothing). Or live in your parents' basement and pirate vidya all day.

>> No.56628031

INTJA fag here, it's all too painful being the smartest person in the room, so i just do drugs and say not my problem

>> No.56628062

>HeHe id

>> No.56628073

I make 125k and had sex with girl 3 times last night. Next job I'm asking for 150k.

>> No.56628085

ask yourself: why do you want to "make it"? most men here will answer either "to create a prosperous family dynasty" or "to fuck harems of whores"; this is what drives men, the biological impulse to perpetuate the species; this fundamentally translates to stupid lizard brain shit like "so i can buy a luxury car and nice house so i can attract a decent wife who's hopefully not too much of a gold digger", historically this is why men worked themselves to death and innovated new industries and technologies, because women favor the winners at the top

why do women want money? they don't need money to attract men

men exist to create value, women exist to extract value, they are parasites
by entirely shifting society/economy by giving autonomous and double standards power to women, all this is doing is enabling the debt fueled mindless consumerist economy, long term this cannot be sustainable

>> No.56628541

Because its efficient for evolution. Everyone trying to be a little bit better than their neighbor over millenia led us to our comfy society, not to say that it is not under attack by individuals and tribes to get control in order to be, ya know, a little bit better than their neighbor

>> No.56629427

What a positive outlook on society. I'm sure women love you.

>> No.56629453

>muh normies
>muh autists
>muh 6 figs
>muh biological drives
everyone ITT should go outside and touch grass

>> No.56629469

No. This comfy society came from a few selective autistic innovators. Great man theory.

>> No.56629487

imagine holding usd shitcoin

>> No.56629498

Normalfags will fuck the fattest chick in the universe and declare themselves a gigachad.

>> No.56629519
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Because none of what they claim ever happened in the first place

>> No.56629620


>> No.56629698

>Never working again is a noble goal but when six figures isn't enough it isn't because you don't have enough money, it's because it will never be enough money,
Wrong. 5% roi is a relatively safe return and what i'm aiming. 5% of 6 figures isn't enough to retire if you dont want to live in a shithole, or if you do you'll live frugally. I would need 1.5-2M to consider having made it.

>> No.56630045

They were demoralized coming into existence. Look at them.

>> No.56630061

>average incel biz poster (320k)

The average /biz/ poster doesn't make 300k/yr. They're just the ones who complain the most and like to flex their salaries. I'd wager most here are in the 50k to 90k range.

>> No.56630086

This doesn't make a lot of sense. You could be making 500K as a 5'2 guy and you'd still be invisible to women.
Also, women will go for broke 5'8 guys if they fit some arbitrary character description from whatever pulp novel or romantic drama they obsess over.

>> No.56630097


>> No.56630114
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Are kikes obsessed with money because they're short and ugly?

>> No.56630156

>Never working again is a noble goal but when six figures isn't enough it isn't because you don't have enough money
High six figures can work. $100k won't retire you unless you have a terminal disease and <5 years to live.

>> No.56630159

Use capitalization you stupid faggot, I ain’t reading that.

>> No.56630180

No man in his right mind would ever type out that sentence, you are a stupid fucking cunt hole woman and you just couldn’t help yourself even though it’s painfully obvious that you’re just a stupid cunt lashing out.

>> No.56630183

unfortunate but truth-pilled

>> No.56630218

>Uh oh, you're saying something disagreeable, it must be wrong!
>Women won't like you if you say that, must be wrong! hehe!
Literal simp&sheep mindset.
If only you knew how retarded you sound. I bet you thought you sounded very smart.

>> No.56630222

It’s a cunt.

>> No.56630252
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Underrated and true.

>> No.56630258

software engineers are some of the most unfuckable autists in society even on high salaries

>> No.56630328

I tell you what. I wouldn't have wasted my 20's on a stupid CS degree if it wasn't for the chance to maybe one day be able to be a provider to a wife and children. All I've ever wanted to do was be their hero and take care of them. Graduated, started making tons of money, learned that women never wanted that lifestyle in the 1st place. Worse, they were trained in the very same university to see that lifestyle as a failure (for them) and men as slavekeepers of them. So now I'm rich with nothing, but it really goes to show you that society is advanced by sub-8 men who take the provider / struggle route. Chad has no motivation to study or try.

Hence, I will retire on 500K hopefully in the next few years and go back to being a NEET. If I had a wife and children I'd keep waging, spending 100% of my paycheck on them. But there's really no reason to continue after I reach 500K.

>> No.56630395


>> No.56630406


>> No.56630533

short guys that have money will literally tell you in the first 5 minutes of meeting you

>> No.56630543

5'8 is manlet tier what are you talking about

>> No.56630566

For a guy with a gov job I can tell that we'r not really running free market society where market solves everything. There are huge gaps and corruption opportunities if you know the law and are friends with right people.

I'm from one of eastern europe countries and people write rules so their in a way that their buddies could win million dollars public procurement contracts and everything is legal by law. Obviously in real marketplace there are companies who can do the same for half the price but you know ;) . People with power are like gods. With right tools they can make more money in a day than you do breaking your back for a year. And it's all technically legal.

>> No.56630575
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nice trips, friend

>> No.56630621

Lmfao entp being soi joker is so perfect

>> No.56630675

Care to explain?

>> No.56630736

>it's about sending a message

>> No.56630831

Why, as a man, would you want to not work? What are you going to do all day? That's gotta be the gayest thing I've ever heard. The real goal is to generate cash flow that you control. To do that you need to build real skills.

>> No.56630859

Did you know have visible ab muscles put you automatically in the top 10% of men in the west?

>> No.56630880

It's because looks, money, etc aren't actually what's stopping people from finding relationships.

It's personality. Which is the hardest thing to change, so I don't blame you all for finding excuses.

>> No.56630937

how are u suppose to meet femoids when u spend all ur day in front of a computer? haha. evolution suicide.

>> No.56631309

Because they didnt invest in social finesse.
Now they need to go to sociable school and pay to learn from Chad dropout normies.

>> No.56631329

>t. smoothbrain

>> No.56631612

yeah sure, that's why people buy lottery tickets. the real goal is to not work.

>> No.56631723

Yes, it is mostly sloth. Depression is a sin. Industry is a virtue.

>> No.56632058
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All their income goes to paying down their debt to keep up appearances. A lot of people have little retirement, savings, or other assets besides their house.

>> No.56632097

Also this. I have a friend that has it all but he admits to me in privat that all the debt and all the things he needs to do the next day to keep up with his lifestyle keeps him awake at night.

>> No.56632241

>you most likely seriously overestimate how common higher-order reasoning is.
>metacognition. They are incapable of genuinely thinking of why they are thinking of something.
I'm scared

>> No.56632998

This >>56627956
Ever watched Malcolm in the Middle?
That will be your life if you don't have enough income/capital to raise your kids correctly.
Not even talking about how they will resent you for always being cheap as fuck, never taking them to travel, not being able to pay for a good school, good activities, etc...

>> No.56634031

i like working but don't like having a job its something i truly despise even

>> No.56634072

Ironic that schizos are becoming paranoid thanks to other schizos who are posting paranoid "it's not enough" shit because schizos are always worried about shit. It's like a schizo loop machine.